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Thread: Skyblade's Eyes on XCOM Signups

  1. #91
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    In my first non-Ironman playthrough, I had one sniper with Snapshot, one with Squad Sight. They both got more kills than anyone else. Squad Sight probably got more, but it can be extremely helpful to have a sniper who can adjust before taking a shot, especially if you also give him the Colonel perk that allows for shots to flanked/not-in-cover to not use up an action. If you get ambushed in close range, you can just have him move around, flanking the enemy, and take out every damned one in a single turn. It doesn't happen all that often, admittedly, but as I say - he still got more kills than any Heavy, Assault or Support soldier. Just have him sit slightly behind your frontline soldiers.

    - a stroll in the woods
    - tumbleweed
    - lost person asking for directions
    - sign telling pointing in the direction of the enemy

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #92
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyblade View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro Jaggins View Post
    So after experimenting with my own playthroughs, I realise now that my character is practically as nerfed as I could have made him. I can't believe he'd miss a 94% shot... Feel free to give me a grenade and a pistol and just charge in there alongside Loony BoB. If I die, the Stark legacy will live on in another, I'm sure
    If you wish to submit an alternate setup, it will be taken into account should you die.

    Sorry your character didn't wind up great. But, yeah, I really think they messed up with Snap Shot.
    It's my own fault for making bad choices! But BoB seems to think I could still be worthwhile as is, so just see what you can do. I'm happy to be a reserve once Team B is up and running if need be!

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  3. #93
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Personally when it comes to either guns or armour being an assault I think until we've got some really tasty assault rifles I ought to put in for whatever armour can soak up the most punishment.

  4. #94
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    -Operation Red Line-
    Moscow, Russia
    11:53 PM

    This mission's theme song: Moskau by Dschinghis Khan.

    Mission start: Aliens have apparently placed a plasma bomb in a restraunt area of Moscow. Forces dispatched to location approximately 11:53 PM.

    XCOM operatives moved into the area, performing some quick reconnaissance which indicated power nodes were located inside the buildings of the district.

    Breaching the first building, our forces encountered no resistance until they opened the door to the restraunts food storage facilities, whereupon they encountered two Thin Men. One retreated out of the facility through the rear service door, while the other moved into the restraunt and took cover behind a buffet table.

    Captain Stark quickly maneuvered around the edge of the table, and eliminated the Thin Man with a single shot. Our forces regrouped and moved forward. Disastrously, Lieutenant MacLeod made a move in error, revealing another Thin Man ahead, without proper support (I didn't realize it was his second move, my bad). The Thin Man leapt atop the second building in the AO, and loosed a volley of plasma fire at Lieutenant MacLeod, wounding him.

    Captain Chotic and Sergeant Coleman, in the meanwhile, proceeded along the right flank of the building. Captain Chotic eliminated the previous runner, and the pair spotted two more Thin Men.

    Lieutenant MacLeod took cover behind a delivery vehicle and used one of his medpacks to patch up his wounds. Captain Stark moved in behind him, while our Rookie moved up the building's left flank.

    One of the newly spotted Thin Men unleashed a cloud of poison at Captain Chotic and Sergeant Coleman. The other rushed forward, suicidally close, and blasted Captain Chotic with his Light Plasma Rifle. Meanwhile, the Thin Man on top of the building, who had fired at Lieutenant MacLeod, repositioned itself and let loose a volley at our Rookie, Katarina Solovyova, wounding and panicking her. In her panic, she rushed back slightly, but remained in a flanked position.

    Left with the option of saving Captain Chotic or Rookie Solovyova, Lieutenant MacLeod chose to use his next medpack to heal Captain Chotic, and only hoped the Rookie could hold out for one more turn. She could not, and the Thin Man eliminated her with its next shot.

    Sergeant Coleman deleted the Thin Man who had attacked Captain Chotic, freeing up Captain Stark to approach the second building, where our forces believed the plasma bomb was held. Having finished patching up Captain Chotic, Lieutenant MacLeod turned his attention to the Thin Men on the roof. His first shot eliminated the one that had taken out Rookie Solovyova, and his second wiped out the other hiding on the roof.

    Captain Chotic, meanwhile, fired several rounds into the final visible Thin Man, and our forces positioned to breach the building.

