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Thread: Damn you first friend thread!

  1. #1

    Default Damn you first friend thread!

    So I've been loking over some of my old User Notes, and there were some weird things that came up, that made me giggle.

    There was "Team Super Sexy" featuring me, Shads, and Jaffar.

    One of my Wierdest member speeches.

    Why are we here? What is the Reason we exist? This is a question that we have all asked ourselves, and as our lives progressed the answer came to us. One man answered our question whole heartedly. He gave us the answer we had searched for, coming from the voice of the Computer the answer was made clear, 42.
    However you people aren’t satisfied with that are you? You just keep on wanting more and more, well guess what? Your not getting it. In its place you shall not get the answer you seek, but the Weirdest member of EoFF, cause I’m a dick like that.
    Normally, this is where the Candidates would be listed, but that would be normal, and we all know how you people don’t’ like normal. Instead I shall start with a famous quote from my good friend Sophia from Golden Girls, “Your uncle always used to say, ‘Some people say the Glass is half empty, others say its half full. Me? I drink whatever’s in the Glass.’” Sophia’s good brother is the kind of guy who will win this award. True story, he’s one it before. Don’t believe me? That’s because you looked it up in the Wiki and Archives and found facts, but that’s why your wrong. If you listened to your gut, you’d know I’m right.
    From Sexists to Creepy Tongues, storm troopers to Magical Turns in a street, we have all different kinds of weird. Why are they here? Who knows. Why do they keep coming back? Probably because they can’t get Laid. Will they ever leave us alone? We hope not, without them do you know what we’d be? We’d be a forum about Fox News, that’s what we’d be. Hitler posts about Fox news, so does George Bush. You don’t want to be like George Bush, do you?
    I’m sure you’re all wondering when I’m going to get to the contestants, and all I can say is I don’t care about the contestants, I’m here to make your life miserably by forcing you to read this until I feel like Stopping. However if I did that as much as I wanted Award Guy wouldn’t let me post my speech. It took enough sexual favors to get him to let me do this much. And now I only pray he doesn’t read this Paragraph and let out the truth. That wouldn’t bode well for me and the other writers, as we fear the Graphs. Scary things those Graphs, all the colors and what not. Its scary how well organized and Great This dudes Graphs are, you will find yourself staring at them all day, its quite hard not to talk about them as you can tell. I mean, the Mauve Charts are so fascinating, it’s surprising how few men know what Mauve is or even how to spell it, I sure don’t .I’m just Guessing. Though as distracting and derailing as they are, they won’t get to me. Now, where was I? Something about that north Korean Guy and Michael Jackson? Wait, catholic priests? *Award Guy whispers something in Corncracker’s ear*
    No! Not the Charts! Ok, I’ll get to the Nominees. Starting off the weirdest members nominees is none other than Alastair!UK, and I’d have used the vertical line instead of an explanation point, but I can’t figure out what button to push for it. He is here because UK is in his name, and we all know them people are weird, I mean its UK. What is that anyway? Probably a knock off of US anyway.
    Also competing is our Home Town Comic Hero Charles Schultz for His amazing drawings and writings of our nations most beloved Comic Dilbert. Wait, I mean Christmas, that’s right. Never can get those two right. Something about killing Old Manus or something, Levian being an Idiot and all that. Dilbert’s cooler anyway.
    And I’m sure by now we all know who is up next. His face has appeared in so many awards it makes me sick. ShulpQuack, er, devil man, is the name of many of these awards, and it makes us all wonder, Should we cut back on the Drugs? His Third person speak has Propelled ShupQuack, I mean Devil Man, to some unimaginable pedestal for the likes of him to hold. It makes me weep. To bad you can’t win, he Devil Man? Another award you lost. Feel the wrath of rules!
    What could be stranger than a Cat Boy? They aren’t even sexy, they are just plain weird and Creepy, which is probably Why LunarWeaver has been Nominated. If he was a girl though, I would so try to get in his pants, I’m almost tempted to try right now, but due to various restraining orders do to acts in the past that won’t be possible at this time.
    Next up on the list is Necronopticus, known for his work on the Ah! The Power of Cheese! For revealing the twisted Truth behind the story of FF IV, and whatever the hell he’s done recently, like any one knows him for anything else anyway, he has earned a place into the bowels of everyone’s weird lobe of the mind, or something. That’s the best I got for this Nominee, so if you guys have a problem talk to Award Guy, it’s his fault for letting me write this in the first place.
    Old Manus is a regular to this award. Our local X-2 obsessed parasite has been infecting our forums for all this time with his cheesy one liners and half assed attempts at comedy. He has gained many enemies during his stay, and responds to them in the same fashion as everyone else, he flips them off.
    The alleged child of Christmas, Rantzien makes his debut on the list. Who is he? If you’d read the first line of this paragraph you’d understand. Who is the Father? My guess is no one, it was all done asexually, but that’s beside the point, anything to come from Christmas is strange, so here he is in all his biologically impossible goodness.
    The only question I have for our next competitor is how much PCP did you have to smoke to not only see a strange man with a tongue, but think people would enjoy seeing his portrait painted in your Sig every time you posted? Either this was a sick and twisted joke, or you need some serious help. Either way, it guaranteed you your nomination Rye, congratulations on destroying the Psyche’s’s of hundreds of lurkers. .
    Then we... Have...Sephirothishere.....What’s so.....Weird......About......This Member? If there......Is need to........explain after..........reading this in...... all it’s........ Read..... Weirdness you........ Need............. to get....... Some Electroshock......... Therapy. You could go...... in with Rye.
    Travobel, what can I say about Travobel? She worships Psy, that’s really all you need to say. To worship a nutball makes you possibly stranger than that very nut ball. There’s also that unhealthy Kefka obsession. I see Lemon Fan Fic Written all over these two. But seriously, why Psy? Why not Hsu? Is something wrong with Hsu, Travobel? Well, actually yes, there is, but that’s beside the point. I’ll just move on to the next nominee before I destroy my own point further.
    Nearing the Last of the Nominees is none other than Curtis, Heh heh, Curtis, Or as you other people know him, RSL. We all love RSL, his nice smile and beard, his big warm teddy bear of a body, the sweat dripping down as he rubs up against you in that basket ball game. Wait, RSL Isn’t nominated for this award, is he? Um, yeah, lets just replace RSL with themagicroundabout then, they probably look the same anyway.
    Finally we end the Nominations with every old persons favorite side with Thanksgiving Turkey, Yams. The thing about him that got him here is he some how manages to remain on the administration without actually doing anything useful. Sure, he can spam, but so can Manus. Maybe we should Admin Manus then? Back to my point, wait? I had a point? Why the hell am I writing this? I don’t even like you people. I’m so upset I even spelt Tavrobel Travobel in that losers nomination. That’s it, I’m done with you nominees.
    That’s right, I’m done with you. You think you’re all so great with your weird posts and online persona’s. Well I have news for you, in real life your normal! You here me! Normal, every last one of you! You probably all have B averages in school, have a decent looking Girlfriend or boy Friend, got accepted into a State College and work Part time at a gas Station to feed yourselves. Your all going to be working jobs that pay 20-35,000$ a year driving around a car with crappy gas millage which will lead to the end of the atmosphere forcing us all to live in suits so the suns radiation doesn’t fry us. Making our scientists bio engineer a new breed of plant that can survive the absurd conditions brought on by your uncaring mediocre life just so they can make oxygen for us to breathe. I hope you’re all very proud of yourselves for making those poor scientist’s work cause your to lazy to run off alternative methods to conserve our planet, you selfish pigs.

