View Poll Results: Be honest. Who is your ABSOLUTE favorite character from Final Fantasy 7?

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  • Cloud

    8 19.51%
  • Barret

    0 0%
  • Tifa

    9 21.95%
  • Aeris

    5 12.20%
  • Red XIII

    5 12.20%
  • Yuffie

    2 4.88%
  • Cait Sith

    0 0%
  • Vincent

    3 7.32%
  • Cid

    9 21.95%
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Thread: Rank the FF7 Characters!

  1. #16


    I vote for Tifa
    Tifa is my very best favorite character, and she's pure, cute and hottest.
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  2. #17
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    1. Tifa - An introverted yet strong willed character, it's nice to see a strong female for a change that is capable of doing things on her own without being forced into situations, and also to see her pull Cloud back from the brink. She is a mother, a friend AND a lover depending on what the situation called for.
    2. Red XIII - Tricky given I love him and get so annoyed at him too. I love him because his side story is the most touching I've seen in a video game, and I love him because of his wisdom and years of knowledge. I get frustrated at him, though, because he switches from wise old head in a badass creature's body to a wussy pussy once he finds his grandpa. I have no idea what happened, but I thought the entire sidequest should have made him stronger but if anything since that moment I feel that he was weaker.
    3. Cloud - A fantastic lead character, he still pissed me off with his occasional emo moments.
    4=. Cid - Oh, that Cid!
    4=. Barret - Oh, that Barret!
    6=. Yuffie - She was okay, I guess, but Wutai stuff aside she never really caught my attention on any level.
    6=. Vincent - Just never really got attached to him on any level. Indifferent for the most part. Feel he's rather overrated, but then I still need to play DoC, maybe his story will open up a little more there and I'll grow fonder of him. *dunno*
    8=. Cait Sith - God damn, this guy could be annoying.
    8=. Aeris - Bitch, leave Cloud the hell alone. >=|
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  3. #18
    Oh hello there! silentenigma's Avatar
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    Red XIII
    Cait Sith

  4. #19


    Ranking them would be too hard, but I'll give a quick opinion on them all. Obviously this post will contain spoilers.

    Cloud: First of all, note that I utterly detest the way Cloud is portrayed anywhere else than in the original FF7. That said, he's awesome in this game. I thought he was a jerk at first, but there's much more to him than first impressions, and you gotta admit that for a main protagonist, a personality like his was really uncommon back then so props for that. As for his trauma/experiment/amnesia induced schizophrenia, it remains one of the most ambitious story elements I've seen in the entirety of gaming to this day. I voted Cloud.

    Barret: Possibly the most nuanced and human character in the entire franchise, but if I elaborate on that I'll be here for the evening. Just check the thread Barret Wallace: underrated, because I have nothing to add to what those people said.

    Tifa: her martial arts/in your face is attitude is awesome and seriously destroyed the typical main girlfriend stereotype at the time, but she also has a natural sensitivity to herself, a good heart, and perceptible emotions and shortcomings. In short, she's very well-rounded (in more ways than one, of course) and she just rules.

    Aerith: Her confidence in herself, upfront attitude and pronounced sense of agency are extremely enjoyable. But other than that, I thought she was extremely annoying and her sudden death did little to move me.

    Nanaki: I like his seriousness and his sense of honor. Also his character arc in Cosmo Canyon. But there's really not much to him beyond that, and I can't help but think that sticking a character this visually different from everyone else in the main party was square's production team showing off.

    Yuffie: I realize she's young, but in no way does that excuse her being so obnoxious, greedy, self-centered, dishonest and irritating. I don't like Yuffie. She does have the occasional funny line though.

    Reeve: I love his serious nature and sincere preoccupations, and I have to commend the writers for giving us at least one notable Shinra employee who is an all-around good guy. I never used him though, for obvious reasons.

    Vincent: his backstory with Sephiroth and Hojo is quite intriguing, but I'm sorry to say that the way this guy behaves over the course of the game is so utterly baffling it damages my suspension of disbelief.

    Cid: Cid is just really, really, really cool. Unembarrassed by social protocol, full of adventurous dreams and optimism, feisty and hard at work, respectful of the good things science and technology have brought and can still bring, and often just hilarious.

    Well, that's all from me.
    Last edited by TreasonWall; 05-29-2013 at 09:36 PM.

  5. #20


    Tifa : She's the best, she beats the rest. Strong, powerful, yet gentle, shy and passionate.

    Cloud : A bit of a adorkable character and he can be a bit of a dick sometimes, but he has a decent excuse to why.

    Barret : A highly underrated character. Aggressive but passionate. A tank in battles.

    Vincent : Enigmatic and mysterious. Useful in battles and a nice, deep character that's worth all the trouble of finding.

    Yuffie : Annoying but when Aeris dies she does show her true colours that she's really kind and caring inside. Nice in battles.

    Nanaki : Cute and noble Dog/ Wolf/ Cat thing. Sadly after CD1 his character development fades away and only really little comes back afterwards.

    Cait : A traitor and despised for it, but at least he does try and fix and improve his ways. And he is a Moogle Toy which is cute.

    Aerith/ Cid : I didn't know which one to put last or above the other, but I hate them both. Aerith is a dick towards Barret and only cares about getting in Cloud's pants and Cid just makes me feel so uncomfortable with how he treats Shera.

  6. #21
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I really hope that 'adorkable' was not a typo and is in fact a brilliant way of describing an adorable dork.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I really hope that 'adorkable' was not a typo and is in fact a brilliant way of describing an adorable dork.
    No it wasn't a typo BoB

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