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Thread: List your top five favorite Capcom games.

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Cool List your top five favorite Capcom games.

    What i says on the tin.

    1. Mega Man 2
    2. Street Fighter Alpha 3
    3. Breath of Fire 3
    4.Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition
    5. Mega Man X

  2. #2


    5. Viewtiful Joe

    Viewtiful Joe is just rediculous, over the top, and fun.

    4. Megaman X

    Height of Megaman right here, though I did X2 and X3 as well.

    3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorny - Trials and Tribulations

    Phoenix Wright is the trout. All of them. This wins out for having Godot though and all his bitter coffee line.

    2. Breath of Fire 3

    Breath of Fire is the single greatest thing churned out by Capcom in the history of ever.

    1. Breath of Fire 2

    See number two.

    And I give honorable mentions to Mega Man X Command Mission, a very well made RPG. I very much enjoyed my time with that game.
    I never liked Devil May Cry or the normal Mega man.

  3. #3
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    1. Mega Man 1 - the game that started it all, my favorite because of how many times I played it, used to be able to nail the first seven levels (from Bombman on through weaknesses) without issue.

    2. Marvel vs. Capcom 2 - just spent a ridiculous time on it with all my friends.

    3. Mega Man Legends - one of my favorite PS One games, just loved so much about this from the gameplay to the story to the setting, the art design, and all the awesome side stuff going on.

    4. Mega Man X5 - the true end of the series, loved all the references, and it just looked, played, and sounded great. This is a game you can really rock out to.

    5. The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of the Ages - one of the very few Zelda games Nintendo didn't do in-house, and as Link's Awakening DX was the first one I beat, the GBC follow-ups have a huge place in my heart. I'm not a big puzzle guy, but I loved playing through this more puzzle-centric game of the duology. Never beat Seasons, so this one gets the pick. Also thought the connectivity between the two games was innovative.

  4. #4
    Recognized Member Flying Arrow's Avatar
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    In no particular order, Street Fighters II, III and IV (almost all versions of each, I'm cheating yeah), Mega Man 3 and Mega Man X.

  5. #5
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    For me Capcom begins and ends with Mega Man. Unfortunately I can't say I have ever gotten into anything else in their collection.
    >>Am willing to change opinions based on data<<

  6. #6
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Just five? That's just evil.

    Resident Evil REmake
    Clock Tower 3
    Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright
    Megaman X
    Gregory Horror Show

    Honorable mentions: All other 8 bit megaman games + MX2 and MX3, all other Ace Attorney games, all other Resident Evil games, Haunting Graund, Magic Mystial Quest Starring Mickey and its two sequels, Mickey Mania.

  7. #7
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Breath of Fire III
    Resident Evil 4
    Dead Rising

    Honorable Mention: Mercs

  8. #8
    Elskidor's Avatar
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    Breath of Fire 2
    Random fighting game junk

    I guess I'll have to retry BoF3 with so many people listing it, I recalled it boring and a major disappointment after playing BoF2.

  9. #9
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Can I list Megaman 2 five times?

    EDIT: NEVERMIND, I just remembered The Magical Quest. Can I list that five times?

  10. #10
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    1. Mega Man Legends - if you don't know why this is here then go play it. If you don't play it then you are dead to me.
    2. Mega Man X3 - I like them all, but this one just had the right amount of challenge and secret stuff to find for me, in addition to awesome bosses.
    3. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix - Not technically developed by Capcom, but if I'm going to pick a version of SF2, it might as well be the best one.
    4. Resident Evil remake - I don't hide my general preference for the older RE games and bitter hatred of everything after RE4. Sure the controls are a bit clunky, but they at least designed the games with that in mind, and this is certainly the best of them all.
    5. Mega Man 2 - I can't not mention it, though I think my attachment to it isn't as great because I didn't play it until the anniversary collection. Definitely my favourite of the originals though

    Hnourable mention to Powerstone because I can't just have a top 5 ever, and because not nearly enough people owned a Dreamcast and got to play it. Shame on all of you.

  11. #11
    Twisted Reality Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
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    1. Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition: Probably one of the best games I've played in the last number of years let alone one of the best Capcom games. One of the only games that kept me coming back wanting to get all the collectable & unlock all the weapons.

    2. Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition: Very good game! I played through this on quite a few occasions & on varying difficulties. A game that was challenging but still fun. Why the special edition & not the original well for one reason....Vergil!

    3. Devil May Cry 4: Not as good DMC3SE but still a fantastic game. I loved the way the game play differed between Nero & Dante meaning which meant your gameplan for fighting certain enemy types had to change. The boss fights were particularly enjoyable in this game for me. Played it on the Xbox 360 back in college & pick up a PS3 copy for €7 a few months ago glad I did!

