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Thread: Dark Souls

  1. #1516
    Bri's Avatar
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    Oh my god finally defeated Vendrick. No armor because he was just...ayayai! I did use my blossom shield for extra stamina. Got his armor and crown as well as soul and also joined the dark covenant to fight the dark lurker.
    I don't know but I don't even like that name of that boss at all.

  2. #1517
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bri View Post
    Oh my god finally defeated Vendrick. No armor because he was just...ayayai! I did use my blossom shield for extra stamina. Got his armor and crown as well as soul and also joined the dark covenant to fight the dark lurker.
    I don't know but I don't even like that name of that boss at all.
    He's surprisingly not too bad, though his second phase can be stressful if you let it. Most of his attacks are slow and he has pretty generous tells. When his second phase kicks in, I advise you to not use the lock on feature, control the camera manually, keep your distance, and take your hits when you can get them safely. This boss is about making you panic and act recklessly, but's he's actually pretty slow which makes him manageable. I advise challenging him at the portal at Drangleic Castle since there is a bonfire right next to the Old Man who heads the covenant.


    In Demon's Souls news, I had a very weird evening.

    So I took on the Old Monk, and as I figured, a lot of people are taking advantage of knowing the servers will offocially be gone at the end of the month, so I had three different people invade me for this fight, though I only fought one of them cause those damn Black Phantom Mindflayers are a real bitch until I realized all of their moves are magic based and Anti-Magic Field is a slightly broken spell. The weird part of the evening is that not only did my opponent not put up much of a fight, but I think they actually gifted me a Pure Bladestone (It is the rarest Upgrade Material in the game, only obtained as a rare drop from a nasty enemy in the Shrine of Storms Area) cause one was just lying there in the boss room. So I kind of feel bad, cause I'm not sure if they purposely threw the fight or was simply hoping I could be bribed to throw the fight for them. Considering how non-aggressive they were, I think they just let me win. Still left a weird feeling, but I've heard of players in this game invading other players only to actually help them out. I may actually do that once I reach the last few levels.

    Also, smurf the Valley of Defilement. Like seriously, it is the worst poison swamp area in the series. I haven't even reached the second level which is worse, but the first zone is being obnoxious. One thing that got changed in the later entries is the ability to attack enemies who are "playing dead" not in this game. The enemies in the first part pretend to be corpses and then ambush you once you've passed them. Also, the Large Variant has a crap ton of health, which I was expecting, and making me dread even more so, the next stage. Thew True Demon's Souls begins here indeed.

  3. #1518
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    Yes that was what I was doing, target lock and also panicking. So what I finally did was poured myself some red wine, filled my mouth with dark chocolates to refrain from swearing ( mothersmurfer!!!! Smurf!!! Smurf you Vendrick! You old smurfing smurf!!! ) did not target lock, used an upgraded greatsword and next thing I knew he died. It took me a while to see that all I had to do was just relax and hug his right, hit and roll. I actually tried to parry him but I guess that didn't work lol. Oh okay, I went down into the gulch to find him and saw a portal near him. But I'll go back to drangleic because you're right there is a bf there as well. Should I have something equipped specifically? And thank you again! Good luck in demons souls by the way, I went back to pick up on where I left and last I did was saved and NPC, I followed him around a bit and that's where I left off. Sad that server will be shut down next week, I won't be able to summon or be summoned. But will definitely enjoy it offline for sure!

  4. #1519
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Darklurker is weak to Lightning, and all but one of his attacks are Dark Based, so Dark Defense is a must. With that said, he is susceptible to the Hex that prevents magic from being cast, which will largely cripple him and make him a joke, but frankly, as long as you keep your wits about you, he's not too bad, again, his second phase is what usually causes people to panic.

    Sounds like you saved Astrova of Boletaria. He pops up in each section of Boletaria and has to be "rescued" in each stage except the last for his questline. I think after you save him the second time, he'll start appearing in the Nexus. Funny enough, all the NPCs you can rescue in Boletaria Castle are pretty much the most friendly characters in the game not counting Stockpile Thomas.

