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Thread: How would you fix FFVI?

  1. #61
    Fortune Teller Recognized Member Roogle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    If people want to get rid of "everyone can learn all spells", I think a good example to follow would be FF XII International's Zodiac Job system. Pick one class that can only learn a certain amount of skills and spells, and you're stuck with it for the rest of the game. That'll keep the magic pools unique. How many characters did VI have again? 14? You could asign each of them a zodiac job (with two that will end up re-using an already used job by another character) and have a fully unique cast with a wide variety of magic lists.
    They could handle magic similar to equipment. For example, Espers can only teach certain characters certain spells. Suppose that only Shadow and Gau could learn Vanish, giving you more incentive to use them for that specific spell. Spells could be tailored to fit specific characters skillsets and build on them rather than detract from them.

    Quote Originally Posted by dominusnovus View Post
    Thought of an idea for making Gau less grind-y: Allow him to learn rages if you leave him on the Veldt.

    He leaps into a monster group. You leave the Veldt and do whatever. Based on how long you've gone without him (probably based AP, similar to Terra's Trance), when you get him back, he'll have learned a certain number of rages (of the learnable ones by that point in the game), with some randomness factored in.
    When I play the game, I simply put in a code to allow Gau to use all of his rages from the start. Obviously, I try to stick to ones that I have encountered so far so that he doesn't become overpowered. Maybe a system that allows you to easily gain access to Rages, but you can only use a certain amount before he has to go back to the Veldt and recharge or something? It's a difficult question.
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  2. #62


    I wouldn't go for radical changes like some mentioned in this thread. Buuuut...

    I think it would have been interesting if the re-releases of IV, V and VI had a separate "hard mode" option. Similar to how FF I and II had an "easy" and "normal" mode option.

    Some ideas:

    -Make items and equipment more expensive, while enemies drop less gold.

    -Tweak characters stats. Say maybe their stats increase fifteen percent less than they would on leveling up in the original? Another option would be increase the exp. required to level up~

    -Tweak enemy stats. Maybe increase some stats or remove some immunities. Change enemy behaviors.

    -Tweak the stat increases associated with Magicite. Or get rid of them completely.

    -Tweak the rates at which characters learn magic. For example, a spell that grows at a x5 rate in the original could grow at x3. Alternatively, use a system similar to FF IX (though that would be my second option).

    -Move around some item locations from the original. This could be done well or terribly But I remember the Ocarina of Time hard-version remake did something like this and it did help to add challenge to that game. Also get rid of some accessories. Does this game really need a 4x attack accessory?

    I don't think that actions like removing special skills that some characters have is necessary. I think the overall difficulty can be increased with relative ease. But overall I think the most effective method might be finding a way to discourage grinding. Don't make it impossible, just make it enough of a pain in the ass that it would be more worthwhile to just continue on in the game.
    Last edited by Yar; 11-06-2012 at 05:24 AM.

  3. #63


    1) Create an Esper Affinity. AP builds your affinity with the equiped Espers (Certain characters can only equip certain Espers in this premise. For example Kirin could be equiped by Terra, Celes, Relm, some others perhaps.). As your affinity goes up, two things happen. Firstly, you will learn the spells, which stay on you forever. Secondly, you gain accsess to a certain set of stat boosts that get better as the Affinity goes up. This only applies so long as the esper remains equiped. (Perhaps the same esper could have slightly different stat variebles depending on who has equiped it.)

    2) Sabins' Blitz's are physical.

    3) Game is made harder.

  4. #64
    That's me! blackmage_nuke's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by My Little Pokey View Post
    I wouldn't go for radical changes like some mentioned in this thread. Buuuut...

    I think it would have been interesting if the re-releases of IV, V and VI had a separate "hard mode" option. Similar to how FF I and II had an "easy" and "normal" mode option.

    Some ideas:

    -Make items and equipment more expensive, while enemies drop less gold.

