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Thread: Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ciddies - Results!

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    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Default Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ciddies - Results!

    NOTE: You are viewing the condensed, edited version which is here for easy-reading purposes only. If you wish to read all comments by members, Award Moogle/Cactuar/Tonberry or wish to comment on the event, please see this thread:!

    Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ciddies
    Final Fantasy Awards... with style!

    Serah & Vanille are happy to welcome all you NPC's to the awards ceremony! Photographer: nicegal1

    Serah: Welcome everyone, to the 25th Anniversary Final Fantasy Ciddies!

    Vanille: Yes, Welcome! Ahhh this is more exciting than the Hunger Games!

    Serah: Umm… what happened to your accent?

    Vanille: Oh... just technical difficulties. Being a crystal pillar for a while does things to your vocal chords. You were never trapped inside a crystalised pillar Serah!

    Serah: Ooooh, I see! Well, moving swiftly on!! Tonight we’re going to celebrate every precious moment shared in these many adventures!

    Vanille: And we’ll see who comes out on top in the ultimate awards!

    Serah: With awards from Cutest Female, to Most Likely to be Biggs – We have a little something to celebrate every aspect of the beautiful Final Fantasy series!

    Vanille: So without further ado! Let’s get these celebrations started!

    Serah: Vanille, I wasn’t finished, we still have stuff to talk about..

    Vanille: Oh right, of course. Carry on….

    Serah: Remember that tonight, everyone is a winner, and you all have achieved so much anyway – Vanille.. what are you doing?

    Vanille: Everyone isn’t a winner, don’t be silly Serah… there’s only one winner in each category.

    Serah: No, some of the people here have defeated Sorceresses of Time, Giant flying whale monsters and disturbing clown… Jester… people. They’re all winners

    Vanille: Pffft I’m sure you’ll be saying that when you don’t win a Ciddie….

    Serah: Look. I can make you a pillar again.

    Vanille: Okay okay I’ll play nice.

    Serah: So yes, without further ado! Let’s begin tonight’s celebrations! Everyone have an amazing evening!

    Vanille: So have a great evening you Spoony Bards and lets see who wins all the Ciddies! Me for cutest female! Ayayay LETS GO!

    Cait Sith, using megaphone: Ladies and gentleman... The Final Fantasy VI Opera House, in association with Cid Highwind's "Bloody Well Gotta Spend This Gil On Something" Fund, proudly present your host for this evening... Award Chocobo!

    The host with the most, Award Chocobo! Photography by joelmbello

    Award Chocobo: Kweh! Well, over two hours late - that's what we get for not accommodating for the Archadian fleet deciding to use up the entire parking lot. My sincere apologies everyone, but - welcome! Welcome to everyone! I understand Serah and Vanille have been giving a solid welcome to those still out on the red carpet. Speaking of the red carpet, there's a lot of beautiful dresses and handsome suits out there. We'll be sure to keep you up to date with the latest glamour shots from the photographers as the evening moves on. In fact, it looks like our girls from the carpet have just got their pics in!

    A nominee this evening to break up in tears, she's looking happy enough to me! Photography by nicegal1

    You can see why she's in the Cutest Female category! Photography by nicegal1

    We also have a couple of my very helfpul comrades who may from time to time report back on things they've recorded around the venue. A big hand, please, for Award Moogle and Award Cactuar, our eyes in the field!

    Now, it seems most of you are seated and ready, but we'll keep the doors open for any stragglers to the show. Wark! Speaking of wark, I think I've got some work to do. Should we get straight to it? Should we start? I think we should! Okay, let's have a look - Cait Sith, if you could introduce the first award!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #2
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Most Likely To Get Together

    The Nominees
    Balthier & Tifa Lockhart - FFXII & FFVII · Cait Sith & Quina Quen - FFVII & FFIX · Celes Chere & Locke Cole - FFVI · Cloud Strife & Squall Leonhart - FFVII & FFVIII · Edge Geraldine & Rydia - FFIV · Quina Quen & Vivi Ornitier - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...