  5. #1520
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Oh, I'm starting to wonder if I'll be able to finish this game before February 28. I completed the first part of the Valley of Defilement after a few annoying run-throughs. I was surprised to learn that the area boss Leechmonger actually has a healing move if you fail to attack it for a while, something you don't see too often from bosses in this series. I'm now in the much longer and significantly more hostile second area where even the Warding spell can't stop me from getting two-shotted by the Meat Cleaver Black Phantom and Giant Depraved Ones.

    If you're wondering why this place is so awful, let me explain. The first section is like the first part of Blighttown where you're in dilapidated buildings hoisted above a swamp, and your goal is to reach the bottom safely. This part has ambushes galore, with enemies that can play dead and not be hit with attacks until they activate, and they even hide around corners or hay stacks, so it's easy to walk into a room thinking you'll only have to face two enemies to discover there are six of them instead. While the regular enemies don't have much in health, they make up for it with high attack power, and by the second stage when all the enemies get a boost, the regular cannon fodder enemies can two-shot you unless you've been pouring ridiculous amounts of points into Vitality. The structures have several trap holes like the Gutter in DS2, but whereas the enemies in that area tend to be dumbfounded for a few seconds when you come crashing down, the enemies here swarm you. There are also major bridges with no railings over a pit that are usually guarded by the tanky and hard hitting Giant Depraved Ones. So it's a slow process getting in as you have to be extra careful going into any new place and constantly checking your flank in case you missed a "corpse" trying to ambush you. Did I mention the brown and red color palette of the area blends perfectly with the enemies?

    The second area is significantly worse. It's pretty much the second part of Blighttown where you're in the main swamp. You start out on the rim, and the actual area to the boss is not far from where you start but, you can't access it at first as the norm. So you take the rim into the swamp. The swamp, as tradition, prevents you from running, dodging, and significantly slows you down while also poising you if you linger in there too long. Where this gets a little bulltrout is that these restrictions only apply to you. All of the enemies in the area move swiftly in the swamp, including the Black Phantom wandering around. You leave rim to enter the swamp properly and begin "island hopping" to discover the swamp is separated by a poorly made wall, so in order to get past it, you take the islands to sides, usually guarded by several Giant Depraved Ones, which I'll remind you have a boost in all their stats in this area and unlike the Boulder throwing monsters in Blighttown, these guys have an insanely huge aggro zone and love to pursue you if they see you.

    What's unique to the Valley of Defilement is that it's raining mud, which significantly hinders your visibility and makes the Thief Ring a bit useless since you'll now have to be in an enemies aggro range before you can finally see them past the muck. An interesting thing this also does is screw with your perception. The muck carefully hides the Black Phantom since the red doesn't come out as much so you won't notice her until she's nearly upon you, and there are several places where you'll spot a normal enemy, fire an arrow to aggro it close to you, only to discover to your horror, that it's actually a Giant Depraved One and the area uses some simple optical illusions to make you misjudge this. Once you get past the swamp, and to the other side of the area, you're back in a similar situation as the first stage, where you're walking through a "living area" that is swarming with enemies ready to ambush you but now we've added magic users into the mix, and it's only in this part where you'll find the shortcut leading back to the beginning of the stage. So yeah,. it's not a fun place at all. Throw in the fact it has a ton of really good gear and special weapons like the Sword of Moonlight in the outlier areas of the map, as well as the fact the enemies in this area drop next to nothing in terms of souls despite their increased difficulty, and you have a very unpleasant place to slog through. The only two saving graces besides the great loot is that all the bosses of the area are extremely easy, and the jellyfish monsters that swarm you in the swamp are one of the rare normal enemies that disappear forever after being killed until a new NG+ Cycle.

    So yeah, it's going to be a few nights before I reach the boss of this area.

  6. #1521
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Valley of Defilement is mostly done, I'm just finishing up the Pure White Tendency Event, but I may have screwed myself out of that one as well. After a few attempts and being extra careful, I made it through the swamp and even learned I can skip the first Giant Depraved One by being real careful and stealthy. I still need to kill the Red Phantom in the area, but it's not a huge deal, and I'll probably skip it. This basically leaves the last two stages of Boletaria Castle to deal with, and I thankfully cleared most of one of the stages and opened the shortcut to the boss, so I'll likely get that done tonight. That leaves the last stage and that battle with the Blue Dragon and False King Allant, who is very likely going to be the last real obstacle for clearing the game before the Online Services end on Wednesday. It's been a blast blasting through the this game a second time with more Souls experience, and I'll likely dive into Dark Souls 3 next.

