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Thread: So how is everyone doing?

  1. #496
    CimminyCricket's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giga Guess View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cim View Post
    I never even touched Diablo III to be honest, and I've been playing MtG as well. The Return to Ravinca set is awesome, but I haven't picked up any of Gate Crash yet. I'm a lame panda.
    I got a bunch of Gatecrach cards, looking at making a WUG deck with Master Biomancer, and blink effects.
    I usually only buy one booster box of each set when it comes out and then two or three of the prebuilt decks for lands and a base. I missed a prerelease sale at my local shop where they sell the boxes for $80 vice the $100 or so they usually go for. Kind of had me bummed, but I'm sure I'll pick one up eventually.

  2. #497
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    I just went looking for Misfit and I hope she posts here because I miss her and also cause god damn, she's had some major life events!

  3. #498
    Recognized Member IGN64skanker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post

    skanker! Good to hear from you, and congrats about the wedding. And I'm a lawyer now too! Where are you living, and what kind of law do you practice?
    Hey, man. Thanks! And, congrats on the lawyering. I'm a Work Comp attorney in LA (Los Angeles, that is), and not actually a hotshot. Ideally I would be a tax attorney at some point, but we'll see how that goes. How about yourself? For some reason I always thought you were way younger than me, which would mean you couldn't possibly be a lawyer (although at the time you were probably 14 and I was 15, which is a humungous difference at that age).

    On a side note, I see why I had to get away from forums. I have only looked at this thread and I lost track of it in the course of half a day. I comment over on deadspin, but that's about it for me as far as my e-interactions with folks.

  4. #499
    Recognized Member m4tt's Avatar
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    Crap PAUL KNOX posted? And I missed it? Why did I have to leave the house on my only day off?

    In response to people getting married because of EoFF, I broke up with a girl because of EoFF... it only took me 4 years to listen to the people who told me she was not good for me before I disappeared from the internet almost entirely for those 4 years. But then because I broke up with her I met my wife. So I guess I got married because of EoFF in a weird way? (If you didn't see my livejournal post from a few years ago, then I'm sorry for acting like a total douche all those years ago)

    I kinda miss being Gau.
    Mr Thou! Mr Thou!

  5. #500
    penisword chionos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by m4tt View Post
    I kinda miss being Gau.
    You're not alone.

  6. #501
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Rocko View Post
    Thanks Daniel for inviting me back here to see how everyone is doing. It really has been that long! My avatar is so

    A little update on me. I've been living in Korea now for the past 5 years teaching English to Elementary School kids. I really adapted to life well, and I might be here for a while. I've also turned vegetarian and I'm a full time animal rights activist.

    Anyways, great to see some old faces. Hope everyone is well!
    Yay, Cody! I have a really cute picture of you in my scrapbook. Your life sounds fun!

    Quote Originally Posted by Knox View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jowy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Calliope View Post
    Towns, you're not even doing your job; this thread needs more Cody, Simon, Knox and Robbie.
    Knox won't ever post here again. He still makes fun of me for it.

    I'm just scared. A lot of people here remember a very different and much stupider young me. I've changed now, but that memory would be hard to shake, and I don't know if it's worth opening old wounds to show anyone, some of whom had very legitimate reasons to dislike me.

    For what it's worth, I miss many of you, and this was the first place I felt a legitimate sense of community. I'm sorry I messed that up, and hope you can find a way to forgive me, because I still haven't fully forgiven myself.

    (I live in Portland now and am doing well. On October 2nd, I will have lived here for 2 consecutive years, making it the longest I have ever lived anywhere as an adult.)
    Chillax, you talk like you went around mutilating people's dogs or something.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    Okay, Bob. Seriously. How many people have married or had children due to EoFF?

    On another note, what terrible things have happened due to EoFF?
    I was trying to keep track but I lost count. What are we at, seven? If you count BoB, that is. Just one kid though, I think. You gonna brag to Kim what a matchmaker you are? Ha

    Quote Originally Posted by m4tt View Post
    Crap PAUL KNOX posted? And I missed it? Why did I have to leave the house on my only day off?

