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Thread: Welcome to all the Newbies! FF Questionnaire!

  1. #1
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    Default Welcome to all the Newbies! FF Questionnaire!

    We've had a serious, serious influx of Newbies this week! I for one can't keep up with it! So I'm doing a newbie questionnaire! Oldbies feel free to fill this out too, so we can all get to know each other and stuff and SPREAD THE LUURRRVE

    Please take in the time to do this Questionnaire and mayyyybe you'll get featured in a frontsite article. Maybe

    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

  2. #2
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Do we reply with our answers or PM them? =o

    EDIT: Just seen the reply, so...

    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy VII

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    Gah, that's tricky. Uhm... if I had to live as I am right now (ie, no superpowers or weapon skills) then I'd go with FFVIII's world, because it has sprawling, peaceful, modern cities like Esthar in which I could live. If I was guaranteed to not die from the environment's beasties etc, I'd probably opt for either Spira (so alien in a beautiful way) or Gran Pulse (so much uncharted territory to explore!).

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    If you count Chocobos as monsters (they are in some games), I'd go for that. If Chocobos don't count and I have to pick a traditionally aggressive monster... hmm. Tough one. Maybe uh... maybe a Tonberry. It better be domesticated well, I don't wanna get doinked. If Tonberries don't count (now that I've read over question #7) then I'll go with a dragon so I can flyyyyyyyy on it~

    6. What do you name the pet?
    Chocobo: Jax
    Tonberry: Tombo
    Dragon: Rastus, nicknamed Dragonface

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    At the moment it's Answers, from FFXIV's End of an Era video.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    I'm assuming these will be created by Tifa, as she's the one who works at a bar. With that in mind, first of all two melons would be mostly emptied, sort of like coconuts. Tifa would fill the melons with milk and plug them. She and Cloud would hop onto their bike and ride down the Midgar Tower's stairs, just like in that FMV . The milk would slosh around in the melons and create a unique flavour of milk. That milk would then be used to create the milkshake, and it would be served in the hollowed out melons with straws. A name... uh... Tifa's Milky Melons, I guess. What? Don't look at me like that. They're delightful and tasty, and the service Tifa provides to her fans is second to none - with this in mind, they're a real favourite and bring all the boys to the yard.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Tifa. Pub dinner and either a movie or just walk around town talking depending on how the weather is and how we feel.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  3. #3
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    Reply here with the answers, but just reply with the answers. No other posts if you can help it!

  4. #4
    The King's Shield The Summoner of Leviathan's Avatar
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Final Fantasy VI or Tactics. Both solid.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Nanaki/Red XIII

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    Take a guessLeviathan.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    Ivalice FTW.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?


    6. What do you name the pet?


    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Chocobos or Tonberries. The latter are adorably evil.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Hymn of the Fayth.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Tears of FFVI Fanboys.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    E-Sumi-Yan. We'd go into the words and he'd teach me conjuring.

  5. #5
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    I'm doing the poll too!

    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy VIII

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Tifa or Red XIII

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    Final Fantasy VIII world. I'd fly Gardens everywhere and a SeeD.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    I would choose a baby Behemoth

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    Theme of Love from FFIV

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    Moogle Crush - Strawberry, vanilla cream and marshmallows! Maybe with some sherbert sprinkled on the top!

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Seifer and I would go to a really hipster coffee shop in Galbadia and have Lattes, while musing over our lives and I'd help him be a good boy. I'd tame his wild ways.

  6. #6


    1. FFIII so far, closely followed by (and by the time I complete it, perhaps overtaken by) FFV.

    2. Don't really have one! The first five games (the only ones I played extensively so far) don't yet have strong characterization, and I've played very little of FFVII and FFVIII. If you make me choose, I'll take Rinoa based solely on attractiveness but I know nothing about her.

    3. Carbuncle!

    4. Oooh. I don't know. None of them are really great places to live, what with people trying to destroy the planet and all! I guess I'll take FFIV, since it's the only one I've played so far (if I recall correctly) in which the plot is only to conquer it, not destroy it, and the average person therefore didn't necessarily know anything about it.

    5. Metamorph. That way I get many pets for the price of one!

    6. Meta. Or Morphy. Or I'll give it different names depending on the shape it takes.

    7. Chocobos all the way.

    8. Tough to decide. There are too many songs that are all appropriate for different moods. Clash on the Big Bridge. Aerith's Theme. The Chocobo Theme. The Big Whale from FFIV. The Dark Crystals from FFIII. One particular rendition of FFV's Ahead On Our Way is fantastic. Walking the Snowy Mountains, also from FFV. The Book of Sealings from FFV, which is creepy as hell when you're unexpectedly hearing it in a town instead of an ancient cavern. Love Will Grow. Pray (the only really fantastic version of the main theme IMO). THERE ARE SO MANY DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE.

