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Thread: Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ciddies - Results!

  1. #31
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Angriest Character

    The Nominees
    Adelbert Steiner - FFIX · Amarant Coral - FFIX · Auron - FFX · Barret Wallace - FFVII · Cid Highwind - FFVII · Lightning - FFXIII · Lulu - FFX · Zell Dincht - FFVIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Biggs & Wedge
    of Final Fantasy VIII

    Award Chocobo: Alright! To present the next award, I give you - live from the communications tower in Dollet - Biggs and Wedge from World VIII! Guys, can you hear me?

    Footage appears: On top of the communication tower in Dollet.

    Lieutenant Wedge: Why is it always so bloody cold up here?

    Major Biggs: Stop whinging. You fixed the tower, right?

    Wedge: Done and dusted, sir.

    Biggs: Excellent. How's my hair?

    Wedge: It's like you've just stepped out of a salon. How do you get your hair so bouncy?

    Biggs: I use coconut and jojoba oil. You really see it shine in the sunlight.

    Wedge: Ah right, I use lavender enriched with aloe vera but mine still looks a tad greasy. How did you find out about that?

    Biggs: Some camp guy I met called Irvine put me onto it...

    Wedge: So who is up for this award then? Anyone we know?

    Biggs: Here, have a butchers.

    Biggs hands Wedge the list of nominees.

    Wedge: Look at all these prats. I should have been nominated for Angriest Member!

    Biggs: You? Why the hell would anyo...

    Wedge: AAAAAGGHHHH!!!!!!!!

    Biggs: Jesus Christ, I just nearly shat myself! What are you doing?!!

    Wedge: That's my War Cry! To go with my War Face...

    Wedge pulls a pained sort of grimace.

    Biggs: You look like you're having a tricky poo. Why don't you try...

    Wedge: AAAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!

    Biggs: Stop doing that, you irritating prick! You sound like you're being violated by a Chimera.

    Wedge: Sorry...

    Biggs: It is a sorry list though... Adelbert Steiner? He looks like a white Shrek.

    Wedge: Amarant Coral? Hmph, ginger. Can't trust them.

    Biggs: Ha, Auron?! To rhyme with moron.

    Wedge: Barrett Wallace?! To rhyme with... err... solace.

    Biggs: That was terrible. Leave the rhyming to me, you knob. Cid Highwind? Sounds like he farts a lot.

    Wedge: Lightning? Wasn't she the blonde one from the UK version of 'Gladiators'?

    Biggs: What's the UK?

    Wedge: I have no idea.

    Biggs: Lulu? God, this just gets worse and worse...

    Wedge: Zell Dincht... I remember that little cock.

    Biggs: Well, I think just reading this list has made me angrier than any one of these little turd bullets.

    Wedge: Heads up, Major. Here comes a crew member!

    A member of the communications tower staff approaches Biggs and Wedge.

    Staff: Sorry guys, we're going to have to cancel. The communications tower is buggered so we can't receive. We've been broadcasting for a while, but we have no idea if it's getting through, or if it's even time for the presentation or not.

    Major Biggs turns to Lieutenant Wedge.

    Biggs: You prick.

    Footage stops.

    Award Chocobo: Well, uh... right. Uh, what I'm sure Biggs and Wedge meant to say is... "And the winner is..."

    And the winner is...
    Barret Wallace

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #32
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Happiest Character

    The Nominees
    Cait Sith - FFVII · Laguna Loire - FFVIII · Quina Quen - FFIX · Rikku - FFX · Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII · Yuffie Kisaragi - FFVII · Zidane Tribal - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...

    Refia: Oh hey, it's me, Refia! I'm supposed to be at my dad Takka's, hammerin' some mythril, but I decided to sneak out and talk to you guys about the happiest FF character!

    Final Fantasy has always had some pretty peppy guys and gals boppin' about, and these specimens are not exception. In fact, they are just the friendliest and smilingiest people you'll ever meet! So here's the nominees!

    Cait Sith! This robot-cat thing starts if telling fortunes at the Gold Saucer, a huge amusement park. If that isn't just the happiest job in the world, I don't know what is! Cait Sith spends the entire games being super positive and friendly to everyone, even when he sacrifices himself he's cutting jokes. Cait Sith may not be the most trustworthy companion, but he's certainly one of the most happy!

