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Thread: Most powerful entities in the Square Enix Multiverse

  1. #1

    Default Most powerful entities in the Square Enix Multiverse

    Feel free to discuss what you think or just write your list down if you want.

    "Warriors of Light": Teamwork of Friendship, Love and everything Good in every Final Fantasy when they all fight together
    This is a plot device power that defeats everything. I do not mean "the warriors of light" but the bond of friendship in stories.
    Chaos - Final Fantasy Dissidia, probably Final Fantasy, then Garland, too
    He possesses the power of Chaos making him equal to Etro.
    Cosmos - Final Fantasy Dissidia
    She possesses the cosmic power, pretty much the "good" power in general.
    Shinryu - Final Fantasy Dissidia
    He is on a similiar scale as Chaos as Cosmos with his divine powers.
    Mateus Palamecia - Final Fantasy II
    He has a strong soul which allows him to continue in the afterlife and bring chaos to it.
    Noah/Xande/Doga/Unei - Final Fantasy III
    Dark Cloud - Final Fantasy III
    Cecil - Final Fantasy IV Saga
    Theodore - Final Fantasy IV Saga
    FuSoYa - Final Fantasy IV Saga
    Zemus - Final Fantasy IV Saga
    Ghuido - Final Fantasy V
    X-Death - Final Fantasy V
    Enuo - Final Fantasy V
    The Void - Final Fantasy V
    All three entities/natural forces wield or are the void. X-Death and Enuo are on par to each other but they have a weak will and cannot fully control the void - other than that they are next to being the most powerful villains or forces in Final Fantasy.
    Terra - Final Fantasy VI
    Statues / Kefka - Final Fantasy VI
    Sephiroth - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    He has the most powerful, an indestructable and unbeatable will and while having a variety of abilites that make him incomparably strong anyway and are not allowed to be used all at once because of "plot chance" he possesses the absolute source of power: The stronger the will gets the stronger he gets in general. No other Final Fantasy character was ever defined to be that powerful with his will and with the power concept of Final Fantasy VII he possesses the greatest powers of all. He does not control chaos the void, space or time but he does not need to. His will power is all he needs and it continuesly makes him stronger and his will is strengthened the more energy and knowledge he gets giving him an infinitely running energy source. He can control what he wants with his will and even strengthened his soul more in a moment of weakness before Advent Children making it impossible to fade away. Sephiroth is a plot device-only beatable character and even that is always shown to defeat him because of his own arrogance - which is also part of the plot device as he does not get his job done even though he could easily.
    Genesis - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    Cloud - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    He possesses the power that makes him on par with SOLDIERs and the canonical "LIMIT Break" power that mobilizes some incomparable "Son-Goku Dragon Fist power" than the other heroes ever had can overwhelm Sephiroth with a surprise attack.
    Zack - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    Vincent - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    Aerith/Lifestream/Minerva/Omega - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    Subject JENOVA - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    The other WEAPONs - Compilation of Final Fantasy VII
    Adel - Final Fantasy VIII
    Ultimecia - Final Fantasy VIII
    Hyne - Final Fantasy VIII
    Kuja - Final Fantasy IX
    Zidane - Final Fantasy IX
    Mikoto - Final Fantasy IX
    Necron - Final Fantasy IX
    [Sin]/Yevon=Ju/High Summon - Final Fantasy X Saga
    Seymour - Final Fantasy X Saga
    Yunalesca - Final Fantasy X Saga
    Trema - Final Fantasy X Saga
    Vayne/Occuria - Ivalice Alliance
    Queen Remedi - Ivalice Alliance
    Lloyd - Ivalice Alliance
    Lightning - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Caius - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Etro - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Muin - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Pulse - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Lindzei - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Bhunivelze - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Orphan/Barthandelus - Fabula Nova Crystallis
    Pretty much the gods that represent nature in itself with a few cerain powers. Etro, Lightning, Bhunivelze, Muin, Caius, et cetera. They all are part of the most powerful characters with Lightning being stronger than Cloud normally and as strong as him with his full power.
    Kingdom Hearts/Hearts/Light & Darkness - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Master Xehanort/Xemnas/Ansem - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    The most powerful entities in Kingdom Hearts. Light and Dark itself and Xehanort, strong enough to wield such powers in their purest form. He has a long story but I don't want to write it down now. However he is more powerful than most Final Fantasy characters.
    Sora/Roxas/Xion - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Riku - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Kairi/Naminé - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Terra - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Aqua - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Ventus - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Organisation XIII - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Master Eraqus - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Mickey - Kingdom Hearts Saga
    Lavos/Queen Zeal - Chrono Saga
    Magus - Chrono Saga
    Nier Replicant & Nier Gestalt - Nier
    Emil & Halua - Nier
    Grimore Weiss & Grimoire Noire - Nier
    Missing Procedure/Satanail - Star Ocean
    Ethereal Queen & Gabriel Celeste - Star Ocean
    Asmodeus - Star Ocean
    Arumat - Star Ocean

