Hello, friends! It's that time of year, when we all are so desperate for a physical manifestation of recognition that we'll give our mailing addresses to strangers on the internet so we can get a Christmas card!

Or maybe that's just me. I really hope not, as that's going to make this a really sad Christmas card swap.

This year's deadline for participation is December 4th, at 1800 EST. That's a full 10 days from today for you to determine the risk level of being stalked by your fellow EoFFers, so no whining if you miss the cut-off. If you want to participate, you'll need to PM me with your contact information before the deadline.

Here are the rules from last year:

1) Don't Ralph Wiggum anybody! You send everybody a card or you don't participate. This isn't an event to creep on your EoFF crush under the guise of forum participation. If you want to send something to individuals I suggest you PM them yourselves. If cost is an issue, remember that anything counts as a card. Except anthrax. Jerks.

2) Which brings me to another great point. It's a crime to send threats or dangerous objects in the mail. If you harass someone or send dangerous stuff I have no problem giving your information over to them so they can complain about you. Don't be an ass. This is about being nice to each other. Spread JOY and GOOD CHEER, mothersmurfers. Also, don't send objects in standard envelopes, because they'll probably get removed or destroyed.

3) Don't spam up PM boxes with your addresses to people who post in the thread. All addresses go to foa, then I send them out. Unless, like I said before, you want to arrange individual swaps. In that case gtfo this thread, duh.

4) Delete the address list once your done. No need to have it all floating around out there. Also don't use it for your own nefarious purposes. Also understand you're putting trust into the people here by doing this. foa and EoFF aren't responsible if you pick up a crazy stalker. But I will totally call the cops for you if you do.

5) You don't have to use your real name or your actual physical address, but the address you give must be one at which you receive mail. We don't want to send your neighbors Christmas cards.

6) Have a lot of crazy good fun! Yay!