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Thread: Question The Staff

  1. #31
    Cloudane's Avatar
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  2. #32


    A convention? Where a bunch of members at eoff congregate somewhere and hang out in person? Wow I sure hope you do something like that again. That sounds really awesome.

  3. #33
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    What do you think is the single worst thing about EoFF currently?
    Staffers asking questions in the Question the Staff thread.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #34
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    What do you think is the single worst thing about EoFF currently?
    Staffers asking questions in the Question the Staff thread.
    Couldn't we go a bit broader than that and just say Jiro?

    Oh trout, I asked a question.

  5. #35
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Default Catching up.

    Cloudane: It's an interesting idea, the game-per-day thing at EoFF. I think it only really works when there is a real incentive, though, so perhaps we should save it for events such as this one to avoid people getting burned out. As for the 'driven to drink by EoFF' bit, not me! Although I have on are occasions been very annoyed because of stuff in EoFF staff, but that was a long time ago now.

    Mulley: I'd like the forums to be more active than they are now. I'd like for us to have much more exclusive content on the frontsite. Ideally, I'd like us to be the number one gaming site on the internet. As for where I think they'll actually be, I believe two out of three of these things are genuinely possible.

    Axem Titanium: First and foremost is that we are now putting out articles as well as news. No longer are we simply re-reporting what others have said. We have articles on things from airships to character theme music at the moment, and I hope to have more of these kind of page put out as the days go on. Beyond that, if we come up with some high quality exclusive content then it will need to be a surprise, so I can't say much!

    Mulley (again): Your car keys may or may not be in the last place you look for them.

    Cloudane (again): Too much wood. Save our forest. Kill the woodchucks.

    Locky: If the funders allowed for such things, then it's a possibility.

    Fynn: When I'm not at work or on EoFF (or both), I tend to be hanging out with Danielle, watching TV or gaming. Lately I've been playing XCOM: Enemy Unknown, which is great. I've also been rewatching the Bourne movies with Danielle, and arguing over various unimportant things not worth debating with Danielle when it comes to our wedding.

    Edge7: I first saw Final Fantasy VII when a friend of my neighbour brought it over to my neighbour's place but we didn't play very far into it. I think he was in Kalm and we just looked at the game for a little while and then moved on to some multiplayer games (as was the norm when there are 3+ people, 3+ controllers, etc). It wasn't until about a year or two later that I tried FFVII myself, I think I rented it - I rented a lot of games back then. I loved it and never really looked back from there.

    Peeg: Probably, and I've not really collected any hair for a long time now. Ask me when you're about to visit (so I can increase our flat's security in advance). As for how many threads, I'm not sure and can't be arsed checking just now. Probably a few, I guess? Most long term members have one or two threads in the WML (Warned Members List subforum of our staff forum).

    Kent: I don't know if anyone on our staff can fix them, as I'm not sure if we have access to the source code. I'm pretty useless when it comes to knowing whether or not this is one of those games that anyone can edit or not...

    Mulley (again): These are not bugs, they are features.

    rydrum: No idea! I don't think I'll be going to any this year as it's getting late in the year already and all my spare cash is being put aside for the wedding.

    Cloudane (again): Not sure if that's a question as I can't see that image while at work. xD
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #36
    Formerly Important Lonely Paper Star's Avatar
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    Do you ever think of EoFF and its people when doing completely non-EoFF-related things?

    Starting on my left with one, your number comes up, you go.

  7. #37
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    So which one of you discovered /r/IAmA?

  8. #38
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The White Wizard of Fynn View Post
    How do you guys spend your free time? I mean, aside from FF ^^ Unless you don't have a life besides FF, though...
    I mostly follow foa around and take notes to learn to be more badass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge7 View Post
    Each staff member here: how did you get into Final Fantasy?
    An older cousin gave me his old PSX and a bunch of games. FF9 was one of the games.

    Quote Originally Posted by WildRaubtier View Post
    When will Rantz fix the bugs in Triple Triad???
    I'm working on grooming a successor that I can pawn this off on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    When will the bugs in Rantz be fixed???
    Well, my doctor is working on some sort of intravenous pesticide, but it's apparently very risky and they insect infestation is getting worse. Today one fell out of my nose into my mashed potatoes. I'll keep you updated.

  9. #39
    Old school, like an old fool. Flying Mullet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rantz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    When will the bugs in Rantz be fixed???
    Well, my doctor is working on some sort of intravenous pesticide, but it's apparently very risky and they insect infestation is getting worse. Today one fell out of my nose into my mashed potatoes. I'll keep you updated.
    Is there hope?
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  10. #40
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    To all the staffers here, when are you plans of world domination finally coming to fruition?

    On a more serious note, I remember BoB saying that EoFF has a better working relationship with SE. What exactly does that mean? Do you go on dinner dates together.. maybe watch a movie?

