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Thread: What is there to get excited by Playstation 4?

  1. #16
    tech spirit
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    I'll leave the excitement for when the system has some games on the shelves.
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  2. #17
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    I'll likely be picking up both. I had a PSone and an N64. A PS2 and a Gamecube. A 360, PS3 and a Wii.

    For me I'll likely pick one up and then the other will come later on after price reductions - the one I get first is going to be purely decided by which platform has the most enticing games library. Or, the unlikely event that Versus XIII gets released as a PS4 exclusive and is actually good!

    But beyond that I don't really have any particular brand loyalty anymore. My PSone was my go too system with my N64 having a couple of gems I'd play from time to time. Same with the PS2 and Gamecube. I got the 360 first because it was cheaper and most of my friends had picked it up for Halo - which meant I built up more of a library for that until I got a second hand PS3 off of a colleague. The Wii basically spent the entire time collecting dust outside of SSBB, Zelda and Metroid.

    Saying that I'm such a sucker for Nintendo that I'll probably get a Wii U just for Wind Waker HD and the new Smash Bros/Mario Kart.

    But right now the games library is pretty much going to be the determining factor of which platform I'm an early adoptor of.

  3. #18
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Not much really, granted the system has just been announced and everyone knows you won't get a real feel for a system until a few years into its life cycle. I agree with Bolivar that I don't feel this current console generation has really given us those high marks that define them. Perhaps the Wii has with its Operation Rainfall titles, but I definitely feel that the PS3 and 360 have underperformed this generation and I'm still waiting for that game that makes me say to myself " Damn, I'm happy I purchased you!". This whole generation feels like some awkward teen years where gaming experimented with Motion controls, and really tried to sell online gaming and digital distribution. I feel this generation has been more about how gamers interact with gaming rather than the games themselves, and more than previous generations, do I feel the hardware was more important than the software.

    The Wii U has the new Xeno game to be excited for, but there is still so little known about it that its not enough to make me consider picking up the console, and cosidering its track record, this console is looking at being a late buy just to play one game after both have finally been priced cut into bargain bins. Hell, only recently has the 3DS finally managed to confer up a library of games that make it look like a good purchase, and I am still disappointed that many of those games are remakes and ports. The Vita has yet to really impress me and will probably fall into the same camp as the WiiU at this pace.

    I haven't really paid much attention to what the PS4 and XBOX One are offering to see why Microsoft and Sony can justify their pending price tags for them, and I'm still hesitant about the idea of moving gaming into the streaming business or Cloud. Hopefully E3 will shed some light on reasons to be excited for them, but I can honestly say that I feel the Big 3 all need to step up their game this console generation because this last one was pretty disappointing from all three of them.

  4. #19


    I don't know, I think there was a lot of great stuff this gen. We saw Record of the Agarest War, the Rainfall games (Only one I've played), Heavy Rain, Valkyria Chronicles, No More Heroes, there was a lot of great stuff.

    This generation only really suffers for having to follow up to the glory that was the PS2. And if you count Handhelds in all of this, which smurf you I do, Shin megami has released some stuff that is absolutely amazing. Look no further then the two Devil Survivors.

    PSP, while offering crap for original games, gave us some amazing updates to games like FF Tactics and Tactics Ogre. I think this Gen was very good.

    That said, the coming genration has me excited. We have Suda51 excited about the PS4, Infamous: The Second Son to kick us off, Project X from the Xeno team, an inevitable announcement of P5, and Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensai. XBox 1 may seem like a bust thus far (It could change, we'll see), but the next gen has my pants tingling just fine.

  5. #20
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    Yeah dude don't get me wrong I could go on and on about the great games I played this gen and serious props to Sony for all the new IPs and franchises they invented, as well as indies and publishers they funded to bring awesome content like thatgamecompany, From Software, and Level 5. It's just for me, gaming doesn't get any better than a huge epic console RPG and we just never got it. Valkyria and Demon's Souls were both shining classics of innovation, but like I said, we never got that Final Fantasy IX type of game. I heard Nino Kuni may fill that gap, we'll see...

  6. #21


    Yeah, it doesn't. At all.

    I think the critics were way to easy on that game, though I can understand why people enjoy it. Just don't get your hopes up to high.

  7. #22
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    This generation gave us the Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, and Arkham series which were pretty badass imo. I mean, the two Arkham games were the best licensed games of all time. That's pretty special. And then there was also the almost perfect Red Dead Redemption and special games that broke new ground like The Walking Dead or Journey. Or were you just talking about JRPGs?

    And of course 'great games' for a generation is entirely subjective.