    Montblanc Kupo! This is Montblanc from Clan Centurio chiming in for The Final Fantasy Ciddie Awards. Why are you all looking at me like that? A stuffed animal? I'll let you know, I'm a moogle! Kupo! I normally don't do things like this, but I was tricked! Award Chocobo put up a mark and I accepted it without reading it! Kupo! Once I checked it out later, it just said "write me a speech" . I've been bamboozled, kupo!

    Ah well, I've always said, if you're going to do something, do it right! Welcome to the first ever Final Fantasy Ciddies. Find your seats at our Opera House and prepare to enjoy the show! Kupo!

    Our first award being given out today is, "Most Likely to Get Together". Kupo! And what an award that is! You know every time Vaan visited me I'd ask him, "How fares the hunt, kupo?". Let me tell you, I wasn't talking about marks! Looking through the list, I'm mostly pleased by the lack of gross Doujin-esc match ups in it... and when I say mostly, I am referring to that Cloud and Squall matchup. *shudder*.

    With that said, kupo, I found some of the other matchups odd as well! Such as Vivi and Quina, it's the most kupo thing I've ever read! As far as I knew, they were already married! Then we have some pretty expected matchups. No one would be shocked at seeing some little Rydia Geraldine's running around or some tiny Celes Cole's either!

    The last two nominees are Balthier and Tifa. I suppose that would be a pretty attractive pairing! Kupo! And finally... Caith Sith and Quina? What the hell is this? That's it, I'm outta here! Rally-kupo! The winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Cloud Strife & Squall Leonhart

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #3
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Most Likely Be Wedge

    The Nominees
    Biggs - FFVII · Biggs - FFVIII · Deweg - FFXII ·Thorn - FFIX · Umaro - FFVI · Wedge - FFVII ·Wedge - FFVIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Barret Wallace & Tifa Lockhart

    Barret: Tifa! Wha’ in the hell is a Biggs?

    Tifa: I'm not sure, but there seems to be a Biggs, or something like it, in almost every world...

    Barret: What the hell did the original Biggs do? The one this award is about?

    Tifa: Well, Cid - er, Cid Highwind, that is - says the original Biggs is a legendary spaceship pilot. I wasn't aware of him, so I guess he's not that famous...

    Barret: That’s not $@!% useful at all in no Final Fantasy series!

    Tifa: I think they had controlled space travel in FFVIII...

    Barret: Ah, who cares!? How in the hell do we know which is which?!

    Tifa: Beats me. THREE of the nominees are already Biggs…

    Barret: Well that’s just plain silly. He’s already Biggs for Christ’s sake!

    Tifa: Another one is Gibbs… very funny guys. It’s almost like he’s a Biggs with one letter changed!

    Barret: Give me that list, so far this just sounds dumb. TWO DIFFERENT WEDGES?! They’re already Wedge!! Why should he be changed to @$!% Biggs?!?

    Tifa: Calm down Barret before you hurt someone!

    Barret: Zell Dincht? What kind of pansy name is that? Says here all he wants is hot dogs. What in the hell does that have to do with flying a spaceship?

    Tifa: I have no idea, Barret.

    Barret: Are we done yet?

    Tifa: Not yet.

    Barret: ...Done yet?

    Tifa: I said not yet!

    Barret: Yo...

    Tifa: Look, if you’d quit asking me and just read off the last name on that list we can leave!

    Barret: Man, I don’t even want to know, this thing is nonsensical enough as it is.

    Tifa: Give me the damn list! ...Zorn is the last one.

    Barret: Some clown freak?!!

    Tifa: Yup...

    Barret: That’s it?

    Tifa: Yes, you can go once we've opened the envelope and read it out.

    Barret: SWEET.

    Tifa: And the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    of Final Fantasy VIII

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #4
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Award Chocobo: Wark! Congrats to the three of you! It sounds like we've got our first footage in from the red carpet, courtesy of Award Moogle... let's see what's going on.

