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Thread: WK Plays Final Fantasy III (NES)

  1. #16
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    True, but she's the first one to mention Xande, if I'm not mistaken (since she acted under his orders). That's pretty big, for this game at least.

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Zande gets more love off the floating continent and I did scree cap a few of those. I'm due for another update soon.

  3. #18
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    You're going through this game faster than I ever did.

  4. #19
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I have a sneaking suspicion that I am really underleveled. I'm about Lv. 22 and I just took down Garuda with my Dragoon squad. Getting ready to meet up with Doga.

  5. #20
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Eagerly awaiting the next update...

    Extremely entertaining so far!

  6. #21
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Okay, so I met me some Dwarfs and they are whining around cause some thief stole their special Dwarf horn, which might be either some historical artifact, a magical artifact, or a male enhancement supplement. So I now have to track down some asshole named Gutsco and retrive the stolen horn back.
    Final Fantasy III 201301142303045.png

    Into the cave I go!

    Now I completely forgot to screen cap this dude so here's an Amano pic instead.

    So I meet him and my party is like:

    Party: Yo bro, what's up with you and that snake? I thought we were going to fight?
    Gutsco: Oh he's cool man, I have this snake on the ropes so you just come at me bro!
    Party: No bro, that snake seems to be coming at you, so I'm going to chill cause of bro code.
    Gutsco: That's cool bro, but I am totally cool, so feel free.

    Then my party curb stomped his ass. It almost seemed too easy...

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    Something doesn't feel right...

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    ...I just can't put my finger on it... what do you think mysterious line that suddenly appeared?

    Line: I think you're just a little stressed, go back to sleep while I caress your hair...
    Bowie: Thank you Mysterious Line, you're the best friend a rock star could ever have, you don't judge me like other people do.

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    So we place the horn with its twin like the dwarves wanted us to, when the room went dark.

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    But... Mysterious Line? I thought we were friends? We were going to go bar hopping tonight and you were going to be my wing man!

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    Dammit! This is why I shouldn't trust the voices in my head. They turn out to be college frat boys who wrestles snakes and want Dwarf male enhancement artifacts to unlock ill defined but all powerful elemental crystals. This is like jr. high all over again except I don't have braces...

    So Gutsco steals the two dwarf horns and heads to the Molten Cave to retrieve the Fire Crystal. My party, feeling obligated to get the crystal and the horns at the insistence of the dwarves are forced to pursue.

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    Something seems very wrong with this picture... So yeah, what felt like it was going to be a remake of Mt. Gulug from FFI with its damage lava floors didn't happen. I guess this proves that children are 50% asbestos. The top half is human, cause walking under lave waterfalls does still hurt you.

    Also the Bomb enemies are in here and will murder you if you don't kill them fast enough. This dungeon was probably the hardest dungeon for me by this point.

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    Hm... there must be a magic switch somewhere in here, I wonder where it could be...?

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    So we meet up with Gutsco who is trying to harness the power of the Fire Crystal cause apparently the reason why he hangs out with snakes is because he's a furrie who always knew that under his bodybuilder body, he's really a purple dragon, and the Fire Crystal will make his dreams come true.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151742453.png

    Well dreams do come true and I am happy I picked up Cure 2, Ice 2, and a Blizzard Sword before coming here.He largely spams his flame breath which took me out the first time but my rematch had him wasting turns with single target physical hits which my Warrior and Monk brushed off like nothing.

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    Got another Crystal, you know what that means...

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    ...Job Change!

    So Bowie has reached the point where his diversity isn't helping out anymore, so I allowed him to stay edgy but more focused by turning him into a White Mage, which looks like a chick and he was totally cool with that.

    Plant became a scholar cause, well I'm going up against Hein next and need one, but I also consider him a scholar of music.

    Joan wasn't go to take being relegated into some pansy ass job like Thief or Ranger so she opted to upgrade into the Knight class and Bowie and Freddie were instantly jealous of her tiara.

    Freddie, though I loved him as a monk, I felt obligated to use all these arrows I been collecting and my Blackmage can't equip and bows stronger than a Greatbow, nor use arrows above Holy Arrows. Besides he got to look like Robin Hood and Freddie could totally go for that.

