State unpopular opinions you have.

  • This console generation has been very weak.
  • Bioware is incredibly overrated. Obsidian is better.
  • "Gritty and realistic" FPS's get a pass too much.
  • Indie games are too simplistic.
  • Storyrtelling and stories themselves have declined in quality.
  • The PC is the best system this generation.
  • Fallout: NV is the best WRPG of this generation. Fallout 3 is merely above average, while Mass Effect, Drago Age, Skyrim, and Oblivion are sub-par.
  • Persona is the best RPG series this generation despite being on PS2.
  • The overall mindset, trends, and zeitgeist of the gaming industry and culture has made me very, very cynical about the medium's future.