    I don't know all products, those are the ones I have had in mind.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 03-14-2014 at 10:57 PM.

  2. #2


    "Warriors of Light": In canon, the FF1 Warrior of Light is just one guy. In fact, the FF3 "Onion Knight" was just one guy until the revamp gave the four distinct looks and backstories (which weren't really much). I would say the only thing that makes either "character" powerful is the fact that "Cosmos" (aka the crystals) selected them to be the hero of the story.

    Cosmos and Chaos: Well, they are gods in the Final Fantasy multi-verse (although how a god can have a beginning is a bit perplexing), making their place on the list rather obvious.

    Shinryu and Omega: Considering both are dimension-transcending entities, one created to destroy the other, each almost always serving as an optional encounter protecting or leading to an ultimate item or the story's end, there's very little question to why they are on the list.

    The Final Bosses (not the extra ones randomly appearing afterward): Palamecia, Xande, Zeromus, Exdeath, Kefka, Sephiroth, Ultimecia, Kuja, Yu Yevon, Vayne Solidor, and Orphan... well, I mean, come on. Final boss. (insomuch as the story allows them to make sense... seriously... introducing Cloud of Darkness and Necron as final bosses when we'd had no previous reference to them..? Come on.)

    Noah/Doga/Unei: Apart from Xande, clearly, the most powerful beings in Final Fantasy III (Leviathan and Bahamut not withstanding), Noah having been the magus that taught Xande and made him mortal. Noah was even able to seal away (and later summon) Leviathan and Bahamut.

    Cloud of Darkness: A dweller of the World of Darkness, it has the desire and likely enough the means to reduce the world to nothingness, a trait shared by Necron of Final Fantasy IX (either another creature of the World of Darkness or an alternate incarnation of the Cloud of Darkness itself). Definitely powerful.

    The Lunarians (Cecil, Theodore/Golbez, FuSoYa, Zemus): Implied as being comparable to supermen next to the Earth-dwellers. Fair? Not really.

    Enuo: A wizard who traded immortality to rule the Void, he wrought havoc until his defeat. Scary.

    Terra: The hybrid daughter of Maduin, the Guardian of the Espers, it is Terra's birthright to be insanely powerful.

    Genesis and Angeal: A kin to Sephiroth, Genesis could be seen as arguably more powerful than Sephiroth. While Sephiroth's genes spawned only four "working clones" (if you include Cloud), the term applying to the physical and mental capacity of said beings, Genesis's genes created far more easily recognizable clones, many going so far as to copy him down to his attire. Angeals abilities are even greater.

    Cloud: If you observe the version from Kingdom Hearts, he possesses many abilities absent in Final Fantasy VII including a semblance of flight and various other powers spawned from darkness. If not for that, I would not submit him as a candidate for powerful entities of the multi-verse.

