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Thread: The "Call Me Maybe" song by Carly Rae Jepsen

  1. #106
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Terms like breastaurant are not used in normal discourse. That's something that you do a lot: use words that you seem to perceive as widely-used in a given context (see: breastaurant, Anglo-American) when, in fact, most people are probably not using those words often or in that manner. But then you also take it a step further and feel the need to define many of the terms you're using, which would normally come off as condescending if it weren't so damned funny. Reading through your posts is a constant struggle between laughing and trying my damnedest to give you the benefit of the doubt and take you seriously. But then you do things like say you've learned so much by reading TV Tropes, and it becomes infinitely harder to do the latter.

    How exactly am I to explain why I like certain music? It's entirely subjective, and clearly we have differences of opinion in this regard. Sounds you describe as strange or weird I might find interesting or inventive. You said it yourself: "we differ on some things." And we differ on something pretty fundamental to our worldview: our threshold for offense. It takes a lot less to offend you than it takes for me to reach the same reaction. What you view as a deal-breaker hardly phases me.

    I'm not here to tell you that your moral viewpoint is wrong. I might at times think that it's black and white in a juvenile way, but you're perfectly entitled to it (just as I am entitled to my judgment of it and vice versa). However, I respect your right to have such opinions. I'm not going to force you to listen to Lil' Wayne giggling and dropping f-bombs. That said, despite your assertions to the contrary, your insistence on a stricter labeling system amounts to censorship that affects my ability to listen to certain types of music. I know you say that the idea behind your labeling is meant to be aimed at children, but you're not considering the consequences of aggressive censorship.

    If you need an example, look no further than video games. The ratings system effectively functions as censorship as to what can and can not appear in a video game. Games are rated from E to AO. But wait, you might say, video games only go up to M ratings. And that's effectively true. Despite the existence of an AO rating, no company will develop a title with such a rating for mass markets because it is effectively financial suicide. No major retailer will carry AO games.

    What's more, the content that would land a game an AO-rating is frequently featured in R-rated movies. Graphic displays of sex occur fairly regularly in R-rated movies. It's not even always tastefully done; take a look at The Hangover 2 for examples of more full frontal male, female, and transexual nudity in sexually lewd (and humorous if you're into potty humor) contexts. If Bioware rendered so much as a nipple in a sex scene in Mass Effect, the rating would have gone right to AO, and nobody would have sold the game. As it stands, when the game came out with two exceptionally brief sex scenes, neither of which showed any more nudity than you see at a community pool, the media exploded at how inappropriate this was and there was a lot of misguided backlash against the game for it.

    Your type of ratings system for music could potentially cause the same thing. If you restrict music so widely on certain points, and restrict the sales of such music so aggressively, you'll start having retailers refuse to sell those albums which receive said warnings labels altogether. Oh wait, this already happens. Walmart doesn't sell anything but the censored "clean" versions of the albums. When retailers stop carrying albums because of warning labels, producers stop producing albums with content that "necessitates" such moral flagging because they're not financially viable. Very quickly, such content disappears because of decisions made by the few and not the many. It is a financial blockade to free speech in art, and that is wrong.

  2. #107


    That was the whole point that I was trying to make all along. I have no problem with letting anyone watch or listen to these things, because some of these things I also like myself. The problem is the suitability for children. I have no intention of banning any recording artists; I just want stricter regulation for designating which recording artists are appropriate for which audiences, and content ratings act as guidelines, similar to movie and video game ratings.

    I also have to wonder: if nudity is featured in an R-rated movie, then why can't it be featured in an M-rated game? (Not that I'd ever play such games, but still.) Furthermore, why does the NC-17 movie rating still exist when it's never seen in theaters? I'd say that they should start showing NC-17-rated films in theaters and allowing AO-rated games to be sold in stores; consumers will require an I.D. in order to gain access to these movies and video games.

    In Australia, the highest rating that a video game can get is MA15+, as there is no R18+ rating for video games there like there is for movies, and any video game that exceeds MA15+ level is refused classification and effectively banned; games that exceed MA15+ level are allowed the option of being edited in order to gain the lesser MA15+ rating. They also rate music and novels for their content, and while it is somewhat more specific than just seeing a "Parental Advisory" sticker in the United States, it is still somewhat vague, since the ratings are not quite as specific and clear as ratings for movies, video games, and television.

    In the case of music, Australia only rates explicit music, which has three levels: 1-moderate impact, 2-strong impact, and 3-high impact. If an album exceeds Level 3 impact, it is not to be sold to the public.