    Laguna Loire! Laguna has had a bunch of tough jobs, from soldier to president. However, he never stops having a smile on his face and a good attitude to match! A more empathetic and sensitive character, Laguna manages to go through every little trial with a good attitude. I mean, a guy who helps his wounded friend by tickling has to be fun! Right? Right!?

    Quina Quen! Quina's an even man/woman to please. Just toss him/her some food and s/he will be satisifed and will follow you anywhere. Quina's a simple Qu, finsing joy in anything edible. So Quina finds joy in a lot of things. Yes, Quina would even eat Regent Cid int he form of a frog. Eyuch. Anyway, Quina's a simple soul who finds a little bit of deliciousness in each aspect of life.

    Rikku! At 15, Rikku has already displayed a very advanced understanding of machinery and other topics. However, she's anything but a no-fun nerd. Rikku is a super happy Al Bhed, spouting out such fun made-up words like ""disasteriffic,"" Rikku manages to turn even the most serious moments into something fun.l Yes, Rikku can make tutorials fun. Even Quistis couldn't do that. So it doesn't matter if you're slaying gods are learning about Sphere Grids, Rikku is always a card to have around.

    Selphie Tilmitt! Selphie is a very happy little girl in an adolescent's body. She loves everything: especially trains! Just ask her, she'll sing a fun little diddy for you! Anyway, Selphie's a fun girl to have around, as she always manages to liven the party with her super-sweet carefree attitude. You'll be hard-pressed to find someone more excited than her. And if you do, let me know! I'm pretty sure that person doesn't exist, though.

    Yuffie Kisaragi! Yuffie is ceratinly a happy one. I mean, she just wants a bunch of materia in a world covered in it! Even her hard-nosed dad couln't keep track of her. Yuffie is just too cool for school, I guess. Heck, even Sephiroth couldn't break her down. Yuffie may not be the most important person in the game, but she definitely makes it a lot more fun, especially around those serious stick-in-the-muds like CLoud or Vincent. So yeah, Yuffie, one happy lil' ninja!

    Zidane Tribal! Zidane is the leading man of his particular game, and he does it with such a friendlky and laidback grace that you have almost as much fun as he is. Not much bothers this guy for long, not even an existential crisis! Anyway, Zidane will be flirtin' everywhere he goes, that lovable gentleman togue of him. He steals your heart with his laidback attitude and cool-as-ice nature. Zidane is always making people feel good and look at the bright side of things. In short, Zidane is one happy dude.

    So there's the happiest FF characters? But who's the happiest? Well, it's time to find out. The winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Selphie Tilmitt

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #33
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Refia opens up the envelope for Happiest Character Photographer: Luran-V

    A black & white shot of Selphie with her brand new Ciddie! Photographer: Luran-V
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #34
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Evilest Character

    The Nominees
    Cait Sith - FFVII · Emperor Mateus - FFII · Exdeath - FFV · Kefka Palazzo - FFVI · Kuja - FFIX · Sephiroth - FFVII · Seymour Guado - FFX · Vayne Carudas Solidor - FFXII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Dr. Shantotto
    with Ajido-Marujido

    Dr. Shantotto: Who is the evilest charactaru in Final Fantasy? Take a look and we shall see! Oh-ho-ho~!

    Dr. Shantotto glances over a list of nominees, checking the other side of the paper.

    Dr. Shantotto: Wait, what? I am not presentaru? What the smurfy-wurfy is this troutaru?

    Ajido-Marujido: Cait Sith...

    Dr. Shantotto: In feline form, evil inherent? What could be more self-apparent?

    Ajido-Marujido: Emperor Mateus...

    Dr. Shantotto: A chessmaster, brilliant, without peer, the Emperor is one to fear

    Ajido-Marujido: Exdeath...

    Dr. Shantotto: A frightful foe he would be, were he not a smurfing tree

    Ajido-Marujido: Kefka Palazzo...

    Dr. Shantotto: Son of a submariner! An evil clown? Who better to burn the whole world down?

    Ajido-Marujido: Kuja...

    Dr. Shantotto: An avatar of all that's wrong, if not the man, there's still his thong.

    Ajido-Marujido: Sephiroth...

    Dr. Shantotto: As a foe he's rather aggravating, but that sword is overcompensating.

    Ajido-Marujido: Seymour Guado...