    Award Chocobo: Yikes! Looks like we've got a photo coming through, too - we're all action here, folks! Wark!

    Just before this interview, it looks like Ultimecia was seen heading down the red carpet. Photographer: darkprincesskikyo
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #5
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Most Likely Be Biggs

    The Nominees
    Biggs - FFVI · Biggs - FFVII · Biggs - FFVIII ·Gibbs - FFXII · Wedge - FFVII · Wedge - FFVIII ·Zell Dincht - FFVIII · Zorn - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Lulu & Wakka

    Wakka enters from the left side of the stage, Lulu from the right.

    Wakka: Woah, ya. This is big. Which is why we're...

    Lulu: If that's your opening line, you don't want to finish that sentence.

    Audience laughs.

    Wakka: That's okay, ya. I thought o' lots of Biggs jokes. Surely one of them you'll approve of.

    Lulu: I doubt that, given you said the words 'I thought'.

    Audience laughs.

    Wakka: Ah, what do you know? Here, check these out!

    Lulu facepalms.

    Wakka: The Final Fantasy franchise has gotten so big, it had to name a character for it


    Wakka: ...Okay, ah, how 'bout this? When Biggs plays blitzball, he fills the whole sphere pool


    Wakka: Ooh, I know. Biggs is so big, when he first heard Wedge's name, he thought they said wedges


    Wakka: You know, like in potato wedges?

    Lulu: They get it, Wakka, they don't care. The good news is, you've warned Vidina of the terrible dad jokes to come.

    Audience laughs.

    Lulu: Oh, by the way, Biggs isn't even that big. And after being with Chappu, I know what I'm talking about.

    Audience whistles.

    Wakka: Gah, I didn't come here to let my wife embarass me on TV with my son watching! Luzzu, if you haven't put Vidina to bed yet, do so!

    Lulu: Luzzu? I thought he was killed in Operation Mi'ihen and Gatta was watching Vidina.

    Wakka: Nah, you got that the wrong way 'round. Luzzu's alive, Gatta's dead.

    Lulu: But I thought...

    Wakka: Here are the nominations.

    Lulu: The nominees for Most Likely To Be Biggs are: Biggs, Final Fantasy VI...

    Live footage of Biggs in audience.

    Wakka: Biggs, Final Fantasy VII...

    Live footage of Biggs in audience.

    Lulu: Biggs, FInal Fantasy VIII...

    Live footage of him in audience.

    Wakka: Bi-- oh, wait, sorry! Gibbs, Final Fantasy XII...

    Live footage of Gibbs in audience.

    Lulu: Wedge, Final Fantasy VII...

    Live footage of Wedge in audience.

    Wakka: Wedge, Final Fantasy VIII...

    Live footage of Wedge in audience.

    Lulu: Zell Dincht, Final Fantasy VIII...

    Live footage of Zell at bar, cramming down several hotdogs

    Wakka: ...and Zorn, Final Fantasy IX.

    Live footage of him suddenly looking up in shock

    Live footage of nominees on screen behind Wakka and Lulu, Zell still cramming down hotdogs.

    Wakka: Ya, Zell, you coming back here or not?

    Zell looks around confused, then sees his face on screen behind bar. Immediately runs back into main room, entire crowd laughing at him.

    Lulu: That's the problem with you sporty types. You're not very bright.

    Audience laughs, Wakka glares, Lulu chuckles to herself and opens up the envelope.

    Lulu & Wakka: And the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    of Final Fantasy VIII

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #6
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Most Likely To Beat up an Adamantoise on their Day Off

    The Nominees
    Auron - FFX · Lightning - FFXIII · Oerba Yun Fang - FFXIII · Sabin René Figaro - FFVI · Snow Villiers - FFXIII · Squall Leonhart - FFVIII · Zell Dincht - FFVIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Gau, Edgar & Cyan

    Cyan, Edgar and Gau walk onto the stage, with Edgar waving a piece of meat at Gau.