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  8. #23
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Its not that there were no great games this generation, as much as it was the feeling that in order to really get your money's worth, you better have all the consoles and a Steam account. I mean the Rainfall titles and Atlus handheld RPGs filled that RPG itch but that was all they were really good for, whereas I needed other consoles to fill other needs. Basically, no system really had a solid lineup to fulfill me, whereas previous generations I can honestly look at what other consoles were doing and feel pretty content with what I had. I don't necessarily feel like I missed much not owning a Gamecube, an X-Box, or a N64 but this generation I really needed to own most of the systems to quench that gaming thirst and damn it if it wasn't expensive and sad that I was buying $200 dollar systems for maybe ten games that were really great and all that's left is a library that leaves me utterly cold.

    I also count the DS and PSP as last gen since they arrived in the middle of the last generation, though trying to fit handheld generations with console generations is just a headache.

    As for what's around the horizon... well I'm stoked for the new Xeno project but I need more info, the rumors it may be closer to Monster Hunter than Xenoblade have me worried and trying to shove an online co-op mode like White Knight Chronicles will be enough to make me give the game a pass. I would be more psyched for MegaTen Vs. Fire Emblem if I was more of a Fire Emblem fan (haven't had time to really check out the series though my GF is in love with it) and I honestly believe P5 is going to wind up on the Vita or 3DS. I wouldn't be surprised if Atlus dropped in-house console development for their games to focus on handhelds, and simply acted as a publisher for console titles. I never really cared for InFamous and there are very few exclusive titles announced for the new systems that have me getting me drooling yet. I don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, I just don't feel like the new consoles have enough going for them yet to make me really excited, especially since I don't really feel like I got my money's worth this generation. I'm still waiting for two of the PS3 exclusives promised before the system was released.

  9. #24


    I think that there were some games with a serious 'wow' factor. Mass Effect immediately springs to mind. So does Metal Gear Solid. And God of War. And then there were great western RPGs in the shape of The Elder Scrolls and Kingdom of Amalur (which I loved).

    I'm also getting excited for the end of this current generation. GT6 and GTA5 look like they are going to be amazing.

    But I am also equally excited for the next generation. Hopefully, and some people may dislike me for saying this, Versus XIII is launched on it so it can get the full potential that it deserves. Imagine combining a world map the scope of Skyrim or Kingdom of Amalur and merging it with the graphical detail that comes with a Final Fantasy game. That level of immersion has got to be exciting.

    So yeah, I will get a PS4, mainly because I find Sony's exclusives are more my kind of thing, and I'll get it when I feel that there is an exceptional game, or several very good games, that merit the outlay.

  10. #25
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    ^ Yep. While I do feel like current gen "owes me more," I can't say I didn't get my money's worth. This was the generation to expand your horizons, and there were a lot of reasons to do so. Going into this generation, I never thought I would be into a console shooter like Killzone, a superhero game like inFamous, or an off-road racing series like Motorstorm. And then we were playing games in genres that didn't really exist yet, like Heavy Rain, and the online/offline rivalry of Demon's Souls.

    So to bring this back to the topic, one thing I'm excited about is that we're getting new games from Guerilla, Sucker Punch, and Evolution at launch which should be pretty compelling experiences. I'm hoping we get a few more at E3

  11. #26
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> I`ll care about PS4 in like.... 5 more years..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  12. #27
    Formally Mr. Shauna Dat Matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cim View Post
    So far none of the next gen consoles have me interested. I've been seeing the Wii2 around stores and I just go meh. When the Wii and PS3 and XBOX360 came out, I was losing my mind trying to get them. The PS4 not having backwards compatibility at all is a major no sell point for me.
    Personally, I don't find an issue with consoles not being backwards compatible. The consoles I have now still complete their purpose, and paying extra for a console with backwards compatibility isn't something I feel getting up in arms about. Both my PS2 and PS3 are still under my TV and both are played frequently enough.

    On a side note, if backwards compatibility is a selling point for you this generation, Wii U is the only one that has that function.

  13. #28
    'Just Friends' Formalhaut's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Shauna View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cim View Post
    So far none of the next gen consoles have me interested. I've been seeing the Wii2 around stores and I just go meh. When the Wii and PS3 and XBOX360 came out, I was losing my mind trying to get them. The PS4 not having backwards compatibility at all is a major no sell point for me.
    Personally, I don't find an issue with consoles not being backwards compatible. The consoles I have now still complete their purpose, and paying extra for a console with backwards compatibility isn't something I feel getting up in arms about. Both my PS2 and PS3 are still under my TV and both are played frequently enough.

    On a side note, if backwards compatibility is a selling point for you this generation, Wii U is the only one that has that function.
    It only becomes a problem if your PS2 breaks. The virtual store does serve a purpose, but then you're essentially paying twice for a game.

  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    And then we were playing games in genres that didn't really exist yet, like Heavy Rain
    Forgot how cool that one was. Not that I played it more than once. Bit of a novelty game admittedly, but one pretty awesome novelty.

  15. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    And then we were playing games in genres that didn't really exist yet, like Heavy Rain
    Forgot how cool that one was. Not that I played it more than once. Bit of a novelty game admittedly, but one pretty awesome novelty.
    Yeah I'm interested in what they do with Beyond, don't really know much about it.

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