    Dr. Shantotto: A nihilist! I am beshrewn. Say what you will of tyrant's tenets, sir; it seeks to stand philosophy and politic, not void. And let it be noted that wildlife kept, amphibious rodent, in domestic walls, is retrograde to right and civil laws.

    Ajido-Marujido: ...and Vayne Carudas Solidor.

    Dr. Shantotto: What calamity will Solidor bring in his bid to be the Dynast King?

    ?Excitement?! ?fun?! ?Water? ?inside? ?trousers?! Check your anticipatory escalation, the time is nigh for the winner's revalation...

    And the winner is...
    Kefka Palazzo

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #35
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Kefka, clearly delighted with his win! Photographer: IllusionedTime
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #36
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Nicest Character

    The Nominees
    Aeris Gainsborough - FFVII · Oerba Dia Vanille - FFXIII · Rikku - FFX · Rosa Farrell - FFIV · Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII · Tifa Lockhart - FFVII · Vivi Ornitier - FFIX · Yuna - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Kimahri Ronso

    Kimahri Ronso: Kimahri Ronso present award in association with Hero Drink, the great beverage made from the ice of Fayth scar. Kimahri happy that he has nice characters to meet with. A true Ronso does not seek war or power, but kind words. The people nominated today shine bright, as people must be.

    Audience yawns loudly.

    Kimahri: The first character is my old friend, Yuna. It is guardian’s job to protect the summoner, but Yuna manages to protect Kimahri as well whi-

    Yenke Ronso: Bwhahaha. That is because elder Kimahri is useless in battle. Useless! Useless! What the matter Kimahri? No player ever use you? Is that because you have no Ronso talent? Kimahri start in centre of grid. Kimahri therefore bad at fighting. Hahaha!

    Security arrives in the form of the angels from the final battle of VIII and escorts Garik away

    Kimahri shakes head slowly

    Kimahri: Kimahri sorry. Kimahri continue. I remember fighting on Highbridge. The battle was long and hard. Ronso prowess no match for Seymour. But then, Yuna came back. This is why Yuna is nominated, for coming back to me. I hear Selphie Tilmitt is reckless, like Lian and Ayde when they search for Elder horn. However, within that is a kind, loving character. As is Rikku. When I first look at Rikku, I shook head slowly. But now, Rikku is a friend. Rikku mix items to help Kimahri relax. She uses ancient Al Bhed plant known as Syneziyhy and smoking it is pleasant. Kimahri grateful.

    Rikku looks nervous and hastily shrinks down in her chair.

    Kimahri: Aeris Gainsborough is also a nice character. She tends to plants, and Ronso share deep connection to plant life, even in harsh Gagazet peaks, the Galbana lily thrives. It is the symbol of hope. Aeris is a friend of the Ronso. Tifa too. Many time Tifa give up her free time to help Kimahri train, and the Ronso are thankful for her combat lessons.

    Vivi is nice as well. Despite wielding fierce magic, I remember Vivi as a shy child. Look how he has grown. Remember back last year. Annual talent show and Vivi could not perform Firaga due to nerves. Look at him now. Kind and brave. Like Ronso. I had doubts on our next character. Vanille at first is loud, brash and has voice like strangled kitten. But somewhere inside of her, I see a fire that would melt Gagazet. Vanille is kind but not afraid to be stubborn, and is a good choice of victor. Finally, Rosa Farrell is a white mage. This makes her kind. White mages have compassion for others and tend to sick. This is why female Ronso are highly privileged. My female assistant I have with me on Gagazet is of their ilk. Her kindness to Rydia in Mt Hobs is commendable. She is worthy of winning this award as well.

    Audience falls asleep.

    Kimahri: Kimahri not forced to speak in long time. Kimahri tired. The winner of Nicest Character is here...

    And the winner is...
    Aeris Gainsborough

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #37
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Aeris phases into her 'living form' to accept her Ciddie. Photographer: OMG-L3NA

    Award Chocobo: Did I hear someone mention Kuja recently? Wark! You're in luck! I've been handed a photograph of Kuja taken while he stepped down the red carpet! Wait, it is a 'he', right!? It's been a long time since I was last in Gaia IX, but I'm certain Kuja's a guy! Oh my! Looks like he's happy to dress up to the nines for events, alright! Kweh!

