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Thread: Mafia XXV: Action Movie Badasses Game Thread Day 6

  1. #451
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    No it doesn't, it smells like desperation bulltrout, but it's still funny as hell. lol

  2. #452


    This has been a very strange Day One, I think it's safe to say.

    And seriously, where's the mod and our time check? I feel like the days gone on forever.

  3. #453


    In order to "get" the role I have to "perform" well by switching my votes at least three times.
    This is the main part I don't buy. It doesn't fit in the description of the role well at all and just feels thrown in there for the sake of it.
    Roleclaim all you want Steakface, I'm not changing my vote now.

  4. #454


    On a cell so this isn't organized. When I get the part I assume that role for the next day. So I assume doctor or whatever. It sound dumb but don't blame me I didn't make this trout up.

  5. #455
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Oh GOD. Anyway, about 1 hour an 45 minutes left.

    Vote Count

    0 [M] Clint Eastwood : Steven Seagal

    0 [M] Arnold Schwarzenegger : Samuel L. Jackson, Daniel Craig, Nicolas Cage

    3 [M] Steven Seagal : Uma Thurman, Jason Statham, Nicolas Cage, Sigourney Weaver, Dwayne Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1 [M] Bruce Willis : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, Sigourney Weaver

    1 [M] Liam Neeson : Jason Statham, Will Smith

    0 [M] Will Smith : Jason Statham

    0 [M] Nicolas Cage : Jason Statham

    1 [M] Samuel L. Jackson : Jason Statham, Uma Thurman, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    4 [M] Jason Statham : Daniel Craig, Samuel L. Jackson, Sigourney Weaver, Uma Thurman, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1 [M] Dwayne Johnson : Liam Neeson

  6. #456
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    I guess I have not voted yet. One, two skip a few 99 your it!

    ##Vote....Ummm....umm.....Uma Thurman

    Like because. No real reason. Day one nonsense.

  7. #457
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    Umm....Teddy. Why does Arnold have 3 votes? 2 for Statham and 1 for Seagal.

  8. #458
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    Whoops. Fixed.

  9. #459


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Jason Statham View Post
    On a cell so this isn't organized. When I get the part I assume that role for the next day. So I assume doctor or whatever. It sound dumb but don't blame me I didn't make this trout up.
    So.. wait. You get given a role from Teddy, let's assume for example "Doctor". And then to actually get given that role for the next day, you then have to jump through hoops by switching votes three times. If you pass, then you get that role for the next day. I will assume that you are given that role for use during that day only, so you could use the next day but not the day after that, when Teddy offers you a new role to go for (e.g cop). I guess it, in a round about way, makes some sense. It's sort of the tasks Teddy sets you make it appear scummy (like vote switching like mad).

    Of course, using that same logic, if this is a clever role-claim, then that's very convenient for you then. You could say that you appear scummy because you simply had to damnit! It's definitely a good cover story for any scummy behavior you've exhibited.

    It's definitely odd, but then it's Laddy's game, and to be honest sounds like some clever mindsmurf role he could throw up. He already pulled a trick on the Day 0 stunt, a very whacky role doesn't quite faze me as it would. Still, I'd like to hear the others opinions on this.

  10. #460
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    84 minutes.

    Vote Count

    0 [M] Clint Eastwood : Steven Seagal

    0 [M] Arnold Schwarzenegger : Samuel L. Jackson, Daniel Craig, Nicolas Cage

    3 [M] Steven Seagal : Uma Thurman, Jason Statham, Nicolas Cage, Sigourney Weaver, Dwayne Johnson, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1 [M] Bruce Willis : Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jason Statham, Dwayne Johnson, Sigourney Weaver

    1 [M] Liam Neeson : Jason Statham, Will Smith

    0 [M] Will Smith : Jason Statham

    0 [M] Nicolas Cage : Jason Statham

    1 [M] Samuel L. Jackson : Jason Statham, Uma Thurman, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    4 [M] Jason Statham : Daniel Craig, Samuel L. Jackson, Sigourney Weaver, Uma Thurman, Arnold Schwarzenegger

    1 [M] Dwayne Johnson : Liam Neeson

    1 [M] Uma Thurman : Clint Eastwood

  11. #461


    Way to join the party late again Eastwood. Where have you been?

    Also, I don't buy into Stathams roleclaim. It just doesn't feel right for reasons I explained, and this early on I need to go with my gut.
    It just seems too convoluted and parts of it just feel tacked on to explain his actions.

  12. #462
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Adama's Avatar
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    I don't really have a ton of input on this. I have not played this in years now and the last game I played ended spectacularly Laddy was the worst Cop ever! This could very well be true given what people are saying about past game and what happened today. It would be an inventive role and one that you can really only take advantage of early on like Day 1. Given Laddy, it wouldn't surprise me that he kind of screwed him over on the Day 0/1 thing thus having to have him switch votes another 3 times. If it is true then two good ideas collided together which is unfortunate.

    Like I said earlier, I use to play crazy like Statham and it rarely worked out well for me. Usually I was gone by day 1 or 2 regardless of my role. People just don't like that and view it as suspicious so I can't really say that I am surprised by all of the votes going his way. That seems fairly typical from my remembrance all those many ages ago. I don't really blame people for feeling that way, it is just that my own personal experience gives me a different perspective.

  13. #463


    Uma Thurman, you have failed me again. On the upside, one of the two night kills is coming my way as opposed to the doc, cop or other town power role. Mission accomplished. It's been real kids. See you on the flip side.

  14. #464


    I do agree with you Daniel, but so far the thread's rather dead. It's basically us two at the moment. I'd love to hear more from others about this, so for now, I'm just leaving it for now.

    What I find more interesting is the incredibly large spread of votes we've seen. Seriously. Look at them. What happened to the cohesive town? We've got a split mainly between Steakham and Seagull, and both of them have been suspicious. Seagull in particular just simply hasn't turned up today. But then we have the "one-voters" that are drawing votes away.

  15. #465


    Holy trout you all spammed this thread today. I am still at work and on break, so I have time for this one post.

    I don't believe Jason's roleclaim. Also I would prefer not to die.

    ##Vote: Jason Statham

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