    In response to people getting married because of EoFF, I broke up with a girl because of EoFF... it only took me 4 years to listen to the people who told me she was not good for me before I disappeared from the internet almost entirely for those 4 years. But then because I broke up with her I met my wife. So I guess I got married because of EoFF in a weird way? (If you didn't see my livejournal post from a few years ago, then I'm sorry for acting like a total douche all those years ago)

    I kinda miss being Gau.
    Ahaha, that girl was crazy.

  7. #502
    A Big Deal? Recognized Member Big D's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rye View Post
    I'm also curious just to pose a general question to everyone: do you find time to attend other forums, or is EoFF just about your last stop of forum-going in an age that's really social media focused? Just wonderin'
    EoFF's the only forum for me anymore, and it'd be a real stretch to say I 'frequent' this place. Aside from that, I try to give LiveJournal some lovin' from time to time, but in the end it's Facebook that gets most of the attention. And that's only 'cause basically everyone uses it, so it's handy for social organisation, and keeping track of friends who've gone far and wide.

    When it comes to actual forums, though, this place is still on top, and it's all because of the good mix of good people.

    I seriously lack the spoons to stay active on a regular basis though. Having an actual home life and a reasonably stressful office job combine to leave relatively little energy or inclination... that might need to change though.

  8. #503
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IGN64skanker View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post

    skanker! Good to hear from you, and congrats about the wedding. And I'm a lawyer now too! Where are you living, and what kind of law do you practice?
    Hey, man. Thanks! And, congrats on the lawyering. I'm a Work Comp attorney in LA (Los Angeles, that is), and not actually a hotshot. Ideally I would be a tax attorney at some point, but we'll see how that goes. How about yourself? For some reason I always thought you were way younger than me, which would mean you couldn't possibly be a lawyer (although at the time you were probably 14 and I was 15, which is a humungous difference at that age).
    I'm 25 now. I think I'm a couple years younger than you, which yes, was a much bigger difference 13 years ago. I'm a criminal attorney, working at a public defender's office in Maryland, and I just applied for a position in the appellate division. I am having a lot of fun.

    I took Federal Income Tax in law school, and it about made me want to blow my brains out. Good luck with that, though.

  9. #504
    Too Damn Old Alixsar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mindflare View Post
    Man. Reading through this thread makes me realize how I never really got to know any of you, and nobody really knew me.
    You know, I went through a bout of this a few years back. Through total happenstance, I ended up meeting Azar in SF once. I didn't recognize him from my EoFF days and it made start thinking about this. While there certainly were some people I knew really REALLY well back in the day, the overwhelming majority of people didn't know me at all. I mean, Dr Unne (what, you've never heard of him?), edczxcvbnm, Coach, Halan, Cid, RSL etc. ...these are all names I can clearly recognize. I remember all of these names, but I don't know anything about the people behind them, you know?

    I mean, I was friggin' 14 when I signed up for this place. In a few months, I'll have been a member here for half of my life. That's absurd. Despite a brief return in...2006ish, I haven't really been an active member of EoFF in a long, long time. The me you all knew is dead and gone, and has been for some time. I'm older, maturer, wiser, less of dick (still kind of a dick though)...I mean, A LOT has gone down since I was some chubby insecure high school kid on the internet, you know?

    It's kind of embarrassing, actually! I look back on some of the stuff I said back in the EoFF days and it's just like...ugh. Who was that guy? But hey; that was high school. My ten year high school reunion is coming up this year, but in a weird way, it wouldn't be complete if there wasn't an EoFF reunion. And now there is! This thread is a time portal to a very specific time.

    It's nice to see everyone is doing well for the most part. And it's amazing to see how many babies/marriages etc. came out of this place. That's crazy! Earlier in the thread someone mentioned that EoFF came along at a time when the internet was still in it's infancy, and I don't think you can have a community like what we had back in the day. I miss that.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azar View Post
    More specifically, they provided an outlet to the nerds and weirdos and awkward teenagers who had trouble fitting in at school--it was the first time those people could reach outside their own neighborhoods and from relationships with other people like them.

    Eyes on Final Fantasy was certainly that for me, to some extent, but I think the need for those sorts of outlets lessens with each passing year.
    Yeah, pretty much!

    Random Thoughts (in order of appearance):

    Quote Originally Posted by Jowy View Post
    Alex! Hi buddy.
    Hey dude! What's up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoabella View Post

    Yay you're here, and we will consider the name Alex
    Oh man, yes! Most people just dismiss me outright when I suggest naming their kid after me. Plus, if you name your kid Alexander, then that means that he'd be pretty...great.