    Vincent, Hojo, and Fuhito: Hojo experimented on everyone by combining Mako, Jenova material, and human DNA. The results created Sephiroths, SOLDIER, and Vincent's and Hojo's transformations. While Vincent can become four separate inhuman entities, only the demon that connects him to Garland, Chaos, really strikes a blow against the competition. Hojo's transformations are much more limited. His first being to far too greatly resemble Jenova's broken form. The other being his unnamed lifeform state: a floating torso with sharpened arms and a fairly scorpion-like tail. It may not seem all that impressive by looking at it, but when you account for the fact all of this came from his insane ingenuity, he's pretty scary. Shortly following Hojo's mutilation of the human genome via his experiments on his unborn child and the Turk Vincent, ultimate environmental terrorist Fuhito created the Ravens after studying SOLDIER and then implanted himself with the ultimate summoning materia Zirconiade.

    Minerva/WEAPONs: Seemingly the physical representation of the Lifestream, Minerva seems to be an Ermac-type construct: a goddess composed of a multi-consciousness derived of the all the souls and spirit energy which form the Lifestream. While this potentially makes her more powerful than any of the WEAPONs, she is perhaps less dangerous due to having self-control. While the other seven known WEAPONs are meant only to rampage over the earth and destroy it (Omega's purpose being to harvest the resulting sudden surge of spirit energy and transplant it to a new planet a la Terra), Minerva's purpose is to express the Lifestream's usually unconscious will. Point of fact: these are the most powerful beings on the planet. The only reason Sephiroth (and by extension Genesis) was able to potentially surpass these beings is due to possessing DNA from an alien creature.

    JENOVA: The Calamity from the Sky, an alien creature that left a crater large enough to swallow Midgar, possessing both potent magic and the ability to infect the locals with its will although modern science would have you believe Jenova has no sentience and thus no will.

    Adel: A powerful sorceress and former ruler of Esthar, it is assumed that like Edea, Adel worked as a political accomplice before usurping control of Esthar in a brutal coup. It was her ambition to dominate the planet much like the Persian Emperor in 300 with whom she shares a giant stature (and muscular non-effeminate frame).

    Ultimecia: Time-compression-what? Ultimecia frequently possesses the bodies of others sorceress and can also manifest ideas from people's minds and junction those realized ideas to her own body (tada! It's Griever!).

    Zidane: He and Kuja both possess alien abilities surpassing the skills of normal humans in physical ability and in, Kuja's case, even magical prowess. They're Terran form is restored when they enter Trance state and Kuja is even able to fly.

    Necron: A creature that appears following Kuja's defeat spouting the purpose of life is to end and its apparent desire to reduce all to naught. Gee, does this sound familiar?

    Seymour Guado: Seymour begins as a fairly typical summoner and skilled mage despite being a Guado-human hybrid. However, following his death, he becomes a powerful and malignant unsent due to Yuna being denied the ability to perform a sending.

    Yunalesca: The first summoner to defeat Sin and daughter of Yu Yevon, she developed the method by which a summoner would bring about the Calm: the Final Aeon created from the bond between a guardian and the summoner. As an unsent, she became even more dangerous.

    Barthandelus: Self-proclaimed Lord-Sovereign Barthandelus possesses great magic and the ability to shapeshift into other forms.

    Master Xehanort/Xemnas/Ansem: The false Ansem, the self-proclaimed Seeker of Darkness, Ansem has the ability to utilize darkness to influence others, possess those whose hearts are open to darkness, summon Heartless, and to manifest as a gigantic and powerful creature. Xemnas, the Superior of the In-Between, is the wielder of nothingness thus granting him the ability to perform attacks that are greatly similar to some used by his Organization. Blades of energy, surges of electricity, flight, fields of lasers, illusions... he's fierce. Master Xehanort, the original form of Ansem/Xemnas and Terra-Xehanort, his magic is arguably off-the-scale, able to raise the dirt at his feet into a 60-foot tall cliff at a lazy gesture and even control keyblades telekinetically.

    Sora/Roxas/Xion: The light-based keybladers, Sora can take on alternate forms, Roxas can wield two keyblades (a trait later passed to Sora), Xion can fire magic from her bare-hands.