    9. Sephi-froth. Cecilantro. Chocobolate. JENOugat. Freyogurt. Zidanish. Se(l)tzer. Kefkranberry.

    10. No thanks, I'm married.

  7. #7


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Final Fantasy VI

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?


    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?


    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    Spira - Blitzball for one, I love sport and I'd say it'd be a blast to play. Also I mean there's beaches everywhere, I love swimming and there'd be plenty of girls in bikinis. it's like heaven

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    Lobo, I like wolves and behind all those teeth, i reckon there's a faithful companion

    6. What do you name the pet?


    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Tonberrys, as someone once said "they're like a demonic teddy bear"

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Otherworld - Final Fantasy X

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Chocobo Chocolate Shake - It'd basically be a chocolate shake....

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Tifa cause she's hawt. The Golden Saucer cause well it's about the best place in that world.
    Last edited by Biggs & Wedge; 05-02-2013 at 02:22 PM.

  8. #8
    Jinx's Avatar
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy IX.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Rikku! FFX Rikku, though. Not that terrible g-string wearing, dread-locked hair having monstrosity that is Rikku from FFX-2.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    Shiva. I love winter, snow, and ice. I think that her art design is beautiful in every game, and I love her ice attacks.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    I would definitely live in FFIX's world. You've got Burmecia, which rains not stop. You've got Cleyra, which is a beautiful and peaceful wind settlement behind a sand-tornado. There's also Treno, which is always nighttime. FFIX's world is seriously cool.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    Oh gosh! There's so many to choose from! Either a Mu from FFIX, because they're adorable, or one of those weird house monsters from Sector 5 in FFVII.

    6. What do you name the pet?
    I would name the Mu 'Muu Muu' and the house 'Housey.'

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?


    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    That's a toughie. I've got it narrowed down to three: Flowers Blooming in the Church from FFVII, Freya's Theme from FFIX, and Silence Before the Storm from FFX.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    The Rinoa. Basically it's a completely vanilla shake.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Kuja. And I assume we'd just go all over the world terrorizing entire populations.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  9. #9
    Would sniff your fingers to be polite
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    IX. Though XII and VI get honorary mentions. Also VII and V. Haven't played Tactics yet, though. YES I AM INDECISIVE. But, point is: IX.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Balthier. Also Ashe. Also Freya. And Vivi. I'm not good at questionnaires.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    Probably Alexander.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    IX or XII. Dali or Bhujerba. X is also a good choice, though I don't know enough about it to choose a specfic place.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?
    Moogles, Chocobos, Tonberrys and Moombas.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    Final Fantasy IX. Yes, I know, shut up.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake.
    Choco-LATE. It'd be chocobo saliva in a chocolate milkshake, and it would always take half an hour longer than you expect. Even if you're expecting it to take half an hour longer. It would taste revolting.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    X-2's Rikku, because it seems like she'd put out pretty easily. We'd go clothes shopping.

  10. #10


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?
    Final Fantasy IX

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Hippaul.(Fastest in all of Alexandria!)

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?
    Eden! Lets devour EVERYTHING.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    Final Fantasy 7. It just seems so gritty.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    6. What do you name the pet?

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?
    Moogles kupo!
    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    Final Fantasy IX-Airship Hilda Garde

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake
    Doomsday. Just one will destory you. Strawberry, Chocolate,Vanilla, Ultima.
    Choosing ultima lets you double the amount of any flavor.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Queen Brahne. She's a smexy woman. for our Date, we would go to the lifa tree because a gal like her deserves it.
    "Headstrong and skimpy! I like it!"-Zidane when fighting against Tifa in Dissidia.

  11. #11


    Hi Everybody! :3

    1. I don't really have one. I like every Final Fantasy game, but especially VII, IX and X because of the story.

    2. This is a really hard question... D: I like many characters. One of them is Balthier ♥

    3. Bahamut, Leviathan and Carbuncle!

    4. FFVII. I'd love to see Midgar and the North Crater!

    5. A frog from FFVII

    6. Kermit xP

    7. Chocobos! Karäh!

    8. FFXIII - Dust to Dust and FFVII - Can you hear the cry of the planet

    9. Sweet Vanille - secret ingredient is Oerba Dia Vanille's cuteness ^o^

    10. Balthier, Lightning or Kuja <3 (I'd like to have a drink with Kefka, too!)

  12. #12
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy? VI

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character? Terra

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon? idk, magus sisters were pretty cool? Or Odin. Then again Shiva and Siren are hot. Idk.

