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Thread: Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Ciddies - Results!

  1. #61
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Best Creature

    The Nominees
    Behemoth · Cactuar · Chocobo · Malboro · Moomba · Tonberry

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    of Final Fantasy XIII-2

    Mog (XIII-2): Hi everyone, Mog here! I have been tasked with presenting the speech for Best Creature, which is a very important category indeed, kupo!

    If there were no creatures to challenge our heroes, then there would be no game. Well there would be, but it would be boring. Take the time out of your day to thank a creature today, kupo!

    Our contenders are as follows:

    Behemoth! Looks like he has a case of the Mondays, kupo! Don't worry, I'm good friends with this one. We go out drinking sometimes. He does a great karaoke rendition of Dancing Queen. He just woke up on the wrong side of the bed for this picture, kupo!

    Cactuar! You'd think he would get tired of doing that pose. You would think, but he doesn't, because he's stuck that way, kupo! No wonder he is cranky all the time. He does like pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, however. We're pretty good buddies, kupo!

    Chocobo! Who would have thought that a giant chicken would be so popular, kupo! Chocobo is a great guy. He will kick your kupo nuts in a game of Dance Dance Revolution, too. Don't tell him I said that... he's modest and it will really ruffle his feathers, kupo!

    Malboro! We're not even going to go into what this guy's favorite pasttime is. You wouldn't guess that he's actually a very sweet and sensitive fellow, though! I know he's really got his heart set on this award, so hopefully you can all pull through for him, kupo!

    Moomba! Me and this guy go a long ways back, kupo! You know, this guy has a surprisingly good sense of fashion. He likes giving fashion tips to the other creatures, which is impressive, seeing as most of them don't wear anything to begin with, kupo!

    Tonberry! This fellow likes to pretend that he is the strong, silent type. But don't let that fool you, girls! He cried at the end of You've Got Mail. I try not to bring this up too often because I know he doesn't like it. Oh, and don't worry about the knife. He's watched Iron Chef one too many times, kupo!

    Well, there you have it. All of these guys would be tickled pink to win this category, kupo! Of course, we all know that since I'm a race, I can't be involved in this. Not to mention I'd obviously win! So let's see who you all picked for Best Creature! The winner is...

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #62
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Award Chocob: Woah! It got a little feisty there for a moment when Red XIII went face to face with one of the Shinra guard dogs... pretty sure there was only ever going to be one winner there!

    Red XIII is said to have let the stupid fella off easy. Photographer: Waahtis
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #63
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Best NPC

    The Nominees
    Bugenhagen - FFVII · Cid Fabool IX - FFIX · Gilgamesh · Moogle · Mukki - FFVII · Stay Away From The Summoner Lady - FFX · Ultros - FFVI

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Balthier & Fran

    Balthier: Welcome audience, and Balthier and Fran here will be presenting the Best NPC award. Now, the public who I meet are either attempting to lynch me and steal the cache of Galabados, which happens as often as Fran collapses through mist exhaustion...

    Fran gives cold stare to Balthier.

    Balthier: or they are worshipping me down at my feet. It is hardly surprising, the leading man often attracts all sections of the audience. But this award isn’t about me, unfortunately. It is about the props that make up the play.

    Fran: What Balthier is trying to say is that the NPCs that make up each game are special and are crucial to us all. And I am not just saying that because I am effectively an NPC for virtually all of the game...

    Balthier: Whatever you say Fran. Anyway, let us begin by discussing what is perhaps the most consistent of all of the NPCs we have here tonight. Gilgamesh has appeared since FFV and has been Bartz’s favourite ever since. Why is this? Let me cast you back to my own encounter with Gilgamesh. He appears on the bridge with the grace of Basch’s running stride and the rest of the battle creates a most humorous atmosphere. Couple that with his little sidekick here and you have the making of a NPC legend. Everyone needs a sidekick, right Fran?

    Fran gives cold stare to Balthier.

    Fran: Ultros is another candidate worth consideration. While I cannot fathom why anyone would want to cast a vote for this misogynist, Ultros does match Gilgamesh’s ability for haphazard cut scenes. The mist is perpetually pink around him. A clear sign of madness. Thankfully, Bugenhagen is a worthy candidate. His knowledge of Gaia rivals my ability to seemingly know everything about Ivalice. Bugenhagen resides in Cosmo Canyon, a mystical place that is secretive, much like the Eryut Villa--

    Balthier is caught seducing Rinoa Heartilly in audience seating area.

    Fran: Tsk! Balthier!

    Balthier: Oh, Fran, you know the leading man is nothing without a leading lady right? Of course, you wouldn’t qualify. I need a strong heroine to better suit my sky pirating needs...

    Fran, seething, storms off.

    Balthier: As they say, if you can’t take the heat, get off the stage. Am I saying this right? Anyway, where was I? Ah, yes - Mukki is a weird fellow. I first met him in the Honeybee Inn; for business, I assure you. He is a great candidate because of the fine masculine looks he gives to the game, as I do to my own...

    Wolf whistles from female audiences and ...Hope Estheim?

    Balthier: Thank you, ladies. Moving on, the moogle is one NPC that is friendly in a non-sexual sense. While I admire my friend Mukki and the many adventures we experienced together, the moogle has always been the epitome of cute and for this very reason I hired Nono as my mechanic. While it is said Fran can handle a spanner, Nono has the smooth touch that only moogles know how. They have appeared in various forms throughout the series, and I look forward to them each time. They are the foil to my leading man, as they say.

