Let's talk about neighbors. I live in a two story apartment complex. My apartment is a one bedroom. It's nice for just me. Enough room, ya know. Below me though, below me is another one bedroom apartment. Three people and a child live there.

Now, this is fine, sleep on your couch, whatever. No, what bothers me is the parties they have right in FRONT of the apartment doors. It's not just them, it's like all the douchey people from around the complex come to my front door to drink beer and talk VERY LOUDLY. Again, okay, whatever, you guys like to party. But every smurfing night? With very small children out there playing till the am hours? Which these children are outright brats? I'm working double the amount of hours for the past few months, I NEED SLEEP. You also have people discussing how they "killed a n----". Does that make me an accessory to murder?

Now they aren't TOO bad. They are very nice to me. When I first moved here they let me use their wifi password. But ugh. They are pretty douchey. One just randomly always ends up with his shirt off o.O The chick is always drunk and doesn't know how to discipline her child. The other guy is quiet, whom actually owns the place, he just seems to be a push over for them to live there without paying rent :/

NEIGHBORS :/ SO EOFF! Tell me about your neighbors! Ever had lame ones? Or great ones? Or whatever, it's neighbor story time!"