    -Tweak characters stats. Say maybe their stats increase fifteen percent less than they would on leveling up in the original? Another option would be increase the exp. required to level up~

    -Tweak enemy stats. Maybe increase some stats or remove some immunities. Change enemy behaviors.

    -Tweak the stat increases associated with Magicite. Or get rid of them completely.

    -Tweak the rates at which characters learn magic. For example, a spell that grows at a x5 rate in the original could grow at x3. Alternatively, use a system similar to FF IX (though that would be my second option).
    I think changing numbers might make the game more challenging but I dont think it would in any way make the game more fun. Atleast not to anyone playing it again.
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  5. #65


    Quote Originally Posted by Final Fantasy VI Fan
    We need to revamp, improve, and/or redefine the game.
    Do you mean in 1995 or 2012?

    HP9999................All Magic

    Vigor 45................R-Hand: Illumina
    Speed 90..............L-Hand: Genji Shield
    Stamina 40...........Helmet: Oath Veil
    Magic Pwr 110......Armor: Minerva
    Bat Pwr 255
    Defense 216.........Relic: Ribbon
    Evade 75
    Magic D 184.........Relic: Economizer
    Magic B 87

  6. #66


    Quote Originally Posted by My Little Pokey View Post
    -Tweak characters stats. Say maybe their stats increase fifteen percent less than they would on leveling up in the original? Another option would be increase the exp. required to level up~
    But stats don't go up w/o Magicite. Other than HP/MP.

  7. #67


    I was not aware of that! Thank you for letting me know

  8. #68


    I'd lower the damage on spells, and then limit who could learn spells, and how they are learned.

    Most characters would only be able to summon espers, and get stat boosts from having them equipped. Basically only the women would learns spells. It definitely would not be Ultima spam fest! (Which should only be able to be learned by Terra, Celes, and Relm. But I'd make it a little weaker.

    Strago would be all about the Lores. Might need to rebalance some though so they aren't too powerful. Like Traveler. Maybe cap it's damage based on level.

    I'd also Make it so Terra, Relm, and Celes each had different, balanced spell lists available to them naturally as they level. (As currently with Terra and Celes, except maybe a little different). Also they could learn spells faster with the appropriate esper equipped as they level (instead of getting points to learn spells). For instance with Ifrit Terra might learn Fire 2 twice as fast. She needs to have 22 levels to learn it naturally normally, in this case every level she gains with ifrit would count as 2 levels towards her learning fire 2. This also helps with stat boost abusing if you want to learn spells faster.

    However some spells would be harder to learn because she isn't naturally affluent to learning it. Maybe she learns Ice spells a bit slower. Ice 2 might only be available to Terra if using Shiva for x amount of levels. not at all without using Shiva.

    Naturally I'd probably align Relm with thunder magic. Since Fire and Ice are spoken for. Terra would learn cure spells faster than Celes, and Celes would learn Status spells faster. Maybe Relm would be balanced with how she learns spells. She would learn cure spells slower than Terra but faster than Celes, etc.

    Make the enemies tougher.

    Remove the Economizer, or make it unique. Though only 4 people would benefit from using it now.

    Make spells cost more if using the Gem Box.

  9. #69
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I'm surprised so many people are focused on the Economizer, since Osmose makes it almost completely pointless. By the time you can get an Economizer, there is basically no point in the game where you can't recover missing MP from enemies using Osmose. I'm amazed so many people even bother to use it when you could replace it with a relic that would actually do something useful. Then again, if you nerfed Osmose then the Economizer would become a lot more useful.

    Seriously, Osmose is completely broken.

    I think making it impossible for most characters to use magic at all is a bit extreme, but maybe the females and Stragos should be the only ones able to learn all spells.
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  10. #70


    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    I'm surprised so many people are focused on the Economizer, since Osmose makes it almost completely pointless. By the time you can get an Economizer, there is basically no point in the game where you can't recover missing MP from enemies using Osmose. I'm amazed so many people even bother to use it when you could replace it with a relic that would actually do something useful. Then again, if you nerfed Osmose then the Economizer would become a lot more useful.