    Balthier squints hard

    Balthier: Wait.. am I reading this right? Stay Away From the Summoner Lady? Why isn’t You're a Bad Man Girl on this list also? I expected better from you, Spira. Moving on to our last candidate, Cid Fabool IX is a strange case. He begins human, then a oglop, then a frog. I realise that Terra is multicultural, this world has more races than Ivalice, and we have an entire game based around those races. Again, I am astounded. This dashing sky pirate is at a loss to explain why he has been chosen to host this award... anyway...

    In a hidden place in the ceiling, Irvine prepares a bullet...

    Irvine, whispering: If I kill him, I shall obtain the cache of Galabados and the strahl all for myself...

    Balthier: And so the winner of this blasted award goes t-

    Fran: Watch out Balthier!

    Fran rushes in, pushing Balthier aside and dodging the bullet. Irvine scurries back to his designated seat as quickly as possible, failing in his mission (again).

    Balthier: Fran, my dear... you saved my life... I should never have doubted you as being some low-rate playable character. I am a changed leading man.

    Fran: The mist grows hot. Let us finish, quickly, the audience is getting rowdy with the frequent interruptions...

    Balthier & Fran: The award for Best NPC goes to....

    And the winner is...

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #64
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Eiko helps to return the Ciddies. Photographer: SummonerDagger88

    As does White Mage, although she seems to be a little more preoccupied with posing for the paps... Photographer: Fuzakeru

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #65
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Best Villain

    The Nominees
    Emperor Mateus - FFII · Kefka Palazzo - FFVI · Kuja - FFIX · Rufus Shinra / Shinra Corp - FFVII · Sephiroth - FFVII · Seymour Guado - FFX · Sin - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenter of this award...
    Rinoa Heartilly

    Rinoa Heartilly: During the run of our adventures, we have faced some astounding villains, some scary, some sexy and some just plain creepy. I was even possessed by a monstrous villain, an evil sorceress set out to destroy time, and tear holes through the fabrics of reality itself. And that wasn’t the greatest experience of my life.

    With that in mind, we can reflect on what facing these villains taught us, it taught us to stand up and fight for what we believed in. To fight for our world and our people, to fight for ourselves and to fight to protect those we love. It taught us to fight for love.

    Through fighting these villains, we battled our own inner demons along the way and learnt things we never knew, and did things we never believed we could do.

    Emperor Mateus attempted to reach World Domination, and would do whatever it took, including using demonic forces to succeed in his attempts.

    Kefka Palazzo was the maniacal clown that gave us all nightmares with his Magitek destruction!

    Kuja was the Genome intent of harnessing all of the power of the mighty Eidolons to wreak his revenge on those that created him.

    Rufus Shinra and the Shinra Corp were the force behind destroying Gaia and it’s lifestream, terrorists and corporate evil at it’s finest.

    Sephiroth, a villain with some serious strength and evilness. He killed Aeris in the Temple of the Ancients, and showed us all what true evil looked like with those mako filled eyes.

    Seymour Guado had greed, and wished to become Sin, destroyer of Spira. He wanted power and tormented the young heroine, Yuna, to try and attain it!

    Sin, created by Yu Yevon it was a destroyer and curse on the world of Spira until it was finally destroyed by Yuna and her Guardians at last, freeing Spira.

    All of our villains are worthy of the title, they are all misunderstood, and perhaps had things been different, they’d have been the heroes.

    And afterall, there is no story without the two halves; good and evil. There is no battle, and there is no path.

    So, without further ado, I’d like to announce the winner...

    And the winner of “Best Villain” is...

    And the winner is...
    Kefka Palazzo

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  6. #66
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    Rinoa finally gets her time on stage after the Ciddies theft escapade. Photographer: DarkRinoa88

    That makes it two Ciddies for Kefka! Photographer: Surfinpika
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #67
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    Highwind Award for Most Loved Current Square-Enix Employee

    The Nominees
    Hiroyuki Ito · Masayoshi Soken · Naoki Yoshida · Tetsuya Nomura · Yoichi Wada · Yoshinori Kitase · Yoshitaka Amano

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Sazh & Dahj

    Sazh Katzroy: Well, hey everyone. Looks like me and my little pal are here to announce the winner of a Highwind Award!

    Dahj Katzroy: Why is it called a Highwind Award, Dad?

    Sazh: Well, it's name after Cid Highwind, the guy who made this entire show happen.

    Dahj: But why not call it a Ciddie?

    Sazh: Oh, well, that's quite simple. This award isn't for a normal person like you and me - these awards are for the Gods.

    Dahj: Do Gods need awards, Dad?

    Sazh: Well... Well, nah, not really. They'll always go on doing their thing. But that doesn't mean that you can't give them a little praise every now and then, you know what I mean?

    Dahj: Yeah, I guess so. Who wins!?

    Sazh: *chuckles* Well, we'll get to that. We have to announce who's up for this award, first!

    Dahj: Oh!

    Sazh: Alright. Let's see if you can read the names.

    Dahj: *looks at names* These names are really weird. Why do Gods have such weird names? They should be given sensible names like Cloud or Squall.

    Sazh: I guess so, kiddo. Here, let me help you - the first nominee is Hiroyuki Ito. You can just call him Ito, it's nice and easy to remember!

    Dahj: What does he do?

