The Newbie Party

The Newbie Party is planning on another victory in the Eyes on Final Fantasy Elections and I welcome anyone and everyone to join in, regardless of how old or new you are to EoFF!

The main policies of the Newbie Party are as follows:
- We love Newbies. Newbies are the lifeblood of Eyes on Final Fantasy and we are here to support them and turn them into long-term members! We want a positive future for EoFF and for the members, both old and new, and to do this we want to make EoFF itself better. This comes through the site, through the chatroom, through the forums and - obviously - through the community. With your support, I'm sure we can do it!
- We love chat, particularly in #eoff! The chatroom of Eyes on Final Fantasy is a great place for members to get to know each other, including newbies, so The Newbie Party is definitely in favour of promoting #eoff.
- We believe in the revamping of EoFF. This place can always use an update, and I know from a feedback thread I made on the issue that a lot of people agree. We want this to happen and look forward to seeing the changes!

Finally, as with the last time we partied hard with The Newbie Party, I pledge as party leader to sing any pro-newbie song you guys can come up with. Regardless of how silly it might be, so long as it's pro-newbie and in good taste, I'll sing it loud, I'll sing it proud. I will also not only do what I can to bring in new members but also attempt to bring back older newbie-friendly members.

<table><tr><td width="50%">Members
Loony BoB (party leader)
Mr. Shauna
the_best_noob</td><td width="50%">Hats, chats and stats, it's all good.</td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">Other Supporters: Psychotic</td></table>

NOTE: Representatives for the various forum categories will be decided after we have members have signed up so we have a good idea of what people we have to pick from. As ever, we will do our best to have newbies in some of the roles and will support them all the way!

Things We Need To Do Before 22nd May
-Create your party name. - The Newbie Party
-Decide on a non-representative party member to be your vice president.
-Decide on your motto. - Once a newbie, always a newbie.
-Decide on your slogan (yes, they are different) - WE ARE YOUR FUTURE.. DEAL WITH IT MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
-Decide on a mascot. - Moomba
-Draw a sigil/crest for your party. -