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Thread: Would you read a Final Fantasy comic book?

  1. #16


    Well, the story's already there anyway. I once pitched the idea of Square forming it's own Final Fantasy-based comics line (before I got into manga)... of course, I made the pitch in a letter to Tips & Tricks magazine because I didn't know how to contact Square and wasn't sure they'd heed my letter. Although my letter didn't get published, T&T sent me a typed reply that my idea was interesting but that I should probably have made a direct proposal to Square since T&T wasn't built to act as my go-between... T_T

    Besides a letter I later got published in T&T under a lame pseudonym, this was the most attention anyone with any kind of busy schedule had ever paid to me. Ah, pitifulness.

  2. #17
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    Depends if it was any good or not. By default I would assume it wasn't until someone showed me evidence it was.
    Agreed. I wouldn't read it just because it was a Final Fantasy comic. I would judge it based on its own merits.

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    Well, manga are fatter. You only get like 30 pages of material for an American made comic. Maybe that's also true for native Japanese customers but once a manga is released in America, you get like 2-3 times the amount of material you could expected from the average comic. Manga is why I've given up on comics altogether. And, yes, imo, usually the art style is also better. I've developed a bias towards bishie-style characterization over the more realistic tones featured in the average AMC.
    Besides, Final Fantasy is rooted in Japan, who better to provide us with the reading material to coincide with it?
    Well, there's also graphic novels here in the Western World, plus tie-in issues from other comic book series...

    But if you say that manga released here are 2-3 times the amount of pages as those released in Japan, why is that?
    Is that your final answer?

  4. #19


    Yeah, I still haven't gotten used to America Graphic Novels. The one I'm most familiar with is Sin City by Frank Miller.

    It's a time issue. Some Japanese customers may only purchase Jump magazine to read two-four issues of manga they're familiar with, but just like our American comics, their mangaka only manage to release singular short issues with the constant "To Be Continued..." at the back. When I read Shonen Jump magazine, there are at least three issues of any given manga included in the book and when I pick up a manga for, say BLEACH or Naruto, there are like six-eight issues bound together.
    Did you know there were 12 issues of Watchmen which make up its series?* And they bound them all together into a sleeve no thicker than perhaps two volumes of manga paperbacks would be combined here in the states. Of course, the size matches the traditional American comics sleeve in length and width.
    *The same number makes up the DC universe simplification series "Crisis on Infinite Earths."

  5. #20


    Aha, yes, I see now. And you've got some interesting facts there, too, cool.

    Also, sometimes, a notable big event can be re-released later on as a special collector's edition trade paperback. Basically, they would take several issues of comics and put them together into a compilation, possibly along with extra additional content, turning it into a graphic novel. DC Comics did that with the 2003-2004 Marvel crossover JLA/Avengers (which was 20 years in the making, due to various prior disagreements between the two companies back in the 1980s).
    Is that your final answer?

  6. #21


    I want them to do it for the Black Lantern arc of the Green Lantern comics. So many prismatic lanterns!

  7. #22


    You know, DC rebooted their universe last year, calling it The New 52.

    And I think that most non-Amano Final Fantasy art looks more like western comic book-style rather than manga-style. Perhaps they can make mangas for the Japanese, and western-style comics for everyone else.
    Is that your final answer?

  8. #23
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Yes. Only if there is a Malboro's sex scene.

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