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Thread: WK Plays Final Fantasy III (NES)

  1. #31
    Gamblet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Okay... so to give an update, I can now happily say that my True Cave of Shadows Cherry has been officially popped and it may be one of the most frustrating dungeons I've had to play through.
    Totally agree. The monsters are tough and the dungeon is too damn long!

  2. #32
    Yes, I'm a FF III fan. Elpizo's Avatar
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    Cave of Shadows is kind of a good preparation for the Final Dungeon that way. Both in length and difficulty it's gruelling, like the final journey is. Helps players gain endurance for stuff like that. Or just drives them up the wall. One of the two.

  3. #33
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    <xml> <o:officedocumentsettings><o:allowpng></o:allowpng></o:officedocumentsettings></xml>So after a very long hiatus, I'm going to try to update this again so I can get back into the mood to play this game. I did my venture through Mass Effect and school and work are finally giving me a break so let's get this started.

    So when we last left off, the Band got to see the rebirth of the world.

    Okay, maybe it wasn't that dramatic and it certainly didn't feature a lion cub...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152213123.png

    There we go, and hey, we're conveniently next to a town, score!

    Final Fantasy III 201301152221160.png
    Oh trout, its an old folks retreat... apparently the party didn't revive the world, they just showed up in Florida after a Hurricane.

    Final Fantasy III 201301152221200.png

    Okay, so after the Four Old Men mumble something about being the Light Warriors, they wander back into the Country Buffet restaurant for the early early bird dinner special.

    Final Fantasy III 201301152223029.png

    The party decided to piss off the old people and start doing some old classic songs:

    Final Fantasy III 201301152223084.png

    Final Fantasy III 201301152223096.png

    I know you can't see it due to the NES graphics, but these NPCs are totally holding lighters over their heads.

    Final Fantasy III 201301152223111.png Final Fantasy III 201301152223468.png

    After making money off the poor kids coming to this godforsaken town who have to visit to make sure Grandma sends them a check for their birthday to feed their drug and sex addictions, the party tries to leave only to find THE MAN has impounded their airship. Apparently some old people called the governor about the concert. Time to hit up some locals to find out that THE MAN is protecting his home from further disturbances of old cranky people by creating a poison swamp moat thingy... and now the party has to get some kind of special levitating shoes to cross over and talk to THE MAN. I don't really understand it but David Bowie is excited about the prospect of getting new shoes.

    Final Fantasy III 201301152227544.png Final Fantasy III 201301152227472.png

    Of course the senile Old Men here the story and want those fabulous shoes as well... Turns out the person who owns the shoes lives in the sewers...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152232206.png

    Somehow I knew this was going to turn out this way...

    After saving the four senile old men, the party finally finds the Sewer Hag.

    Final Fantasy III 201301152240067.png
    Okay, so it wasn't quite as exciting as Army of Darkness but the Old Hag was getting ready to screw us over...

    Final Fantasy III 201301152239461.png
    Turns out the Old Hag was a cheerleader and the four old senile men were the basketball team she dated. So she gives us the shoes and now its on to stick it to THE MAN!

  4. #34
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    This game does have some long ass dungeons. Can't remember which was the Cave of Shadows, but I do remember before the final one I was hoping never to run into any dungeon longer than it, but I didn't get that wish.

  5. #35
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I know it's been two years, but I finally got around to finishing this game this morning. I took enough screenshots to do a half decent ending to all this nonsense. Stay Tuned for future updates...

  6. #36
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Haha, this has inspired me to try and finish my FFVI playthrough

  7. #37
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy III is so hard it took Wolf two years to beat it.

  8. #38

  9. #39
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    So when our heroes left off, we got the Levitating boots from the creepy Old Hag in the sewers and were now going down to the impound lot er... I mean Goldor's Castle to get our airship back and maybe talk to him about this Earth Crystal he seems to have.

    Assholes whole mansion is made from gold, he's the FF version of Midas but dresses like Garland. So of course if I'm going to be wandering around a freaking Gold Castle, I'm bringing a thief to take everything I can. Like the rich usually do, Goldor is suppressing the little guy (my thieving group of rock stars) to protect his fortunes, unaware that he basically caught out intentions to sneak into his place and peal the gold plating off the wall to make a buck.

    Yes, bringing a thief is actually useful since this guy locks every room in his mansion and as a fun subversion to fantasy RPG stereotypes, the game does feature Gold Swords, which are utterly useless for combat (as they realistically would be since they would weigh a ton and break easily) so their only purpose is to be sold.

    Now these mothersmurfers are the main reason why storming his mansion was probably not the greatest plan. They love to Charm/Confuse your party into killing each other, hit like a mack truck themselves and tend to never come in group less than four. Nothing says "screw this game!" like watching your party murder themselves for the third straight time in a night to make you stop talking to FFIII. You may have won this round but my rock gods will save the crystals!

    Say what you will, but Goldor knows how to treat himself though David Bowie and Robert Plant. So the group wandered the level, tried not kill each other and stole everything of value until they reached the final room.

    Rich asshole has a goddamn crystal. So after asking him nicely to get the crystal back and Goldor noticing the several trash bags worth of his stuff we were carrying, it of course came down to a typical privileged white people bitch slap brawl that the tabloids would kill for a photo.

    I may a have a Thief but he's backed by a Knight and two Karate masters, Goldor goes down faster than football player faking an injury to get a free kick.

    Of course being robbed of his stolen stuff and getting pimp slapped by Bowie makes Goldor feel a bit indignant and he decided to throw a hissy fit.

    Thus the Earth Crystal was destroyed and the chances of saving the world was over. Bowie went off to create several more concept albums based on his adventures, Joan Jett formed an even more hardcore girl metal band after deciding she really liked the sound metal armor makes clanging together. Robert Plant retired to his cottage in Canaan to involve himself in experimental usage of Echo Herbs, and Freddie Mercury...

    Took the airship and told the others to get their asses back together to save this nonsense because it was written in their contracts to do so. He took them all to the only place he could...

    Don't let the quaint village look fool you, this is the FFIII version of a rehabilitation center for rock stars and summoners who've dipped too much into their own egos. Buying up some harps, summons monsters and bells for the Geomancers. the group decided to talk with the locals.

    That sounds... ominous...

    Oh hey, BoB's here too!

    Bowie tried his hand at being a Geomancer and then the party lost him.

    So the party got over themselves, sobered up and went back on their adventure. Everything was going great until the airship got shot out of the sky. Annoyed, the party decided to pay a visit to the culprits to get their airship insurance cause heaven knows they don't want to pay Cid for another airship if it means listening to go on and on about his sexy wife and how awesome he is.

    Um... awkward...

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