    Seriously, Osmose is completely broken.

    I think making it impossible for most characters to use magic at all is a bit extreme, but maybe the females and Stragos should be the only ones able to learn all spells.
    I agree. But If magic was taken out for most, it would need to be balanced so it didn't completely outshine the other characters.

    Osmose is a little too strong, I agree. I usually play LLG now so Economizer is much more powerful with 40-60 max mp! lol But I do see your point for a normal game.

  11. #71
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Ah, yeah, I forgot about LLGs. In normal play the Economizer is pretty much useless though.
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  12. #72
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Esper and Magic Edition*

    I like the idea of making different characters learn magic at different rates, it might deter people from teaching Cyan or Sabin Firaga if it took 999 AP to do so. Terra would require more AP to learn Blizzard magice While Celes needs more for Fire magic. Cyan, Locke, Sabin, and Edgar would all have high AP cost and all their AP modifiers would be 1, 2 at most.

    I would also make it so summons were beefed up in damage and make some of them be capable of casting more than once in battle after you learn all their spells. I would change the magic damage formula to make it way less overpowered and make raising the Magic stat more useful.

    I also feel what spells each Esper teaches should be reorganized a bit, drop some spells for certain Espers (Fire from Siren, replace Life with Cure for Bismark) and maybe give some Espers access to spells they didn't have before (Leviathan gets Blizzaga, Raiden gets Thundaga) so you're not restricted to having just one Esper for some spells.

    I would also expand what stats the espers teach, so things like stamina will now be equated with physical defense and have one raise M.Defense as well.

    I also feel the Espers should give the character a special attribute when equipped. So for instance, having Ramuh equipped raises Thunder magic by 1.5x damage. Here's what I'm thinking:

    Ramuh - Raises Thunder Magic damage by 1.5x

    - Allows Poisana to heal Darkness and Silence as well as Poison status effects

    - Bearer is immune to Silence status, adds Silence status to Attack command

    Cait Sith
    - Bearer is immune to Confuse, adds Confusion status to Attack command

    - Raises Fire Magic damage by 1.5x

    - Raises Blizzard Magic damage by 1.5x

    - Raises Cure Magic power by 1.5x

    - Raises Thunder, Fire, and Blizzard damage by 0.75x damage

    - Bearer is immune to Petrify Status, adds Petrify status to Attack command

    - Raises Evasion by 5%

    - Grants Reflect Pierce ability to characters magic commands but magic is 1/2 effective

    - Raises elemental weapon spell cast chances by 20%

    - Grants Guard ability to the Knights Honor (Cover Command) allowing the bearer to take less damage when blocking a physical attack.

    Zone Seeker
    - Raises M. Block by 10% lowers Evasion by 10%

    - Doubles the potency of Regen and Raise including relics.

    - Adds 0.5x damage to a characters Jump command, this is added on top of of the damage bonuses already given. Takes 1.5x more damage though.

    - Raises Counter damage and Critical Hit % by 10% but lowers all defensive stats.

    - Raises all elemental spell damage by 0.5x

    Midgard Zolom
    - Null Earth damage, take 2x damage from Wind

    - Reduces 1/4 of elemental damage. The elemental spells defense is based on what high level magic the character has learned, so for instance Fire damage is reduced if the character knows Firaga or Meltdown but not if they only know Fire or Fira. So if Terra knew Firage, Thundaga, Blizzaga, Holy, Graviga, Tornado, and Quake; she would only take 3/4ths of the damage from Thunder, Fire, Ice, Holy, Gravity, Wind, and Earth elemental attacks when equipped with Lakshmi.

    - Raises Armor defense (only armor, no helmets, shields, or relics) by 0.5x, lowers attack power by 0.5x. Adds the ability to cast Holy with a 1/16 chance with Attack command regardless of weapon, but spell only has half it's attack power.