    Opening the building's side door, Captain Stark spotted the bomb and another Thin Man. While it attempted to evade, he quickly eliminated it with a precise shot. Lieutenant MacLeod joined him inside the building, while Captain Chotic took up a sentry position at the door, and Sergeant Coleman headed up to the roof.

    After deactivating the bomb, Jiro exited the buiding on the right flank and reloaded his weapon. Lieutenant MacLeod and Captain Chotic also reloaded, while Sergeant Coleman, who had taken an earlier opportunity to reload, prepared himself for the final wave.

    He was not prepared enough, however, as a Thin Man dropped a mere four feet away from him on the roof. His reaction fire flew over its head (attributed to his startled nature, he had assumed he was at the highest terrain within the AO. Source of Thin Man unknown. Did it drop from a ship?). However, he calmed himself and destroyed it with a second shotgun blast.

    A second Thin Man dropped on top of the delivery van, and Captain Stark moved around the corner of the building and finished it off, eliminating the alien attempt to restart the bomb, and ending the mission.
    If it's confusing to read, good. It was a very confusing mission. The Thin Men had tons of room to jump and move, and I was never clear which one I was following or aiming at, so I decided to try to make that come across in the writing. And what better way to do that than to present it as an official report? After all, those never make sense anyway. And I didn't mention the power node shutdowns, 'cause there are too many, and they're pretty boring.

    MVP: Jiro or MacLeod. It's a bit of a toss up. I did screw up with MacLeod and take an extra move I didn't intend to, which probably shafted our Rookie. But, while he had one fewer kill, he did save Psy. Jiro, on the other hand, finally proved useful with Squad Sight, getting three kills and the bomb deactivation. I guess I'll give it to Jiro, since he hasn't gotten much love lately.

    Another Rookie dead. And three of our guys in the hospital (Coleman from Poison, MacLeod from getting shot, and Psy from Poison and getting shot).

    On the plus side, we did decide to promote Coleman to Lieutenant.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  5. #95
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I both love and hate fighting Thin Men. So easy to kill, but so damned annoying with that bloody poison (and they also seem to be extremely good shots).
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #96
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Glad to be of real use now Thin Men do have a habit of just showing up in droves.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  7. #97
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    When you have time, you should throw up the stats of missions/kills and a list of deaths into the first post of the thread. =]
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #98
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Name: Marick Pauper
    Nickname: "Actor"
    Class: Sniper
    Gender: M
    Customization: Blonde hair
    Armor Color: Blue and White.
    Equipment: Best Rifle Available/Scope/Skeleton Armor

    Squadsight - Find this WAAAAAY more useful so that I can always move him last, if necessary.
    Sergeant - With Skeleton Armor, I'm suddenly the deadliest thing ever.
    Battle Scanner - If you can see it, you can shoot it.
    Opportunist - for those instances I'm in overwatch on a roof and a chrysalid tries to jump up top.
    Double Tap - Seriously the best damn skill in the God Damned game.

    Quote Originally Posted by Soldier's Log
    Having passed my entrance exam and graduating from the academy, I enlisted with the organization formerly known as Blackwell. After many years, I obtained top-secret military clearance, and finally it would pay off. The moment in which I would be pulled to my calling. In research through all the resources I had access to, I came across some disturbing plans for something we had been planning for the past sixty years since THE ROSWELL INCIDENT.

    It was known as the XCOM PROJECT - A planned preparation for the invasion of a sentient extra terrestrial race that threatens the very existence of our entire species. Now they're here, and so, I took it to myself to submit my information to the Council for enlistment. Ultimately, it will depend entirely on the Commander in charge, but if I am chosen, I'll be the best damned sniper money can buy. I know The Council has been severely alarmed at the current management, but the new Commander looks to be shaping everything up. Working with Top Secret clearance has really helped to get inside information on the project, and their mission notes are uploaded to the member nations of The Council.

    I look forward to being part of this task force, and defending Earth from marauding aliens.

  9. #99
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    We had quite a long dry streak. We completed Laser Weaponry and UFO Power Source without incident. I've started building our fourth Satellite Uplink, and 2 more satellites. This would complete the square, giving us 12 satellites total.