    Now to return to the Dwarfs for my victory celebration!

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    Son of a Submariner, can't I get one moment to bask in the glory of my awesomness before someone else needs help?

    Final Fantasy III 201301151833111.png

    Slow down, is that a person or a place?

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    Well that answers that...

    Final Fantasy III 201301151833137.png

    That... is vaguely more informative than to be expected, almost like some great will wanted me to know about a really annoying future boss fight... dun-dun-DUN!!!!

    So after the messenger dies, my party is off to save Tokkle but first...

    Final Fantasy III 201301151833569.png

    You bet your beard I will.

    Now for some sage advice for any RPG fan.

    Attached Images Attached Images

  7. #22
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Salamandr could have been even easier if you picked up Ice3 from that village with the sheep before you went to fight him. They took this away in the DS version, the mothasmurfa's.

    And beating Garuda at lv 22 eh? Man, the first time I played through III NES I was stupid and sold my dragoon equipment before I fought him. I had to level up to lv 30 in order to beat him and still barely made it. -_-

  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I actually did have Ice 3 at the time. I am actually pretty bad about getting screen caps consistently and will sometimes go back and grab them. If you look at the pic from when I'm buying the Magic Keys you'll notice I'm using Fire Crystal jobs already. I hit that place up as soon as I got the Enterprise and stole all the loot in Algus Castle.

    Where I did totally goof in this game when it came to hitting up optional places, is going to Doga's Mansion before hitting the town of Conjurers so I only recently got to utilize the job. I am also frustrated with the equipment set-up of the M.Knight, I mean I was annoyed with the Dark Knight in FFIII not getting any good gear to late game but until now I didn't realize they upgraded that job cause the M.Knight looks to be on hold until I get the Invincible and can reach Falgabird, where I can finally get equipment he can use.

    I'm on the quest to awaken Unne at this point, I was debating about trying to tackle Odin but may hold off until I get the Invincible. I think I'm at level 26 cause I did a bit of grinding before going through the Cave of the Circle with Doga. I do honestly believe I am at least 4-5 levels below what I should be. :sweatdrop

  9. #24
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Oh, don't worry, there will always be the final dungeons to brutally remind you to level up.

  10. #25
    Gamblet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Elpizo View Post
    Oh, don't worry, there will always be the final dungeons to brutally remind you to level up.
    Harsh truth.

  11. #26
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I think the Sunken Cave proved how badly I was underleveled. Got my ass handed to me in there though I did survive with my Defender sword as proof but I never thought the chocobo escape spell would be useful...

    I have work this evening but I'll try to update tonight. The forum has a limit on pictures I can attach so thats why updates have been short and not as frequent as anyone would like.

    EDITGA: Okay so I lied, work kicked my ass and I'm exhausted so update tomorrow!

  12. #27
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    So last we met, my party's victory celebration was cut short. Now we needed to head over and save another town from some dastardly evil.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151851226.png

    Looks like a giant Tangela from Pokemon...

    So my party heads into town after realizing we can't access the flying death st...tree... so we head to the town to set up an ambush for the troops coming in to burn everything down.

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    Um... Hi guys! Want to play some Mario Kart 64?

    Final Fantasy III 201301151902171.png

    Apparently they're Sony fans... Also is it me or does is almost look like their names are Clank, Bang, and Clack? So the party finds themselves captured and placed in prison, which isn't exactly new for some of the members of the group.

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    Apparently the king is genre savvy or he would have known that all trusted assistants to the king usually stab you in the back.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151902537.png

    You knew this and yet you still let him keep his job?

    Final Fantasy III 201301151902398.png

    Yes, cause the King's Sword, which is a stupid name for a weapon, could have made all the difference. So the party uses a Mini item from a dying soldier to get small and escape our cells. Now it's off to travel through this tree and stop Hyne.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151906173.png

    Holy James Cameron! I think I just walked into a Xenomorph Hive! Seriously this was a pretty creepy dungeon.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151909406.png

    Oh no... I thought we were past this from FFII, not the "Doors to the Encounter Rooms"

    Final Fantasy III 201301151923595.png

    Okay, so next time I see the king I need to ask... Why did you hire Skeletor to be your Adviser?

