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Thread: The meaning behind your username

  1. #61
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Back when I was doing YouTube videos I came up with the name "ToriJenova Productions" because I thought it sounded cool. I took an old EA logo, painted over the EA and replaced it with the name in whatever nifty looking font I could find and I had my own make believe production company logo. Someone shortened it to "ToriJ" because ToriJenova was so long and I've been ToriJ ever since.

    That's right, the J stands for Jenova

  2. #62


    My full internet name is "Electroshock Therapy for the Soul." I should also say before I start that I would totally use this as my name if I ever became a solo musician (I don't play well with others ).

    Electroshock Therapy is somewhat of an iffy subject. Used correctly and responsively (last resort, patient consent, anesthesia, stop use if not working), it really can be an effective treatment. But I think many people have that negative connotation from both fiction and accounts of real life where even some of today's asylums misuse ECT. In terms of my username, I think both feeling are applicable for what I was going for and what my music would sound like... At least what's in my head. Now if I could just do that pesky thing and learn an instrument...

    "... for the Soul." I thought of this mainly for my music daydreams. The sound I have in my head is part rock, part jazz, part spacey. "For the Soul" just seemed to fit.

    So "Electroshock Therapy for the Soul" is my online name and quite frankly I love the heck out of it. It sounds little pretentious, maybe. But I think that if this one band can name themselves something definite as "The Cure," then I can name myself something not so guaranteed as "Therapy."

    "But wait!" you may say. "Aren't you worried some jerk (guest, most likely .... right? ) will officially steal that name for something official? And therefore you can't use it?" Eh... no. My music daydreams are just that: daydreams. Besides, I have a backup name that I quite like as well.

  3. #63
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    My name is Robert. it can be shortned to Bert. I was Bert on here for a couple years and then switched my name to Escobar because I really like Nas and he use the name Escobar for awhile. The member here nik0tine suggested I change it to Escobert as a combo of the two. I liked it and dropped the capital E at some point and just stuck with escobert. I've used it for 99% of my accounts online for the past 10 years or so.

  4. #64
    Witch of Theatergoing Karifean's Avatar
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    There is no meaning behind it. Literally none. I just came up with it someday out of nowhere when I was a kid, used it as my Warcraft III Battle.Net username, and it stuck with me ever since.

    Fun fact, back then the actual pronunciation was supposed to be "KA"-"rif"-"ean" with 'ean' as in the French name 'Jean'. Though I never ended up saying it, so other people just came up with their own pronunciations - of course nobody ever guessed the obscure intended version - and now I no longer care at all how it's pronounced. The original version is pretty terrible anyway.

  5. #65
    Pinkasaurus Rex Pumpkin's Avatar
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    I was shion for a long time named after the Xenosaga character. When I was little I came up with a word called achilamaguchia, which I shortened to achila for all of my online accounts. Sometimes I'd add numbers to it. But I came across one website that wouldn't let me use it, so I just thought of something short that I wouldn't forget. I chose shion because I was playing Xenosaga and she wasn't a horrible person yet.

    Fast forward a few years and I came across this place. It wouldn't let me use my usual achila name so I went to my backup plan of shion. I don't really like the name anymore though, I just used it because I didn't think I'd be on here much, so I just wanted something to remember on the off time I came here.

    Fast forward some more, and I realized I'd used achila for so many things that I was stuck with old accounts I didn't use anymore, so I tried to come up with something new so I could sign up for stuff again. I was thinking of stuff I would remember and I came up with October because it's my boyfriend's birthday month and pumpkin because October reminds me of pumpkins. So I use octoberpumpkin for most online accounts now. I shortened it to Pumpkin here because it's shorter and simpler and I'm on here a lot.

    Ta da!

  6. #66


    Let the record show that my screenname was conceived when I was like 14 or 15 and was clearly meant to be a reference to The Matrix, because like The Matrix to a 14 or 15 year old kid was obviously the best thing ever.

    A real shame that now this name is indelibly linked with that pisspot group of whackjobs known as Men's Rights Activists.

    The thing that makes it all OK is that pretty much anyone who matters and is still here was around back when I first came up with the name, so dey know itz all gud. If there are some n00bs running around thinking I'm an MRA, well then so be it.

  7. #67


    My username means nothing. The name "Johnny" is just a nickname people have used to refer to me in life and the rest is just a bunch of numbers, I picked out at random.

  8. #68
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Night Fury View Post
    Well, it comes from Lockhart (Tifa Lockhart) and I dunno, I was like 15 and thought it would be cool to make it Lockharted.

    I've had variations, my PSN is Lockhearted - it kinda suits me I think, I like the connotations of a 'locked up heart' and stuff and I always feel a bit... Tifa-ey when I use it. I've never had it shortened before like I have on here - I love Locky, and I may possibly change it.... maybe! I think it's quite different and unusual whilst being memorable. I like it.
    Changed it now to Night Fury because I wanted something completely totally different and because people were calling me Locky in real life even when I asked "plz don't".

  9. #69
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Before I was Bert I was TrowaBartonIV which was my account for Diablo 2 which was pretty much all I played at that point. Besides some FF here or there. The name comes from Gundam Wing. I'm not really sure why I chose Trowa since Zechs and Duo were my favorite characters. Who knows, I was 14 at the time. Then I was TsukasaIV, kept the IV to transition my name I'd have to guess. I was really into .HACK//sign at the time I think I was around 16. I always forget my name was Tsukasa on here for a little while.

  10. #70


    A long time ago, in a little town far far away (in Ireland)...

    I was bored, and decided to visit this forum. Vincent Valentine was (and still is) my favourite character in the series. The name... somehow... wasn't taken... so I swooped in and claimed it. And people have hated me ever since for it. Hahaha!

    Deep, I know.
    -"If she's happy then... I don't mind."

  11. #71
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    I used to be the White Wizard of Fynn because I was fresh after beating FFII when I joined, and Minwu was my favorite character in that game.

    The people started calling me Fynn and said my name was too long, so I just stayed Fynn.

  12. #72
    Poodle Wizard starlet's Avatar
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    My middle name is star, so I played off of that. I tried switching it up but nothing else has stuck quite as much.

  13. #73
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    Everyone hates Aerith, and I didn't, so I thought my name should reflect on that. But mostly because AK is nice and short, and ultimatefinalfantasyfan really wasn't a great screen name.

  14. #74
    Resident Critic Ayen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    Everyone hates Aerith, and I didn't, so I thought my name should reflect on that. But mostly because AK is nice and short, and ultimatefinalfantasyfan really wasn't a great screen name.
    Who hates Aerith? I'll cast ultima on their ass right now!

  15. #75
    Radical Dreamer Fynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ToriJ View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    Everyone hates Aerith, and I didn't, so I thought my name should reflect on that. But mostly because AK is nice and short, and ultimatefinalfantasyfan really wasn't a great screen name.
    Who hates Aerith? I'll cast ultima on their ass right now!

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