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Thread: Anniversary Mafia Game Thread - The Final Day

  1. #901


    Ok, it's Day 4. So time for me to take over and win this for the town. Here's the agenda:

    Day 4 - Lynch Yuffie's mafia ass.
    Night 4 - Get killed.
    Day 5 - Final showdown with Psychotic.

    Why Yuffie? Simple. Poor Galuf only made 3 posts, but apparently that was enough to make best friends with Yuffie:

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Yuffie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Blank View Post
    I'm sorry about the edit, I didn't know. Really really sorry about the picture, I feel embarassed. < trying to find an embarrassed smiley, bugger it. And sorry I've been inactive! I don't have a lot of time today and there's so many new posts, you guys should make a 48 hour day. But I'm done apologizing now and hopefully won't have to anymore!

    ##vote: Galuf

    He was the first person to bandwagon in the game when there were plenty of other inactive to vote for too.
    A bandwagon vote itself. I like.
    Subtle hint that the vote on Galuf was a bad move by Blank. Trying to guilt the heat off your buddy?

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Yuffie View Post
    Lame inactive vote on Day 2? You better hope Galuf actually shows up today or you get back and talk.
    Another defense of Galuf, this time when Kain voted for him.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Yuffie View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Rydia View Post
    The mafia would want an innocent to get and maintain a large lead. For this reason I think it's safe to say that Serah is a townie, since she kept changing her vote off of the leading contender. I wish I'd thought of that so I wouldn't have been part of the move that killed our key role.
    Not biting.

    The only people I would consider less likely to be scum are the ones voted on: Sazh (dead), Quina, Galuf.
    Really no reason to not suspect Galuf at this point, considering he only made 3 posts. Sure that doesn't make him mafia, but that hardly makes him . Notice the other two are town to build credibility.

    And that's just the tip of the iceberg! But it will have to do for now.

    ##Vote: Yuffie

  2. #902


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Noctis View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Biggs View Post
    The thing is, why would any mafia start off a day by gunning for you, knowing it would be their death sentence? What possible reason could Blank have for poking the bear?
    Because they keep trying to kill me and don't understand why it won't work.

    This post right here is going to be shrieked at in the mafia forum. Hee hee hee! HAVE FUN TRYING TO KILL ME SOME MORE, DOUCHEBAGS
    If we can't laugh at ourselves then is this world even worth living in?

  3. #903


    Found one more:

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Yuffie View Post
    When I said Galuf was more sketchy than Quina, I did not mean he was more sketchy than everyone else, so I am surprised by this move.

    I almost wish we didn't know these things. First, Faris has claimed some sort of tracking role. Second, Galuf has some kind of night action role. So now instead of just Wedge and Serah to target, we have to consider Faris and Galuf possible night kills and wonder if that affects our day voting.
    Automatically assumed Galuf's 'night role' was town-aligned when of course there are many very nasty night roles as well. Also listing out all the possible night targets for mafia. Almost like she is referring to a list posted on another forum somewhere...

    Ok, see you slicksters later.

  4. #904


    Well that was a weird few nights then. How can it go from end of the world type situation to great outcome in two nights.

    Am I the only one who was disappointed they didn't get a pm with a report in it?
    It's either really unlucky or just convenient that Wedge sent a report to a now dead person. I'd like to see who comes forward with the report.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Leila View Post
    Also, what exactly is the bus driver role?
    Bus driver selects two people and makes them swap places for the night, meaning that if person A was targeted, then person B would receive the effect of that target. More here.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Rydia View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Biggs View Post
    How do you know such details?
    I pray thee on the morrow, send a messenger to heaven to make the same enquiry of my shade

    If he find me not, seek me in the other place thyself.
    Who knows what Faris' role is, but this is still oddly specific. The descriptions for poisoner that I've found don't refer to the odd days thing, which makes that part quite odd. It could have been taken as another 'brainstorm' but that was more of a statement. It does quite neatly fit the turn of events though, I'll give her that. Why else would Galuf do nothing on night 2? I'm not sure what to think.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Noctis View Post
    By the way... your utterly poor case or whatever the smurf that was meant to be against me... that was just to say "Oh Psy said he'd accuse anyone who accused him! He has no real reason for voting for me!!!!" wasn't it? Oh dear. Pre-empted your little retort there so you can't use that.

