And actually enjoying it for a change! The two games I always worried about playing most when it comes to Final Fantasy were VI and IX, because of the hype both games got before I got around to playing them. FFVI for me didn't really reach the hype, but I've found myself really appreciating FFIX.

Did anyone else find this game a slow starter? It was a very slow starting game for me - I would pick it up for maybe an hour or so and then forget about it for weeks, it never captured my attention and hooked me in. I did that up to the point that you're wandering around Lindblum, just after you meet Freya for the first time. When I picked it up again at that point and pushed forward to the point you leave Lindblum, suddenly the game just got a lot more interesting. Perhaps it was getting Quina that made it more interesting, I'm not sure... either way, it's been great and I find myself playing a couple of hours a day (juggling it with reading the full history of Uncanny X-Men comics which are awesome, so can't spend all day playing it).

No spoilers, please. I've just got Eiko, if you're wondering where I'm up to at the moment... so don't talk about the future parts of the game if possible as I don't like it when people tell me to "look forward to _____!" or "Oh, you're going to really like the next bit!" ruins the surprise.