I have a pretty strong feeling this will probably be the last round, the only CK competition that directly involved Knighting participants also went down 8 at the last round so I'm going to go ahead and make an assumption, as bad as an idea as that is.

Now, as tradition it is time for a rant. I can't help but express regret signing up for this competition because I now find myself in the exact position I didn't want to be in. Even if this is not the final round, being this close to the end brings a real thought of actually winning the competition, which makes it impossible for me to deny that I really do want to win. In the early rounds I could skate through, saying I had no chance, and just be myself completely ignoring anyone who told me I have a shot. Self dismissal was freeing, but now the possibility of me winning is one in eight, it's believable.

So I'm going to drop all facade of strength and ask for some mercy, if I'm out of the running for any reason (never had a chance from the beginning, a staff member has sworn me out, etc.) remove this Squire title from me right, now. Because being overly critical of everything I am doing, while doubting everything I've already done is pretty much what happened last time and it sucked! I don't want to feel strung along guys

Keep asking me questions! I was really happy when Del questioned me last round. I joined this place when I was 14, so using judging me now is a lot different from judging me then and I want to prove that to everyone. If this title is still here by the time the challenge is posted I'll know to keep being me and give it my all. Let the games continue.

EDIT: Del confirmed it was the final round as I posted this