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Thread: Finally, we can get some privacy here... kekeke

  1. #1
    Add Me to Your Mana Pool 41-Inches-Wide's Avatar
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    Wink Finally, we can get some privacy here... kekeke

    After 25 years, I finally have a space to call my own. Built from cement scratch and some hollowblock and metal, adjacent to our main house. Painted a light blue and waiting for me to paint it with Rococo flowers and Super Mario clouds.

    I've never had my own room before so it feels so LIBERATING to have personal space. I was always having to sleep beside people and I never have privacy at all; I got sick of it last year, sick to my guts. In my mind, I'm like-- I'm 25 years old, shouldn't I at least have an area of my own where people don't just barge in while I'm not yet fully clothed, my stuff mixing with other family member's stuff, cry when I want to without people all up in my business and have a bed that I don't have to share?

    Do you feel the same way? Do you have any privacy at all?
    How private is your room?

    Happy Birthday to Me

  2. #2
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    yay! I can't wait to have my own place again. I had a house I was living in but I lost my job a few months ago and now I'm living in my girlfriends parents basement

  3. #3
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    My room is pretty private. Which is nice.

    I had an apartment for a couple of years before I ran out of money. It was awesome and filled with boxes and crap because the only things I ever bothered to unpack were my computer and video games. Can't wait to have one of those magical places again...

    Anyways, congrats to you for getting your own little place

  4. #4
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I don't have a lock on my room. FFS I had a lock on my room in every house I rented.

    But I'm just playing. I have a very nice room. It has a double (size) bed, a dresser with 4 shelves, a bed-side drawer thing, and a book shelf with my huge collection of desu and masu, and a desk (like for writing stuff) I never use xD

    I put my laptop on my dresser and use it on my bed. The desk is only there to hold my hydroponics-powered super plant.

  5. #5
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    When I was younger I use to sleep in the same room as my brother in bunk beds and he would also tease me in the middle of the night by flicking me. He was on the top bunk. Then when I got older I had to sleep in the same bed as both my brother and father in a basement and that was really bad because my brother was a chronic bed wetter. Eventually I was able to get my own bedroom and it was so much better. More room for all my toys and stuff and now I have my own bedroom and office area. It's so much better to have lots space for my clothes and no clutter. It will be interesting when I get my own apartment having to have a roommate -- hopefully we can have separate bedrooms though.

  6. #6
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Jesus christ Aicha that would have utterly ruined me. I love privacy. I hate people going in my room or sleeping in the same room as other people.

  7. #7
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Jesus christ Aicha that would have utterly ruined me. I love privacy. I hate people going in my room or sleeping in the same room as other people.
    Awww, someday you'll get a girlfriend (or boyfriend, w/e) and you won't feel that way anymore. You'll get to sleep with someone someday, man, I promise.

    Personally, I'm married and have 3 children. I wouldn't know what privacy was if I didn't have a little closet of an office that's my personal gtfo space.

  8. #8
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Yeah I guess it's time I finally got lucky. Will you let me borrow your <s>Plastic Pamela</s> uh, that is, "wife"? I have a puncture repair kit ready if needs be.

  9. #9
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    I had to share a room with my brother from the time he was born until I was about fourteen-years-old. It sucked trying to get any play.

    My room now isn't very smurfing private because people like to just barge in without knocking. Worst of all, people will barge in and start talking to me as soon as the door is open, no matter what I'm doing. Chill, brah, I'm on the phone.

  10. #10
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Yeah I guess it's time I finally got lucky. Will you let me borrow your <s>Plastic Pamela</s> uh, that is, "wife"? I have a puncture repair kit ready if needs be.
    No way man, Tuesday is date night and I'm feeling lucky.

  11. #11
    Singing all the things Rianoa's Avatar
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    I love my own space I have kinda claimed two rooms in the house ones a room with games and my pc the other is just a plain ol bedroom the only advantage of being an only child .

    I don't mind others coming into my space as long as they leave . I get annoyed by people who over stay their welcome, when my boyfriends around we can either play a game on the ps3/xbox together or do our own thing so its pretty coo' he's probably the only person I don't get annoyed with after long periods of time XD.

  12. #12
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 41-Inches-Wide View Post

    After 25 years, I finally have a space to call my own. Built from cement scratch and some hollowblock and metal, adjacent to our main house. Painted a light blue and waiting for me to paint it with Rococo flowers and Super Mario clouds.

    I've never had my own room before so it feels so LIBERATING to have personal space. I was always having to sleep beside people and I never have privacy at all; I got sick of it last year, sick to my guts. In my mind, I'm like-- I'm 25 years old, shouldn't I at least have an area of my own where people don't just barge in while I'm not yet fully clothed, my stuff mixing with other family member's stuff, cry when I want to without people all up in my business and have a bed that I don't have to share?

    Do you feel the same way? Do you have any privacy at all?
    How private is your room?
    Wow, that is awesome; having your own personal room is pretty banging. It looks spiffy already, but once you paint some clouds and flowers in there, it will be even more gorgeous. Congratulations!

    I get bent out of shape if I am around anyone for too long; having a little time to compose yourself can be nice. Growing up, my brothers and I shared a room, so moving out was a huge step and strange relief when I realized any space I got was mine.

  13. #13
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    Growing up, I always lived in houses with lots of people and then obviously in college you had your requisite roommates, but I think I've been spoiled in the past few years living with Del Murder. I have the whole place to myself most of the day, and a separate office to work out of too. Lots and lots of personal space. I could run around buck naked if I wanted to and no one would bother me! And I can stink up the house making whatever crazy concoctions in the kitchen and not have to worry about bothering anyone. Oh and being able to put a slice of cake in the fridge and NOT worry about someone eating it while I'm gone? Ahhh, such a sense of peace.

    And so when I go back to visit my family and stay in a house full of people, it gets me all frazzled. Like, whaa? I have to put on pants? UGH, I hate wearing pants!

  14. #14
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Put some pants on dammit >:(

  15. #15
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I still live with my parents, but since both my older brother and my younger sister's moved out, there's a lot of room for privacy. I like my current situation, and even though I could probably afford a place of my own, I prefer staying put for the moment.

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