    The Neko Party formed for one of the elections.

    This random couple of usernotes between me and Wolf Kanno back from like, 2007 or so before we started talking a bit more often.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno
    So when are you going to write your Grand Manifesto about Why FFVIII Sucks?
    Quote Originally Posted by Neocracker
    FF VIII is the Grand Manifesto of Why FF VIII Sucks. They've already done all the work for me.
    And talks of Hate between me and Christmas, as well as our love triangle with Levian.

    And Rantz being her child or something.

    Talk of Nostalgic memories of EoFF.

  2. #2


    The Summoner of Leviathan posted the first visitor message to me, something about the pink fluffy party we invented. Dear god.

    Trust No one

  3. #3
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kikimm he doesn't. And he doesn't deserve this one either. *lurks back off into the shadows*<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    10-25-2004, 03:24 AM.

    I miss kikimm.

    Quote Originally Posted by Meat Puppet
    Earthworm Jim seems to have many sexual encounters with the fishual kind.<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    10-30-2004, 04:19 PM

    Meat Puppet.

    Quote Originally Posted by Foa
    I love love love love love your profile picture. <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    03-13-2005, 06:41 AM

    FOA, the 2005 edition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky Charms
    Wasaaaaaabi Chris-san. ^_^ I am Lucky Charms. :jap:

    What did you give me? *blinks* Speckled eggs!

    Here -- just - fo - yoo..! :fpcow:<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    03-16-2005, 01:20 AM

    Where are all of my old friends?

  4. #4
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    It's tricky talking about my most old-school nostalgia because nobody here would appreciate it all that much since all the people I shared my earliest days with are pretty much gone. Still got Dan, although he and I weren't really properly close until 2003.