    4. Street Fighter II: Arcade: One of the games I credit with making me into a gamer. I can remember playing this aged 4 & thinking it was the greatest thing ever! I still pay this through an emulator the odd time & the magic is still there. One of the best beat em ups in gaming history!

    5. Mega Man: Me & one of my childhood friends used to spend whole Saturdays playing this game & is a fond gaming memory for me. I loved the way instead of spoon feeding you like modern games, Mega Man taught you through playing the game how each task should be completed.

  12. #12
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel like I need to elaborate on my list.

    1. Mega Man 2 - I honestly feel this is one of the perfect Mega Man games, it has easily the best Robot Masters in the series (including the X franchise's Mavericks and beyond) and probably the greatest video game soundtrack ever made. It is damn near impossible not to get some of the se stage themes stuck in your head. It still has my favorite weapon collection ever and the stages are just insanely well designed compared to the two games its sandwiched between.

    2. Street Fighter Alpha 3 - Part of me really wanted to put Street Fighter II Turbo here, but if SFIV has proven anything to me, it's that games like the Alpha series and GGX have made me too accustomed to modern conveniences like air-blocking, reversals, and custom combos. I seriously can't go back anymore, so playability is going to trump nostalgia today. Alpha 3 is the only other SF game I mastered besides SFIITurbo back in the day, and while I've certainly lost all my skills from neglect, it doesn't make those memories any less sweater. Besides Alpha is one of the few post-SFII game to actually introduce fun and enjoyable new characters to the roster (and a few old ones) but the game had a great campaign mode, some neat customization which was unheard of for a fighting game back then, and excellent art style. It has for me, always been the real evolution of the SF series.

    3. Breath of Fire 3 - This game is just awesome, and I never thanked my friend enough for introducing the series to me with BoFII. BoFIII kicked the franchise up to 11 with an overhauled and deep customization system, a smaller but more enjoyable cast of characters, and better writing and art work. Sure BoF 4 and 5 have better and more mature storylines, but they lack BoFIII's superb gameplay, with enemy skills, masters, and the dragon gene system. BoFIII is just flat out more fun to play than its successors. The game is also just filled with tons of wonderful small ideas that make the game magical, like Kid Ryu being afraid to fight and showing it with his attack animations, and the game is just filled with emotionally stirring moments like Ryu's reunion with Rei and Teepo, or Garr's past and the battle against him at Angel Tower, or when you meet the remnants of the Dragon Clan, or Garr's reunion with Ryu at the mines, or when you start to piece together that the colorful world you see is dying and has only been saved by the ravages of some unspoken apocalyptic event by the games main antagonist. The game is probably the most well rounded entry in the franchise.

    4.Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition - DMC3 took everything that made the first game great: good combat, flashy action scenes, and over the top violence and just improved every facet immensely. They added a ton of humor and made the game more tongue and cheek while still balancing a pretty decent gothic horror tale, and added the best cast in the franchise. I'll never understand Trish's appeal, Lady is just hotter, more endearing, and a bigger badass than Trish could hope to be. Vergil is awesome and a fitting foil to Dante, Arkham is crazy and an awesome armchair villain. Combat is improved by adding the style system and more skills with the games weapons. It has more variety and some of the most challenging and awesome boss fights in the series. In the special edition, you get new modes to play with the battle system and can now play as Vergil himself who is just as insanely deep as Dante in terms of fighting style. The best thing about DMC3 is that its a game about experimenting and doing cool trout with the combat system. I never took to GoW because I always felt the cool stuff Kratos does is all the canned QTE stuff, whereas in DMC3, all my awesomness comes from me the player. I fired a full charged Nightmare gun to create five charged energy shots that helped me pin down and enemy while I juggle them into the air with Rebellion and its combos and then switched to Beowulf at the height of my combo to now smash him to the ground and juggle them into a wall, all in the time it took for all five charged shots to hit. Good times.

    5. Mega Man X - took the Mega Man formula people loved and added some much needed additions like the X-Armor, wall climbing, and health upgrades, all of which added more exploration to the game., An awesome and slightly more mature story was added, and a good visual redesign really helped set this game on the map. While MM2 will probably always be my fave MM game, I feel the MMX series is vastly superior to most of the NES incarnations.

  13. #13
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    5. Rival Schools
    4. Resident Evil 2
    3. Devil May Cry
    2. Resident Evil 4
    1. Super Street Fighter II
    I like Kung-Fu.

  14. #14
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    1. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney
    2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Justice For All
    3. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations
    4. Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
    5. Ghost Trick: Phantom Detective

    If you can't tell, these are actually the only Capcom games I've ever played. Well there is one more, Megaman 8, but it's not really my thing.

  15. #15
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    What, nobody put down Okami?

    I despise you all.

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