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Thread: My Journey Through FFXIII - No Rest Stops in Sight

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    Default My Journey Through FFXIII - No Rest Stops in Sight

    So I have FF13 for the 360.

    I'm on Chapter 4. Sazh and Vanille are taking a much deserved rest after a hard day of fighting OCP and then being turned into l'Cie.

    So far...the game isn't that bad. Story is mildly intriguing with a few mysteries like how Lightning managed to opent hat door thing by talking to it, as well as who the party was befor eall this crap went down..

    Gameplay is interesting too now that it's finally opening up.

    If I have any complaints about the game thus far it is these two things:

    1. Lightning. Worst character in the game by several PMS'ing galaxies.

    All I ever heard was "wah wh wah wah Snow is st00pid!" LEast he has some goddam motivation. Least he has endearing character traits like determination to save the woman he loves.


    Give me Snow back please. I cared about him even with that ridiculous hat.

    2. Storytelling. It's nto very good.

    Action, cutscene, more action, another cutscene, MOAR ACTION.

    It's like they were trying to fix FFXII's pacing problems but they went way overboard and made something even worse. You could have the best story in JRPG history and it wouldn't be as appealing with this formula. I would just like some time to relax and digest everything.

    There's also the neverending and contrived party splits but that's a less significant problem than the other two.

    I really don't dislike this game at the moment. It just has some pretty evident flaws. (which, admittedly, all FFs do)

  2. #2
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    You're going to love that hat when you crack into FFXIII-2.

  3. #3
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    she's cold right now but you'll warm up to light

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by krissy View Post
    she's cold right now but you'll warm up to light
    Yeah she's softened up a lot since I posted. I don't much like her yet but I don't dislike her anymore.

    Right now I'm far more interested in our newest party member. She's had almost no screentime and I've been playing this game for well over 10+ hours but I've been informed Fang is the real main character.

    I'm genuinely at a loss for what to say. It's...unexpected to say the least.

    She has a nice look and a very attractive voice so I guess it's an improvement. But man Lightning is like a thousand times worse than Vaan when it comes to '"fooled you into thinking I'm the main protagonist".

    In other good news Snow is back. I gotta try and get the hang of using Sentinel though since it is apparently necessary for certain enemies later on.

    On a final note for now, I'm liking this guy who is trying to have us all killed at the moment. I think he might be the head of PSICOM? I hope he sticks around for at least a little while.

    Oh and the Sunleth Waterscape was the best area so far by leaps and bounds. Gorgeous scenery and wonderful music.

    Then the areas got boring again. But it was a nice change of pace.

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    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    the thing about this game is that it's pretty restrictive for a long time and then once it opens up, it really friggin opens up and lets go of your hand.

    i always played with lightning as the main so it made it feel like she's the main character, but now that you mention it that may not be the case for this story overall.

    i agree about sunleth, it was definitely a breath of fresh air at that point in the game.

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    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    It's kind of a FFVI deal. There's no one main character. FFXIII does a good job of making it about all of your party members equally.

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Yeah, I never considered Fang to be the main character. I agree that it's an even split thing much like in FFVI. I would personally put the main character down as either Lightning or Vanille, but that's only because Lightning is the "face" of the game and Vanille is the narrator. I think. It's been a while!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #8


    So I'm on The Palamecia now.

    It's nice that the apparent main villain of the game is finally getting screentime. Unfortunately I'm not exactly feeling threatened what with the stupid Code Color gag going on. Is the game trying to kill its own suspense?

    Primarch whatever his name is also suffers from sharing screentime with that chick in the glasses.Jihl is it? She's a total waste of space. How do you screw up evil chicks with glasses so badly that I not only find them unattractive but boring in the extreme?

    The area itself is pretty awesome due to the amount of enemies. It almost feels like a final dungeon and I'm storming a stronghold to fight the entire Sanctum military. But it is dragging on and the color nonsense doesn't help.

    I sure hope "Code White" is something interesting or impressive.

    Going back a bit, I was stuck for quite a long time on Sazh's fire eidolon. I forever hate the epople at Gamefaqs now. Not only do they insult FFXII a bunch, they also suggested that I start off with Syn/Sab combo.

