Staff activity

  • What are appropriate activity levels? How should participation be encouraged and lack of participation be disciplined?

This has always been a topic of big debate and I feel the above saying is the most appropriate way to deal with titles. Obviously it doesn't have to be so cold, regulations do not need to be absolute, but rules should be in place. I know that I might be damning myself by saying this, but if a staff member of any type is inactive for a certain amount of time the title should be removed by other Staff members to keep an accurate assessment of Staff for membership and for Staff Organization itself.

Obviously life comes up, any staff member de-staffed for inactivity should be able to request staff-ship back little to no questions asked, but staff shouldn't just be a title it should mean something. They should be the current leaders of the forum.

Having a policy for this (we'll say x amount of posts in x amount of months for now) would eliminate a lot of things. First off, activity worries at all when picking a new Staff Member! Afraid he or she will disappear? That's fine, (s)he will just lose his or her title. Also, it will make it clearcut and emotionless when old staff needs to be turned into new staff. No one wants to be the crier for new leadership, an activity policy will allow this to not be called upon by a single person, but by the rules.