    - Chance of auto-summoning when the bearer of this Esper is killed. Formula is based on one similar to Phoenix in VIII and IX where the amount of Phoenix Downs are calculated to raise the chance.

    - Grants the bearer a 1/16th chance to have their normal attack dispatch an enemy

    - Raises Weapon power by 0.5x but lowers the characters defense by 0.5x. Adds the ability to cast Flare with a 1/16th chance with a normal Attack Command regardless of weapon but spell only has half it's power.

    - Boosts the power and abilities of the Ultima Weapon, Ragnarok, Lightbringer, and Excalibur:

    • Ultima Weapon - Lowers the Lv./HP requirement for damage
    • Ragnarok - Raises stat boosts by 0.25x and increases the damage of the Flare spell by 0.5x
    • Excalibur - Raises stat boosts by 0.25x and increases the damage of the Holy spell by 0.5x
    • Lightbringer - Raises stat boosts by 0.25x and increases the damage of the Holy spell by 0.5x

    - Gives the character immunity to non-elemental spells and abilities, but doubles the damage of elemental spell damage taken as well as negates the elemental defensive effects of equipment. So you can't use the Minerva Armor or Paladin Shield to get around the side-effect.

    - Gives the bearer a 1/8th chance to have their Attack Command dispatch an enemy.

    - Grants Auto-shell, Auto Protect, and Auto Haste if a character has full Kappa/Imp gear equipped.

    - Party has a 1/4 chance of getting a Pre-Emptive strike against the enemy with the enemies defense and magic defense reduced to 0. There is a 1/4 chance that the party will instead retreat with 100% success. This special ability is negated for boss fights.

    - Increases the effectiveness of certain Relics:
    • Gauntlet - Triples physical attack power instead of doubles
    • Gold Hairpin - Reduces MP cost by 75%
    • Knight's Code - Will Cover party members that have have 25% or less of their health instead of 10%
    • Dragon Horn - Raises chance the character's Jump Command will be 3 or 4 hits.
    • Black Belt - Counterattack rate is raised to 90%
    • Master's Scroll - Attack damage is only reduced by 1/4th instead of half.
    • Growth Egg - Triple XP
    • Merit Award - Allows Gau and Gogo to equip it.
    • Thieves Bracer - Triples success rate of steal
    • Heiji's Jitte - Lowers cost of Gil Toss

    - 1/16th chance you'll either do 1hp of damage or 4x damage.

    * Or How I'm mostly going to agree with a lot of suggestions so far and pretend I had the thought before they were mentioned...

  13. #73
    Fortune Teller Recognized Member Roogle's Avatar
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    I like the idea of Espers giving a passive bonus. That would allow for new party setups, compositions, and strategies rather than having certain Espers being forgotten after their spells are learned by the party.
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  14. #74
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I like the idea of making you want to use the summons more. I'll probably do relics and equipment next.

  15. #75
    Back of the net Recognized Member Heath's Avatar
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    Given how much critical acclaim FFVI gets around these parts, I was surprised to see so many suggestions for how to fix the game. Added to that, I'd also add that given how much I like FFVI, I was equally surprised at how many of the suggestions I agreed with!

    Some of the ones I quite liked:

    * Magical characters learning magic at a better rate.
    * Limitations on what magical spells characters can learn.
    * Limiting the use of things like Edgar's Tools to prevent the game being too easy.
    * I especially liked Wolf Kanno's suggestions for additional bonuses for Espers.
    * Changes to make Bushido, Relic and other skills more useful.
    * Additional dungeons, making towns more interesting (particularly 'recruiting' towns for the Returners).

    The one change I wanted to suggest was just making the towns fee more distinctive. I found a lot of them began to meld into one in my mind. I realise that that's partly because of graphical limitations, but the standard palette of towns (outside of the likes of Zozo and Vector) was slightly boring. I'd like the towns to have a bit more of an individual identity to make them stand out more as individual locations.

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