    Remembering that we had some damaged UFO stuffs, I sold it, and bought Carapace armor for all our soldiers, and Laser Rifles for BoB and MacLeod.

    Then we finally got a new contact. What I believe is a Supply Ship spotted over Africa. Since this is larger and more dangerous than anything we've seen so far, I'm taking the most experienced team.

    We're 7 days out from the next Council meeting, and we have Firestorms in the Research queue. Hopefully, if we can complete this mission, we can get Firestorms and EMPs up and around the world before we start getting Abduction ships and battle ships.

    Honestly, it's a wonder our Interceptor survived.

    Sorry this bit took so long. Had some family business to take care of, and the strategy section was giving me lots of micro to do, as we didn't hit a contact for a couple weeks.

    Tomorrow I might not be availible, so this may be a Halloween mission. Sorry again for the delays.

    On the plus side, Laser Weapons and decent armor for everyone! I even gave Loony BoB an Arc Thrower. Will we catch our first alien, or will he die trying?

    Oh, yes, and if someone could compile the team data for me, I'd appreciate it. I keep having to cycle through the thread. I need somewhere I can keep it nice and together, with names, customization options, kill scores, etcetera. I'll get to it eventually, but any help would make things a bit easier.

    Carapace and Lasers:
    Carapace and Lasers.jpg
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  10. #100
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    My money is on 'die trying' xD But dammit, I'll give it my best shot. Just be sure they're the last enemy and on low health. =x

    EDIT: Missions and kills are located in the soldier profiles - just head to the barracks and click into one soldier, then cycle through them.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #101
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Dude we are sexay

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  12. #102
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    -Operation Flying Fear-
    South Africa
    25th of May, 2015
    5:09 PM

    Our mission was not a supply ship. Rather, it appeared to be one of the ships responsible for the alien abduction missions. Our forces were dropped off right outside, and immediately moved in.

    It seems our landing zone was right outside the ship's control room, as we immediately encountered two Outsiders. BoB, putting his shiny new rifle to work, promptly burned a hole straight through the first one. Jiro moved forward and around a piece of flaming wreckage, and eliminated the second.

    Everything seemed smooth, which of course was a precursor to some horrors.

    Moving forward, BoB spotted three Chryssalids. What they were doing outside the main control room is unknown, as they did not strike our research team as likely pilots. Deciding it best not to take them on alone, BoB retreated back into the control room where the rest of his team was on Overwatch, and wait.

    One of the Chryssalids teleported behind our squad (I frelling hate this glitch), then rushed up through them an through a nearby doorway. En route, it passed between MacLeod and Coleman and got itself a plasma burn for its effort. After exiting through a side door, it ran back into the room and stood next to BoB. Shortly thereafter, one of its brethren came and sat down next to MacLeod, licking its chops as it anticipated its meal. And the third rushed up and attacked BoB, with neither sniper being able to get a sight through the doors they were at, apparently.

    This situation, not being bad enough, was joined by a Floater who came out of nowhere (possibly teleported, I'm not sure), who was picked up by our Snipers, but wasn't hit by their Overwatch shots because they are silly crazy people who didn't spec for Opportunist, and took position right inside the door next to Vivi. And, while our troops were watching the Floater, they caught a glimpse of a trio of Thin Men outside, though they quickly faded from view.

    So, with three Chryssalids and a Floater inside, and three Thin Men outside, our team was considering its options. BoB quickly realized that this was no time to be a hero. While he could possibly stun the Floater, the chances were too low, and it would leave the team vulnerable. Ronnie took the first action, unleashing two loads of buckshot into the nearest Chryssalid, the one who had taken a bite out of BoB. Vivi peeked around the corner at the Floater sitting right next to him, and blew him up with a cool, calm flanking shot, earning himself a promotion to Major. BoB turned around and fired a double laser blast into the Chryssalid right next to him (yeah, he had two on him), but his wound threw him off enough that only one hit.

    Jiro rushed around the corner, drew a bead, and ended the second Chryssalid, leaving MacLeod with a tough choice. There was a Chryssalid alive right next to the squad, but there was also a wounded BoB, and three Thin Men outside. If he healed BoB, the team would be pretty well covered for health, but would suffer plentiful attacks, and the Thin Men might be able to flank them, as there was little cover and their point of entry would be unknown. However, if he burned the Chryssalid, one shot from an enemy would wipe BoB from the team...