    Cyan: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am Cyan Garamonde. It is a great honor to be here this evening. These two are my companions, Gau and Sir Edgar.

    Edgar: Hahaha, Cyan, check this little kid out. He's a nut for this stuff![i]

    Edgar continues to wave the meat around, quickly yanking it back every time Gau reaches for it.

    Cyan: Sir Edgar! Stop that at once! Does thou hath no respect?! *rips the meat out of Edgar's hand*

    Edgar: Lighten up old man, its a party, geez. I'm just having some fun with the kid, damn.

    Cyan: A party?! This is a ceremony of--

    Gau tackles him down and attempts to wrestle the meat from his hands. Edgar points and laughs at the struggling Cyan.

    Cyan: No Gau! You do not need this!

    Gau: Gua want! Gau get!

    Cyan and Gau wrestle. Edgar stops laughing and steps up to the podium.

    Edgar: NOW its a party! How is everyone doing this evening? You'll have to forgive Mr. Thou over there. Anyways, this evening we are here to present the Most Likely To Beat Up an Adamantoise On Their Day Off reward! What exactly does this entail though? For starters--

    Cyan is thrown into Edgar and they both fall over into the podium, breaking it.

    Gau: Mmmm! Good meat! Mmmmmmmmm!

    Edgar: *gets to his feet* That little..! How're we supposed to give a speech with him around?! He's a freaking animal, I swear! One moment, Cyan, I'll take care of this little punk. Then we can get down with the speech. He exits the stage.

    Cyan: It was you who provoked him!

    Cyan gets up and dusts himself off.

    Cyan: You'll have to forgive the actions of my companions. They are very... energetic people. Ahem... as Sir Edgar said before, this reward is a very unique one. Amusing, but it also has depth. One does not simply beat up Adamantoises for no reason. No, they do it for many. To sharpen their skills. To test their patience and endurance. To obtain the rare metal, Adamantite. All these are fair reasons as to why one would fight these on their off days. I believe it requires a certain degree of strength and virtue to--

    Edgar: Hey! Gau! Come here for a second!

    Edgar returns to stage holding a crossbow armed with a bolt with a piece of meat on the end. Gau quickly leaps over to Edgar and tries to grab the meat with no success.

    Cyan: Sir Edgar! Why must you continue to provoke him like this?

    Edgar: Okay Gau, see it? FETCH!

    He shoots the bolt and it flies out a window. Gau isn't to far behind and he leaps out of the window, screaming for the meat. Edgar stands confidently. Cyan looks terrified.

    Cyan: S-S-S-S-Sir Edgar! What have you done?!

    Edgar: For one, I took care of our Gau problem. Now we can actually give the speech without being knocked off our feet. Two, I fed Gau. That is, if he finds it. *chuckles to himself.

    Cyan: What if he is injured? Or worse?! He jumped out of the window! If thou hast hurt him...

    Edgar: Don't have a heart attack, geez. That kid is a natural. He'll survive. Now come on, lets get this party moving!

    Edgar steps to the center of stage.

    Cyan: Everyone, Beating Up An Adamantoise on Your Day Off is serious business. You must have no life, I mean come on. Or serious anger issues, maybe even immense depression. One of you, dare I say lucky, have been nominated for this award. So, without further interruptions, lets read the winner. Cyan?

    Cyan: Very well...

    Cyan pulls out an envelope from his back pocket and unfolds it. He brings the paper to his face for a moment of careful study and gives it to Edgar. Edgar observes the paper for a moment, and chuckles.

    Edgar: The winner of the award goes to...

    Suddenly, they hear someone yelling loud from outside. Cyan turns very pale and faces Edgar with an angry look on his face. Edgar rubs the back of his neck and begins talking quickly.

    Edgar: Calm down, there has to be an explanation. That kid survived in the Veldt, no way he got seriously hurt from a fall like that...