    Final Fantasy III 201301151924172.png

    Okay, joking aside, Hyne was actually the first really nasty boss in this game, largely cause my Knight couldn't hit him, ever and my Ranger and Scholar only hit him half the time. His introduction of the Wall Change boss was pretty interesting and probably one of the tougher versions I've seen of it in the series. After a long grueling fight, we finally took the bad boy down.

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    Oh no, Robert Plant is hearing voices again... Knew the party shouldn't have liquored up before the fight.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151933446.png

    So you're not a talking Queen Alien? I mean the face hugger pods are everywhere in this room and I just... you know, figured this was where you were going to show up...

    So the tree tells us its going home. Somehow, the King and his men escaped from their cells and we were all returned home.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151934592.png

    Oh lord, I had another Pixie Drink...

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    So the Tree goes to sleep with its pixie admirers and its time to return to get my reward for saving a kingdom.

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    I like to think that Knights of the Round from VII summons these guys. The king offered to give me his treasures but then realized he had been robbed while gone, so instead he gives me a Time Gear and tells me to talk to Cid.

    Final Fantasy III 201301151947596.png

    Sure thing David the Gnome!

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    Why yes, Cid has always been modest...

    Final Fantasy III 201301151949017.png

    That's right Clarence, I earned my wings back before you did, and I didn't have to make Jimmy Stewart see how nice his life really was. Take that you angel in training!

    So my party is setting sail for the rest of the world and leaving this silly floating continent. Now maybe I'll have another pixie drink...

  13. #28
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    So when we last left off, the band headed off the floating island and headed or the world below...
    Final Fantasy III 201301152105131.png
    Well this is... "special" Seriously, I spent ages trying to find anything...
    Final Fantasy III 201301152113376.png

    Is it me or is this the surface world giving me the finger? Okay, so now I know what this is and know for a fact the game is taunting me with the major ass kicking it plans to give me later...
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    My party traveled around for well maybe seven minutes before finding this bad boy. A ship!

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    Nappa: Look Vegeta! The Locals! So my party finds a ship which houses the last Water Maiden who can help the party with the Water Crystal which has lost its light.

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    No wonder the world is flooded, sleeping on the job eh?

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    I just had a whole list of dirty thoughts pass through my head...

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    Yes, "Light in our Hearts" cause rockstars are always law abiding citizens and I have not committed any crimes like breaking and entering, theft, assisted suicide, murder, reckless driving, drug use, and genocide. All while being underage to boot.

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    I'm going to tell you now that Robert Plant is going to spend his whole time trying to shag her. I like to think she joined to make sure we didn't desecrate the Water Temple any more than the monsters did.

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    I feel the video below best represents my experience...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152102486.png

    Oh thank god, is this it? This has to be it? Right, Please Elia, tell me this is it!

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    The Zelda fan inside of me screamed when I saw Temple and Water in the same sentence...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152115099.png

    Thank goodness, a trip that won't require flying over tiles of water... So we head to the cave battle a bunch of baddies and finally I get Elia to the Water Crystal...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152209045.png

    Oh that's right, let me take point the whole time while fighting monsters but now you decided to jump ahead? You ungrateful wnech, I hope you get shot in the head or something...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152209111.png

    OH SNAP!!!

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    Final Fantasy III 201301152209269.png

    You son of bitch...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152209368.png
    Looks like we're having Kalamari tonight gang...

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    Final Fantasy III 201301152213123.png
    And after a few minutes and some Famicom magic, the land rose again, my party can now continue their quest. Going to have a quick smoke and a dedication to the Water Maiden Elia

  14. #29
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    I think I may have some extremely intense nightmares after watching that Link screaming video...

  15. #30
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    Okay... so to give an update, I can now happily say that my True Cave of Shadows Cherry has been officially popped and it may be one of the most frustrating dungeons I've had to play through. I will get to that later but let's just say FFIII and I have not been talking for awhile. Still, that doesn't mean I shouldn't update all the stuff I've been doing. School has largely been the reason I've been putting this off.

    Anyway, I will try to get an update sometime before Friday...

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