    ##vote: Blank
    He hath awoken the beast!
    I see where he is coming from with the lack of mention of the validity of the roleclaim, but overall it does seem like he is grasping at straws. You're pretty clean, but I can understand why he may be doing it though; if you're town, why haven't the mafia killed you yet? If you're mafia, well smurf.
    If you're not dead because the mafia can't kill you, then that just makes things confusing.
    Like, if they tried to shoot you, why not try poisoning? The bus driver sure makes things confusing for the first few nights, but then why not last night? (if we are to believe what Faris said about Galuf targeting Cid. It'll be interesting to see how that goes too...) I can't come to any sort of conclusion here, there's just too many variables. smurfing mindsmurf.

    I think I'll let it sit in my head for a bit and we'll see what it looks like when it's all settled down.

    Sorry for the long post, I'm tired and I go on a bit when I'm tired...
    At the risk of doing a Wakka, I'm gonna go eat and come back and see if anyone is actually here to talk.

  5. #905


    Apropos of nothing (or is it?) is blocked at one location I post from, so I might occasionally get details wrong.

    I may even get them wrong on purpose, depending on how lucid I choose to be at any given moment

  6. #906


    So where did the whole only poison on odd days thing come from?

  7. #907


    Well one mafia down, ??? more to go!

    Ok so here's my suspicious list in no particular order.


    Pretty under the radar players if you ask me. My secondary list consists of,


    Faris and Wedge because they could just be clever with their role claims, for I'm going to trust them for the moment, but I would really like to have a detailed idea of who they targeted each night and the results so we can start going over it, they are investigative roles they claim, so if they are pro-town no more use hiding anything as they are night targets by mafia. Speaking of that...

    Balthier bothers me because he was adamant that anyone who thought 2 roleclaiming investigative roles would be targeted was mafia, which from my experience is nothing more than a poor tactic by scum to get people suspicious of the wrong people with bad reasoning. I'll need to re-read over our exchange to better get an opinion on the matter, but for now he' in my second category of suspicious.

    Wakka strikes me as scummy because of his sudden declaration that there must have been a bus driver day 2 on such little information. Unless there's a second bus driver and he is it (I doubt he is the bus driver if that's the case though), then he seemed awfully fast to jump up and claim it, and if he were the bus driver role hinting like that would be rather silly and paint a target for people reading carefully.

    But that's just my initial thoughts. I'll be back later after classes and hopefully have time to read over old stuff while I look over the mountain of text that will ensue.

  8. #908
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Geez, kupo, pretty boring in here.

    [M] Blank (1) - Noctis
    [M] Yuffie (1) - Biggs

    Just over 13 hours to go, kupo. :mog:

  9. #909


    One down, ??? to go. Some lucky roleblocking there, or maybe some bulletproof townies around. 4 night kills on N2 though... Assuming that Quistis was poisoned, the mafia kill went through and there's a secondary killing faction out there - that's still only three kills. Night 2 was a curious night, and hopefully some of the reasons will come to light.

    Welcome to the fray, Biggs! Nice to see you taking part. And with some interesting commentary on Yuffie.

    I cannot seem to load the mafiascum.swf at all. Is it down? But the mafia wiki says nothing about it only being on odd days, however I'd imagine the mafia would use the skill on the first night - leading to it being poisoning on odd days. Which is seemingly the case here. But, I will admit, Rydia does seem to know the in depth specifics of the poisoner role. Curious indeed.

    Blank coming out gunning today is interesting, definitely a departure from his previous persona. Maybe he has something on Noctis? I can sort of understand his reasoning but it is reaching a bit.

    Wedge - can you tell us who you investigated on N2/3? Who you sent the results to? You have given us a vague answer already today, but some specifics would have been nice.
    I certainly hope that your inverstigation results come through today, since that's two investigations that just happened to lead to nothing. Unlucky, eh?

    Faris, if everything you are saying is true, then Cid does not have long to live. Unless he believes that there is a poison doctor who is willing to take a chance on Faris' claim.

    Only 13 hours left? I should be back before the day is out. However, on the off chance I am not able to get back online, I suppose I should vote. Both Blank and Wedge are sitting funny with me today. I hate voting this early on in the day, especially if I will be unable to change it...

    ##Vote: Wedge

    I feel like I should let him come back and tell us the information we asked for, and also wait for the person who he sent his results to to show up. However, he was asked to tell us information about his last two investigations earlier today and he dodged the question. Admittedly he wouldn't have results, but there was information he chose not to give - instead making nonsense posts with Rydia for a further 20 minutes.
    Hell, if he'd named dropped two people for his N2 investigations (it could have been made up for all I'd really know) I wouldn't be as supicious of him, as I can understand the desire to wait for someone to back up claims as may happen today.