    Cyan: He certainly sounds injured to me! Sir Edgar! Prepare to face the wrath of a Samurai of Doma! He draws his sword.

    Edgar: W-Whoa man, chill out! He isn't dead at least! I mean--

    Another loud yell is heard. This one sounds strained and immense, but it cedes in a few moments. Another sound is heard following it, it sounds like a monster roaring. As the seconds pass, the roaring gets closer and closer until something crashes through the window Gau jumped out of. What appears to be a giant turtle is now on the stage on its back, wriggling, trying to turn over. Gau leaps through the gaping hole of the building and makes his way to the stage, holding the bolt, meat on the end and everything. He climbs on stage and says one thing.

    Gau: Meat is Gau's! Gau is winner! Gau beat Adamantoise!

    Cyan and Edgar look at the giant monster. They look back at Gau. They look at the monster again.

    Edgar: That kid... He..?

    Cyan: Yep.

    Edgar: How..?

    Cyan: I do not know.

    The Adamantoise roars with ferocity and rage, wriggling constnatly as it tries to get off it's back.

    Edgar: Oh man, that thing is getting pissed! No way we can take it! Gau! How did you even take it?

    Gau eats the meat, ignoring everything else. The Adamantoise finally flips over. It roars a final time and begins inching closer to Edgar and Cyan.

    Edgar: Y-Y-You gotta be kidding! We are so screwed! Maybe we'd better announce the winner, like NOW.

    Cyan: Excellent idea, Sir Edgar!

    Edgar: Well, whoever it is, good job for having issues, now get up here and help us out! The winner is...

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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    Award Chocobo: Wark, wark, wark! I just got told FFVIII already have three awards to their name! Looking good for them! But we're just getting started. I've been given another picture of the ongoings at the red carpet, and some people are all too happy to pose for the paparazzi out there! Let's take a look!

    Cecil, Rosa and Ceodore strike a nice family photo! Photographer: Latias413
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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    Most Likely to Run Over a Snurble and Spend the Rest of Their Lives Crying Over It

    The Nominees
    Aeris Gainsborough - FFVII · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Oerba Dia Vanille - FFXIII · Rikku - FFX · Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII · Serah Farron - FFXIII-2 · Vivi Ornitier - FFIX · Yuna - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Kefka Palazzo

    Kefka: Kehehehehe! Hello everyone. This is your lord and master Kefka here to -. Hrm. No, that didn't sound impressive enough! Better try again! Wahahaha! Hello everyone! This is your lord and master, ruler of all, omnipotent God, KEFKA PALAZZO speaking, so OPEN YOUR DAMN EARS BEFORE I BLAST YOU TO OBLIVION.. Yes, yes! Much better!


    It seems that once again, my reputation as a former entertained has outdone itself. The Ciddies Committee have asked me to warm you all up you see! Deliver you a speech that puts moistens your undergarments and perhaps even KNOCK YOU DEAD! hehehehehe... HAHAHAHA.

    Oh, sorry to get off topic there! I just crack myself up! Well, I'll admit, I'm not really sorry at all! Hehehe! Ah, now because I'm sure my reputation proceeds me, I probably have one of the more important speeches. Best Song, or Best Moment, or something else that will let me tug at your heart strings so. Maybe so hard that I yank them right out! hehehe.

    Oho! But now to the point of my speech. I've decided that none of you are here to hear about the nominees. OHOHO NO YOU ARE NOT! You are here for, why me of course! My adoring public, how I shall give you my love. My tough love. So I shall talk about me of course! I shall explain why I, KEFKA should win this award, whatever it is. Oh? You're surprised I didn't know what this speech is about? A real performer does not practice, a true artist, such as I enjoys to... improvise.


