I guess this is a "game", technically, without further ado:

In case you've been living under a rock this past month, it's the build-up to Christmas which can only mean one thing: Secret Santa's.

Now obviously this being an internet forum we can't exactly go around giving people presents through laptop or TV screens...

Which actually explains most of the plot to The Ring. Poor girl only wanted to give out gifts

So naturally, the only possible solution is of course to do a pretend Secret Santa. How will this work? Well well well...

Step One

- Show your interest on this here thread and sign up to be involved.

Step Two

- At some point soon afterwards, I'll compile a list of all respondents and using a random list type thing, will randomly assort people the people they will be the secret santa.

- I will then PM people with their respective secret santa's, and obviously this is highly confidential. Don't spoil the fun of the game by gossiping!

Step Three

- Said santa's need to come up with inventive pretend gifts, bonus points will be awarded by me for those pretend gifts that go the extra mile in thoughtfulness. It can be as outside the box as you like. Seeing how this is pretend, give them a knitted jumper made from Loony BoB's pubes for all I care.

- As the wonderful Miss Tifa Boob's has proclaimed, the use of images to describe your present is very much encouraged. Does your present not exist? Who cares! Draw it's likeness.

- On this forum, there will be opportunity for people to discuss the game. A list of all respondents is available obviously, so people can have fun in guessing who has who and what gifts they might potentially get. Bonus points will be awarded for close or bang on predictions!

Step Four

- After a few days or so, said secret santas will PM me with their respective presents and on the same day, on this thread I will reveal what people got as their gifts. At this point, the game is then over.

- Of course, the veil of secrecy is lifted; blab away!

But obviously, all of this can only be achieved if I get enough support for it! It's all just for fun, and to see what people would get you for Christmas if they were high on LSD for a day. Step One begins now; send in your interest!