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Thread: The Drunk Thread

  1. #61
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Parker View Post
    i still dont get the pig thing

    but i ate asparagus wrapped in proscuitto today so smd pig lovers
    isn't this shiz amazing
    it's the stuff with mayo right
    so good
    proscuitoo so expensive though
    but man that was a good party
    not the same one as your obviously
    but this is good.
    asparagus wrapped in anything is pretty much good to go.
    and you can smell it in your pee after which is exciting
    post of the year everyone.

  2. #62
    Ray "Bloody" Purchase! Crop's Avatar
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    I've had a few, and I've noticed when I've been drinking I listen to songs I don't even like and enjoy them.
    Notice I still type ok, I dnot sufer from any tyyping impeddimnt.

  3. #63


    there was a karaoke thing last night and people were singing terribly and my friend grasped my shoulder and said

    this. is. beautiful.

    and i agreed. and krissy mayo what?? no

  4. #64
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Seeing Parker post right after Bubba in this thread makes me imagine even Bubba's avatar got drunk.

  5. #65
    she'll steal your heart Hollycat's Avatar
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    I know it isn't alcohol but:
    current drink:
    7x 5 hour energy shot

    drunk level: I don't feel any different at all.
    This post brought to you by the power of boobs. Dear lord them boobs. Amen

  6. #66
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernChaosGod View Post
    Seeing Parker post right after Bubba in this thread makes me imagine even Bubba's avatar got drunk.
    Tonberries are whiskey whores

  7. #67
    The Nerd Who Knows Pant Leg Eater from the Bad World's Avatar
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    Not drunk enough for this thread. brb after enchiladas.

    <PaperStar> live fast, die young, bad plefs do it well

  8. #68
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    My internet has been dead over the last two days and it has been killing me, so I forced a friend to go out with me last night for a laugh. On the phone he said "DAN I'M TELLING YOU THIS NOW I AM NOT GETTING WASTED" and I agreed, "yeah yeah mate just a couple of beers and some pool". And that was my intention, couple of beers, pool and then home. What actually happened was us sinking troutload of extremely strong beer, going to two random clubs and dancing like utter twats until 3 in the morning while drinking copious amounts of rum. At one stage I forced him to make out with a random big lady, then when we were outside for some reason I can't remember this random woman came up and started beat boxing in my face and it amused me endlessly. My friend claims she was very attractive, I don't remember, I just know we became best friends forever because we were both drunk and I liked her beat boxing. Then I came home, fell over a lot, was sick all over the place and woke up this morning with two t-shirts on for reasons I can't recall. And I'm still drunk. Was a good one I think!

  9. #69
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Dan you are my hero.

  10. #70
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    Well I've also just heard that I apparently fell over on the tv stand and knocked that all over last night, I also just looked at my phone and I have two numbers in it that weren't there before, "Sally x" and "Ahmed". xD

  11. #71
    jenovajunkie's Avatar
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    Whoa I haven't had a night like that since my last trip to the states. Damn sounds like so much fun! Why can't I meet a smoking hot beatboxette??
    Creativity is certainly about not being constrained by rules or accepting the restrictions that society places on us. Of course the more people break the rules, the more likely they are to be perceived as ‘mentally ill’
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  12. #72
    Poodle Wizard starlet's Avatar
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    So last night was umm...interesting. I don't know if I can tell my story on here because some parts are....illegal And no I didn't do illegal things just illegal things happened. As far as drinks go I had a Jolly Rancher (I dont know whats in it besides a lot of liquor), 2 vodka and cranberries, a stoli raspberry and 7up, and a few other random shots.

    (SPOILER)Ok the worst of illegal stuff happening was an adult sitting in the front passenger seat with me in a car while driving, said adult and her standard poodle sitting in the front seat of a car while driving, driving with an open drink and I swear I heard someone doing cocaine in a bathroom. I just heard sniffing and talk of money. Mods its up to you if I can tell this epic story, if not then I understand.

  13. #73
    Twisted Reality Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
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    I'm cracking into a 6 six pack of Guinness Extra Stout as I type this. Feeling slightly buzzed which is great given the day that I've just had

  14. #74
    This is England
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    Reviving this thread, because last night was a ridiculously good and random night of alcohol.

