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Thread: Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition Giveaway! - Congrats DMKA!

  1. #76


    Final Fantasy X - Slightly edges our materia for best player/gear customization system with the sphere grid. Aside from that the story is great and the combat is marvelous as well.

  2. #77


    Mog in his glory
    Saved the world with 8 dances
    Has a Yeti friend

  3. #78


    Hard to decide. I like FFIX & FFX Equally.

    I loved Blitzball in X and my all time favorite song is melodies of Life from FFIX. Plus I like the Tetra Master games.

    But I would have to say FFX would prolly be my favorite overall. I like the voiced talking & Blitzball just rocked.
    Last edited by chanteur; 01-25-2012 at 04:14 PM. Reason: Slow system cut off text.

  4. #79


    Sixth entry, why have a
    One Winged Angel when you can
    have a Six-Winged God?

  5. #80
    'Cuz Everyone Needs Crazy Psychokitty's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Heindenburg


    I like them all, now
    They changed my life, don't you know?
    They led me to here.

    However, regardless that I love them all, the one that had the most impact on my life over-all was Final Fantasy Seven. I remember likeing video games, but not really getting into them. When I placed Disc 1 into my system, and entered this new world, it was like magic.Without FF&, I would never have started on RPG's, nor, when I needed help, would I have discovered Eyes On FF. It led me here, and I love this site. I may not be the most active guy around, but each time I come back here, a smile in always on my face as I see people, new and old.

  6. #81
    xarabas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Bosnia and Herzegovina


    My personal favourite FF game from series would be FF VIII, it was my first FF game and i spent countless hours on it, it was the game that introduced me to whole final fantasy world. The love story between Squall and Rinoa is truly amazing and im not afraid to admit that i shed a single manly tear during the final cutscene in FF VIII ^^
    There are problems in these times,
    But, woo!, none of them are mine!

  7. #82


    FF9 all the way! First one I ever played, and I'm still in love with the characters. Very few games have established as strong an emotional connection.

  8. #83

    Default FFIV win

    Kain, Cecil, Golbez
    Duplicating Excaliburs
    FFIV by far

    No, but really, FFIV was the first of the series I played and it got me hooked.

  9. #84


    to be honest, i love every FF with songs from Nobuo Uematsu, ranging from FF1 all the way till FF12 (even though he only did 1 song for 12) because his music really touches the heart and makes you fall in love with everything in the game...

    but if i have to choose, it'll be FF8 because of the songs~ FF7 might be a classic for some of its song pieces but FF8's Liberi Fatali and especially Eyes On Me are the timeless pieces that will live eternally in the history of Square~

    *PS: a reply, to those who are wondering if there was an email sent out... there is and i belong to one of them~ but it's because of stuff like this (the email, not the freebie, which is usually not spam) that i still bother to visit EoFF once in a while, even after 13 years~ kudos to the admin~

  10. #85

    Default Favorite Final Fantasy Game

    My favorite final fantasy game was final fantasy tactics because the job class system and how random encounters had such a variety of special encounters.

  11. #86


    My favourite is FFVII simply because it was my first. It took me to another world and never let me go.

    EDIT: I agree with the guy ranting about sending an e-mail out though. It's not really fair on the people who actually visit the site to have hundreds of people competing who haven't been on in years (myself included). I therefore withdraw myself from the prize draw. If I am still selected somehow, give it to the angriest (regular) poster lol.
    Last edited by Ashen-Shugar; 01-25-2012 at 05:50 PM.

  12. #87

    Default It's Ivalice or nothing at all!

    Alot of people I know disliked final fantasy XII, but I loved it. The gameplay was interesting , the graphics were AMAZING, but overall the game was just magical. The way Fran's hair moved when she walked, the stunning cutscenes, the dramatic storyline. I always like to imagine that I'm in the world that each ff game creates, and if I had to choose one out of all of them it would be FFXII's Ivalice.

  13. #88


    FF8, because the game is BIG, and the plot is BIG, and that allows for all kinds of crazy things to happen.

  14. #89


    A difficult choice for sure... but I must say FFIX as I absolutely loved the ending!

    sorry for the lack of haiku-writing, my creative juices are still in the process of being produced.

    Good luck to everyone!

  15. #90

    Default contest reply

    Final Fantasy VII is my favorite. The atmosphere, characters, and music are all outstanding. Plus, it has a nice battle system to boot.

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