    Sazh: Oh, Ito, he's one of the big daddy Gods. He tells the other Gods what they need to do, he tells them how he wants it done, and he designs entire lives and worlds.

    Dahj: *shock* He designs lives!?

    Sazh: Yeah!

    Dahj: *awe* Wow!

    Sazh: And next up is Masayoshi Soken. Now, Soken is a god of music. You know how when you walk around, there's almost always music playing? Almost like it fits your mood at the time?

    Dahj: *nods* Yeah.

    Sazh: Well, that's Soken's doing. He plays music for the entire world, all day long, all night long.

    Dahj: What about when it's quiet? Sometimes it's quiet. Is he going to the toilet or something?

    Sazh: Uh... Oh, look, it's Naoki Yoshida next! He's nicknamed Yoshi-P. He's a pretty new God, I have to say, just like Soken. But he's making a big impact. Yoshi-P finds worlds that are in trouble, and he makes them better. He basically does similar things to Ito, but he is known for doing it for already existing worlds. Sort of like a repair man!

    Dahj: He should visit the World of Ruin, I think they need him.

    Sazh: Ha! *laughs* Yeah, I guess so.

    Dahj: *excited* Who else? Who else!?

    Sazh: Ah, Nomura! Tetsuya Nomura. Now, Nomura, he does similar things to Ito - he tells the other Gods how things should be done. You know what, he's also been known for making people, too. You remember meeting Cloud and Red XIII earlier? I think you liked them. Well, Nomura created a lot of people in their world.

    Dahj: Cool... I like Red XIII. He looked awesome. Monura did a good job on him.

    Sazh: It's Nomura, son.

    Dahj: Nomura...

    Sazh: Yeah! That's it. Oh, hey, next up is Yoichi Wada. Well, he's the top dog at the moment. Wada's responsible for all the Gods. He's basically president of them! The big, big daddy!

    Dahj: Sort of like you?

    Sazh: You're a great kid, you know that?

    Dahj: Mmmhmm. Hurry up, though, Dad... Everyone's watching us, it's kind of weird.

    Sazh: Alright, alright, let's see... Ah, Yoshinori Kitase. Now, Kitase is the God of Gran Pulse and Cocoon, where we're from.

    Dahj: Kitase is Maker!?

    Sazh: Uhm... Yeah, you know what, maybe Kitase is Maker. I suppose that makese sense. We'll go with that for now.

    Dahj: Just one more to go, Dad!

    Sazh: Okay, let's see - oh, Amano! Amano is pretty old. I think he's been around since the beginning of time. Now, if you look around you, chances are you'll see a lot of his work. He creates people, he puts colour into the world. If you ever start looking around and thinking about how beautiful things are, you can thank Amano. He's pretty good at what he does!

    Dahj: Yeah!

    Sazh: Oh, hey, no more Gods left to tell you about for now...

    Dahj: Aww. *pouts*

    Sazh: Don't you worry, Dahj. There will be more of them talked about soon enough in the next award, which is for the old Gods who have retired.

    Dahj: Yay! I love you, Dad, you're the best.

    Sazh: I love you too, kiddo. Okay, now, let's see if you can remember how to read those names. I want you to say ""And the winner is"" and then read out the name you find in this envelope. Got it?

    Dahj: Got it!

    Sazh: On you go, then.

    Dahj: And the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Tetsuya Nomura

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #68
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    Highwind Award for Most Loved Former Square-Enix Employee

    The Nominees
    Hironobu Sakaguchi · Masato Kato · Nobuo Uematsu · Ted Woolsey · Tetsuya Takahashi · Yasumi Matsuno · Yasunori Mitsuda

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Josef, Minwu, Ricard & Scott

    Josef: Haha! Hiya everyone! Josef here!

    Minwu: Along with I, the White Wizard Minwu!

    Ricard: And Ricard Highwind the Dragoon!

    Scott: Scott, prince of Kashuan at your service!

    Minwu: Together, we make up the second history of World II! Destined to defeat the last form of the Emperor!

    Josef: Yeah, the horrifyingly dead party.

    Scott: We are here to present the Highwind Award for most loved Former Square-Enix Staff!

    Ricard: Yeah, our precious creators who decided what horrible ways we'd die.

    Minwu: Quiet you, the fate chosen by the gods is a destiny we must accept.

    Josef: Gods? They've retired!

    Scott: Shush! That is quite enough out of you! And some of them still do things for us every now and then. First up for the award is Hironobu Sakaguchi.

    Minwu: Hironobu Sakaguchi is the creator of all creators, he who brought the first Final Fantasy world into place, and brought together all the old Gods.

    Josef: So none of us would've died without him being around.

    Scott: Fool! We wouldn't have been created without him either.

    Minwu: Next is Masato Kato, he set in stone the destiny of worlds like Gaia VII and Chrono Trigger World.

    Ricard: I guess he isn't responsible for the creation of any of our misfortunes. I'll introduce the next, the great Nobuo Uematsu!

    Minwu: Nobuo is responsible for the music of so many of the worlds! Most of them in fact!

    Josef: He made the awesome world map music that always plays when I walk around? I guess I don't have anything wrong with that guy.

    Scott: As the god of music I'd hope not! The next nominee is Ted Woolsey! He created languages and allowed them to be spoken between those of different language

    Josef: The god of speech?

    Ricard: Responsible for our horrible speech impediments?

    Minwu: Enough of your disrespects! After that comes Tetsuya Takahashi! He who once designed and coloured our worlds.

