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Thread: So how is everyone doing?

  1. #436
    Recognized Member Knox's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jowy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Calliope View Post
    Towns, you're not even doing your job; this thread needs more Cody, Simon, Knox and Robbie.
    Knox won't ever post here again. He still makes fun of me for it.

    I'm just scared. A lot of people here remember a very different and much stupider young me. I've changed now, but that memory would be hard to shake, and I don't know if it's worth opening old wounds to show anyone, some of whom had very legitimate reasons to dislike me.

    For what it's worth, I miss many of you, and this was the first place I felt a legitimate sense of community. I'm sorry I messed that up, and hope you can find a way to forgive me, because I still haven't fully forgiven myself.

    (I live in Portland now and am doing well. On October 2nd, I will have lived here for 2 consecutive years, making it the longest I have ever lived anywhere as an adult.)

  2. #437
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azar View Post
    Square Enix is a baffling company these days. This generation they basically doubled down on the worst tropes of Japanese games to serve the shrinking niche audience; XIII's awful story is a testament to that. XII was the end of a great era for them. I think it's a game that will only grow more respected as time goes by. The worldbuilding and localization are phenomenal. That writing, man! So good. (IX still owns my heart too).

    Weirdly, their best output this gen has come from Eidos, who they bought a few years back. I hope they put out some great games again in the future, but I think they need some management shakeup to get some new blood in there.
    Dude. You need to hang out here more. This is the kind of game industry talk that I wish we had more of here

    Quote Originally Posted by Asorie View Post
    Wow, I wish I'd realized there were so many EoFFers in the northwest before I left Seattle!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cz View Post
    So do the people who've come back still play Final Fantasy? I know it was never a prerequisite for posting on the forums to begin with, but I was wondering whether people had just got out of the habit of posting or whether they'd moved on from FF (or even gaming) altogether. Maybe you're all too busy with spouses/kids for vidja games these days.

    For my part, I still like the old FFs, and give my favourites a replay every couple of years or so (IX for life, yo). But I didn't really care for XII, and the dozen or so different versions of XIII just confuse me, so I've kind of fallen out of touch. Interested to hear about other people though.
    I still play VI and VII pretty regularly, but I never really got into anything after IX.

    Quote Originally Posted by Teek View Post
    Hello. I don't even know if many people remember me, but we all have to throw our hat in.

    It's so nice and refreshing to see some of these usernames. It's like a Mills Day miracle.
    Teek! How could we forget you?

    But where the hell is BOU?
    I was going to respond to this saying I tweeted BOU before I saw his post. But then I remembered Bleys's original audio introduction to the staff when I looked at your name and laughed and laughed and laughed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Ogre Umaro View Post
    If I ever made you laugh or think or grow: It was probably unintentional.
    I know you say this jokingly but you're really responsible for me growing a lot when I was younger. I was thinking recently about the big influences on my life and a lot of it points back to you. I probably wouldn't be in to game design and programming if it wasn't for Sick Irony, or into film if it wasn't for your ASC articles, or listen to as much soul-enriching music if you didn't go on about Radiohead and Pink Floyd and Elliot Smith back in the day. I don't think I ever intentionally tried to imitate you back then, but I just thought you were one of the coolest mothersmurfers online and liked your taste in things a lot. I literally don't think I'd be where I am or who I am if it wasn't for you.


  3. #438
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
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    Hey. I very much doubt anyone will remember me as I've not logged in here in about 6 years buuuut BoB made me do it (hardly a unique occurance from reading this thread). He probably remembers me because I threw up in his toilet once.

    I had some good times spending my teenage years on here. Made a few friends that I stay in sporadic touch with.

    I started out posting god-awful fanart in the fanart forum and bizarrely now I actually get paid to draw, so thanks for helping me get a career EoFF.

    So, hello everyone.

