So there was a thread Pike made over a month ago now about who among us had tried making games before. It turns out it was quite a few who have or who presently are making the attempt. In that thread I also said this to Psi:

Quote Originally Posted by Vivi22 View Post
Quote Originally Posted by ReloadPsi View Post
Does anyone suppose there's enough interest for an indie game development subforum?
I wish. There's certainly enough people who've made or are making the attempt, but how much you want to bet the apathy would creep in a week later and such a subforum was left deader than the video game music section?
You know what? I'd like to see me eat my words on at least some level since that visual is hilarious. So let's start a thread on video game development. Is anyone working on something now? Is anyone interested in starting a project? Let's talk about this stuff because it tickles my fancy.

Since that thread I had something of an epiphany. I was going to learn C then move on to Game Maker for my first project. Then I realized I'd rather make a game now so why not just jump into Game Maker now? So I did. I've been working through some tutorials to learn it. This is a stellar one to start with if you're new to Game Maker, and it even covers some programming basics in the Game Maker programming language the engine uses so it's good for getting your feet wet in programming conventions should you move onto full blown computer programming later. Some of the stuff in part 4 doesn't work in the lite version though. Luckily it's just adding a sprite font so you can still dabble in adding the standard fonts for HUD's and stuff.

I'm starting my first project now which is a sort of point and click style horror game about an agoraphobic man alone in his house over the course of a week which starts with him getting a phone call with the cryptic message "She's waiting for you..." As you would expect things swiftly go downhill for him from there. And it's point and click in overall style only. I'm actually planning to use a top down RPG style view with a Resident Evil style inventory system where you'll need to pick up, examine, and combine items to progress elements of the story. Actually, I guess it will be more of a top down Resident Evil minus the combat and more psychological then. Don't worry though, no limited inventory slots and bottomless item boxes here. I've got the overall plot outlined in my head and a bit on paper. For now I'm going to work on the art style, get the sprite graphics done, while I work on getting things like the inventory and interactions working so I can start building the game itself and the puzzles.

I'm really excited to get this project started as I think the scope is something I can manage on my own over the next few months, and I think I already know enough about Game Maker to really hit the ground running on this. I'd like to see what others are working on too though, or see what they start working on if anyone gets the itch from this.