    Scott: That couldn't have been a very difficult job back in our era? I don't think I was made particularly unique.

    Minwu: Scott!

    Scott: Oh, sorry Minwu, I don't know what came over me!

    Minwu: Lastly was Yasunori Mitsuda!Josef: No no! We forgot Yasumi Matsuno, he oversaw the first told histories of Ivalice!

    Audience applauds.

    Ricard: The crowd likes him and he's never caused problems in our world!

    Minwu: Quiet you! Let us finish now with Yasunori Mitsuda. He created all non-musical sounds in World V!

    Josef: I don't have any funny remarks for that.

    Crickets chirp.

    Ricard: And the winner for Most Loved Former God--

    Scott: You mean best of the old folks ho--


    And the winner is...
    Nobuo Uematsu

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #69
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    Award Chocobo: Some characters seem to have been drinking for the full ten hours I've been doing this now. Wark! Here's hoping we don't get any trouble, as someone doesn't look very pleased in this picture!

    Emperor Mateus tries to get friendly with Princess Hilda! Photographer: AanZku
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  10. #70
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    Best Heroine

    The Nominees
    Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca - FFXII · General Beatrix - FFIX · Celes Chere - FFVI · Lightning - FFXIII · Rydia - FFIV · Terra Branford - FFVI · Tifa Lockhart - FFVII · Yuna - FFX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Lenna & Faris

    : Good day, members of the Eyes on Final Fantasy Forums. My name is Lenna and this is my sister Faris. We are here to present the nominees for Best Heroine.

    : Do I have ta wear this?

    : Yes, you have to dress and act appropriately and ladylike for such formal events.

    : My feet hurt and I can't breathe!

    : ...Oooh! I have an idea! Let's try and do as many costume changes as possible for this speech!

    : I will dress as a pirate... then a pirate... then another pirate!

    : Oh come on, it will be fun! You're always wearing that anyway.

    : Arrrr, alright.

    : Excellent! Our first nominee is Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca from Ivalice. According to this, she has traits that resemble a red mage.

    : Ashe, like Lenna, is a princess. Her main mission is to avenge her and regain her kingdom.

    : She is absolutely fearless and nothing will stop her from completing her goals which is why she is an excellent candidate.

    : Next is General Beatrix from Gaia IX. We don't have a paladin job... this will have to do.

    : She is extraordinarily loyal, brave, noble, and strong. Her skills in battle is well known throughout the land as she is known as the "best swordsman in the continent", "the cold-blooded woman who silences even the crying infant", and "Beatrix who felled 100 men".

    : Beatrix, unfortunately, is never a permanent party member in Final Fantasy IX but her traits are what make her shine above the rest.

    : Celes Chere from the World of Balance/Ruin. How does she wear such heavy armor all the time?

    : Takes a strong woman to do so. Celes is a powerful and proud woman. She is a genetically enhanced Magitek Knight so she is also able to cast spells.

    : She and Beatrix share similar qualities. Both are female generals, have some tough decisions to make in regards to where their loyalties lie, and are strong independent ladies. Makes me wonder who will come out on top.

    : Lightning from Cocoon. Don't let her pink hair fool you, it doesn't mirror her personality at all.

    : Not one bit. Lightning's qualities resemble those of a knight. She is protective, independent, and determined to follow through on her missions.

    : Lightning is one of the two female main protagonists in the main Final Fantasy line. She is also the only one to be the lead in three games, which is well deserved.

    : The lovely summoner without a horn Rydia from World IV.

    : In my opinion, Rydia is one of the ladies who we see grow the most. She places her trust in the hands of men she witnessed destroy her home town, overcomes her fear of fire, literally ages about 10 years, and told Edward to stop being a sissy.

    : Wise and beautiful, Rydia is an impressive young lady.

    : Another green haired lady... Terra Branford from World of Balance/Ruin

    : Although FFVI wasn't meant to have a main character, the use of her as an icon and necessity to the plot has made her the first female main protagonist in the series.

    : Terra starts out without having and recollection of her origin which often leaves her confused of how to handle situations and emotions. Her drive to continue moving forward is what molded her into the assertive powerhouse that she is.

    : The lovely Tifa Lockhart from Gaia VII

    : Although she is widely known for her assets, Tifa will likely pound your face into a cement if you even think of trying something!

    : Faris, that is not lady-like! Tifa has a very maternal and empathetic demeanor with deceptive physical strength. Her loyalty and determination to avenge her home town, friends, and family makes Tifa the incredible woman that she is.

    : Arr, I've just about had enough o' dress up! Our last nominee is lass Yuna from Spira

    : ...Yuna is a sweet, loyal and honest lady. She is determined to follow in her father's footsteps and sacrifice herself to save the world from Sin.

    : Aye, aye. She's a fine brave beauty who be well deservin' o' this award. Now if ye don't mind, I'm goin' aft t' me ship and I never be lettin' you pick me outfit again. Aarrrr

    : *sigh* And the winner is...

    And the winner is...
    Ashe B'nargin Dalmasca

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #71
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    Ashe proudly shows off her Ciddie for Best Female. Photographer: Luran-V
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #72
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    Best Hero

    The Nominees
    Cecil Harvey - FFIV · Cloud Strife - FFVII · General Leo - FFVI · Locke Cole - FFVI · Ramza Beoulve - FFT · Squall Leonhart - FFVIII · Tidus - FFX · Zack Fair - FFVII:CC · Zidane Tribal - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    Lightning & Snow

    Snow: Hey there everybody! Its your hero here, Snow! I’m also accompanied by my sister, Light!