    So the award I am announcing is Run over a snurble and spend the rest of their lives crying over it. WHAT. WHAT IS THIS. THIS IS THE SPEECH I, GOD OF ALL MAGIC IS GIVEN? AND OF ALL THE CREATURES, A SNURBLE? NO ONE CARES ABOUT FINAL FANTASY XIV! Ah well, guess what. I should win this one too! eheheheheh! ahahahah!


    The fact of the matter is it is very likely that I might run over a Snurble! I run over many things! Yes, killing is quite easy for me. ehehehe. And then my crying over it? WHY OF COURSE I WOULD CRY. I WOULD BE CRYING FROM MY LAUGHTER! AHAHAHAHAHA! So now that we know that I am the real winner, go ahead and announce the runner up! ehehehehe! WAHAHAHAHAH!

    And the winner is...

    Oerba Dia Vanille

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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    Vanille doesn't care if it's about crying, she's delighted to get a Ciddie! Photographer: nicegal1

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #10
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    Most Likely to Laugh at the Character getting Run Over by a Chocobo

    The Nominees
    Heidegger - FFVII · Kefka Palazzo - FFVI · Rikku - FFX · Seifer Almasy - FFVIII · Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII · Wakka - FFX · Yuna - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Emperor Mateus, Guy and ...a Malboro!?

    Emperor Mateus: Ah hello. I'm here with these two baboons to deliver a speech for an award I don't care about, sigh.

    Malboro whispers something to Guy and Guy lets out a hardy guffaw.

    Emperor: I can hear you dammit! I just can't understand you. Stuck on stage with an overgrown plant and a man who can only speak to monsters. Wonderful.

    Guy whispers something to Malboro and Malboro chuckles.

    Emperor: I'd ask what I did in a previous life to deserve this, but I remember what I did in the last 3.

    The whispering and joking continues.

    Emperor: Let's just get this over shall we? This is a joke most likely to be awa-

    The emperor cannot be heard over more laughing.


    Malboro's laughter is so hard it emits some strange fluid from it's mouth making squishing noises


    Guy drops the axe he was holding from laughter.

    Emperor: (talking faster to get this over with)The nominees are Steiner, Cait Sith, Cloud Strife, Sazh, Tidus, Yuffie, Zell.

    Guy is on the ground laughing and Malboro has vomited from laughing.

    Emperor: *turns around* What!?! WHAT IS SO FUNNY?

    Guy gets composure and stands up.

    Guy: Malboro say, to Guy. Emperor look like girl. Guy agree. Guy do his Emperor impression, Malboro laugh. Then we decide that likely to get hit by big bird you-

    Emperor: I've heard enough, and I plan on killing you both now! Prepare as you witness true pow-

    Malboro breaths on the Emperor the stench knocks him out.

    Guy: Hahahaha! Winner is...

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #11
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Most Likely to be Riding the Chocobo

    The Nominees
    Bartz Klauser - FFV · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Kefka Palazzo - FFVI · Mog - FFVI · Squall Leonhart - FFVIII · Tifa Lockhart - FFVII · Zidane Tribal - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Palom & Porom

    Palom: Hey everyone! This is the great and powerful Palom along with his sister, Porom!

    Porom: Palom! Please, show some class! We’re here to present an award, not goof around!

    Palom: Calm down sis, geez. I’m just having some fun...

    Porom: Now, Palom. Lets give these people a formal introduction.

    Palom: Fine, fine.

    Porom: My name is Porom. This is my brother-

    Palom: The great and powerful- OWW. Why’d you hit me?!

    Porom: I said formal! And interrupting people is rude! Behave yourself Palom!

    Palom: You don’t know how to have any fun...

    Porom: My apologies for my brothers behavior. His name is Palom and he can be a bit of a handful. Moving on, we are both mage trainee’s from the village of Mysidia. We are very honored to be here tonight.

    Palom: Anyways, we’ve been chosen to give an awesome award out. Remember the last speech? “Most Likely to Laugh at the Character Getting Hit Runner Over by a Chocobo?” Well, I bet none of you suspected that their might be a rider on the Chocobo!

