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Thread: Dark Souls

  1. #1561
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update time:

    Okay, so I looked up where the bosses were. I actually unlocked the path to Friede without realizing it, while I had to look up how to reach the Gravetender. The trip down to his location was not fun, since the Millwood Knights apparently compete with the Londo Knights in archery.

    He did kick my ass a few times but it mainly came down to trying to kill the bastard before his giant wolf dog truly entered the battle as well as realizing the wolf does not work like the Sif fight and rolling under him will likely have you roll directly into his attack. Oddly enough, the moment the wolf hit second phase he actually became a hell of a lot easier cause he liked to spam the frost breath attack that kept him stationary for once. I learned later that fighting the mini versions of him in the forest and winning apparently drops his health permanently.

    After that, I checked out Friede and oh boy is she interesting. I'm not sure how I feel about these sequential cinematic fights with multiple phases and life bars. It was kind of a novelty for the Ludwig fight and my issue with the Nameless King is that the first phase eventually got kind of boring redoing over and over again, so I'm hoping the same thing won't happen with Friede. I do appreciate the fact she has far less health and takes way more damage than NK did, meaning that reaching her final phase might be less tedious. That teleport move is obnoxious though and tends to slow the fight a bit, not to mention it has some obnoxious tracking when you try to dodge the charge move, almost feels like some of Champion Gundyr's shenanigans with his incredible ability to transition from a charge into a right angle turn followed by a halberd attack.

    Still, the fight is actually fun and I like her moveset. Nice to actually see Frost as a real element after the main game sort of played with it but didn't really do anything with it. Let's hope that with a bit more practice I can get this fight down in the bag. It's all about minimizing my Estus use in the first phase.

  2. #1562
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Friede is down and holy hell was her final phase nail biting. DS Maria is right, she does not give you much of an opportunity to heal and very few openings to actually hit her. Thank goodness she has like no poise so when you do get a hit you can combo a bit as long as you don't get too greedy. Still, that fight was pretty fun if a bit insane but likely worked well since my build is light weight and stamina efficient. Overall, I liked the Ashes of Ariadnel DLC. Brought in a bit of cool lore and followed along one of the coolest sidequests in the first game. I kind of wish we could have seen Londor in this game to tell you the truth or maybe even Astora as well.

    After that, I checked out the Dreg Heap which resulted in me getting run over by a massive humanity ghose on my first trek and then two-shot by a headless monstrosity on my second. After that I decided I was done for the night. I think I'll deal with the Lothric boys before I face off with the final DLC.

  3. #1563
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    Just read everything and you are doing absolutely great!!! I haven't been on ds3, stuff came up so will be back on to finish my ng+4 . I am last left off at Greg Heap myself, I've actually beaten all the Lord's except the last boss in the game but will do so after I've done all the dlc.
    Great job on Sister Freide!! Her cutscene I can never ever get tired of, love everything about it!
    Can't wait to hear more of your progress Wolf Kanno! You got this!

  4. #1564
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time:
    Lothric Boys are dead, and I've obtained all the crowns of the missing Lords of Cinder. I can proceed with the endgame but I'm going to finish the Ringed City DLC first.

    The Lothric boys are one of the more challenging non-optional boss battles in the main game but after taking down the Nameless King and Friede, they didn't feel too tough. Finished a few more character quests and my poor Firelink Shrine has become very quiet as of late. I'm being reminded of DS1 and Bloodborne where most of the questlines end tragically for the cast.

    In the Dreg Heap, I've grown to despise the weird angels, and I'm desperately trying to find their base tree forms to kill so I can explore the region unmolested. Met a chap named Lapp who squats and talks a lot like Patches but doesn't seem to know who he is. We'll see how this questline works out. I didn't get as far as I would have liked from here though I did discover Earthen Peak which was a surprise. Nice to see a few more nods to Dark Souls II though if I had to pick a locations from DSII, I probably would have chosen either the Iron Keep or one of the DLC locations, but hey, its nice to see some fanservice come that way that isn't just weapons and armor. The fight with one of the Pyromancers of that area caught me off guard but I was able to beat her and then got murdered in an angel crossfire when I tried to cross some roots most likely going the wrong way. This DLC has been interesting and I'm digging the layout.

    I'll have to explore more later, but for now I need to backtrack to the Swamp area because I missed a few more treasures and I kind of want to explore a bit more.