    Lightning: Its Lightning. Can we just get this over with?

    Snow: Come on Sis, don’t be a party pooper! In fact, why don’t you try heading this speech? Come on, give it a try!

    Lightning: No.

    Snow: Take it.

    Lightning: No.

    Snow: Come on Lightning, take it.

    Lightning: I’m about to show you how Lightning strikes if you don’t get that out of my face, Snow Villiers.

    Snow: Real heroes never back down from danger!

    Lightning: You’re the perfect one to give the speech, you know that?

    Snow: Yeah, so?

    Lightning: So give the damn speech!

    Snow: We’re not gonna get anywhere if you don’t-

    Lightning: Just give me the microphone...

    Snow: Haha, thats the spirit! Here ya go sis!

    Lightning: Hmph... arguing with you is like trying to fight a Sentinel...

    Snow: Ladies and Gentlemen, Lightning Farron!

    Lightning: Tonight we are here to present an award. The Best Hero award in particular. Now, I’m no hero, but-

    Snow: Don’t lie to the audience! Everyone, Lightning is a Finalist in the Best Heroine category! She risked her life to save Cocoon, everyone! Lightning is a true hero! You could all learn something from her!

    Lightning: I- uhh...

    Snow: Look at that everyone! She’s blushing! I guess even the big, bad soldier has a vulnerable spot for flattery! Guess I sure did stagger her, am I right?

    Lightning: Snow... Take this damn microphone. I need a minute.

    Snow: Haha, I would too if MY face was burning that red!

    Lightning: S-shut up!

    Snow: Now... In case someone missed it, I’m Snow Villiers. I’m sure if I wasn’t giving this speech, I’d be the top nominee for the award, am I right? Anyways, what is a hero? I’d be willing to bet no one could give me a good answer. Well, to be honest, I don’t think I could give a good answer either. Someone who fights for good? Someone who protects the weak? Someone who fights against evil? All these things could signify a hero. Needless to say, heroes come in all shapes and forms. Sometimes they might even surprise you. I mean, Lightning is as mean as a snake, but a hero nonetheless.

    Lightning: Watch it.

    Snow: Kidding, kidding! As I said before, defining hero is a difficult task. I won’t try to do it, but instead, I’ll let you decide what a hero is. I can only think of a few things all heroes might have in common, and this is just a might.

    Lightning: Oh no...

    Snow: Real heroes never back down! Real heroes don’t need plans! They don’t ever lose a fight, they always win! The hero never dies! And most importantly, the hero always saves the day!

    Lightning: Still the same old Snow...

    Snow: Now, how about we read the winner of this award together sis?

    Lightning: Yeah, lets finish this.

    Snow: Ohh, but first we have to pick who we want to win!

    Lightning: What?

    Snow: Predictions, if you will! Come on, look at the list of nominees we’ve got, pick one!

    Lightning: No, Snow. Lets just-

    Snow: Come on, just pick! You don’t even hafta know who they are. Just pick the one that looks coolest or something!

    Lightning: Ugh, you’re such a child. Fine. I pick... the one with the spiky hair.

    Snow: Kinda resembles you, doesn’t he Light?

    Lightning: What? Where did you get that?

    Snow: I dunno, a bit of a heroes hunch.

    Lightning: Hmph. Whatever. And your pick?

    Snow: This guy, he definitely looks like a hero.

    Lightning: Funny, his hair is a bit spiky too.

    Snow: Yeah, he even has the same sword as your pick. Huh... look at the the similarities between those two.

    Lightning: Yeah, I’ll give you that. They do look identical, to some extent.

    Snow: Weird. Well, lets read the winner, shall we?

    Lightning: Finally. So, who is it?

    Snow: The Winner of the Best Hero award goes to...

    And the winner is...
    Cecil Harvey

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #73
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Cecil grabs World IV's first Ciddie! Photographer: Latias413

    Award Chocobo: WARK!!!

    A quick snap of Ultros as he grabbed Award Cactuar, Moogle and Chocobo in his arms, then hurried off behind the curtains! Photographer: Agent Proto

    Award Chocobo: Help!
    Award Cactuar: Save us!
    Award Moogle: Kupo!

    Ultros: D'haaaaa! Well well well! Ciddies, eh? Ha! These shiny statues are all mine! Oh! They're glowing!! They're... beautiful!

    Locke: Hey, squidball! Don't you ever learn?

    Ultros: They always said I was a slow learner...but I eat FAST!

    Balthier: Damn it, where's a chef when you need one? Just cook him and eat him. Apparently, it's very tasty.

    Ultros: D'haaaaa! Look at the little sky pirate! What are you going to do, sissy boy? Take off your carefully ironed waistcoat? Fwa ha ha!

    Cloud: Squall! This must be what they meant by us getting together. They must have meant getting together to destroy Ultos, once and for all!

    Squall: Uh, whatever, dude. If you want me to save the day, just say. Let's have a go!

    Cloud & Squall are beaten up.

    Major Biggs: Go on then, Wedge! Do something!

    Lieutenant Wedge: Like what!? You saw them defeat those two heroes like they were nothing! What could we even do!?

    Biggs & Wedge: RETREAT!

    Biggs & Wedge run out of the Opera House.

    Auron: If I can beat up an Adamantoise, I can do this.