    EDIT: Oh and I've just seen my signature. Awful. Please don't judge me. Apparently I wasn't as cool once a I am now...:/

    I give you stick-pokies!
    Livejournal~Elfwood Gallery~

  4. #439
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Hey. I very much doubt anyone will remember me as I've not logged in here in about 6 years buuuut BoB made me do it (hardly a unique occurance from reading this thread). He probably remembers me because I threw up in his toilet once.
    New goal in life.

  5. #440
    Gyrating Possum Chaos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko View Post

    New goal in life.
    I believe you have what it takes in you to do that.


    I give you stick-pokies!
    Livejournal~Elfwood Gallery~

  6. #441
    Recognized Member IGN64skanker's Avatar
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    BoB's email went straight into my spam folder. So it took me a few days to find this thing. Cid sure didn't work too hard letting me know about it, though.

    Glad to see all these oldbies and hear that they're all doing well. Things ain't so bad for me either. I'm a hotshot lawyer now, getting married in August. Still haven't talked my lady into playing FF, but she wants to use a song from Portal at the wedding, so I'll count that as a win.

    I can't believe people get to have gifs in their sigs. That would not fly back in the 56k days.

  7. #442
    Famine Wolf Recognized Member Sephex's Avatar
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    Even more people now...this is awesome.

  8. #443
    Master of PYREX Awrini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IGN64skanker View Post

    BoB's email went straight into my spam folder. So it took me a few days to find this thing. Cid sure didn't work too hard letting me know about it, though.

    Glad to see all these oldbies and hear that they're all doing well. Things ain't so bad for me either. I'm a hotshot lawyer now, getting married in August. Still haven't talked my lady into playing FF, but she wants to use a song from Portal at the wedding, so I'll count that as a win.

    I can't believe people get to have gifs in their sigs. That would not fly back in the 56k days.
    Ahhh the dailup connection, my ears are bleeding!

  9. #444
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giga Guess View Post
    Been doing well, Cim, chipping at Diablo 3 when the mood strikes, been playing MtG...yerself?
    I never even touched Diablo III to be honest, and I've been playing MtG as well. The Return to Ravinca set is awesome, but I haven't picked up any of Gate Crash yet. I'm a lame panda.

  10. #445
    Those...eyebrows... Recognized Member XxSephirothxX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giga Guess View Post

    Oh, and hi, all.
    Great to see you, Giga Guess. You, Kirobaito, and SomethingBig--who I'd love to see in this thread as well--were the first people to welcome me here when I joined. You helped make the forum and #eoff inviting, so thanks for that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Shoeberto View Post
    Dude. You need to hang out here more. This is the kind of game industry talk that I wish we had more of here
    I'll give it a shot.

  11. #446
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    What I have gathered from this thread:

    Everyone else my age is getting married, having kids, getting careers, and buying houses

    Meanwhile I'm in my dad's basement playing Euro Truck Simulator and being a mod on an internet forum

    it's a hard life

  12. #447
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Hey oldster of EoFF. I'm what's wrong with modern EoFF.

  13. #448
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    SomethingBig's email bounced, sadly.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #449
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chaos View Post
    Hey. I very much doubt anyone will remember me as I've not logged in here in about 6 years buuuut BoB made me do it (hardly a unique occurance from reading this thread). He probably remembers me because I threw up in his toilet once.

    I had some good times spending my teenage years on here. Made a few friends that I stay in sporadic touch with.

    I started out posting god-awful fanart in the fanart forum and bizarrely now I actually get paid to draw, so thanks for helping me get a career EoFF.

    So, hello everyone.

    EDIT: Oh and I've just seen my signature. Awful. Please don't judge me. Apparently I wasn't as cool once a I am now...:/

  15. #450
    rowr Recognized Member Leeza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Leeza View Post
    Leeza! EoFF has gone all to hell since you left. Why, they even left me on staff!

    You should post in EoEO just so I can EoEO ban you.
    If you're on Staff then I guess the place really has gone to hell.

    *note to self - stay out of EoEO*
    Hello Pika Art by Dr Unne ~~~ godhatesfraggles

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