Do you own a cunning cap, handsome hat, spectacular stetson, dapper derby, fancy fedora or timeless toque? Then this is the party for you. We're going to bring some style back to EoFF in the form of delightful headwear.

Frankly, this site has been lacking in class for far too long and this needs to change. Scientists have long suspected that one is not a true gentleman without a fine piece of clothing adorning their head. But only recently were they able to prove it as the pie chart below demonstrates:

And we all know that if it's in a pie chart it must be true.

But not only does a fine hat up your classiness level, they frequently come with bonuses to intelligence as well. So let's put on our thinking hats and make this site the sort of place a gentleman can be proud to call home. Let's take it back from those hapless masses walking around with a chill in their scalp and bad hair days!

For the people! For EoFF! For fine hats everywhere!

Members List:
chionos (I assume anyone who makes a spreadsheet is in)

Things We Need To Do Before 22nd May
-Create your party name.
-Decide on a non-representative party member to be your vice president.
-Decide on your motto.
-Decide on your slogan (yes, they are different)
-Decide on a mascot.
-Draw a sigil/crest for your party.