    Kuja, all glamoured up for the awards! Photographer: Alias-Hugo
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #38
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Best Story

    The Nominees
    Auron - FFX · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Sazh Katzroy - FFXIII · Sephiroth - FFVII · Terra Branford - FFVI · Vivi Ornitier - FFIX · Yuna - FFX · Zack Fair - FFVII:CC

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Fighter & Black Mage

    Black Mage & Figthter: And the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Zack Fair

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #39
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    Zack: Still struggling to perfect the art of phasing in! Photographer: Dragona15
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #40
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    Best Dressed Character

    The Nominees
    Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca - FFXII · Balthier - FFXII · Edgar Roni Figaro - FFVI · Lightning - FFXIII · Lulu - FFX · Rydia - FFIV · Setzer Gabbiani - FFVI · Squall Leonhart - FFVIII · Terra Branford - FFVI · Vincent Valentine - FFVII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...

    Auron: Being dressed for success... A simple, yet difficult task. Through-out my life I've seen what many people consider "stylish" and "cool." Who the they trying to fool? Black leather doesn't make you a badass. A suit of silver armor, especially one coated with rust, doesn't make you more noble. A shiny vest to show of odd, deformed abbs doesn't make you any stronger. Tell me, is this really the style of today? Do people put this stuff on in the morning and feel confident? If this is the way of today, please, send me to the Farplane now, this world is beyond saving.

    Wakka, shouting from table: You're just angry because Vincent got nominated and you didn't!

    Auron twitches.

    Rikku: Don't you two, like, wear the same clothes?

    Auron staggers back a step.

    Wakka: Yeah, they must be in a club or something. Makes you wonder why they didn't get nominated for this one together, ya?

    Lulu: Shut up and let him finish his presentation speech!

    Auron composes himself.

    Auron: Real style isn't determined by what you wear. That is a shallow misconception. No, REAL style is how you wear it. Remind me, whose story this is again? Is this the clothes story? Or is this your story? I don't think there is a single person in this room who could answer this question better than the person I have in mind. The Ciddie for Best Dressed Character goes to...

    And the winner is...
    Vincent Valentine

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #41
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    Auron was never the kind of guy to enjoy being interrupted. Photographer: Pete for President
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #42
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    Best Dialogue

    The Nominees
    Balthier - FFXII · Barret Wallace - FFVII · Cid Highwind - FFVII · Kefka Palazzo - FFVI · Sazh Katzroy - FFXIII · Tellah - FFIV · Tidus - FFX · Yuna - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Fujin & Raijin

    Raijin: Heya, everyone! Thanks for being here for the Ciddies celebrating the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy! It's a pretty big deal, ya know?


    Raijin: Tonight we've been chosen to present a Ciddie to the characater you believe has the best dialogue! There are lots of great characters, ya know? Let's get to it! We've even got some voice clips from them to put over the speakers, ya know?

    Fujin: BALTHIER.

    Raijin: The smooth talking sky pirate from Ivalice. We all know who the REAL leading man is, ya know?

    Voice Clip: "Your mistakes were twofold, I'm afraid. You sprung your trap without looking to see if the game you hunted was the one you'd snare, and you sold me short. I'm no thief; I'm a sky pirate."

    Fujin: BARRET.

    Raijin: He has the mouth of a sailor and sometimes an outfit to match, ya know?

    Fujin: !@#%*

    Voice Clip: "Wuddup, fool?! It's Barret! I AM the man! Oil, Cloud! I just found the biggest, damn oil field you ever seen! Surveyin's done, so I should be able to get out there and see Marlene soon. You let her know, alright Spiky?!"

    Fujin: CID.

    Raijin: Cid Highwind dreams of being the first man in space! There's more than one loud mouth in Final Fantasy 7, ya know?

    Voice Clip: "This's gonna be a big splash. Hold on to your drawers, an' don't piss in 'em!!"

    Fujin: KEFKA.

    Raijin: This is one crazy clown, ya know? I wouldn't wanna be in his posse....

    Fujin: AGREED.

    Voice Clip: "Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go...? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!"

    Fujin: SAZH.

    Raijin: The loving father and funny man of Final Fantasy 13! He's great with pistols. I wonder what it's like to have a bird in your head, ya know?

    Fujin: ...

    Voice Clip: "All this dampness is damp."

    Fujin: TELLAH.