    Riku/Repliku/Riku-Ansem: Riku walks the path "to dawn", a direction that allows him to edge on darkness while remaining a warrior of light. Repliku and Riku-Ansem both have the ability to utilize dark aura, a power running contrary to the keyblade's natural tendency toward light.

    Ventus/Vanitas: Ventus has the ability to fire beams of light and produce swords of light that resemble wings. Vanitas possesses extreme versatility in physical and magical combat and his depth of control over darkness allows him to wield a powerful beam of darkness.

    Lavos/Queen Zeal: An alien parasite with the ability to imitate other powerful creatures. It has a unique relationship with sorceress Queen Zeal as it obliges her wishes and does not attempt to absorb her into itself despite her immense power being a potential boon.

    Magus: Janus takes after his mother, being among the most powerful beings alive with devastating magic and physical abilities.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Wouldn't venture a guess. They're all so different in terms of worlds and what can be done I can't see how one would go about comparing them.

  5. #5


    I think that there can be comparison's based on their most impressive acts, at least for the most part.

    Due to the Shenanigans of FF VIII and the bizarre nature of Time Compresion and the seperate things needed to do it, I have no clue how to gaige the power of Ultimecia in relations to others.

    Kefka, on the other hand, could on a whim wipe out entire cities, and at the end it appears he is able to do that to pretty much everything as he threatens to do so.

    Kuja is comparable since his Ultima attack actually is able to also casually wipe out the face of a planet.

    If Sephiroth had that kind of Power it's not likely he would need to summon meteor. Meteor, however, takes the seven days to summon, where as the other two can seemingly do their powers at will. This would leave me to placing Kuja and Kefka over Sephiroth.

    I want to say Ex-Death may be the strongest, as he's sucking people into a void of nothingness, and is the actually able to kill off party members permanently in the last fight, though this is another one I don't know if that's entirely efficient way to describe it. I would certainly put Ex-Death over Zeromous in terms of power though.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    "Warriors of Light": In canon, the FF1 Warrior of Light is just one guy. In fact, the FF3 "Onion Knight" was just one guy until the revamp gave the four distinct looks and backstories (which weren't really much). I would say the only thing that makes either "character" powerful is the fact that "Cosmos" (aka the crystals) selected them to be the hero of the story.
    You did not understand my post, sorry I did not write "Warrior of Light" as character but as a term for something special that exists in every Final Fantasy and therefore the quotation marks and the explanation what I have meant. The teamwork of all main characters, the friendship, the love and all that exists in all Final Fantasys and that is how they defeat the main villains. That are the "Warriors of Light", not the main characters from Final Fantasy or Final Fantasy III. I simply took the name because the heroes of light concept started with the very first Final Fantasy and they were able to save the world so I chose that name instead of just saying "The power of everything good". Pretty much as in Kingdom Hearts. You could say the heroes power of a "Genkidama".

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoCracker View Post
    If Sephiroth had that kind of Power it's not likely he would need to summon meteor.
    That is like saying if Gohan would be faster than 3000 km/h in the Boo Saga and didn't want to be late he would have been faster but Goku was already proven to be 21000 km/h fast in the Saiyajin-Saga, which already shows, Gohan can't be that slow. Or why Tien Shinhan and Piccolo cannot open a steel door with physical strength. Some stories just want to be told a certain way. Sephiroth's powers were shown plenty of times and has been shown, while not possessing "Time", "Space" or "Nothingness" the power of an unbeatable will, which is required for getting more and more stronger in Final Fantasy VII as it is the source of power which needs to be gotten to get more information, life energy and memories without the own mind breaking. And that is just the basis of his power.

    But well, this is a thread just to write things people think.
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 02-25-2014 at 01:57 PM.

  7. #7
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    ExDeath strikes me as the most powerful character, given his ability to suck whatever he wants into the void.

    Major Lightning Returns spoilerThen there is Lightning, who effectively is turned into a Goddess by God, and then she beats up God. So... yeah... more powerful than God is pretty much as powerful as you can get, surely?