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be? None of them, I'd rather not have to fight off monsters every few feet

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet? Probably a tonberry or a cactuar

    6. What do you name the pet? smurf knows, I've always been troute with names

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys? Moogles

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song? Dancing Mad, probably

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake The only ideas I can come up with are revolting, or terrible puns, such as Rydia of Mint, which is probably self-explanatory.

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go? Terra again, and preferably somewhere where the likelihood of being interrupted by monsters would be low to non-existent.
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  13. #13


    [B]1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?[b]
    Final Fantasy IX

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?
    Zidane Tribal

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?
    Depending on the town and time frame, FF IX.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?
    Ghost, so I don't have to feed it.

    6. What do you name the pet?
    Franz Boneparte

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?
    Pointy objects FTW! Tonberrys.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?
    ...God dammit this is hard. It's a choice between Dancing Mad. Loss of Me, and Melodies of Life. I will go Loss of Me.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?
    Rydia: She seems fun and competative. I'll find an arcade!

    Faris: Very active, so perhaps Laser Tag!

    Ashe: She's a classy lady. Operah perhaps? Broadway maybe?

  14. #14


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    I have a hard time choosing between Final Fantasy IX, VI and IV. I love Final Fantasy IX's simple yet effective battle system, emotional and deep storyline plot and character development while Final Fantasy VI has so much fantastic characters and one of the best storylines of the series. But I can't help but love Final Fantasy IV.

    I got into Final Fantasy IV during the last few years of High School, it was there for me during a time of high stress from exams and good friends leaving to do other things, including leaving the Country. It supported me like a good friend during a rough time in life.

    Final Fantasy IV may not have Final Fantasy VI's or Final Fantasy IX's deep plot or strong character development, but it has emotion and heart.

    Cecil I believe is one of the best Final Fantasy lead roles, because he's not perfect or wonderful but he tries to remove the darkness and regret and he manages to " drop the luggage of his shoulders " so to speak. Somebody like Cloud would have really let the truth of knowing that he was killing innocents for greed really affect him, like badly; but Cecil he fought all that and become a hero.

    Kain is a amazing rival for Cecil and Rydia is a strong and powerful young female. Not to mention that the music in Final Fantasy IV is powerful and passionate, whether if it's the SNES original or the DS remake.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Celes Chere. In a way Celes is sort of like Cecil, she had that bravery and courage to stand up for what she knew was right even if it meant her death for betraying The Empire. Not to mention she's a pretty tough, no-nonsense gal which is a breath of fresh air from the damsel in distress type of main woman in the media.

    Though even know she was quite tough, she still had a heart and she would do anything to protect Locke and her friends.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?

    Carbuncle. Final Fantasy VIII version mostly because there he's extra cute; but really in any Final Fantasy if Carbuncle is there, then it's all good !

    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be?

    Final Fantasy VIII's universe. Become a SeeD and travel the world helping others, sounds pretty nice or be a Journalist there.

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?

    Final Fantasy IX Mu

    6. What do you name the pet?

    Persephone after the Goddess of Spring.

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Moogles Kuuuupo !

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    Final Fantasy IX You're Not Alone

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake

    Milkshake of the Mist

    Mint and Chocolate flavoured Milkshake with Vanilla Ice Cream to give it thickness, small chocolate buttons on top with a touch of cream and a Rydia designed green feather to go on the sid

    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Kain Highwind because he is a nice man despite the odd jealousy issues. We'll steal Cecil's space airship and fly off to the moon just the two of us and watch the blue planet, and just sit and chat.

  15. #15


    1. What is your favourite Final Fantasy?

    Final Fantasy VII / VI.

    2. Who is your favourite Final Fantasy Character?

    Nanaki AkA Red XIII.

    3. Which is your favourite Final Fantasy Summon?


    4. If you could live in any Final Fantasy world, which would it be ?

    Whatever world Tifa's in

    5. You're at a pet shop filled with domesticated Final Fantasy Monsters, which do you choose as your pet?


    6. What do you name the pet?

    Yellow Lightning!!!

    7. Moombas, Moogles, Chocobos or Tonberrys?

    Easy Chocobo.

    8. What's your favourite Final Fantasy Song?

    To Zanarkand.

    9. Invent a Final Fantasy themed Milkshake


    10. If you could take any Final Fantasy character on a date, who would it be and where would you go?

    Tifa,to my milkshake yard!!

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