    Vanille: I'll help! I'm an alright healer! He's no snurble!

    Auron and Vanille head in through the curtain to find Ultros and are promptly thrown right back out again.

    Balthier: Bear in mind this is the same sky pirate who beat Yiazmat I'm sure this octopus wouldn't be so difficult.

    Ultros: I ain't no garden-variety octopus.

    Balthier: Really? Looks like an octopus, spreads ink like an octopus... yep. You're an octopus.

    Ultros: Silence, you are in the presence of octopus royalty. A lowborn thug like you could never defeat me!

    Mog jumps on a Chocobo.

    Mog: CHARGE!!!

    Mog runs over Steiner on the way to the curtains, trips over on the stairs, Mog flies through the curtains and then flies straight back again.

    Heidegger: GYA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA-- AH!

    Mog hits Heidegger right in the face.

    Lightning: Back off, everyone. I'll handle this. This can be my sequel, as you all call it.

    Snow: No, I'm going with you! Time to prove this Hero will never back down - and never be beaten!

    Snow and Lightning are thoroughly beaten.

    Garnet: Well, go on then.

    Zidane: What, on my own!?

    Garnet: You don't need me, apparently.

    Zidane: *sigh* I'm sorry, I was stupid on the red carpet. I got excited with all the attention. I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise.

    Garnet: What about Ultros?

    Zidane: I'll take care of him later. Right now, I've gotta take care of you!

    Garnet & Zidane skip off in a sickeningly cute way to eat a sundae or something, I guess.


    Freya: Time for me to do the world a favour!

    Freya knocks Tidus out.

    Freya: Well, that's my work done.

    Shadow sips a drink at the bar... mysteriously.

    Ultros: N'ghaaaaa! Look at all these chumps trying to take out Uncle Ulty! This hardly passes as sport at all!

    Quina eats food at the buffet.

    Cloud: Urgh... what hit me... oh, Ultros! Is he still here? He is!? Okay, Quina, come on! Together, we can save the Opera House! Let's do this for the Final Fantasy Multiverse!

    Quina: Eating food.

    Cloud: But... I'm... influential!


    Cloud loses conciousness again.

    Balthier: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Ultros, the squishy punching bag from World of Balance/Ruin, is now somehow defeating us? Ultros must have snuck in a hero drink from Fayth Scar.

    Ultros: G'yaaaaah! Hero Drink soup? Let me get my bib!

    Black Mage: Looks more like a Primeval Brew from Abyssea...

    Noel: It's like trying to pry an octopus off yourself. Except the octopus speaks your language and can get drunk.

    Faris laughs.

    Ultros: Don't tease the octopus, kids!

    Faris: was Bartz.

    Ultros: Mwa, ha, ha! You're nothing more than a little shrimp! I eight you! Geddit? Eight! FWA HA HA! I'm the best pun-maker in all of Final Fantasy!

    Barret: God damn mother%"^£$ octopus! I HATE sealife! Eat lead!

    Barret shoots at pretty much everything but the gigantic figure of Ultros.

    Ultros: Mwa-ha-ha! Look at the angry little man and his tin-pot arm! He couldn't shoot the breeze!

    Barret: !$^?&*! GOD DAMN !$^$£&^$£ &?!£% piece of £^$%"£ how the hell can I have a !£%$ gun on my arm that fires that many bullets in one %$%£$&@ attack and £%$!*%$£& MISS!?!?!?!

    Selphie: C'mon, Mr. Wallace! This is all going to be okay! We'll get through this no matter what! ...Don't suppose you have a bazooka handy, huh?


    Aeris: Probably not the best idea, we have to consider all the poor Ciddies Committee members Ultros is holding in his arms. We should save everyone!

    Meanwhile, Zack is too busy telling Guy his story to realise what is going on.

    Time Mage: Can anyone save us?

    Black Mage: Ramuh can, belike...

    Ultros: F'waaaaaaaaaa! Don't make Uncle Ulty laugh! That old crone can't get his staff up these days!

    Black Mage: Dude, Ramuh's a guy. Crones are girls!

    Faris: Ultros, you should be ashamed of yourself. What would your mother think?!

    Ultros: Well, whadduya want I should do?

    Vincent: Hey, Cid, perhaps now is a good time to show you my knitting utensils. I have some really good ones over he--

    Cid: Will everyone please just SHUT UP, SIT DOWN, AND LET ME DRINK MY GOD DAMN TEA.

    Auron says things in a cool voice, but it has no impact on Ultros.

    Garnet: *runs back in* Hey, Ultros! I got you a flower!

    Garnet runs up in a cute way, drops off a flower, and runs back out again, leaving everyone kind of confused.

    Ultros: Flower!? Pah! Flowers are for sissies!

    Vivi: Doesn't look like Ultros wants the flower. Poor Garnet. I will give it back to her!

    Vivi runs off to give Garnet her flower back.

    Tifa and Balthier are too busy making a mockery of the Most Likely To Get Together result to be of use at the moment.

    Aeris dies. Again.

    Conductor of Opera House Orchestra: Alright, boys, let's play a good battle song to get these heroes in the mood! Audio Visual, can you hear me? Help us set the mood!

    They begin playing One Winged Angel, while images of battles taking place in Midgar and Ivalice start showing up on screens around the building.

    Ultros: Hey, music! I owe you one, so I'm gonna jam up your opera!

    Time Mage: T...Terra? Terra? Celes? B-Balthier? Anyone!?