  5. #1565
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time:
    Took some time off from the Ringed City to finish Reinhold's quest cause I really wanted his hat and hey, I got a miracle out of the deal as well. Also, I know a few people feel Rosario is Gwynevere's daughter, but considering she gives you the same miracle for her soul as Gwynevere rewards with her convenant, wouldn't it make sense she is actually Gwynevere? Anyway, after that, I farmed the Dark Wraiths outside the Abyss Watcher bonfire for the rest of their armor pieces and even farmed a few covenant items while I was at it.

    Finished the Dreg Heap and took down the Demon Prince. I am very pleased that killing the Angel source permanently rids you of them. I died like twice to the first phase of the Demon fight when it's a two on one battle, then I remembered that Gwyn's Dark Knight weapons get bonus damage against demons. I thanked myself for getting nostalgic when I obtained a Black Knight Greatsword as it was my main weapon in DS1 so when I acquired one, I fully leveled it up despite rarely using it. Sure enough, crushed the first phase, fought the Demon Prince and managed to beat him on the first go.

    I'm now in the Ringed City proper and what a welcoming, the archers seemed nearly impossible until I finally noticed the stone placements. Still, trying to kill that giant is a pain and it wasn't helped that I was shortly pushed off a ledge to my death shortly after completing the scenario the first time. I've gotten to the next bonfire and spoke to Lapp again, whom I'm pretty sure is just Patches playing another con on me at this point. I reached a door where some guardian is willing to talk to me but couldn't finish the conversation because the area has a few annoying enemies in the area and they have very large aggro ranges. I almost got killed chatting with her until I noticed the sound and moved the camera to notice a few of them were heading my way. After a few attempts, I decided to call it a night. I really love the Hollow Knight armor and hope I can get more pieces for it. I am also laughing because I didn't realize until awhile ago that my characters outfit looks like Guts outfit from Berserk.

    So far, it's been a really interesting location and likely my favorite DLC location in the Souls series as I've always been interested to learn more about the Furtive Pygmy and the Dark Soul during the Age of the Gods. We'll see how far I get the next chance I can play.

  6. #1566
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I think the Ringed City wins the reward for having the most pain in the ass enemy sets going on for it. The Ringed Knights are not so bad since they take decent damage and it's more of a matter of dodging their attacks but their buffs can be troublesome especially when it changes up their combos. The regular cannon fodder enemies are not so bad as long as you notice them before they notice you with their damn lightning miracles and the ones that cause Curse buildup for just being near them. The headless fatty's became a lot easier once I learned they take ridiculous damage from plunging attacks. Made that staircase area much easier to handle. The cricket men are only annoying because they back off preventing my full combo from landing but they're pretty easy regardless.

    Course the two biggest pains in my ass have been the Angels and the Summoner Giants. They can make simple zones into a serious gauntlet of trouble if you're not careful and deal with ASAP. I am annoyed the giants are not perma death like the angels though since they're also basically stage hazards, oh well. Also, it was not cool to bring back the Dragon Armor boss as a regular enemy but it could be worse...The in-game invasions have also caught me off guard, especially since they happen regardless if you're embered or not. I'm only grateful they don't spam estus healing like Hawkwood and Reinhold did. Took down the crossbow guy in the garden area and eccentric Silver Knight Ledo.

    I've also noticed I'm being stalked by a dragon again. I'm guessing this is the Midir the one NPC told me about that she wanted me to put out their misery. All I'm doing is trying not to have flashbacks to the Ancient Dragon and Kalameet from the previous entries. My biggest sad moment is that the damn Ringed Knights will just not drop their main armor, I keep getting their helmets, gauntlets and leggings, but not the cool main armor with the Darksign on it. I did get their cool weapons but not their shields.

    So far it's been a slow process, having found the +3 variation of the Gold and Silver Serpent Rings, I've been able to amass quite a few items and souls but it's just as easy to lose all the souls if I'm not paying attention. Progress has been slow especially since it appears my only options on where to go involve fighting the Mini-Boss Dragon Armor or head in the direction to Midir.

  7. #1567
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time:

    Decided to take on the Midir and got roasted on the bridge but I at least found the puzzle that allowed me to finish Lapp's quest which a friend told me about. I didn't appreciate having to fight past two Ringed Knights and one of those annoying summoning giants. After making my way to the mines, I saw the ending to Lapp's quest and reached the bonfire.