    Raijin: He's a wise old man, but his age has made him forget some of his spells. He's passionate about the people close to him but he has a short temper! Hey, I know someone like that....

    Fujin kicks Raijin in the shin.

    Raijin: OUUUCHH!

    Voice Clip: "You spoony bard!"

    Fujin: TIDUS.

    Raijin: He's a nice guy with deep feelings about his father and he desires to return to Zanarkand. I like his fiery attitude and his touching moments, ya know?

    Voice Clip: "I hate you. I hated you so much. I always wished you'd be gone. But deep down, what I really wanted was just...your approval. For you to...tell me that I've grown strong. That's all I ever wanted."

    Fujin: YUNA.

    Raijin: She's a very sweet girl, ya know? Her best dialogue comes in times of hardship. Check out how she ends that first sentence, ya know?

    Voice Clip: "You say it's your story, but it's my story, too, you know? It would be so let my fate just carry me away...following this same path my whole life through. But I know...I can't. What I do, I do... with no regrets."

    Raijin: So there you have it guys! Those are your 8 finalists......Hang on a sec! Why isn't Seifer on this list, ya know!?

    Fujin: RAGE.

    Raijin: Ah, well, he's our winner, ya know? As for the Ciddie, well... the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Cid Highwind

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #43
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Best Voice

    The Nominees
    Auron - FFX · Balthier - FFXII · Caius Ballad - FFXIII-2 · Lightning - FFXIII · Sazh Katzroy - FFXIII · Snow Villiers - FFXIII · Wakka - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Garnet & Zidane

    Zidane and Garnet from Gaia IX walk together onstage to the podium for their speech on Best Voice.

    Zidane: The Gods started up the requirement for great, epic adventures within the Final Fantasy Multiverse a mere 25 years ago, and during the early years, voices in Final Fantasy worlds were largely unheard of.

    Garnet: Exactly, and voices in Final Fantasy had not started until the tenth legend - in 2001!

    Zidane: Since then, voices have been a feature in later Final Fantasy tales. We're here to present the award for Best Voice award!.

    Garnet: You're right. Isn't it horrible that the game we're both in didn't feature voices, Zidane?

    Zidane: I know! I bet your voice would be totally babe-alicious, Dagger!

    Garnet: *blushes* You would have a cute voice yourself, Zidane.

    Zidane: No way, mine would be bad ass and awesome.

    Garnet: But not as masculine as our first nominee from Final Fantasy X, Auron.

    Zidane: Puh-lease, Dagger! His voice is nothing compared to the smooth voice of Ivalice's sky pirate, Balthier. If I had a voice, mine would sound just like his! Except much more sexier. *nudges Garnet*

    Garnet: Zidane, please. Anyway, our next nominee is from Gran Pulse - Caius Ballad. He has a very nice voice from what I've heard.

    Zidane: But not nicer than our next nominee Lightning, who has one of the sexiest voices in the FF Multiverse. I could listen to her all day.

    Garnet: What about mine?

    Zidane: Dagger, you don't have a voice!

    Garnet: I lost my voice at one point, yes, but I do have a voice.

    Zidane: In my head, you have the best voice, my dear.

    Garnet: Moving along, our next nominee is Sazh Katzroy.

    Zidane: Now there's a voice that's smooth and easy on the ears. I gotta love me a strong, soulful voice. He and our following nominee are from the same world. Next up is Snow Villiers. I've got one word to say about him.

    Garnet: Please do share with us, Zidane.

    Zidane: Why certainly, Dagger. *clears throat* STEELGUARD!

    Garnet: *facepalms* And finally, our last nominee is Wakka from Spira.

    Zidane: What a great cast of nominees for Best Voice! I can't wait to find out who wins!

    Garnet: Neither can I. I have the envelope right here with me, so let's see who won?

    Garnet & Zidane: And the winner is...

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #44
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    Zidane appeared to be nursing a nasty injury during his Best Voice presentation with Garnet. Photographer: SummonerDagger88

    Award Chocobo: Thanks, Garnet and Zidane! Speaking of Garnet, she was pictured earlier on having a good laugh with her Gaia IX pals on the red carpet. Have a look!

