Hello all and welcome! I, as you may know, and Neocracker, and I play way to many video games.

A thing we are working on in EC has inspired me to take a bit of time out to do this. I will be going through a list of all of the games I have enjoyed enough to leave an impact on my, in one way or the other.

When I say all, I mean all. Every game that came to my mind as I sat down to think about it. Things that didn't clearly weren't impactful enough to matter.

Here is how this will work. Once a weak, possibly longer, I’ll post up a few from my list, starting from the bottom, or my least favorite game of all time.

The goal is to discuss the games listed. What you like about them, what you hate, perhaps you think they are two low on the list? Too High? If the conversation on those games is lively, I’ll likely keep from updating for a bit.

Essentially, part of the reason for this is to give everyone a chance to, perhaps, talk about games they never get the chance to talk about. I do have some rather odd choices on this list, so that is likely to happen a lot!

I have a few points on the list I’ll interject some games that I disliked enough to have had an impact on me. Oddy enough, that list is like, only 20.

The list of games, the normal one, totals 149. (A few I clumped together, such as Pokemon. All the pokemon games, for instance, occupy one spot on the list rather then the 10 million that exist out there. )

This isnt’ really a formal event or anything, and I may also slow down in times when other events are active and lively. Yes, this will take ages to complete, and I know it may not be finished if no one takes any interest, but smurf it! :Monster:

I’ll use a second post to keep a list of all the games I’ve made it through thus far, so you can see where we are just by looking at it. I’ll also be updating my signature soon, complete with image link to the thread, and a clift note showing the games currently under discussion!

This is a very personal list, and in no way is objective. Though I would still like for you to join me, and have a bit of fun along the way!

Also, here is some games that won't be appearing on the list for one reason or another.

I remember them, but have no real opinoin on them/not played enough of it to say
Arc the Lad I (PS1)
Wild Arms (‬PSX)
Everquest (PC)
World of Warcraft (PC)
Final Fantasy XI (PC/PS2)
Civilization IV (PC)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PS3/360/PC)
Dual Orb 2
Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
Rogue Galaxy (PS2)
Sparkster (SNES)
Pirates of Dark Water (SNES)
God of War 2 (PS2)
Breath of Fire IV (PSX)
Legend of Mana (PSX)
Soul Blazer (SNES)
Phantom Brave (‬PS2)
Darksiders (PS3/360)
Final Fantasy XIII
Saga Frontier (‬PSX)
Legastia (PS3)

Haven’t getten around to playing
Final Fantasy VII (Crisis Core)
Shin Megami Tensai: Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSP)
Everquest 2 (PC)
Gears of War 2 (XBox 360)
Final Fantasy XIV (PC)
Civilization V (PC)
Diablo III (PC)
Starcraft II (PC)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (PS3/360/PC)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (PS3/360/PC)
Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3/360/PC)
Battlefield Bad Company 2 (PS3/360/PC)
Alundra (PS1)
Alundra 2 (PS1)
Arc the Lad 2 (PSX)
Arc the Lad 3 (PSX)

And a special thanks to Pitye, who was working on some sigs for me for this. She is an absolute dear who despite my vague and likely bothersome requests, is working on some for me.