    Porom: Palom, of course they knew. They voted for it.

    Palom: Sis, I know that. I’m just trying to make it more interesting, like a CSI! Work with me here! Anyways, we have a few witness reports on the rider of the Chocobo! We can put this guy behind bars! (Play along!)

    Porom: (Fine!) I, err, yeah we could!

    Palom: (Thanks sis!) Awesome! So, detective Porom, read the various descriptions we got!

    Porom: Yes, detective Palom! We have reports of a... clown? One with high pitched laughter. He was pretty scary from the drawing we got...

    Palom: Whoa! I could see him being the culprit! The very, scary culprit.

    Porom: We’ve also got this spiky haired guy. Wow... he looks really depressed.

    Palom: Yeah... he does. Still, a criminal is a criminal.

    Porom: This guy looks really angry... I could see him doing it out of hate.

    Palom: Yikes! If looks could kill, I’d be down. Put it away, geez.

    Porom: The next one's a really pretty lady.

    Palom: I distinctly remember overhearing Dad once say that the prettiest women can bowl you over, but I don't think this is what he meant...

    Porom: I heard this guy's best friend is a chocobo, so he must know something about riding them.

    Palom: It doesn't matter how cool his friends are, you can't just go running people over!

    Porom: Aww, how cute! A Moogle!

    Palom: Moogle? I guess anyone can be evil nowadays. The real question is though... Who is really evil? And who REALLY ran over our victim?

    Porom: Let's find out, shall we?

    Palom & Parom: The winner of the Most Likely To Be Riding the Chocobo is...

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Award Chocobo: Another picture from the red carpet, folks!

    Terra graces the carpet, caught here in a monochrome shot. Photographer: IllusionedTime

    Award Chocobo: And another! They sure do come in quick at the moment...

    Quistis cracks a whip to create a great action shot! Photographer: zelu1984

    Award Chocobo: Looks like we've got some more exclusive footage, too! Wark! This came shortly after Quistis moved indoors...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #13
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Most Likely to Get Run Over by the Chocobo

    The Nominees
    Adelbert Steiner - FFIX · Cait Sith - FFVII · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Sazh Katzroy - FFXIII · Tidus - FFX · Yuffie Kisaragi - FFVII · Zell Dincht - FFVIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...

    Garland: Hello fools! It is I, Garland, here to deliver a speech for the winner of the award, "Most Likely to Get Run over by a Chocobo"! I was picked for this, because I know quite a lot about getting knocked down, but not because it often happens to me. I, Garland, shall do the knocking down when there is knocking down to be done! Except in this case. In this case it is a Chocobo. You know, the gets me wondering, there were no Chocobos in my world, do worlds with them have Chocobo Traffic laws!

    Actually, my lack of experience with Chocobos makes me question me as a choice for this award! Why was I chosen? What skills do I have to know who will and won't be able to dodge an oncoming Chocobo like a dodgeball? I never was very good at dodgeball. Would always get picked last for the teams. Eventually I stopped getting picked at all. I wasn't allowed to slash the ball in half with my sword and that's really all I know how to do. I'm not really given any lines in Final Fantasy I.

    Hm. Looking back, maybe that's why I captured the Princess. Pent up aggression. From lack of dodgeball. You'd be surprised on the lasting damage that can do on a teenager! Always getting made fun of. Dodgeball is an integral part of growing up in medieval societies you know! Almost as important as heroic struggles!

    Speaking of heroic strugg--


    Garland: Oh, no! Oh, not again! Everytime I get off topic one of these time-rift opens! I GOTTA WRAP THIS UP! The nominees are Adelbert Steiner, Cait Sith, Cloud Strife, Sazh Katzroy, Tidus, Yuffie Kisaragi, and Zell Dincht! WITTY JOKE! UH. ER. AGHHHHHHH!


    Garland: And the winner iiiiiiiissssssss...