    Bahamut sips at his drink.

    Bahamut: End of an Era, anyone? Let's face it, if I attack Ultros in here, the entire building and the surrounidng area are going down. Sorry guys, can't help ya.

    Award Chocobo: WARK!!! Can someone, for the love of Uematsu and Nomura, please get me away from this stupid bloody purple eight legged freak! KWEH!!!

    Gilgamesh: For once, I shall save the day! This can be my calling!

    Gilgamesh hits Ultros and his sword breaks like a twig.

    Gilgamesh: ...Bollocks.

    Kefka: Best awards event EVER.

    Ashe: Ugh. Soldiers of Dalmasca! TO ARMS!

    Cecil: Soldiers of Baron! TO ARMS!

    Roughly 10,000 soldiers somehow appear - and somehow fit - inside the Opera House.

    Ashe & Cecil: CHAAAAAAAARGE!!!

    The combined armies of Dalmasca and Baron charge into a mighty battle with Ultros. Eventually, the dust begins to clear, and...

    Auron: ...Really?

    Balthier: One has to agree, this is all getting a little bit ridiculous.

    Celes: Wow.

    Cloud: ...

    Lightning: That's impossible.

    Quina: He do what he want... we have problem.

    Terra: 10,000, right? Did anyone else estimate that? TEN THOUSAND OF THEM.

    Vivi: Hey guys, I gave Garnet her flower back, she was a little sad Ultros didn't want it, but she was still okay, she's such a lovely perso-- oh. Hey, uh, guys, do you see the approximately ten thousand or so bodies lying around the Opera House?

    Ultros: F'waaaah! Ten thousand tasty morsels!

    And, suddenly, a vaguely familiar sound breaks out through the Opera House...

















    Ultros: ...doink!?

    Ultros is defeated.

    Award Chocobo: Kweh! Award Tonberry! My hero! Free at -- urgh, I have Ultros goo all over me. Blergh.

    Ultros: Thwarted again! I feel like such a sucker. Well, kids, hate to ink and run...... but I AM an octopus!

    Ultros flees the Opera House.

    Award Chocobo: Oh, geez, what a mess. You guys did a great job of keeping Ultros busy while Award Tonberry made his way over to him! Great job, everyone!

    Award Moogle: This might be a job for Phoenix, kupo...

    Award Tonberry: Definitely. Man, I'm tired.

    Phoenix does what Phoenix does best, although Leviathan has to put out a couple of fires afterwards.

    Award Chocobo: Alright, everyone, let's get this last award sorted! And, uh, then we can tidy up this place. Hoo boy.

    Cid Highwind: Hold up one bloody second! Before you leave the stage, Award Tonberry, I have something for you for what you just did.

    No Tonberry would ever be as happy as Award Tonberry was that moment, surrounded by all the Final Fantasy Multiverse, all applauding for him. Photographer: joelmbello

    Cid: Now, on with the show!

    Award Chocobo: Take it away, Cait Sith!

    Cait Sith: It's time for the big one, folks!
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #74
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    Best Character

    The Nominees
    Auron - FFX · Balthier - FFXII · Celes Chere - FFVI · Cloud Strife - FFVII · Lightning - FFXIII · Quina Quen - FFIX · Terra Branford - FFVI · Vivi Ornitier - FFIX

    Please give a warm welcome to the presenters of this award...
    The Warriors of Light

    The lights turn dim and the Opera House Orchestra starts the famous Final Fantasy Fanfare.

    A montage of all of the cut scenes from the main series begins playing. The audience turns weepy and emotional as their adventures are played out in style.

    The music stops and large screens are revealed. The words “Best Character” are emblazoned on the screen and fire torches are lit to set the ambiance. Everyone goes quiet.

    The Final Fantasy III theme starts playing as the four onion knights from the game walk out.

    Onion Knight #1: Hello there! I hope you have all had a most wonderful evening. We have had entertainment from Yuna’s concert. A special duet by Amarant and Vincent. And can we please say a large round of applause for the Opera House orchestra and our Master of Ceremonies for the entire evening, who without him none of this could have been made possible; Award Chocobo!

    Award Chocobo receives a standing ovation.

    Onion Knight #2: And let's not forget his determined crew - a group of adventurers in their own right, they have certainly delivered on a mission of providing entertainment for the evening: Award Cactuar, Award Moogle and Award Tonberry!

    Award Cactuar, Moogle & Tonberry all receive a standing ovation.

    Onion Knight #3: We have wept. We have laughed. We have dodged for cover when an assassin targeted Balthier. We have all stood as one against a foe in Ultros. We have had an eventful evening that would rival any award ceremony but now the most eventful award has arrived. I am talking about best chara-

    Unknown Voice: Whoa whoa whoa. Stop right there! You imposters!

    Audience members gasp and mutter to each other. They turn to the mystery voice.

    Unknown Voice: You call yourselves Onion Knights! Pathetic! You don’t even have names, do you? Now, I am sorry you four are so desperate for attention you would pose as us, but pose no longer. Move aside!

    Onion Knight #4: I’m sorry lady, but we were here first.

    Unknown Voice: Oh really? Why don’t I allow the audience to know our names? Step out boys!

    The other three step out.

    Refia: I am Refia, one of the light warriors from Final Fantasy III, and the Light of affection.

    Luneth: I’m Luneth, Light of courage!

    Arc: My name’s Arc and I am the Light of kindness.

