So I love this forum being pretty damn old. I get to look up all sorts of threads for things as they were released and see people's intial reactions to them.

Granted I haven't done it in a while but I remember the Revenge of the Sith thread had a lot of positive things to say. Hell, I remember after RotS came out a lot of people I knew were singing its praises.

These days however the film is seen as being barely better than the other Prequels and they're all generally agreed to be awful.

But this isn't a Prequel hate thread. That's old and boring. This thread is about the trend of something upon its release usually being seen more favorably than upon rewatches. Sort of the opposite of being vindicated by history.

For example, Metal Gear Solid 4. For a long time it was cherished and loved and everyone was going on and on about how it fixed everything. These days,...well....

Metal Gear Solid 4 in a Nutshell - YouTube

People are a bit more clued in.

So there you go. Any examples of something you remember getting a lot of love when it came out but than falling out of favor after a while?