    And finally, there is every one of the playable characters in FFXI and FFXIV. They are effectively immortal, every one of them. They have an eternal ability to revive themselves retaining all knowledge and experience gained from battles they are defeated in.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Major Lightning Returns spoilerThen there is Lightning, who effectively is turned into a Goddess by God, and then she beats up God. So... yeah... more powerful than God is pretty much as powerful as you can get, surely?
    (SPOILER)To be fair, this is not close to being "God", just "a God", he is just the God of the FInal Fantasy XIII universe. I mean, he was not "even" really all-powerful. Lightning is very powerful, however. Yes.

    Neo that is no wonder as you ignore canonical facts.

    @FF11 and 14 rules: Oh man, Bob. XD
    Last edited by Sephiroth; 02-25-2014 at 03:07 PM.

  9. #9
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    The only thing working against FFXI and FFXIV characters is that they may be immortal but that doesn't make them all-powerful. If you were to compare them with, for example, the primals... it doesn't seem like there is much of a match. The primals may be more powerful - they don't seem to die, either, they just keep getting revived. MMOs make discussing power a very awkward thing. I would say, though, that Bahamut is the most powerful single entity I have seen in FFXIV. Not only does he also seem to have some kind of ability to revive himself, but he is leaps and bounds ahead of all the playable characters and primals alike when it comes to sheer destructive power.

    Of course... ExDeath could probably just zap him into the VOID. I wonder - perhaps you could argue that even ExDeath could be defeated by Gilgamesh, as Gilgamesh could probably travel straight back out of the VOID simply by using his talent for interdimensional teleportation. Despite that, Gilgamesh can be beaten by playable characters in various games to at least some extent. I guess we're lucky that in the FF Multiverse, no person is truly undefeatable, even if they are effectively immortal.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #10


    ...You know Sephiroth, I think I'm going to stop trying to figure out what you are saying from here on out. Cause none of that made any sense to me.

  11. #11
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    Out of the villains of the games I've played, Sephiroth definitely seems to be the most powerful.

    Although I was always partial to Shinra from FF X-2 (which is why he's my avatar). For some reason he just seems incredibly powerful. And that's besides the fact that he can casually kill any enemy in the game without too much trouble, except for himself. And Trema's gonna take a long time, but other than that nothing can stop him.

    Not to mention he was created by Shinra filling in as the "king of the underworld". Finally, his signature attack, "Clione", is awesome. One hell of a superboss.

  12. #12


    Truth be told, I didn't want to write anything about anyone other than the VII Comp characters. I think it's because I like their dress-style. That's the only explanation I can come up with besides VII being my favorite title which to me always begs the question still as to why. I like VIII, IX, X-2, and XII, but somehow VII stands out. I can't really garner as much fanfare for the pre-PlayStation generation possibly partly because I've never finished any of those titles.

    Anyway, Sephiroth is a weird one. He summons Meteor to destroy a part of the planet so that he can absorb its energy to essentially become a god (Weiss later does nearly the same thing only by using an underground army and planning to conjoin with Omega). However, in the final battle, he displays the much more frightening Super Nova summon attack which not only engulfs himself and the party but destroys several planets along the way. I would hazard a guess that this attack was originally conceived as an end-all attack and that you had to defeat Sephiroth before he unleashed it otherwise it would be an instant game-over... but somewhere along the way, they chickened out of this concept or maybe they felt it looked so cool that it would suck if the only way to see it was to let yourself lose.
    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

  13. #13


    Man you guys are all way-off.

    The strongest Square hero is this guy

    Because his power is equal to this thing

  14. #14
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    I would like to submit my theoretical team of Tonberrys. At least 5,276 of them. Put a few of the boss ones in the mix. They'll slowly dominate the other teams.

  15. #15


    I would say if you're going to measure power, God has to be out of the equation because that's unfair. Nobody = god.

    Personally, I'm going to go with Cloud Strife, because of the near-ubiquitousness he enjoys in the Square canon. Chances are, if there's somebody who purposely doesn't enjoy Final Fantasy or any Square games, they at least know who Cloud Strife is.

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