    I also had to laugh because while the narrow staircase would normally make the Mimic and Red Phantom Invader particularly difficult, both of them accidentally ran off the ledge to their deaths, so lucky break there. Fought Midir on the second bridge and took him down with my bow. Went back to Shira to report it and she said he's not dead but resting the chasm like Kalameet and then gave me the instructions to go find him. I fought my way to the final tower where a voice tells me not to move forward. Decided to call it a night. I still haven't been able to get the Ringed Knights to drop their main armor

  8. #1568
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update time!

    Finally, after dying a bajillion times, I took down Darkeater Midir. He was a pretty cool boss who just ridiculous attack power and a few attacks that turn his whole body into a hit box making him pretty lethal. At first I was using a ring for fire defense and the Farron Greatsword to fight him but I just wasn't making any headway. Finally, tonight I switched to a +10 Lightning Astora Straight Sword, but the damage wasn't too good so I tried my main weapon, my +10 Refined Long Sword and the damage wasn't too different from the Farron Greatsword, it just took two hits instead of one and I had plenty of stamina left since my usual sword is 8.5 units lighter. I brought some Gold Pine Resin which I had to farm some souls for an sure enough my damage was better than with the greatsword. I took him down and didn't even notice I still had the Covetous Serpent rings still equipped instead of all my defensive rings.

    Went to the church and got murdered by Halflight and his annoying Painted Guardians cause I somehow have become inept at parrying. Called it a night. Course I don't have much left of the DLC to go.

  9. #1569
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Soon I'll actually get to read about your Dark Souls 3 journey. I finished 2. It definitely got more challenging though not near Dark Souls 1 from my play through. Missed a bit of stuff though. Skipped the DLC but I also knew I was skipping the DLC. I kinda wanted to just finish up the last of it because I really wanted to move on to 3. Figured it best to not let my dying attention keep me from finishing it. Still a good game though and I'll go back and do the NG+ I think once I've sated my DS3 appetite. The worst thing I can really say about the game is it's not as good as Dark Souls, and if that's your biggest flaw you're doing all right.

    I'm up to the Road of Sacrifices now. Right by all the tree branch wielding undead and the crabs. Keep getting invaded at the worst possible times it seems but oh well. Such is Dark Souls. Did spend a good 15 minutes dueling one dude before he finally finished me off. That was tense and satisfying in all the right ways. I'm loving the hell out of the game. The somewhat faster paced combat feels so good to me. Pretty much everything you do feels more satisfying. And on top of everything it seems to be back to the sort of interconnected world and being able to see things in the distance that you've either come from or will go to at some point an hour or two later maybe. That was always one of my favourite parts of Dark Souls. And I think all Dark Souls games have at least had their moments of looking really damn good just because the art style they've had is so strong, but sweet zombie jesus this game is so smurfing gorgeous. I'm dying for the weekend to come so I can just sit down and play most of the day.

  10. #1570
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Oh man, to be honest I felt the DLC for Dark Souls 2 was the best part of the game. I also wanted to just jump to 3 but that DLC kept me hooked. Yeah, DS3's combat has taken some cues from Bloodborne in being a bit speedier and aggressive. I remember in Yahtzee's review for it how he mentioned the game tends to emphasize speed over power and I honestly agree as I've had a few battle go very differently by sticking to a lighter weapon, despite the fact I traditionally use Greatswords in these games. Glad yo hear you're having fun though.

  11. #1571
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Update Time:


    Finished Dark Souls 3 this evening.

    Halflight was pretty easy once you learn not to summon help and to kill those annoying Guardian Painting helpers ASAP. After that, I took out that Filianore Knight and got one of the craziest weapons in the game. Then it came down to Gael. Honestly, he was way easier than I was expecting. Especially once I learn he was weak to poison which made this fight way more manageable as I was able to get to the later phases faster. With that said, it was a pretty epic battle. After that, all I had was the Lord of Cinder.

    Cinder was obviously not much of a challenge after doing the DLC. Though his powered up second phase was interesting and a nice sendoff for the series as a whole. I obtained the Ursurp the Fire Ending, because I pretty much always choose to end the Age of Fire in all of the Dark Souls games cause I honestly feel Gwyn is a dick.

    My MVP weapon was actually my starting Longsword which I eventually infused into a Refined Longsword. The damage was admirable, the ability to buff it was a lifesaver, and it is incredibly combo friendly and can break poise better than you think it would. Like seriously, anytime I tried to use a new more fancy weapon I quickly dropped it in favor of this beast of a weapon. I never bothered with magic outside of dabbling in a few pyomancies but even that was more for options than because I built my character towards it.