    Might have to post in this thread again when I'm home, though, just to get some random stuff from throughout the years.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #5
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    Levian and I played truth or dare (even though it was always a dare) for years on the forums. They ranged from tiny stuff like sending weird private messages to whoever else was online at the time, pretending that I was in fact Margaret Cho, posting in the movie thread that Shawshank Redemption deserved 1/10 stars, etc. To bigger stuff like antagonizing foa (sorry foa!) or asking to rejoin staff. I mean tons and tons of stuff over the years.

    But one time, I told Levian to change his avatar and signature to match BoB's for 24 hours. Which hilariously resulted in everybody changing their avatars to match BoB. For some reason, it just caught on and everyone was doing it. And then there were name changes to match. Levian became Loony LeV, Del Murder became Loony DeL, etc. And the whole time BoB is like WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?!

    It was great that it became this big spur of the moment meme while Levian and I were just cracking up over it.
    Last edited by Miriel; 01-24-2013 at 07:43 PM.

  6. #6
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Oh, wow, I totally forgot about that.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #7
    Crazy Scot. Cid's Knight Shauna's Avatar
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    I am too lazy to look through my usernotes. :3

    Nostalgia EoFF? Habbo Hotel times man, they were the greatest.

  8. #8
    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Tigmafuzz's Avatar
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    PMing Psychotic repeatedly

    Buying crack from Boko while he quotes Ed Edd and Eddy at me

    Hating on Shorty

    Pike existing

    People getting married

    The Game

    That one time foa destroyed the earth and had to remake it out of clay

    Christmas's drawing adventure thing

    other stuff maybe

    ส็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็็༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ส้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้้

  9. #9
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Went to my oldest user note page. It was just edczxcvbnm spamming "POLO PONIES 4 LIFE."

  10. #10
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    kikimm, Meat puppet, and I used to spend a few hours a day messing around and sending each other user notes.

  11. #11
    permanently mitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    Oh, wow, I totally forgot about that.
    I found the thread:


  12. #12
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Like BoB, some of my oldest memories no one here will appreciate. But I will say that back in 2001-2004 or so, I would occasionally disappear for months at a time, and the welcome back was always entertaining. One time, I came back to find out that the whole board had been wiped and everyone had to reregister, and someone had registered Raistlin in my absence. Fortunately the person was banned before I got back, but this prompted Naitsirk to PM me "are you the REAL Raistlin? You're a legend!" which made me file for a restraining order. Another time, BoB created the "OMG Some Oldbies Just Posted" spam thread, as my return sparked BoB into emailing every single absent oldbie he knew.

    The Loony BoB name day that Miriel and Lev inadvertently started was also fun, but my favorite name change day is definitely the original RSL Day. Good times.

  13. #13
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    conversations like this in #eoff, or just everything about Nait in general
    This is from June, 2003.