  7. #1522
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    And... I pretty much beat the game tonight. Kind of surprised the last section didn't give me as hard of a time as I thought it would. Biorr still kicked ass in the Penetrator and Blue Dragon battles, and hey, I was even able to kill the dragon before he was killed, meaning I got to keep him alive.

    False King Allant was a handful, but he thankfully leaves enough windows to heal unlike Flamelurker, and he's also surprisingly weak to pure physical damage, which was great cause I finally upgraded my starting weapon to +10 with Hardstone, earning me the last trophy I'm likely to get for this cycle.

    I was sadly, unable to defeat BP Garl Vinland to finish his sister's questline. Some how, when I left the zone to repair my gear after getting thumped so bad by him, he stopped showing up. It doesn't look like my World Tendency changed, but perhaps he despawns if you leave the area? Either way, it's something I'll have to do next cycle along with Pure Black World Tendency, and trying to get my character's own tendency to pure black and white to obtain the last two rings I need for the Rogue Trophy. Alas, another time.

    With the "final" confrontation before me, I'll likely jump to the ending I didn't choose last time, which I've heard gets a shout out in one of the possible Dark Soul 3 endings, so this will be a treat.

    Overall, Demon's Souls is still really fun to play, but still pretty rough around the edges compared to Dark Souls. I still hope Sony may convince FROM Software to give it the remaster treatment since Sony seems to be big on that lately. Some fixes to the World/Character Tendency Systems, more rewards for the Boss Souls, a unified online server, and maybe revamping the boss A.I. would do wonders for this game. I still recommend it for any Souls fans who own a PS3 and need a Souls fix.

  8. #1523
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    Sooo... I finally got ds3!!! Bloodbourne and was so tempted to get Nioh but I said I will wait on it a bit. Dark souls 2, I still have yet to beat darklurker. I am going to transfer the ps3 into my room so it is easier to play at night. I put darklurker aside for now because running out of damn effigies. Sucks that you got to spend effigies just for that boss. Goodness gracious!! So I started DLC and on my way to defeat the slumberibg dragon!!
    He will be a treat for sure!

  9. #1524
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The Slumbering Dragon is a pretty cool fight. I ended up liking this DLC far more than I thought I would. The ghost knights were an interesting concept.

  10. #1525
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    Soooo, ended up getting a Ps4 along with dark souls 3 and bloodbourne and demon souls as well. I had only meant to put ds3 on and just make a character and then somehow I am now going to face Pontiff...I love this game so far. I feel bad though because I kind of forgotten to go back and fisnish ds2. Last I left off was in dlc. Now I'm wishing I did not even start of ds3 but It's fun and somehow a bit easier compared to ds2. Also! Bob just started a new character last night in ds3 and will hopefully continue with it. He made me start playing ff14 so that we can play together online he thought since I'm playing he'll try and play ds3. If he likes it we'll get another ps4 so that we can co-op. Hoping he does because I already like ff14 so far! Also must go back and finish up ds2 and dlc.

  11. #1526
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Glad you're enoying it. I'll get to to DS3 once I finish my Chrono itch at the moment. Unless Bloodborne gets to me first...

  12. #1527
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Found this video and thought it was pretty neat. It sounds like we were denied a rather interesting Dark Souls 2.

  13. #1528
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Okay real post, I just started up Dark Souls III tonight cause the other Halloweenish type games I have I wasn't feeling as much and I've been itching to play this since I finished DSII. My biggest beef so far is that just like Bloodborne, the online gameplay is hidden behind the PS+ paywall and outside of these two games I'm probably never going to use it so I'm a bit annoyed it came to this. So I'm doing this solo just like Bloodborne.

    As tradition, I remained in my basic bitch choice of Knight as my starting class, if only because the starting armor looks like the fluted armor from Demon's Souls which is my favorite armor in the Souls series. My Burial Item was the Life Ring because none of the other items sounded useful.

    So after making a hideous character cause I've never been good with face creation features in games, I rolled through the tutorial area, ignored the crystal monstrosity hiding in one of the optional paths, and crushed Gundyr like a bug and then was promptly murdered by the Ronin Hollow guarding a door near the Firelink Shrine. Twice, and I lost all my souls. I was going to let that slide but losing that many souls before reaching the person who levels me up just didn't sit well with me, so I exited the game and started a new file.