  11. #41
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Where would you like the forums to be in a year?
    I'd love us to be a true source for Square Enix news. And well. I'm working on it, but don't get your hopes up for us to be an IGN within a year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Where do you think the forums will actually be in a year?
    I think we'll by this time in 2013 we'll have more newbies sticking around than this time in 2012. We're working really hard on making EoFF have content beyond our community (which is awesome. Love you guys.) to attract new members. And we are working to make it easier for the community to make a difference here! Proto's DeviantArt is a great example. If anyone sees FF news, write up an article, and link it in Please Promote. We'll also be promoting the Site Contributions forum as much as possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axem Titanium View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    We are looking to increase our exclusive content.
    What kind of stuff are you referring to here?
    No specifics, besides articles, we are looking to have a few interesting things you won't get to read anywhere else. We'll keep it at that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lockharted View Post
    If the site were to get more funding from places, would it ever be possible for the site to hold Final Fantasy events in places?
    What do you mean by this exactly? Meetups can be hosted by any member here, without funding! Choose a location, set a date, and see if any EoFFer will meet you there. If you want the thread stickied, I'm sure a staffer will do it for you if you just PM one, or link to the thread in Private Feedback.

    Quote Originally Posted by The White Wizard of Fynn View Post
    How do you guys spend your free time? I mean, aside from FF ^^ Unless you don't have a life besides FF, though...
    On weekends I tend to party! I can get a little out of control Video games, obviously. Visiting friends. And a few hobbies like coding. I also pick a long show that I haven't seen and watch all of it over the course of a few months, lately I've been Marathon-ing through Star Trek: Next Generation with my roommates.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge7 View Post
    Each staff member here: how did you get into Final Fantasy?
    One of my older brother's friends loaned my FFIX. I didn't finish it, I think I got to Lindblum, before he took it back, but I went and purchased the game. Rest is history.

    Quote Originally Posted by rydrum2112 View Post
    Are you guys going to organize another EoFF-convention again this year?
    Quote Originally Posted by Weimar Pluto Knight VII View Post
    A convention? Where a bunch of members at eoff congregate somewhere and hang out in person? Wow I sure hope you do something like that again. That sounds really awesome.
    Answering both at once. Again, we do meetups, and by we, I mean anyone can organize it. we have a UK one being set up right now. If you want to try and organize a meetup closer to you, make a thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    To all the staffers here, when are you plans of world domination finally coming to fruition?

    5, 4, 3, 2...

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    On a more serious note, I remember BoB saying that EoFF has a better working relationship with SE. What exactly does that mean? Do you go on dinner dates together.. maybe watch a movie?
    Well, I've been sleeping with Nob-.
    Nah. Where do you think these posters came from? That's what we mean by better working relationship

  12. #42
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Where would you like the forums to be in a year?
    Where do you think the forums will actually be in a year?
    Hopefully with the direction we're going, we'll be even more involved with SE and a b it more bumpin because of our exclusives.

    Quote Originally Posted by Axem Titanium View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    We are looking to increase our exclusive content.
    What kind of stuff are you referring to here?
    Well it wouldn't be exclusive if everyone under the sun knew about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Have you seen my car keys?
    I saw them under the couch cushion. I often hide them there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloudane View Post
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lockharted View Post
    If the site were to get more funding from places, would it ever be possible for the site to hold Final Fantasy events in places?
    Yes but that most likely will never happen. We are not the owners and they don't want to foot the bill for such things so it falls to us poor staffers to arrange anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by Edge7 View Post
    Each staff member here: how did you get into Final Fantasy?
    I watched my bro play VII but when I bought Brave Fencer musashi, there was a demo for VIII. It was awesome. Then I played VIII and hated it.... BUT I DIDN'T GIVE UP! I then went on to rent IX and fell in love.

    Quote Originally Posted by Formalhaut View Post
    On a more serious note, I remember BoB saying that EoFF has a better working relationship with SE. What exactly does that mean? Do you go on dinner dates together.. maybe watch a movie?
    Well how do you think we got exclusive posters?

  13. #43
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    i have a question for the staff alright

    smurf all of you

    smurf every single last one of you incompetent self-serving god-complex power-tripping conceited lazy nepotic elitist bellends.


    oh i guess that wasn't really a question was it

  14. #44
    GONNA ROKKEN YOUR WORLD WildRaubtier's Avatar
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    shhhhh grasshopper, any post that boils down to smurf towns gets a passing grade from me

  15. #45
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rantz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Flying Mullet View Post
    When will the bugs in Rantz be fixed???
    Well, my doctor is working on some sort of intravenous pesticide, but it's apparently very risky and they insect infestation is getting worse. Today one fell out of my nose into my mashed potatoes. I'll keep you updated.
    Is there hope?
    Well, there is hope of slowing down the mutation.

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