    If the truth comes out (and I am able to) I will change my vote, but until something comes of his investigations... this just does not sit right with me.
    Overthinking things, mafia style. xD

  10. #910


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Refia View Post
    Wakka strikes me as scummy because of his sudden declaration that there must have been a bus driver day 2 on such little information. Unless there's a second bus driver and he is it (I doubt he is the bus driver if that's the case though), then he seemed awfully fast to jump up and claim it, and if he were the bus driver role hinting like that would be rather silly and paint a target for people reading carefully.
    There have been bus drivers in other mafia games here, and maybe that one stuck with him from a previous game, that's my feel on his thought there. Plus bus driver acts as a perfect way to mindsmurf, it's quite a reasonable conclusion. If anything his other posts are an issue, they often lack substance, or are about arriving and then returning and then eating, etc. etc.
    More analyses needed!

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Setzer View Post
    Wedge - can you tell us who you investigated on N2/3? Who you sent the results to? You have given us a vague answer already today, but some specifics would have been nice.
    I certainly hope that your inverstigation results come through today, since that's two investigations that just happened to lead to nothing. Unlucky, eh?
    My guess is he is waiting for someone to come forward with a report so that he can determine if they are lying or not.

    We're still waiting on

    [M] Luneth
    [M] Relm
    [M] Yuffie
    [M] Cid
    [M] Rikku
    [M] Penelo
    [M] Balthier

    to post today, so maybe we'll see something from one of them.

    I've made the mistake of waiting up to see activity, when I should have slept and woken early. I'm gonna crash now.

    Initially I wasn't going to place a vote, as there are far too many unanswered questions (Wedge's roleclaim, Yuffie's rebuttal, Rydia's gain and loss of lucidity, Cid's thoughts on possible poisoning, why certain people aren't very active, and more), but on further review, Luneth has only posted twice. Once on day one, and once 7 hours before the end of day two.
    Inactivity at this point in the game is crazy, and we theoretically have enough dead people to fill roles, right? If he's busy, I totally understand, but I'm going to vote for him if he's just hiding. Hopefully he'll make an appearance. And contribute something too.
    I will probably be still sleeping by end of day, but I'll do what I can to get up early. Night!

    ##Vote: Luneth

    **Up above in my big post earlier, I wrote Faris, and meant Rydia. My bad. I'm gonna sleep now guys, I promise.

  11. #911


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Refia View Post
    Well one mafia down, ??? more to go!
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Setzer View Post
    One down, ??? to go.
    Looks like you guys may have copied the same post in your mafia forum.

  12. #912


    Refia, you posted your nice little list with the minimal 'see I'm trying guys!' commentary, but it will take more than that to win this game. Having classes is no excuse because mafia > all.

  13. #913
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Here are some of my thoughts:

    About role calls: we can either believe them, keep them alive, and follow their findings or not believe them at all and axe them. Right now we don't have anything solid to follow aside from Faris's claim that Cid might die unless saved by an apothecary tonight. Which means one of the following might happen tonight:
    - Cid dies alone because the mafia is going to mess with Faris's claim to make us believe that she is lying.
    - Cid dies alone because Faris is mafia and wants us to believe that mafia will be trying to trick us into thinking that she is mafia.
    - Cid doesn't die because an uncertain existing apothecary role will cure him.
    - Cid doesn't die because Faris is utilizing Galuf's death for the second possible night event.
    - Two people die because the mafia took out one + Cid's poisoning. (This would be the best case scenario to validitizing Faris's claim, sorry Cid and other person).

    Right now I would have no reason to take out Faris because I would want to test this theory without killing her because her role would be useful to us. Wedge's role claim has yet to have any testable scenario aside from taking him out and seeing his actual role (which would be shooting ourselves in the foot if he's on the Town's side). We also don't want any other investigative roles or cops outing themselves because they'll probably just be taken out by mafia sooner than later.

    Sure most other people are acting strange, but that's normal in these tensing situations.

    Until more information is available we have no real voting tests to perform without potentially taking out an extremely useful role. After reading Leon's post, Luneth is the safe vote for today because of their lack of activity aaaand just above her post count is Galuf . DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUNN

    ##Vote: Luneth

  14. #914


    Yep, that sure is a safe vote. Safe for you since it keeps you out of the main discussion.

  15. #915
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Maybe something will change my mind later

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