    Managed to make a significantly better looking player character who looks like a young Mitsurugi of another famous series with Soul in the title. Waltzed through the tutorial, decided to not err on caution and tackled that overgrown monster Crystal Lizard who turned out to be super easy. Crushed Gundyr a second time, saved at the Firelink Shrine and leveled up, then tackled the Ronin Hollow, who still crushed me because I can't get the parry timing down. Ended up beating him as a fluke because I rolled past him when he did his charge attack and then tried to backstab him, only for the guy to continue his combo off a cliff. Sadly, I fell with him since I used auto-target and ended up doing a combo instead of a backstab like I planned. Went back for round two but he doesn't respawn and instead I found his gear waiting for me by my bloodstain.

    Went to Lothric High Wall which is basically a weird redo of Boletaria Castle/Undead Burg with the usual assortment of Souls tropes like a dragon level hazard, suicidal hollow dregs, and more dangerous armored knights. New this time around are the Humanity Corrupted Hollows who easily fell into "avoid if you can" territory since they soak damage like a sponge and they take up so much of the screen that staying in close makes combat too difficult to tell what anyone is doing.

    I found the cell key to free the thief character who has me looking for some old woman at the bottom of the wall, and to my surprise, while I explored that way I ended up encountering the next boss, who is a mace wielding dog knight who ended up being ridiculously easy since I just followed the Bloodborne method of dealing with big bosses by staying under him where all his attacks missed.

    Leveled up a few times and upgraded my weapon once, noticed armor upgrades are gone, and was able to get two extra Estus Flasks. I don't really know how I'm going to build my character this time around but I'm already noticing the heavy influence Bloodborne left on this entry with the sped up combat, higher basic combos, more generous stamina recovery, and the heavier emphasis on weapon arts this time around. The other thing is the graphics, part of the game look like they could be from Bloodborne as well due to the game sharing the former's high detail and stylized aesthetics. I don't think any of the castles in other Dark Soul entries were this heavily ornamented with all the statues, corpses, and general weirdness.

    I am digging the game really playing up the idea of this being the end. The earlier entries never felt like the world was really just coming to an end like it does in this entry and while the "Unkindled" is just another way of saying Hollow mechanically, I'm digging the premise of hunting down former heroes of the fire linking.

    Anyway, any suggestions or hints? I've heard there is something off about armor in this entry among other complaints from long time Souls fans.

  14. #1529
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    its weird i could kill the crystal monstrosity at the start, but couldnt beat the abyss watchers lol.

  15. #1530


    Not sure if you liked two handing in DS2, but it's very specific in DS3, where you have to get a "weapon" that is really two weapons, in order to properly two hand. But since you're a knight I doubt you're all that interested. I won't spoil it, but if you talk to the turtle hermit guy, and take him up on his offer, you'll find out what the difference is between being hollowed and being unkindled/enkindled is for this game

    But yeah, I like the idea that you're character is one of thousands who linked the flame previously, and one of thousands who was re-awoken because you succeeded once, and they need you again, because the heroes are being stupid. Once you get most of the way through the game, there's a really good Game Theory video about who your character is actually supposed to be, and I kinda like their theory. But it won't make sense until you encounter a lot of things in the main game, so I'd only watch that once all the main heroes are defeated

    You probably already know to save boss souls, you'll get a thing for that later. You probably already learned you can manage different types of flasks, and as a melee character you may not even need the blue flasks, so you can max out on yellow flasks. Though I hate that they share a pool. It kind of gimps mage classes. Much prefer the old way where spells take stamina, and have charges. So it's not a drain on estus

    And I doubt you'll have too much trouble with going solo. The only bosses I ever needed a friend with were halfway through the game, and the one has like 3 NPC summons right outside his door. So that's no problem offline. Aldrich may be a problem, though. I can give you more specific advice when you get to him. I don't think there's any NPC summons, and last time I tried, there was nobody available to help. So PS+ would probably be useless there. I've always had to solo him except for my first run through of the game. And he's quite the anti-thesis to a lot of character builds. So it can get tricky until you get used to his BS

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