Ok so we know someone had to make this thread. Let's get your jokes out of the way now Paul, Dan, Huxley, Quin's Mother. Honestly they're boring me it's gotten old.

So who other than the ones such as myself, Paul and Dan (who will most certainly wind up with it) is going to get it?

What do you think of the things seen so far? I think the changes to CTF, Griffball and oddball will be welcome. For those who don't know about the changes 343 industries have brought to these game types here's a summary:
  • Flag carriers may now wield a magnum alongside the flag.
  • Flag carriers can now achieve a "Flagsassination" assassination move which involves impaling the enemies skull with the flag and giving it a brain destroying wiggle.
  • Oddball game type allows players to get an assassination with the bomb, this disintegrates players enemies.
  • Oddball also allows the use of a magnum side arm when holding the bomb. No word as yet as to if this will be in other game types where a bomb is used.
  • Oddball allows the bomb to be passed between players by throwing it much like a grenade, these passes can be intercepted by a well placed opponent allowing the game to flow faster and encouraging more team work in such game types.
  • Griffball also allows passing of the bomb same as in Oddball. You can also intercept a pass or control a pass by hitting it with the gravity hammer
  • Griffball rewards a steal of the ball with the sword with immediate control of the bomb by the sword bearer. If the player utilizes the gravity hammer to kill the ball carrier the ball becomes free on the floor and they will have to scoop it up

I think the changes so far seem to be for the best. There's several other changes to loadouts and the like where players will be able to set their own weapon pairings so no more having to choose between starting with a DMR and pistol but crap ability or a good ability but crap weapons as was often a problem in Halo Reach (though of course being set after Halo 3, Halo 4 is set to feature a return of the 3 round burst firing Battle Rifle rather than the individual shot of the DMR. I wouldn't mind seeing both though to be honest)