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Thread: I want you to play NetHack

  1. #46
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Ranged weapons work pretty well until they do not. My gnome was fine until that fountain, and with my orc, I was ate whatever I crossed (or killed). In hindsight, yes, maybe I should avoid fountains and not eat corpses. It was all very entertaining regardless.

  2. #47
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Necronopticous View Post
    Are you playing on

    I really should throw things at floating eyes. <,<

    I was doing quite all right, too.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Genius Lynx View Post
    Ranged weapons work pretty well until they do not. My gnome was fine until that fountain, and with my orc, I was ate whatever I crossed (or killed). In hindsight, yes, maybe I should avoid fountains and not eat corpses. It was all very entertaining regardless.
    You should always, always eat corpses that are not bad for you (provided you aren't already sated). Keeping your hunger under control is a big hurdle in the first third of the game. Also, many corpses can give you permanent intrinsics that will help you out for the rest of the game. A notable first corpse to go after for this reason is the Floating Eye corpse, which will grant you the ability to sense enemies throughout the entire floor when you are blinded (or when you blind yourself). Fountains have their uses too, but in the early game it is probably better to simply avoid them (unless you are dipping for Excalibur).

    Quote Originally Posted by Momiji View Post
    I really should throw things at floating eyes. <,<
    Yes. Never melee floating eyes without free action or blindness.

  4. #49
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    So an incubus had his way with me on floor 1.

    He enjoyed it more than I did.

    EDIT: This one was pretty bad too. I had a randomly-found bag of holding and everything!
    Last edited by Momiji; 12-30-2011 at 09:00 PM.

  5. #50


    Overexertion is a pretty epic death, especially when you do it on the Astral with 2,147,483,647 points.

    Looks like you're dying often to monsters smacking you around. Don't forget that running and praying are always a good options in a pinch. Try not to be too hasty in NetHack, there are usually many options that can save your life when you're on the verge, and unlike many other games you have as much time as you need to think about it between moves. Think of your moves in this situation like chess moves. Have you tried the E-word?

  6. #51


    Anyway, you probably want to avoid porking demons until you're around experience level 10.

  7. #52
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Oh yeah, I pray every time I get in a situation I can't run from.

    Kind of like this! I blasted through 10 Uruk-hai, and right as I had killed the last one, a swarm of killer bees came to get me. Trapped, weak, and out of MP, I prayed to Thoth to aid me.

    He did. Held the killer bees back and refilled my health! As you can see, I was about to dash out and make those bees line up in the hallway there so I could force bolt my way through all of them at once, but right as I was about to do that, one stung me and it killed me instantly. That isn't even YASD, that's just mean.

    I had my second random bag of holding there, too. Lame. In hindsight, I should have tried Elbereth, but I was set on getting them lined up for a one-hit kill. :x

    EDIT: smurfing unicorn.
    Last edited by Momiji; 01-01-2012 at 07:37 PM.

  8. #53


    How goes the hacking?

  9. #54
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I am making progress!

    I finally made it to the end of Sokoban... but I was not prepared for the monster room at the end. There was a master mind flayer in there, and he destroyed my brain. In hindsight, I should have burned Elbereth into the ground with my wand of fire before he hit me the first time and made me start hallucinating, but... well, I'll keep that in mind for the next time. But this was my best run ever, and it even landed me near the middle of the top 2000 scoreboard.

  10. #55


    You were so close to that sweet amulet of reflection. Mind Flayers are the worst--good genocide targets.

    You're making amazing progress. Keep it up. After you complete Sokoban, head for Minetown.

  11. #56


    After figuring out the basic controls, my first order of business, apperently,w as to misplace a kitten.

    After stumbling around like a drunk, I find the command to kick and proceed to kick a door down. Bad ass I am.

    I then fail to kick a second door in.

    I traverse hallways, my kitten gets in my way, and a lichen touches me! The smurf is that?

    Regardless, I'm starting to think, and I never selected a class or anything. Perhaps I hit something dumb?

    I kicked open another door, learning you can just re kick them, and killed a newt! HUZZAH! I wonder how long I can keep kicking tit?

    Though that whole side path had nothing, so my kicking ways seem to have been for naught. Going back to the other door, I kick a sewer rat to death.

    And apperently there is an Open door option. Huh.

    Oh, and since I have stats, here they are now that I realize this.

    Neocracker the Plunderess ST:18/03 Dex: 15 Co: 18 In: 8 Wi:7 CH6 Chaotic S:24
    Dlvl:1 HP: 15(15) Pw:2(2) AC:8 Xp:1/6 T383

    I begin to wonder if I've frozen Nethack? Nope, just did the supsend save thing. All is right.

    I figure out how to traverse stairs, and learn kicking boulders hurts. Good to note. I do have money now though.

    And I eat a lichen corpse I picked up. It tastes terrible. But the hungry sign is gone, so I call success.

    And after kicking a couple jackel's to death, I gain a level. HUZZAH!

    Now gong down another floor, putting me at floor three. And now I eat a Jackyl corpes, feel sick, but no longer hungry.

    Kill a Kobold Zombie, find more money, go down another floor.

    And a dwarf broke a blue vial on my head, and I'm told it goes dark...

    I see one move after, and proceed to kick teh dwarf for no damage. And it's worked well until now. ;_;

    I just do normal direction towards him and it kills him though, so I think that's the normal attack. I am level 3!

    And now the Dwarves Iron shoes are... my weapon in hand? Am I going to be beating people with shoes now?

    Considering I am now 'Bashing a monster with your pair of iron shoes' yes I am. And I just murdered a hobit by 'smiting him' with my iron shoes. This is smurfing awesome.

    And I got killed by a kitten....

    Well, there is my first game of Net Hack. I ate rotting bodies, kicked tit to death, and beat a hobbit with a pair of shoes.

    You were devoutly aligned.
    You were poison resistant.
    You had Infravision
    You are dead.

    Creatures vanquished

    A dwarf
    A hobbit
    3 Jackyls
    2 Foxes
    3 sewer rats
    A grid bug
    3 lichens
    A kobold Zombie
    3 newts

    18 in total.

    / \
    / REST \
    / IN \
    / PEACE \
    / \
    | Neocracker |
    | 141 Au |
    | killed by a |
    | kitten |
    | |
    | |
    | 2012 |
    *| * * * | *

    Goodbye Neocracker the Barbarian...

    You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 4 with 537 points,
    and 141 pieces of gold, after 1055 moves.
    You were level 3 with a maximum of 32 hit points when you died.
    Last edited by NeoCracker; 01-02-2012 at 08:15 PM.

  12. #57


    Great first game. The first of many, I hope. I'd avoid the mines next time, if I were you!

  13. #58


    I'll probably play more games of this off and on, it is pretty fun.

  14. #59
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    I've become quite fond of playing the Monk class today. It's surprisingly fun to kick enemies around.

  15. #60
    Fragaria addict Recognized Member Momiji's Avatar
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    Well, damn. I used a scroll, and it summoned a smurfton of monsters around me. I had a wand of fire, so I engraved Elbereth into the ground. It helped, but watchmen don't care too much for that.

    The kicker? I was trying to see if any of my scrolls were identify scrolls, so I could check out that lamp I was holding. Izchak offered 25 zorkmids for it, so I was suspecting that it was a magic lamp... and only when I died did I find out that it was. Ouch.

    Also, I am underleveled for Minetown. I was in the first level of the mines, and hit a trap door that sent me three floors down, directly into a store in Minetown.

    That said, I have grown very fond of this class.

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