    My MVP Ring was the Carthus Milkring which was basically Bloodborne's Hunter's Bone without the Silver Bullet cost making it even better. Since I tend to play light speedier builds, any item that can increase my dodge roll invincibility frames is a godsend.

    Favorite Armor was a toss up between the Abyss Watcher armor and the Ringed Knight Armor. Fashion souls indeed.

    My overall assessment of the game is a bit mixed. From a Lore standpoint, this is my favorite entry of the Dark Souls series. The setting and bosses were interesting and the DLC didn't disappoint. I didn't mind the game taking some cues from Bloodborne, ythe faster combat was welcomed and I felt it translated into more exciting boss battles. The locations were pretty snazzy as well though I still feel like a few locations felt more like Bloodborne areas that got cut such as Irythill of the Boreal Valley and the Carthus Catacombs definitely felt like an unused but better designed Chalice Dungeon. I think this game has my favorite set of NPC s as well even if the witch chick kind of feels more like a Demon's Souls Easter egg instead of an actual person. The rest of the NPCS had interesting stories and I honestly was really saddened when Greirat died, I'm still freaking upset about that cause I loved that dude. While I stuck to my starting weapon for most of the game, the weapons selection was actually quite nice and the weapon art mechanic was quite nice. As per usual with FROM Software and this franchise, the DLC was quite excellent.

    My biggest gripe with the game? Probably the fact it is one of the easiest entries in the series yet. While I clocked in quite a bit of time, I feel a good chunk of that was just do to the massive amount of secrets and content this game contains as opposed to DS1 where a third of my time was me hitting a brick wall with a boss or a particular area. I probably had more issues with Red Phantoms and certain enemy types than I did with overall areas and boss battles and I was astounded how many bosses I took down on a first try. I'm hardly a Souls expert here either, I've only played each entry once except Demon's Souls. I'm sure for someone who has never played the series this entry would be quite challenging but honestly I think only the Dancer and Midir were able to kill me so much I lost count. Also, Farron Woods is easily the nicest and most pleasant swamp level FROM Software has ever made. I almost feel like it was an apology for the BS of previous games. Granted this isn't a deal breaker but it is a bit sad that several bosses are more memorable for me due to the spectacle than because of the challenge. With that said, I actually kind of like the game a little better than Dark Souls 1 simply due to the lore.

    So let's do the stat rundown:

    • Favorite Boss: (Main Game) Abyss Watchers and Aldritch (DLC) Sister Friede and Gael
    • Most Difficult Boss: (MG) Dancer of the Boreal Valley and Nameless King (DLC) Darkeater Midir and Sister Friede
    • Easiest Boss: Deacons of the Deep or Halflight.
    • Easy Boss I embarrassingly died to more than I should have: Halflight and the Rotten Greatwood Tree.
    • Super Hard Boss I found pretty easy: Gael and Sulyvan
    • NPC Invader who can go Smurf themselves: Tsorig and Hodrick
    • Favorite Covenant: N/A
    • Favorite NPC: Greirat, Gael, and Anri
    • Favorite location: Lothric Castle, Grand Archives, Catacombs of Carthus, Ringed City, Painted World of Ariandel, and the Archdragon Keep
    • Favorite Easter Egg/Reference: Storm Ruler and revisiting Anor Londo, I also still love the Farram Armor set.
    • Least favorite Zones: Smouldering Lake and Profaned Capital.
    • Favorite Lord of Cinder: I honestly liked all of them.
    • Thing I need to work on for my next playthrough: Parry skills.

    I'll probably think of more as time goes on, but I may take a break from the series for a bit, unless the call to Bloodborne gets the better of me...

  12. #1572
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jowy View Post
    Super Smores dies tomorrow. This entire thread is a no girls allowed zone.
    I hate to generally toot my own horn, but beep beep, I was right.

  13. #1573
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    I beat Aldrich then promptly died thanks to some lingering homing orbs right after I got his soul and such. No big deal, just need to go collect all of the 70k+ souls I lost. Immediately die to the first silver night before I can get there. I ran through a wide variety of emotions in the 5 minutes after beating him.

  14. #1574
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Oh man, I know that feeling. " smilieid="509" class="inlineimg" border="0">

  15. #1575
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    I probably could have sprinted past them and been fine. Especially with the bonfire in the boss room to reset anyone who might follow me that far. Oh well. It's not Dark Souls if you don't occasionally lose everything to enemies that aren't THAT hard.

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