    Ingus: And I am Ingus, the Light of determination.

    Refia: So then? Who are you four pixelated idiots?

    Onion Knight #3: Why, were from the Original World III! We are the true Light Warriors!

    Luneth: Out with the old, in with the new I say. Does the audience agree?

    Audience cheers an enthusiastic yes.

    Onion Knight #2: Bu-But... were the originals!!! Gah! Get off me!

    Angels from FFVIII’s battle with Ultimecia carry them away.

    Arc: So what makes a best character? This is a tricky question to answer. Is it bravery? Is it stage presence? A best character may not always be the main character but a main character may also be the best character. By reading my formulas, a main character can be seen to be the follo-

    Ingus: Enough with the books Arc. Let’s get on with it eh? The first nominee is Vivi Ornitier. Now this boy starts off a meek, feeble and a wallflower and throughout the journey finds the inner strength, just like you Arc actually. Now Vivi is often touted as the shining star of the Legends of IX and also applauded by the Black Mage Association (BMA) for popularising the image of the black mage. Now is this enough for him to be best character? Who can say...

    Refia: Now here is a video that might help you understand why he has been chosen...

    Video plays of Vivi’s friends speaking favourably of Vivi. Vivi’s courage in battle is also displayed in in-battle video clips.

    Refia: And next we have Quina Quen from the same tales of IX! This is definitely a wildcard showing but let’s not detract from her achievements. Quina’s frog drop move can effectively break the game making her a force to be reckoned with, and her efforts over the past week to provide the catering for this magnificent event is deliciously good! But can her lack of story hurt her chances? Eiko doesn’t think so, here’s Quina’s nomination story...

    Video plays of Quina’s friends speaking favourably of Quina. Quina’s culinary skills are highlighted in depth.

    Luneth: Also nominated is Terra Branford from The World of Balance/Ruin and being in arguely the greatest legend in Final Fantasy history must be a good thing right? Well, being the de facto main character in a game whose creators explicitly stated has no main characters is very helpful. And her magical skills are essential in battle. Here’s a video clip of her friends talking about her achievements...

    Video plays of Terra’s friends speaking favourably of Terra. Terra’s esper friends also hope she wins Best Character. Terra blushes in the audience.

    Arc: Now here is a lady who according to my calculations should never have been nominated. Lightning is the flagship character of System XIII, a controversial system according to the moogle commentators of magazine Mognet, a magazine devoted to ranking the Final Fantasy worlds. However, she has excelled herself and has been something of a celebrity in Final Fantasy, and her steely determination against her branding might be why she has been nominated tonight. Here is Serah Farron talking about what her sister means to her...

    Video plays of Serah Farron talking about her sister. Emotions run high both on the video and among Lightning, who displays real emotion for the very first time.

    Arc: But the next character should come as no surprise. Cloud Strife needs no fancy introductions from us. His story is epic, spanning across three whole discs and has been novelised, and expanded into the multiple historic tales of Gaia VII. He has been a real star among the pantheon I see before me and the Moomba bet makers are having him as favourite. Will they come true? Who can say, but let the video decide for you.

    Video plays of Cloud Strife and his achievements, set against the orchestra music of Aerith’s theme.

    Refia: Next up is a real hottie, it’s the one and only Balthier girls!

    Female audience and Hope Estheim go crazy.

    Refia: That’s right. I have no words to describe him. Balthier is perfection personified. Despite being lumbered with a cast full of duds, like Vaan or Fran, Balthier is still the character people remember from Ivalice. Want further proof? Here’s a sneak peak...

    Video plays of Balthier’s best cut scenes, played to romantic music. The female audience and Hope Estheim swoon.

    Refia: But next up is Celes Chere, who for many find her story from Magitek warrior to freedom fighter even more inspiring than Terra. Celes fights with the returners despite initial misgivings from her own party. However her blossoming romance with Locke Cole is also just another thread in the tale woven in the masterpiece of the World of Balance/Ruin's history. Not to mention, Celes’s theme is just so much better than Terra’s own!

    Video plays of Celes’s friends speaking of their admiration of Celes, played to a orchestra version of Celes’s theme.

    Ingus: But finally is Auron, the strongly spoken yet strangely mysterious bushido king of Final Fantasy. Who else is known to drive the story as Auron? He single handedly sent Tidus to Spira. He travelled with the guardians and led them to Yunalesca. His striking backstory gives Auron a well-rounded character, even after death, his strength of will is both admirable and inspiring, especially with me as the Light of determination. However, Auron cannot swim. This alone strikes me as odd given his manliness but then who am I to judge? Here’s your last video...

    Video plays of Auron’s friends speaking of Auron’s manliness.

    Luneth: And now. It is time. The golden envelope has been handed to me. Are you ready!?

    Audience screams affirmatively.

    All Four: Then lets begin!!

    Drumroll plays, lights dim. Audience is quiet.

    All Four: The winner of Best character is.....

    And the winner is...
    NOT Lightning

    And the winner is...
    NOT Terra Branford

    And the winner is...
    NOT Quina Quen

    And the winner is...
    NOT Celes Chere

    And the winner is...
    NOT Balthier

    And the winner is...
    NOT Cloud Strife

    And the winner is...
    NOT Auron

    And the winner is...
    Vivi Ornitier

    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  15. #75
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    FFXIV Character

    Loony Bob (Twintania)


    And he loves YOU. Photographer: Fuzakeru
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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