I'm a current PS3 owner and made the effort to get a 60GB PS3 because I want my PS3 to play all Playstation games. Rather than simply being wowed by graphics I like to have the biggest choice possible in games, with the PS3 already being pretty impressive and development times for the most modern, most complicated games being so great now the PS3 doesn't feel like its coming to the end of its life, it feels as if it could easily last 10-12 years. Only this year we will have GTA 5 for it which promising to be very impressive and immersive in graphics, what do we need a new console for?
The PS3's library of games isn't as comprehensive as PS2 for precisely the reason that PS3 games are much more graphics intensive and complicated in nature, the PS4 coming along can only reduce the choice in available games by shutting down the PS3 far too early.

The PS4, so is it worth it?

Having to buy a new console just to get a few new games they probably could have developed for the PS3 instead if it weren't for the "market" such as the new Uncharted and Final Fantasy, the PS4 just means the end of what is already a highly developed console for what is only an incremental bit of progress in gaming development, the PS3 was much more of a chasm leap from the PS2 in terms of technology as was the PS2 from the PS1.

Goodbye to your old games, not only is Sony planning to offer ZERO support for your PS3 library but it's also planning to be hostile to second hand games with the rumour that PS4 games might be tied to the Sony Entertainment Network online. Unsurprisingly the only access you'll get to PS2 and PS1 games will be that way too.

There's nothing that jumps out and "wows" you in terms of PS4's new features, a few of them sound nice enough but could have easily been applied to/added to the PS3. Streaming games to Vita, recording your last few minutes in gameplay, the eye movement in the controller with camera and microphone, these aren't quantum type leaps like the last time such as the Blu-Ray drive over DVD, the ability to use Wi-Fi for the first time and network gaming in the box, the PS4 is a victim I feel of the PS3 actually being so good, so good that the improvement over the PS2 was massive, it felt exciting to get a PS3 but I'm stopping there.

The PS4 will probably pack less features than that first PS3 60GB with the PS2 backwards compatibility, it'll probably have no SD card reader, it's rumoured not to be playing Audio CD's yet it has the same Blu-Ray drive, it's all about the graphics which I feel are already impressive on the PS3, the PS3 even offers 3D in games already and support for 3D Blu-Rays! The only thing the PS4 will do is bring it on par with PC gaming as it's improved, but big flippin' deal the key thing to making games fun is ideas and content. Nintendo isn't the front runner of graphics and their consoles are underpowered yet some of their games are indeed the most fun, surely Playstation must realise this too? If you keep changing consoles every 5 minutes and closing each library off, then you're not build up a lot of content are you?