So I have FF13 for the 360.

I'm on Chapter 4. Sazh and Vanille are taking a much deserved rest after a hard day of fighting OCP and then being turned into l'Cie.

So far...the game isn't that bad. Story is mildly intriguing with a few mysteries like how Lightning managed to opent hat door thing by talking to it, as well as who the party was befor eall this crap went down..

Gameplay is interesting too now that it's finally opening up.

If I have any complaints about the game thus far it is these two things:

1. Lightning. Worst character in the game by several PMS'ing galaxies.

All I ever heard was "wah wh wah wah Snow is st00pid!" LEast he has some goddam motivation. Least he has endearing character traits like determination to save the woman he loves.


Give me Snow back please. I cared about him even with that ridiculous hat.

2. Storytelling. It's nto very good.

Action, cutscene, more action, another cutscene, MOAR ACTION.

It's like they were trying to fix FFXII's pacing problems but they went way overboard and made something even worse. You could have the best story in JRPG history and it wouldn't be as appealing with this formula. I would just like some time to relax and digest everything.

There's also the neverending and contrived party splits but that's a less significant problem than the other two.

I really don't dislike this game at the moment. It just has some pretty evident flaws. (which, admittedly, all FFs do)