    MacLeod took the chance, and burned down the Chryssalid with a laser discharge. The team held their breath... And no riposte came. The Thin Men did not retaliate. MacLeod immediately rushed to BoB's side, healing half his wound, and preventing the poison from seeping further into him. The rest of the team reloaded, hoping that the Thin Men would remain hidden.

    Their hope held true. The Thin Men did not emerge again. However, the Floater they had eliminated before was apparently not alone (though we never spotted the rest of his team, even in the wake up animation, yet one of them fired, which they never do if they discover you that turn), as two more rushed in. The first took a precarious position in the rear, near the ramp up from the floor of the control room, where he was easily flanked by several team members. The other closed in on BoB and took a flanking shot on the wounded soldier... Which missed by a mile and destroyed some of the side of the ship in the next room. Now, here was a potential for the Arc Thrower to do its job.

    Vivi, having already earned his promotion, and being graceful enough to be neither an Experience Hog, nor a glory hound, contented himself with a 2 damage critical from his pistol into the Floater that had fired at BoB. Jiro, already in a spot for a good flanking shot, put down the Floater by the ramp (seriously, it looked like that in the glam cam. Not a kill, but putting down a raibd dog, or an execution).

    BoB, knowing he still had MacLeod and Coleman for backup, unslung his new tool, pointed it at the Floater, and pulled the trigger. SUCCESS! The Floater was stunned, its weapon remained intact. MacLeod took the opportunity to heal BoB a bit more, and Coleman went to Overwatch, on the lookout for the Thin Men.

    The first Thin Man poked into view near the door, unfortunately still beyond Coleman's sight. Jiro, however, had a beautiful line on him, and fired a shot that split the alien's glasses, wiping him from our considerations. The team reloaded, and BoB moved forward to the next room. Another Thin Man shot at him as he moved, but his Lightning Reflexes let him dodge, and they ripped apart the wall instead. MacLeod then moved forward and burned down the second Thin Man.

    BoB then did some consideration. There was only one Thin Man remaining, and his Arc Thrower had a second charge. Would there be a better target than the final Thin Man?

    Thinking not, the forces moved to try to reach it. Unfortunately, it was outside a large bulkhead. Our forces split up, trying to flank it. MacLeod was the first to spot it, and started Suppressing it so BoB could get closer. However, the Thin Man's return shot tore through MacLeod's new Carapace armor (6 damage crit from a Suppressed shot? Cheap luck). Choosing to heal himself rather than Suppress the Thin Man again, our forces got into better position, but did not stop the Thin Man's advance. The Thin Man, free to move around, got close to BoB. But, unable to flank him, chose merely to poison him rather than shoot. Coleman snapped a few shots with his pistol, bringing the creature down to the verge of death, and BoB snapped another shot from the Arc Thrower, bringing home our second live capture.
    MVP: BoB. With one kill and two captures, he edges out Jiro's three kills.

    Casualties: BoB is taking a 15 day trip to the infirmary, and MacLeod is keeping him company for 5 of those days.

    We immediately began interrogating the Thin Man (2 day research time that will halve the remaining 14 days of Firestorm research). Perhaps we are beginning to make some progress in this war.

    Our next mission, even before the interrogation is completed, is an abduction mission into Fukuoka, Japan. Really nice luck on this one, it'll gain us 4 engineers and reduce panic in the single highest panic country on the board, Japan. Taking along Jiro, Vivi, Balls MacGuyver, Ronnie, and a new squaddie (wielding MacLeod's dropped Laser Rifle, Medikit, and Carapace armor). Let's see if we can get another soldier into the mix and start a solid Team B.

    And apologies to Psy, who is still wounded.
    Last edited by Skyblade; 10-31-2012 at 02:50 AM.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  13. #103
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Will we catch our first alien, or will he die trying?
    Almost both! xD
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #104
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    Congratulations BoB for being more than just cannon fodder. I'm also glad to be slowly more and more useful. What a tense mission! Let's hope Japan doesn't put any of us in the ground.

    They see me rolling. They hating, patrolling.
    Trying to catch me riding dirty.

  15. #105
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    How comes I don't get a laser rifle too if I'm going on the mission? ;p

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