    I tried that. And died. A dozen+ times.

    I start thinking at this point maybe there's a weak link somewhere... What if I just start witH Vanille as a Ravager?

    And I succeeded with two attempts.

    At this point I no longer really hate Lightning. I'm more indifferent. Snow is still probably my favorite playable character.
    Last edited by Forsaken Lover; 03-13-2012 at 02:37 AM.

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Don't pay attention to the colours, they're just taking the piss out of all the colour coding things you see in the real world.

    I enjoyed the Palamecia to some extent, mostly for the lines that come out around the time your characters meet up. Unfortunately the next chapter, if I remember rightly, is crap.
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    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    My favorite boss fight is coming up!

  11. #11


    So I'm in Chapter 10 and the gameplay is now finally fully open.

    That and the last boss fight urge me to speak on something that has bugged me for a long time now.

    The "target time" and starring system are awful. I've never played a Final Fantasy that actually insults you for playing a certain way.

    I've gotten through over half of the games in the series with a very simple two-way approach. I prefer a strong offense but if that fails I switch it up to a lot of defense. Perhaps it is excessive but smurf, if i die two or three times, constantly healing and defending makes perfect sense.

    FFXIII doesn't like that. It alone of every FF game I've played decides to judge me for playing how I like to play.

    Granted I did screw up in the Barthandalus fight. i let his chain gauge go down too much during his absurdly long charge time for his special move but smurf me if I'm going to risk doing it all over again just to get some stupid game's approval.

    I guess what I'm saying is I know I'm not good at video games but I don't much care for the game itself shoving ti in my face.

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    Don't worry. You only need to five-star the battles if you want to get trophies/achievements, and even then you only need to five-star the Cie'th stones and the final boss battle. Everything else is just to give you different odds at getting different items, and in a non-repeatable boss battle I don't think they're going to give you anything important ONLY if you five-star it.
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    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    i actually LIKED the rating system. it was a very small feedback for doing a battle by thinking through it and not just grinding. every enemy combination can be taken down very fast with the proper paradigm decisions. the battles are more like puzzles, but the game doesn't actually penalize you for not figuring out how a certain enemy functions other than the star rating and maybe the time taken to defeat it.

    anyway, that boss battle was the hardest battle in the game for me. i had no idea he took more stagger while he was charging up for like two days so i just kept trying to do it without being sneaky liek on his chain gauge. fortisol etc at the beginning help out a lot.

    i dont think anyone five stars barth on that one on their first go... im pretty sure i had 1 star when i did legit beat him. the first time i stayed alive, the battle went on for half hour and the game took pity on my by auto casting death on my lead. at that point i knew i was doing something wrong, and the game wasn't gonna let me suffer much longer for it... it gives you a chance to figure things out, but if you're totally stuck it goes 'RE-EVALUATE YOUR LIFE MATE' and kicks your face.

  14. #14


    I suppose you're right.

    I did five star the final boss though.

    Funny thing about that is, Orphan kicked my ass the first few times I fought it. My entire party attacking it for several long, agonizing minutes managed to get off about 20% of its health. Then it killed us all because of Poison.

    Two can play a that game Orphan. FF Wiki told me Poison and Imperil work on it so, I switch control over to Vanille and now the battle is a cakewalk. A few minutes of casual healing and constantly debuffing him while Snow attacks again and again and the fight is won.

    I won't lie, by the time I reached Orphan's Cradle I was feeling very burnt out. I just had no incentive to finish the game since I didn't think the ending would be that interesting.

    I was totally right in that regard.

    I'll post my thoughts on the game as a whole later after I get some sleep but I will ay this.

    Barthandalus wasn't that great of a villain for me but he had by far the best boss fights in the game. His look and the epic music helped make sure I'll remember him for a long while.

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    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken Lover View Post
    Barthandalus wasn't that great of a villain for me but he had by far the best boss fights in the game. His look and the epic music helped make sure I'll remember him for a long while.
    i agree
    that song sticks with you
    especially if you have to listen to it for two hours the first time around
    just feels epic

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