    Tell Evan I say hi! Wait he can see this. Hey dude!

    - Am I the only one who's freaking out that Jojo is a LAWYER? All I remember of Jojo is basically a nonstop blitz of sugar, caps lock, and pink. And now she's a lawyer. wtfdfhjkhaksjla

    Then again, I'm going to be a nurse, and I "hate everything". So I guess that's kind of crazy too. Life: It's F-ing Crazy, Yo™. Also, hey Jojo! Dude, you're a lawyer! Whattttttttt

    Quote Originally Posted by m4tt View Post
    Matt! Matt. This is important. I owe you five dollars. WAY back, Livejournal had a thing where you had to pay 5 dollars to register or whatever, and you gave me, you paid the five dollars I guess? I don't know, but somehow I was able to get a LJ because you did something that otherwise would've required me to pay five dollars. So I owe you a fiver, I think? I never forgot. I told you I wouldn't and I didn't.

    Also hey dude, what's up?!

    Quote Originally Posted by Rinoabella View Post
    I gotta get Jewels to post!
    Yes you do!

    Quote Originally Posted by Big Ogre Umaro View Post
    I'm playing Fire Emblem on 3DS right now
    BOU! BOU! First of all, you're right. FE Awakening is the first JRPG I've truly cared about in, like, ten years. It's amazing.

    Second, you remember these mp3s you made? They were, like, sketches? There was one where you "reviewed" Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade, and another where a guy was giving an audio book report and then "part of his head came off"? Because I showed them to a friend at the time, and we STILL to this day (as in, two days when I last saw him) make jokes about how God damn hilarious those were. But that was several computers ago so I lost the actual files. I just want you to know, that those random internet sketches you made live our hearts.

    - Also, SITAAAAAA Omgggggg get back to Australia and update us, yo.

    - As far as other forums go, there is one I post on now...and I like it for the most part. In a lot of ways, it's EoFF v2.0 It's essentially what EoFF was but with an older crowd. At the same time, a lot of the people there I just flat out don't like and have to hold my tongue at times. It's still cool and all (and there's actually a surprising number of EoFF expatriates there), but it's just not...I mean, it's great, but it's not what EoFF was back in the day. But I don't know if anything can ever be that again, you know?

  10. #505
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    EoFF has created too many lawyers.

  11. #506
    Too Damn Old Alixsar's Avatar
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    Fun Fact™: I was almost a lawyer too.

  12. #507
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Thank goodness you didn't become one! You'd be like raistlin and who wants to be like him, ick!

  13. #508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alixsar View Post
    Tell Evan I say hi! Wait he can see this. Hey dude!
    Hey! No promises either way about that Alex thing.

    Oh, I guess I'd better say something besides "Hey". I wouldn't consider myself to be a part of any forum these days. I read a few subreddits and Hacker News and occasionally comment. I get involved in open source software here and there, but that's a very different sort of community.

    Like others have said, EoFF helped me get through my awkward teenage years. I didn't really need it anymore as I got settled into college. That's not to say I don't miss some of you, but I've never been very good at keeping in touch with people.

  14. #509
    It just bit me, is all. Little Miss Awesome's Avatar
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    Ahoy hoy Nice to see so many old faces. I'm a bit late to the party but, another EoFF marriage over here. Primus Inter Pares and I got married last year after dating for 6 years. We're living in Norway and we have a daughter. I'm currently doing the stay-at-home parent thing until she's a bit older.

  15. #510
    Death of Grammar Recognized Member Rirse's Avatar
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    Might as well stop by as well. Man it been 13 years since I joined this message board...and probably haven't really posted here in about a decade. Got a message the other day that Cid came back and I had to drop by since I honestly enjoyed this message board and didn't now I joined this early. Go figure, I don't even like Final Fantasy that much anymore. I tried playing Final Fantasy XIII-2 and preceed to sell it after watching KFJ's LP of it show how dumb it got.

    Anyway, not much really happen with me since leaving other then joining Something Awful and being part of the Let's Play community there since the humble beginning. That and probably the largest Steam game collection you would ever know. Feel free to add me as Rirse

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