    And the winner is...
    Adelbert Steiner

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #14
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Award Chocobo: One of our photographers seems to have captured Aeris and Cloud together, it's been a long time due to her spending a lot of time in the Lifestream when she's in Gaia!

    Aeris and Cloud together again! Photographer: x-Memoire-x

    Award Chocobo: Looks like Steiner has cooled off enough to present an award...
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #15
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Most Likely to Get Killed Off in a New Sequel

    The Nominees
    Lightning - FFXIII · Barret Wallace - FFVII · Cait Sith - FFVII · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Edward Chris von Muir - FFIV · Hope Estheim - FFXIII · Snow Villiers - FFXIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Adelbert Steiner

    Adelbert Steiner: Hello? Is this microphone on? Testing one two three... hello? Ahem, ladies and uh... gentlemen, I, Captain Adelbert Steiner of the Knights of Pluto assigned to protect Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII would like to make a worthwhile speech to present the next award for... uh well, this is quite something! Most Likely To Get Killed off in a New Sequel. As it is to my understanding, sequels don't usually happen very often in this series. In fact, last I recalled, Final Fantasy X-2 was the first true sequel to any of the games. Why, I would argue that Final Fantasy IX deserves a true sequel over Final Fantasy X! One where I would be the real hero of the game, not that monkey-tailed creep who keeps calling me "Rusty" despite my many attempts to correct him! He just simply refuses to listen to me! Despite all of this, I still want to say a few things about this award as I was hired to prepare a speech for "Most Likely to Get Killed off in a New Sequel." It appears that quite a few of the nominees are from Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy XIII. And no where do I see that Zidane fellow as a nominee! I thought my nominating him would have him nominated! That blasted Award Chocobo had me fooled with a wasted nomination!

    Despite all of that, I suppose I should talk about the following nominees!

    First up, we have Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII. Isn't she already in one of the game's couple sequels? Why would anyone want to kill her? I heard she is a fine female warrior with skills only to myself with the sword. I digress her nomination.

    Next we have Barret Wallace from Final Fantasy VII. As leader of the vigilanted group against Shinra called AVALANCHE, it's quite possible that he may meet an unfortunate end in a sequel of Final-- What? Are you saying that there are already several sequels to Final Fantasy VII? Why was I not informed about this!?

    Ugh, next up, Cait Sith from the same game. Something about this character does not strikes me well, and I fear the worst will happen to this Cait Sith character in a possible sequel where he will get killed in an unfavorable fashion. Such a pity. May the gods have mercy on his poor soul.

    Again, with the Final Fantasy VII, we have the star character from the original game, Cloud Strife. He may not speak much, and may deserve to be killed, why hasn't he died already? They should have made that Zack Fair character the star instead of Cloud!

    Ah, finally a character from a different game! Our next nominee is Edward Chris von Muir, or simply Gilbert, from Final Fantasy IV. I have nothing against a nice person with a fine taste in music such as him, but it seems that many people do not enjoy him as a character, and wish him ill thoughts in a sequel to Final Fantasy IV. To thme, I say bah! I would not mind traveling with Gilbert in my adventures! He would indeed make a fine companion!

    Our next nominee is from Final Fantasy XIII, the same game as our first nominee. His name is Hope Estheim. I do believe this is a mistake of a nomination, why is he even considered? I don't really think this fine lad deserves to get killed off in any sequel!

    And finally, our last nominee is the leader and founder of NORA in Final Fantasy XIII, Snow Villiers. From what I know about him, he's quite the annoying one, and claims to be misunderstood. I know his type, and quite frankly, I for one hope he wins this award! He's no hero, he's a coward! He's just like that Zidane fellow, and irresponsible, arrogant idiot! A worthy contender for Most Likely To Get Killed off in a New Sequel!

    And those are your nominees for this award. Who shall win is not up to me, but to the voters, and as much as I want to see Zidane win this award despite not being nominated, the winner of this award goes to...

    And the winner is...
    Snow Villiers

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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