Citizen Bleys Presents

A Bastardly Production

In Association with The Devil's Jockstrap

FF5 Revisited!

I'm sure that by now you are all familiar with the concept of a pictorial playthrough, as popularized by Something Awful's "Let's Play" series. This is the same idea, with a twist: I'll be taking you through a modified version of the game, The Devil's Jockstrap's FF5Spoof. Unlike most spoofs, Tzepish's masterpiece is not just FF5 + poop and gay jokes, but an actual re-imagining of the game, with jokes that are funny even if you're not twelve, a coherent storyline, and believable characters.

But wait, you ask, what is to stop me from simply downloading the spoof myself and playing through? Well, sure, you could do that -- and in fact, should, in order to see all of Tzep's material -- but then you'd be denying yourself the pleasure of my sparkling repartee.

Full disclosure: in order to keep this thread going at a steady pace so that people don't get bored and stop reading while I grind, I'm going to be cheating like a freaking maniac. I can play the game for fun on my own time--this runthrough is for the amusement value.

So, in order to remain true to SA's paradigm, we'll start from the beginning, and pause here to allow all of you to choose the name for our hero. If I don't see anything good or popular within 24 hours, I'm just going to pick the name myself. In fact, I do not promise not to just name him something ridiculous like Hitler or Spock in spite of everything you bastards say

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