    Garnet, Eiko and Beatrix enjoy each other's company while they wait for the airship problem to be resolved. Photographer: DarkRinoa88
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #45
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    Cutest Female

    The Nominees
    Aeris Gainsborough - FFVII · Eiko Carol - FFIX · Garnet Til Alexandros XVII - FFIX · Oerba Dia Vanille - FFXIII · Relm Arrowny - FFVI · Rikku - FFX · Rydia - FFIV · Selphie Tilmitt - FFVIII

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Don Corneo

    Don Corneo: Woohoo! It's time for the Cutest Female award, yeowza! And who better to judge the nominations than yours truly, the connoisseur of love, the capo of cuties...the Don himself! Woohoo! That's right pussycats, Corneo is here and he's going to be taking one of you lovelies home with him to... ah... wait. No. I can't do this. Who am I kidding. Look Skotch, Kotch, I'm grateful that you invited me here for this, even if it meant coming to this opera place. And I know what you're trying to do. But it's just not the same anymore. I'm not the same. Ever since... that incident long ago...

    Look, my fellow characters, i'm sorry for holding up your ceremony and everything, but it's been a difficult time for me, you know. Let me tell you my sad tale...




    ...and they just don't do it for me anymore. Not like they used to. I mean- What? What do you mean shut up, you don't care?! Do you know who you're talking to here?! Oh what's the use. Let's just get this over with. Come on, line 'em up in front of me so I can go back home to Sector 6. Woo hoo lovely women who have we got first yadda yadda ect ect.

    Hmmm---Hmmmmmm! Yes this is... no, it isn't. Seriously guys. I mean look, don't get me wrong, they're all perfectly cute, but they're just not what I'm looking for these days. I mean for starters, Aeris? Really? I already turned her down once for something better, so why would you bring her to me again? And Garnet and Rydia... I mean I'm not saying they're bad, but couldn't you have found someone with broader shoulders? Just a tint of facial hair? No? Ugh. Send them away, bring in the next lot.

    Oooh boy. I'm actually kind of depressed. Looking at these two fine, energetic young cuties reminds me of my old self. The me who would have commit heinous crimes to make one of these fine young specimens spend the night in my bed chamber. I can see the looks they're getting from some of the audience and... that used to be me. No, no. Remove them from my sight. Let's hurry and get this over with. Who else have we got?

    ...?! Wait, what? Are you serious? Christ, I know I said I used to be the type of guy who would commit a crime but not THAT! What are you doing bringing these two out here in front of me? You do realise who I am don't you? Good god, people. No, no girls. It's not you. You're both very lovely. Please don't cry. Go on, go home. Hoooo boy. Could this day actually get any worse?

    ...Ew. What. No. Oh god. Please, stop talking. Look girly, I'm a mobster, I know bad people and I can do bad thin-UGH. For the love of god, shut up! What is that accent? OH GOD. SOMEONE PLEASE GET HER AWAY FROM ME.

    This whole thing has been a bust. I'm just going to get out of here and go home. I don't know why I even agreed to come to this place. I mean, look at all of you! What right to any of you have to judge other peoples cuteness? Wherever I look, all I can see are the dregs of human soci...

    Hmmm? Hmmm--hmmm! Yes... yes! Gya-ha-ha-ha! *furious hip wiggling*

    Say, Award Chocobo, you're the guy in charge right? Before you get on with the ceremony, let me ask you a question. Why would a guy like me who hasn't enjoyed any of this so far or any of the women paraded before me suddenly be so happy?

    1. Because he's lost his mind.
    2. Because he's spotted the "girl" of his dreams.
    3. Because he's sure he'll win.

    Award Chocobo: Uhm... number two?

    Don Corneo: Wooohooo! Exactly!! Yes yes, splendid splendid! Someone bring that fine young pussycat over to me! No, no, that one! Yes her! Come on over, honey!

    Well, well, well!!! This must be the Don's lucky day. You're exactly the kind of healthy young girl I've been looking for ever since that incident. What's your name, baby? "Kuja", you say? Hmmm---hmmm. Yes I understand. Your type of woman always did prefer to use a performance name, right? That's fine with me baby! Why don't you say we get out of this dump and head back to my mansion? I'll treat you just right. And when we get there, what will you do for me? Anything? Well in that case... I want a kiss. A KISS! WOOOOOHOOOO! Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to come here after all! Thanks, everyone! Enjoy your awards! I know I'm going to enjoy my night! Oh, oh, almost forgot - and the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Garnet Til Alexandros XVII

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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