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Thread: Is this game accessible for a first timer?`

  1. #1
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Dancing Chocobo Is this game accessible for a first timer?`

    I've never played FFXI, and despite reading about it online, I'm not really sure what the story is even about.

    This game's been out for a long time, and has a devoted fanbase--a lot of them having played as long as the game's been out.

    If I were to buy this game, would I be able to fit in? Would I understand what's going on and pick up the gameplay? Would you recommend this to someone new, or say skip it?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
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  2. #2


    I've heard on a podcast that it was really good when it came out, but I didn't like it. The game has evolved since then. That's all I know lol. If you like wandering for hours in boring wilderness you might like this game. I don't know, someone who has played it within the last 8 years might know more. Yea 8 years because I remember trying to search for 19 year old girls in MI who played FF11 on the playonline thing, and I was 19 at the time. Naturally she didn't.

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    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I played it with my fiancee when the free trial was out. Those were really good times. I remember we both loved the game immensely, neither of us found it hard at all. But that was probably because we worked together. See, I was this warrior, tanking everything, while she was the black mage killing everything from a distance. Come to think of it, if it weren't for the overlevelled guys who would often come to help us, it would have been way harder... Oh yeah, the people who play this game are all awesome and super nice - it's the first time I've seen such behavior in an MMO

  4. #4


    It's good to know the people playing FFXI are nice.

    But from what you're saying, it sounds quite hard if you're playing the game without anyone helping you out. That must make it really hard if you choose a magic casting class (barring Red Mage).

    Since Runescape is the only MMORPG I've played, how different is FFXI compared to Runescape? Going through the game solo in FFXI doesn't sound anywhere near as feasible in Runescape. Plus, with the jobs restricting your abilities in FFXI, it sounds like you'll always be at a disadvantage in one area or another, compared to Runescape where you can be as good as you want to be in all areas (eg: physical attacking, magic casting). I'm not saying that FFXI sounds bad, but I'm wondering how it balances things out since I haven't played it myself.

  5. #5
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    I think it's a very accessible game. I've only played it for the duration of the one month free trial - and I wish I'd just sucked it up and paid the subscription - but by the end of that month I'd done a load of stuff. I hadn't moved out into the world much, but I'd done a fair few quests, including one that ended in a boss fight for which I was suicidally underlevelled but was heroically saved at the last second by a random player healing and buffing me. Also, by two weeks in, I had a pretty nice little business buying supplies, making trout out of them and selling them at a markup. It was a tidy profit with minimal effort and it helped me out with other things.

    I enjoyed the game even though I didn't have contact with anyone. I didn't really meet new people there, and I didn't hang out with the EoFFers playing. My advice would be to talk to those lot and get them to show you the ropes as it will make your initiation that much easier.

  6. #6


    I have been playing Final Fantasy XI since it has come out.

    This game has gotten a LOT easier and is a LOT more accessible since the early days ('03-'08). Because in no small part to the mini-expansions Abyssea, you could easily reach the level cap -playing for the first time- in two months, if you are willing to put some time into it.

    There is still a strong playerbase that is really quite welcoming. Due to the fact that teamwork has been emphasized in this game to such a large degree, the community tends to know each other if not by name, then by sight. You will definitely find plenty of people who can help you out.

    The gameplay isn't that bad, but you will definitely have to learn the nuances of your job. Some of the jobs are much more technical than other jobs, especially at the end game part, but its not that bad.

    As for the storyline...there is a -LOT- of it. But you can easily solo a fair chunk of the expansion by yourself at 99 (the level cap). The storyline in Chains of Promathia and Wings Of The Goddess is some of the best things that Square-Enix has done in YEARS, in my honest opinion.

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    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Final Fantasy XI features a more-developed world and better story than just about any other game in the series. From a narrative standpoint, the game is phenomenal, and while I never completed the Wings of the Goddess story (I quit two years ago after playing on-and-off since NA launch), while I was playing it was shaping up to be the best yet. There's even a new expansion coming out and the game's over ten years old now; that's pretty damned impressive.

    More recent expansions (specifically the Abyssea set of six mini-expansions) drastically changed gameplay. When the game's director (Tanaka) left to take the helm of the development of Final Fantasy XIV, the new team began to shift away from the type of content that had existed before. Specifically, for the first seven years of the game's existence, it was very much part of the old guard in the MMORPG genre: punishing grind, party-based to the point that soloing of almost any kind was impossible, and endgame requiring rigorous scheduling to get 32 people in the same place at the same time. Abyssea changed all that, making grinding out the levels from 30 onwards a breeze while also increasing the level cap to 99 so that a majority of the existing content could be completed in smaller groups with less (or no) difficulty.