    In the case of literature, the ratings that Australia uses are Unrestricted, Unrestricted Mature, Restricted Category 1, and Restricted Category 2; if a novel exceeds Restricted Category 2, it is refused classification and effectively banned.

    Australia has been shown on occasion to ban a small number of video games, movies, novels, and music albums over the years for exceeding the maximum content ratings, though they are nowhere near as strict as they are in China and Saudi Arabia, since their censorship standards are outrageous, and have banned many more movies, video games, and music albums (as well as music videos) than Australia has, and I have no intention of adopting standards that are as outrageous as those of China and Saudi Arabia.

    If you look at the content ratings for movies and video games in the United States, you'll notice that on the back of the box, you'll see content descriptors, which basically describe the content in a short answer form. These content descriptors are short, but specific. The more detailed description is shown at the websites of the Motion Picture Association of America and the Entertainment Software Ratings Board, respectively.

    I also think that movies rated PG-13 and games rated Teen tend to have widely varying levels of intensity, ranging from slightly higher than PG/E10+ to slightly lower than R/M. In order to eliminate the ambiguity, I would suggest implementing a "PG-16" movie rating and a "Teenagers 16+" video game rating, which would imply that the film is very intense, and not recommended for children, but is still not severe enough to be legally restricted. In addition, the "TV-14" television content rating should be replaced with "TV-12" and "TV-16" ratings.

    With all of that said, I think that movie theaters should start showing NC-17-rated movies (not that I'd ever watch them, but still), and stores should start selling AO-rated games (not that I'd ever play them, but still). No movie, video game, novel, or music album should ever be banned, but I still think that we need stricter regulation to designate appropriate audiences for these things.
    Last edited by SuperMillionaire; 01-28-2013 at 12:37 PM.
    Is that your final answer?

  3. #108
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Congratulations, you completely missed my point and somehow reached the conclusion that we agree. I assure you that we do not.

  4. #109
    This is England
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    this is literally the worst thread about anything I have ever seen on the internet. i'm trying, really, really hard to think of the worst forums I can bring to mind in order to try and find something worse than this, but I'm pretty sure that even if stormfront and the worst twilight slashfic forum on the internet somehow gained the ability to reproduce, got pregnant and miscarried, the resulting lifeless bloody foetus thread that would flop out of it would still be a more palatable read than this thread. good god.

  5. #110
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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  6. #111
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    But I'm having fun. :/

    Granted, less fun with the name change.

  7. #112
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Ahahaha at Ouch's new name.

    Super: a couple of quick points.

    1. You've entirely missed the point that "regulating" music content to kids will have on the musicians' and producers' ability to publish such music. As Ouch! (or Mrs. SM; you two make a cute couple) pointed out, the labeling system on games makes a de facto ban on certain "adult" content in games. It effectively limits what even adults can buy. The same thing would happen to music all because you don't want kids hearing some naughty words.

    2. I have no idea what you mean by "regulation." If you're referring to a voluntary sale-restriction like some stores have for M-rated games and some movie theaters have for R-rated movies, that's one thing. If you're talking about the government prohibiting the sale of certain content to minors (as Australia, that you referred to, does in some contexts), then that is illegal in the US (see Brown v. EMA, ruling that a CA law banning the sale of violent video games to children was unconstitutional).

    3. Considering that parents already have the authority to consent to sale of explicit content to minors, as well as to restrict what they're exposed to if it's legal, such regulation only places Puritanical values as a substitute for parental authority. It places moral judgment on how parents should raise their kids and to what content they should allow their kids to be exposed to, and makes them take extra steps if they disapprove -- with no opt out option. It's not yours or anyone else's business. You have no basis to demand that everyone follow your own personal moral judgments about appropriate content.

    EDIT: Also, SM, have you ever even been into a Hooters? It's a family sports' bar. If you could get over yourself for half a minute, you'd realize that the kids didn't see anything they wouldn't see walking outside in the warmer months, and just had a pretty typical sports' bar/restaurant experience.
    Last edited by Raistlin; 12-15-2012 at 04:46 PM.

  8. #113
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    The problem is the suitability for children.
    Some of the media you've been referencing is so juvenile and without substance that it can only be suitable for children.

  9. #114


    Wow, I certainly didn't see that coming... anyway...

    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    Ahahaha at Ouch's new name.

    Super: a couple of quick points.