    My best mate from school is down to visit me, and we had a fair bit to celebrate so we decided that last night was gonna be our big night out while he is here. We started drinking at about 5:30 when we went to the pub with my family and I had a couple of pints of ale. then we went home, had a bit of food, got changed and went out to my favourite local pub. When we were there we had two pints of ale. We also walked into the pool room and there were two randomly attractive ladies playing pool, who started talking to us so we chat with them a bit while we were playing. Then, we went outside and outside there were two other randomly attractive women sitting outside with a drunk cornish man, who apparently didn't like the jews, and one of the women was full on Raistlin EoEo screaming at him about israel and arabs and america and hatred and racism and facism. Me and my friend just kind of looked at each other and started making inane comments like "Hey Ant" "What" "Do you know what I like" "what" "Rabbits. They are nice and pretty."

    Then the two women shouted some more, shouted at each other and then got up to leave, and one of them told the bloke to get his hatred under control or something so I said "you know what I hate, that scum you get on the top of cups of tea" and this amused the women greatly and they called us gents and told us to have a good evening, which was nice. Then, we smoked a giant cigar, and then we went to wetherspoons. In spoons we drank two random pints of ale, a shot of cinnamon whiskey and 3 Jaegerbombs. While there we were sitting outside in the smoking area and we just ended up talking to a smurfton of random people. First these two very pretty young ladies came out with some guy they were out with and asked if they could sit at our table, so we said yes. They seemed to be quite amused by me and Ant and our obsession with shouting at each other and making inane comments. I also held up a sports page with big Andy on the front of it in one of the girls faces and yelled BIG ANDY as loud as I could which was quite funny. So anyway we were hanging out with these guys, and one of the women spilt a glass of wine over their dude friends crotch which was quite funny.

    Then some random old cornish blokes came out and we were talking to them about football, and then these random smurfing guys from london, scotland and newcastle came out and we all started talking to them too. turns out they are sailors and had come into the docks that night. They seemed an alright bunch, the scottish bloke was well sound as well. Anyway we were all just shooting the tit and having a good time, and the sailors were trying really hard with the two attractive 18 year olds and it was quite funny to watch them try, especially the guy from London. Then, it got to closing time at spoons and we went to go to another bar, and one of the girls asked me if we wanted to go to this bar with them and I wanted to drink more so I said yeah. We all left the spoons, then the sailors who like I said had been working hard on these girls were like "actually we wanna go to this other bar instead wanna come with us" and then the two women were like "were are you gonna go" to me and ant I and I said "q-bar" and they were like "we're gonna go to the q-bar then!" xD I felt sorry for the sailors cause they were obviously dejected but the fact that these two random women turned them down to instead hang out with a pair of idiots who had spent most of the night shouting at each other was also very amusing to me.

    Anyway then we went to the q-bar and in there we drank a cookie monster, which is some smurfing potion of various spirits in a shot glass that has a lemon slice with cinnamon and sugar on top that is then covered in rum and set on fire which is very nice and very strong. Then we drank another jaegerbomb, and it was 5 jaegerbombs for a tenner so I got 5 more and me and ant lined them up and drank two each and the first to finish the two got the third one, which was me. So then the women were like LET'S GO TO THE CLUB so we went to the club and did some hilariously bad dancing and I drank an alcoholic ginger beer that i poured a shot of rum into and possibly another jaegerbomb but I forget. Then the club closed so we were randomly milling about in the streets and they got food and then the sailors turned up again and apparently the london one got in trouble for punching a girl in the face but I don't really know what happened and chose to ignore him and the situation in general. then we went to leave and the random blonde 18 year old gave me her phone number and apparently I'm supposed to be going out again with them when she gets paid so that's probably gonna be a funny night. Then me and Ant went home and somehow drank half a litre of captain morgans rum but I can't really remember that part, but I do know that we phoned Ant's girlfriend at quarter to 5 in the morning and talked about something with her and she apparently woke her mother up because she was laughing at us two being idiots. And then I think I went to bed and passed out. Then I woke up this morning still drunk, and I haven't had a hangover yet or been sick so I think that is a successful night considering the amount of tit I drank.

    So yes. It was a good night, I met a lot of random people, got very drunk and made some new friends. JOY

    edit: also, i had never had a jaegerbomb before until today, and I decided that i like them. which is probably why I drank so many of them.

  15. #75
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andy Carroll View Post
    edit: also, i had never had a jaegerbomb before until today, and I decided that i like them. which is probably why I drank so many of them.
    Jager Bomb Power Bar with a My New Haircut! - YouTube 18+

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