    While the game has certainly become a lot more approachable due to these changes, whether it's easy to start fresh ultimately depends on your goals in game. Do you want to play around with friends and experience the story-based content? If so, that's probably doable. That said, the reason I've never gone back is because I like pushing endgame and going after the best gear there is. Anyone who's played an MMORPG can tell you what a stat-whore I am. When I quit, I left with two jobs at level 80 (which was the cap at the time), and both were fantastically-geared for that level. Just two years out, the only thing that stopped me from going back was the thought of playing catch-up on all the existing content. In an aging MMORPG, I determined that to get caught up to everyone who I want to play with, it was simply too much work to try and catch up on trials of the magians weapons, Abyssea equipment and tier three artifact armor, and Voidwatch gear. With a new expansion out, there's going to be even more new stuff to catch up on shortly. And what's worst? Tanaka is back at the helm of FFXI after he was removed from FFXIV because of the awful launch. Voidwatch already shows a return to the older philosophy of more unforgiving content that's more difficult to just pick-up-and-do.

    I will always recommend Final Fantasy XI for anyone who wants to experience a new world and story. It's certainly some of the best work that Square Enix has ever done in that regard. There's ten years worth of content, and they've tweaked a lot of the old endgame so that it's now set-up for smaller groups of higher-leveled players, which will make getting gear out of it easier than it was back when I was playing. But ultimately--for the experience of playing an MMORPG, I say pass. If you really want to experience an MMORPG with a community and fit in and be in the thick of things instead of constantly playing catch-up, join a new game. Jump in on FFXIV:ARR when that comes out. Hell, jump in on Guild Wars 2.

    Maybe someone from around here who still plays (Bleys?) will contradict that, but I would have a hard time advocating that anyone join a ten-year-old game.

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    As someone who's never played it, I think it's accessible. I treat it like any other MMO new to me. Then again, I've played other MMOs before. And many of those games have some similar characteristics.

    I think it depends if the lore and game mechanics intrigue you. Personally, I'm most intrigued by the lore and classes. And if I have friends IRL playing with me. If enough friends persuade me (and persuade me well) to join them, then I'm more likely to play. These games, IMO, are most fun if you have friends to quest/raid/instance with.

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    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Now that XIV is out, I'm wondering whether or not this game is now somewhat obsolete, now that it's spiritual successor is out and available. Out of all of the final fantasies, this one is definitely the most enigmatic to me.

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    GONNA ROKKEN YOUR WORLD WildRaubtier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weimar Pluto Knight VII View Post
    If you like wandering for hours in boring wilderness you might like this game.
    There is nothing boring about the wilderness in FFXI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    Now that XIV is out, I'm wondering whether or not this game is now somewhat obsolete, now that it's spiritual successor is out and available. Out of all of the final fantasies, this one is definitely the most enigmatic to me.
    It's more like FF11 obsoleted FF14, really.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weimar Pluto Knight VII View Post
    If you like wandering for hours in boring wilderness you might like this game.
    Right, I never really saw the appeal of MMO's for this reason. Although from what other people are saying, this game has a rich enough Mythology and story events to be worth checking out. I'm not too sure though, I've never been too keen on subscribing to anything.
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  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Edge7 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Weimar Pluto Knight VII View Post
    If you like wandering for hours in boring wilderness you might like this game.
    Right, I never really saw the appeal of MMO's for this reason. Although from what other people are saying, this game has a rich enough Mythology and story events to be worth checking out. I'm not too sure though, I've never been too keen on subscribing to anything.

    Yeah, subscriptions are annoying...if the game ever loses its servers than you lose the time and effort....

  14. #14
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    FFXI was my first real experience with an MMORPG and I loved the trout out of this game.

    I'm not a hardcore gamer so I can't really speak to a lot of the technical stuff but I never found the game to be super difficult. But it could definitely be a grind. I quit before they made a lot of the huge positive changes to make it less of a grind. But as far as pure difficulty goes, it really wasn't hard to "get". Some things took a lot of time to coordinate and plan which could be frustrating, but I think a lot of the changes fixed these issues.

    I also really liked the community. I always found it super helpful. And despite what a lot of girls say about creepos in MMORPG, I very rarely got hit on, and was supported by lots of friendly guys and gals.

    The story is great and the music in this game is wonderful. Some of the best in the series.

    And the big thing, I always found FFXI to be so charming. A little like FFIX. It always had that homey, friendly, enchanting quality about it.

    I always encouraged EoFFers to try out this game. Some of the best friends I've made on EoFF, I made through FFXI.

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    A couple months ago I heard someone say something along the lines of "Given how old the game is, I wouldn't pick it up now". I'm sure this is based off the assumption that as an MMO gets older, the less people there are playing it.

    From what I've read it seems there are still enough people playing to make it enjoyable. I've thought about buying this game, but I'm trying to see what the best bundle would be. I don't know if there is an "ultimate" package or not that has every expansion and all that in it. Admittedly, I haven't spent too much time looking into it. One of the things that bothers me is the subscription fee. It makes me think "I have all these other Final Fantasy games that I only had to pay for once, and now I can play them for free whenever I want".

    If I were to get into FF11, it's daunting to think about how much money would be put into it over time. Though I must admit that over the years I feel like I've been missing out on something. Just thinking about the games 1 through 14 on a timeline, and realizing there's this "blank" where 11 should be. Some people might not understand what I mean by that.

    But sticking with the title of the thread, I'm sure this game is accessible for a first timer. Since I haven't played, that's based on what other people have said. Though I'm assuming Square wouldn't try to make a game that is hard to get into. If they did, they would lose money due to people losing interest/not willing to put in the effort.

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