    The_Poet = Nait

    * Disconnected
    * Attempting to rejoin channel #eoff
    * Rejoined channel #eoff
    Roogle> That girl is crazy xD
    The_Poet> Haras!
    Kane> Sarah! :o
    Nicolas> Sarah!
    The_Poet> Sarah -> Haras -> Harass -> her ass!
    Kane> Crazy and hot.
    * Shorty[Away] has quit IRC (Ping timeout_)
    The_Poet> I'm a little love-machine...
    The_Poet> Short and stout...
    * The_Poet hits Dan with a shovel.
    Nicolas> Yup. Your little love machine is short and stout.
    The_Poet> Here is my business-card...
    The_Poet> Hm hm hmm...
    Daniel> Sarah?
    The_Poet> Caulifloweeeers and steak.
    Daniel> Is that ...Sarah? >_>;;
    Daniel> Ah, it is xD
    The_Poet> He said, watching nervously around the room.
    Daniel> Well, it could have been Sarah.
    Daniel> Or Sarah.
    The_Poet> "What is she doing here?" he thought to himself. "Hope she hasn't found out about the underwear yet."
    Daniel> Or Sarah.
    The_Poet> Never before had Daniel had so much joy of his fetish.
    Daniel> Shorty, Calypso and Kane's Idle Thought.
    The_Poet> Sarah had a marvelous collection, everything from pink and frilly to broidery and leather.
    The_Poet> A real fishing spot for him.
    Daniel> No >=P
    The_Poet> "Oh, hi Daniel!" Daniel was startled. She had caught him unawares.
    Kane> Idle Thought? :o
    The_Poet> "Oh, hello, Sarah! Howdyodo?"
    Daniel> Mandy wouldn't let me- ...
    Daniel> *cough* Hi.
    The_Poet> "I'm fine, but my clothes are killing me. I've lost all my decent... Garments."
    Kane> xDD
    The_Poet> Daniel licked his lip nervously. Was she onto him?
    Daniel> I wis-
    Daniel> Wait, Sarah?
    Daniel> I want Mandy to get onto me >=D
    The_Poet> "Ah, how unfortunate. I have also been subjected to such loss! Could it be that someone is stealing our knickers and bras?"
    * Mikztsu has joined #eoff
    * Ragnarok sets mode: +o Mikztsu
    Kane> Don't let bj hear you say that. >=o
    The_Poet> "Seems so. All kinds of perverts around now-a-days."
    Zell> Heya Mik
    Kane> Hey Mik
    Daniel> MANDY!
    Mikztsu> Hey Zeel, Fetus
    The_Poet> Daniel nodded sagely. Aye, such perverts.
    Daniel> NOT MANDEE! >=O
    Kane> >=o
    Mikztsu> It wasn't hard to guess that The poet is Nait.
    Kane> xD
    The_Poet> How so?
    Mikztsu> Can't explain.
    Daniel> He's always setting me up with other girls
    Kane> Don't stop, finish the story. >:O
    Daniel> Hard life.
    Mikztsu> But nowbody else babbles things like those
    The_Poet> "I've been thinking of contacting the authorities on this matter," Sarah continued, "I've lost over 400 pounds. Bloody thiefs."
    Daniel> "And I've had over 400 orgasms" Thought Daniel, grinning to himself.
    Daniel> Oh, wait. I'm not telling the story.
    The_Poet> "The police'll should get those panty-raiders soon enough," Daniel replied.
    Daniel> police should*
    Daniel> or just police'll get.
    The_Poet> Suddenly, in an unfortunate coordination-fault, Daniel felt how someone trod on his foot, sending him staggering to the ground.
    Mikztsu> Interesting.:o
    Kane> Oh my, poor Daniel.
    Daniel> Ow
    Mikztsu> =O
    Mikztsu> More
    The_Poet> "Oh my," exclaimed Sarah, and took Daniel in the arm as the gentleman who had pushed him was taking the other and apologising.
    Mikztsu> :o
    The_Poet> "Poor thing," she continued, and took something she thought was a handcerchief out of his pocket, and started to wipe off the champagne on his suit.
    The_Poet> "That's alright, it's nothing," Daniel tried to hurriedly take the handcerchief away... But it was too late.
    Kane> >:O
    The_Poet> She had noticed the pink colour and frills, and now she looked at Daniel with a thunderstruck expression in her eyes.
    The_Poet> "Daniel...?"
    Kane> xDDD
    The_Poet> The End.
    Daniel> *dies*
    Kane> NO END
    Kane> WHAT'S SHE DO? ;_;
    Daniel> SHE RAPED ME.
    Daniel> ;_____________________________;
    Kane> Yay
    Daniel> How was I to know that she had a thing for people with pink, frilly hankerchiefs? ;_;
    The_Poet> I was going to say she was buying sex with her silence, but rape sounds good too.
    Daniel> It was ...
    Daniel> ...*shuts up*
    The_Poet> Well, I've been extraordinarily productive today.

  14. #14 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Foa
    I love love love love love your profile picture. <!-- google_ad_section_end -->

    03-13-2005, 06:41 AM

    FOA, the 2005 edition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky Charms
    Wasaaaaaabi Chris-san. ^_^ I am Lucky Charms. :jap:

    What did you give me? *blinks* Speckled eggs!

    Here -- just - fo - yoo..! :fpcow:<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    03-16-2005, 01:20 AM

    Where are all of my old friends?
    Was I drunk? I think I must have been drunk. BUT I REMEMBER :fpcow:

    Also, when did you and Lev antagonize me, Hannah? I don't remember that.

    I've always kind of felt like a tagalong for most things and I'm beginning to think my memory is going because I really can't think of anything.

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  15. #15


    Jack: How do you know?

    Will: It's more of a feeling really.

    Jack: Well, that's not scientific. Feeling isn't knowing. Feeling is believing. If you believe it, you can't know because there's no knowing what you believe. Then again, no one should believe what they know either. Once you know anything that anything becomes unbelievable if only by virtue of the fact you now... know it. You know?

    Will: No.

    If Demolition Man were remade today

    Huxley: What's wrong? You broke contact.
    Spartan: Contact? I didn't even touch you.
    Huxley: Don't you want to make love?
    Spartan: Is that what you call this? Why don't we just do it the old-fashioned way?
    Huxley: NO!
    Spartan: Whoa! Okay, calm down.
    Huxley: Don't tell me to calm down!
    Spartan: What's gotten into you? 'Cause it sure as hell wasn't me.
    Huxley: Physical relations in the way of intercourse are no longer acceptable John Spartan.
    Spartan: What? Why the hell not?
    Huxley: It's the law, John. And for your information, the very idea that you suggested it makes me feel personally violated.
    Spartan: Wait a minute... violated? Huxley what the hell are you accusing me of here?
    Huxley: You need to leave, John.
    Spartan: But Huxley.
    Huxley: Get out!
    Moments later Spartan is arrested for "violating" Huxley.

    By the way, that's called satire. Get over it.

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