    1. You've entirely missed the point that "regulating" music content to kids will have on the musicians' and producers' ability to publish such music. As Ouch! (or Mrs. SM; you two make a cute couple) pointed out, the labeling system on games makes a de facto ban on certain "adult" content in games. It effectively limits what even adults can buy. The same thing would happen to music all because you don't want kids hearing some naughty words.

    2. I have no idea what you mean by "regulation." If you're referring to a voluntary sale-restriction like some stores have for M-rated games and some movie theaters have for R-rated movies, that's one thing. If you're talking about the government prohibiting the sale of certain content to minors (as Australia, that you referred to, does in some contexts), then that is illegal in the US (see Brown v. EMA, ruling that a CA law banning the sale of violent video games to children was unconstitutional).

    3. Considering that parents already have the authority to consent to sale of explicit content to minors, as well as to restrict what they're exposed to if it's legal, such regulation only places Puritanical values as a substitute for parental authority. It places moral judgment on how parents should raise their kids and to what content they should allow their kids to be exposed to, and makes them take extra steps if they disapprove -- with no opt out option. It's not yours or anyone else's business. You have no basis to demand that everyone follow your own personal moral judgments about appropriate content.

    EDIT: Also, SM, have you ever even been into a Hooters? It's a family sports' bar. If you could get over yourself for half a minute, you'd realize that the kids didn't see anything they wouldn't see walking outside in the warmer months, and just had a pretty typical sports' bar/restaurant experience.
    I never said that we should follow Australia's example. In fact, I think that theaters should start showing NC-17-rated movies, and stores should start selling AO-rated games, but proper I.D. is required for access.

    In all fairness, when it comes to exposing children to things that contain explicit content, I think that sometimes, it is necessary, but in moderation. I'm not stopping you from exposing your children to these things, but do so in moderation. There's a time and a place for everything. Also be careful how much you expose them to at a time, because I'm sure that you wouldn't want your little child dropping F-bombs, would you? Of course, however, if you do, well... that's fine, I guess, but I don't get why you would allow that in the first place.

    Many people in the past have tried imposing their ideas on me, stating that, "if they can handle it, then I can handle it too." True, but keep these two things in mind: first, it's not about me at all (in fact, one motto I have is, "the world does not revolve around me, but it does not revolve around you, either"), and second, just because one likes those things does not make one mature. (If anything, I would think of them as either "anti-mature" or "mis-mature" for liking things such as what we see on MTV nowadays, since those things certainly arent childish, but they're not truly and properly mature, either.)

    As for Hooters, you're right, and I even stated that myself, in case you missed it:

    Quote Originally Posted by SuperMillionaire View Post
    Second, these students were 8th graders that are about 13-14 years old, and I would deduce that Hooters, as well as all other breastaurants, are about the equivalent of a PG-13-rated movie. But what if these students were in the 4th grade (about 9-10 years old) or even younger? 4th graders, I could probably tolerate, but I'm not sure if I'd want kindergarten/pre-K children eating there. Then again, we tend to see young women at beaches and swimming pools wearing bikinis that are even more revealing (some more than others) than the standard Hooters uniform (which is a tank top and short shorts), and we take our children there all the time.
    The superintendent wished the chaperones would have chosen another restaurant, but stated that he did not receive any complaints from parents.

    Quote Originally Posted by nik0tine View Post
    The problem is the suitability for children.
    Some of the media you've been referencing is so juvenile and without substance that it can only be suitable for children.
    Maybe some of these things are, but certainly not all of them. Certainly not in music.
    Last edited by SuperMillionaire; 01-28-2013 at 12:35 PM.
    Is that your final answer?

  10. #115
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    What do you think of your new wife, SM?

  11. #116


    She's female? Really?

    But if we had a feud, why did she name herself after me? I certainly didn't see that one coming.
    Is that your final answer?

  12. #117
    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Damn it, Paul. You win this round.

    And here I was looking forward to you owe me a beer.

  13. #118
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DK View Post
    this is literally the worst thread about anything I have ever seen on the internet. i'm trying, really, really hard to think of the worst forums I can bring to mind in order to try and find something worse than this, but I'm pretty sure that even if stormfront and the worst twilight slashfic forum on the internet somehow gained the ability to reproduce, got pregnant and miscarried, the resulting lifeless bloody foetus thread that would flop out of it would still be a more palatable read than this thread. good god.
    In other words:

  14. #119


    Okay, what's going on here?
    Is that your final answer?

  15. #120
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    >Opened thread to last page

    >Saw breastaurants

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