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Thread: I wish this were canon in FFVII...dangit

  1. #1

    Default I wish this were canon in FFVII...dangit

    Sephiroth sneaking into Hojo's lab and carrying Aeris around

    I know haters gonna hate, but I want to share this anyway!

    This crack pairing of mine never came to be Apparently, their wiki articles said that in pre-production they were either going to be siblings or lovers, so they gave them similar hairstyles to imply a connection.

    If you dare...there's more Aeriseph mush on my dA: DrAssenov on deviantART

  2. #2
    Banished Ace Recognized Member Agent Proto's Avatar
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    I'm actually glad to see you and several others from dA have joined up the forums, and hopefully we'll see some great art in this forum from you guys.

    Speaking of that, I do really like this. It's really cute, sorta like a big bro, lil sis kinda thing going on there between Seph and Aerith. Really love the detail you put into it as well.

    Apparently, I have been declared banished.

  3. #3
    Jinx's Avatar
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    Did you draw this? It's cute!

    And I never knew that! I never really thought about it, but I guess they do have really similar bangs!
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  4. #4


    Thanks guys! I was hoping to put some feeling into this one. It was really fun to sketch!

    As children, I like the idea of them having the sibling relationship, as all kids should at that age. Seeing as how they ended up having different parents, it would be totally alright if they fell in love later...

    *dodges bricks*

    Ok ok! I'll stop right there. XD

    But seriously, SE was thinking that it would be too dramatic for American audiences for them to be siblings or lovers, given what happens later in the game and all

  5. #5


    So you rather want them to be a couple than siblings?

    I also like the idea of them being a couple. But it would need a totally different story then. And I don't want a different story. The picture here could mean both so I don't know what you mean and like more, except you really mean a sibling-like-relationship as children like you have mentioned and later a romantic one.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth View Post
    So you rather want them to be a couple than siblings?

    I also like the idea of them being a couple. But it would need a totally different story then. And I don't want a different story. The picture here could mean both so I don't know what you mean and like more, except you really mean a sibling-like-relationship as children like you have mentioned and later a romantic one.

    The last sentence you wrote is what I meant - act as siblings as kids (like childhood friends) and then grow into a romantic relationship. I ship this "crack" pairing so hard XD Glad someone else likes the idea of them being a couple. Even cooler is that person's username is "Sephiroth." Hehe!

    I'm going to go ahead and post more Seph-Aeris stuff I've done in this thread

    This piece is a bit older, but I initially drew this one with the "City of the Ancients" in mind for the background. I couldn't get the colors right and the effect I wanted, so I copped out and left the bg a bright white. I always wondered if they encountered each other at the City before Cloud and the gang caught up with them.

  7. #7
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    I actually noticed the slight resemblance in hair style; though I just thought nothing of it. Nice to know that my random thoughts had some weight behind them!

    As to your first artwork, I really like the effect of not adding in real colour to the image; gives it a retrospective look as if it's from a flashback. The sketch style is also credible given the age of Aerith in the image (around sevenish I'd presume) and just makes it more upbeat and positive. Strange, given that Sephiroth is in the picture.

  8. #8

    Default holy

    holy quacamoly!
    that is a possibility that never crossed my just so cute X3

    I admit that when i saw aerith and then sephiroth in the game i was like..."are they brothers or something????"
    Save for the hair color, they share the same stubborn high-level fringe over their eyes and emerald green eyes...
    Then i found out that sephiroth's genetic comes from an alien from somewhere unknown while aerith actually belongs to the planet gaia.....still its too much of a coincidence :P
    anyhow, we know nothing about the cetra or jenova, so yeah XD

  9. #9
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    This is really cute. I kinda wish they went somewhere with this if that's actually the case. I think it'd have given her ending a bit more weight than it already had.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by DrAssenov View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Sephiroth View Post
    So you rather want them to be a couple than siblings?

    I also like the idea of them being a couple. But it would need a totally different story then. And I don't want a different story. The picture here could mean both so I don't know what you mean and like more, except you really mean a sibling-like-relationship as children like you have mentioned and later a romantic one.

    The last sentence you wrote is what I meant - act as siblings as kids (like childhood friends) and then grow into a romantic relationship. I ship this "crack" pairing so hard XD Glad someone else likes the idea of them being a couple. Even cooler is that person's username is "Sephiroth." Hehe!

    I'm going to go ahead and post more Seph-Aeris stuff I've done in this thread

    This piece is a bit older, but I initially drew this one with the "City of the Ancients" in mind for the background. I couldn't get the colors right and the effect I wanted, so I copped out and left the bg a bright white. I always wondered if they encountered each other at the City before Cloud and the gang caught up with them.
    Actually I have a Final Fantasy VII story where Sephiroth gets back memory he lost in the lifestream and while getting back those memories they are experienced again including a "Sephiroth-Aerith-Chase" with him more toying with her but her at least blocking some of his not too seriously casted spells with her ancient magic while he appears ghost-like around her, in front of her, behind her, et cetera ... to play some mind games. And he follows her to the altar and watches her until the moment when Cloud appears just to vanish and come back for the scene we all know.

    This would have been a very fitting experience. Aerith already knew she was about to die when she was talking to Cloud in his dream. And her "I come back when everything is over" is a very sad line. And she did "come back" in the end like she promised.

  11. #11


    A chase scene -- how interesting! I can totally see him messing with her and trying to distract her on the way to the City!

    More on the pre-production "lovers" concept -- when Aeris meets Cloud, she's reminded of Sephiroth. Cloud doesn't tell her what's happened to him so as to not break her heart. I believe there's some Amano aeriseph art out there with them being very close.

  12. #12
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    You know I love this stuff. I don't know much about whether I wish it was canon... I'm a little indifferent on that end. But I really adore the story your pictures tell, so canon or not, it's a good'un.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    You know I love this stuff. I don't know much about whether I wish it was canon... I'm a little indifferent on that end. But I really adore the story your pictures tell, so canon or not, it's a good'un.

    I respect that for sure!

    After the holiday craze slows down, I'll try to post more

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