Happy 2012! To get the new year started off right, Eyes on Final Fantasy will be giving away a copy of the Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition to one lucky member. The English release of FFXIII-2 is right around the corner (January 31) and many of us are very excited to get our hands on it. One of you will be doing so for free! Along with the game, the Collector's Edition comes with special digipack packaging, the 4-disc Official Soundtrack, and a concept art book.

Entering is simple. To enter, post in this thread telling us what your favorite Final Fantasy game is and why. Keep it short, 1 to 2 sentences, or preferably, in a haiku! Don't worry, your entry won't be judged and all entrants have an equal chance of winning. On February 3rd we will hold a random drawing to determine the lucky winner. We will then ask you for your XBOX360/Playstation 3 preference. Only one entry per member please. And no second accounts, we'll be able to tell. Sadly, staff aren't eligible , but I pre-ordered my copy anyway.

Good luck to all of you!

*UPDATE ON 1/26*

In addition to replying to this thread stating your favorite Final Fantasy game and why, you will also be able to enter the drawing up to three more times (so four entries total) by doing each of the following:

  • Promoting this event by linking back to this thread on your Twitter account.
  • Promoting this event by linking back to this thread on your Facebook Wall.
  • Creating a unique and relevant topic in any of the Final Fantasy/Square-Enix game forums.

If you elect to do any of the above, please link to it in this thread so we can verify. Otherwise we'd go crazy searching for this stuff. Good luck!