Something like that happened around here a while back. If I recall correctly, they merely told their employees to stop taking coupons, and the whole situation has never been mentioned again since then.
Something like that happened around here a while back. If I recall correctly, they merely told their employees to stop taking coupons, and the whole situation has never been mentioned again since then.
Oh dear God. D:
Nah, I dunno... It might not be so bad. At least you still got 50 bucks out of it. <. <;;
Well now I know those coupons actually work.
Well we know how NCG is getting discounts from now on.
For those not on her FB Steph posted that her work believes the coupon is legit so she didn't get into trouble for it.
She got into trouble for something else instead But at least she's not fired!
Well, I am glad it worked out. Sucks that she is still in trouble for something else, though.
Okay, some updates!
Firstly Hux is correct, work decided that the coupon is legit, which I am... seriously doubting, but hey, who am I to look a gift horse in the mouth?
Then a couple hours later, the guy who had used the coupon last night came in with a really sheepish look on his face and returned the PS Vita. He said that he'd been "thinking" and he decided that it was a fake coupon and didn't "want the FBI to come knocking"-- his words.
So I returned it and it's all a non-issue now. I can relax~
Wow. He came back? How..... Odd.
My theory on MSN was this:
>he prints this coupon off /b/
>goes home
>posts some proof pic of it
>someone is all "I'm reporting you to the FBI smurfo, enjoy 8 years in federal prison for fraud"
>he trouts himself and brings it back
That seems to be plausible enough.
Internet justice, I guess. At least it provided some entertainment for us.
New question. If you were in the same situation, could you have been able to take the PS Vita back? I don't think I would've knowing that a store accepted it already har har har. And hoping I paid in cash and not credit.