Time to be mushy.

What video games have had the most powerful/realistic/substantial relationships in your opinion?

My choice...

Fei/Elly - Xenogears

I find "one person, one destiny, no matter the generation" idea that the game goes into to be very sweet and endearing. Fei and Elly have been together in one form or another for 10,000 years and their affection for each other only grows. They've had no shortage of troubles (Christ Almighty everything bad that can happen HAS happened to them) but their love for each other has not once dimmed.

I think the development of their modern relationship in the game is also very nice, with them both being shy dopes who can't admit it. Then Elly is the one to actually mature and come to term with her womanhood while Fei is still trying to man up. It all culminates ina v ery touching (if graphiclaly painful) scene of love.

So how about you all?