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Thread: Maybee's Top 25 Games.

  1. #1

    Default Maybee's Top 25 Games.

    25- Pokemon Black and White 2- When I was younger I was really, never really a fan of Pokemon, even during the Pokemon craze of the late 90's I just didn't see the appeal. However now that I'm older I have finally caught the Pokemon bug. I'm a bit of a Slowpoke ! Ha ! See what I did there ?
    However I fell in love with the Black and White games, cute Pokemon games and I have a massive fan crush on N. I feel like N is one of the best characters to enter gaming in a long while.

    24- Tomb Raider ( 2013 )-I had Tomb Raider II when I was little and I did nothing much except go swimming and enjoy swimming. I like swimming. Playing this game I basically did the same, except it was the zipline and just go back in forth on the zipline screaming " whoo,oooo " ! But I also loved the story, the mystery and oh gosh I ship Lara x Sam so badly, please let it become canon.

    23- Cave Story-This game is rather simple and yet effective, and it just feels like a old throwback to the old SNES and NES games. It has good gameplay, nice story and pretty fun and creative. A must play, even if you dislike retro games or platforming. This game will make you change your mind, because it's that good.

    22- Commander Keen 4-If you looked at this game today you may not see much so this might be a bit of a shock to those who have never grown up with the Keen series, though back in the olden days this game was a deep and solid platforming game on the DOS. It was pretty fun, challenging sometimes and that pogo stick that you could use to get to higher places was pretty badass. The only thing that brings it down is it's music. smurf is it ever annoying.

    21- Soulcalibur III The Soul Calibur Series is a pretty neat Fighting game series, however the best one in the collection in my eyes has to be the 3rd title, it has most of the main characters controllable, good storyline and character endings and the character creation you don't have to buy DLC for so it's all pretty much worth the price of the original game. It may not have V or IV's graphics, but it's solid in everything else.

    20- Zelda Phantom Hourglass-I adore Zelda games but I prefer " cute/ chibi Link " over the more mature and sophisticated Link games and Hourglass does a good job of showing how good a chibi Zelda game can be. Great puzzles, nice monsters and bosses to fight and it follows the storyline from Wind Waker which is imo one of the best Zelda game ever created. I know shell-shaded Zelda gets a lot of hate; but eh I give 0 smurfs.

    19-Star Ocean : The Second Story-Pretty underrated to be honest. I've never seen anybody really rant or rave about how it good it was; but I liked it and enjoyed it. The graphics are nice for it's time, the music is fantastic, and the battle system is good too and I liked how they made sounds in battle unlike in Final Fantasy how it was quiet till FF X's release.

    18- Kingdom Hearts-I used to be a crazy and nutty Kingdom Hearts fan but now that I'm older I am starting to notice how cheesy and well.... silly the games can be sometimes, and at times almost cringeworthy with it's cheese so I'm not so Kingdom Hearts mad anymore; though I do find the original game to be pretty fun, entertaining and challenging still. The camera is a massive pest though, which kills the fun the original game wants to bring, which is tragic.

    17-Double Dragon Neon-Remember Double Dragon with Billy and eh that other kid ? Well now they have a reboot that's downloadable to play and it's awesome. Great graphics, great wacky and unpredictable gameplay and just pure awesome-sauce. I love the " Give me Five " ! Move and the ending is quite again, unpredictable and unexpected. Get it if you played and loved the original. I played the original a few years ago and while repetitive it was easy to see why it was loved.

    16-Tekken Tag II -Just like swimming around in Tomb Raider II a long time ago, I loved the Tekken games and Tekken Tag II just has everything Tekken. It's a huge love letter to those who love the Tekken games.
    I don't know how to explain it; but if you love Tekken then you should understand. Also the Snoop Dogg song and level makes me LOL hard.

    I'll continue the list later at the moment feel free to express your thoughts and everything !

  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I just got Phantom Hourglass for Christmas, I need to finally pick it up. I'm impressed by how much genre variety you have on your list. Also Star Ocean 2 is a bit underappreciated, despite how cheesy it is, I still consider it the high point of the franchise.

  3. #3


    I really enjoyed Phantom Hourglass at first, buuuuut (SPOILER)holy smurf that dungeon you need to complete each part over and over again?! That seriously ranks up among the most terrible gameplay design I have ever witnessed in my life. Never finished the game because of that, I just refused. By principle. Just... no. I refuse. Such a shame, because I thought the rest was all real solid.

    Agreed on Kingdom Hearts, looking forward to the rest of your list. It is promising

  4. #4
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Cool list, a lotta new games though, let the sobriety that time brings settle in a bit!

    I thought Phantom Hourglass was brilliant in that they brought a full Zelda on the stylus, never finished it though.

  5. #5


    Thankyou guys !

    15- Tales of Versperia- Versperia has to be one of the best JRPG games I've played since Final Fantasy X and that was a long time ago; during that gap between not having any really good JRPG games to play expect older ones like Chrono Trigger; Versperia came along and was like a hero. I love the characters, mostly Estelle and Flynn. I do hope to play and enjoy more Tales games in the future but sadly where I live they don't support JRPG games that much so they're like.... really expensive and they suggest to buy the game online instead. The suggest price for Persona 4 over here was $200.

    14- Skullgirls- Another downloadable game like Neon and I really love and enjoy. I love the unique style of the characters and the unique way that they fight and battle. I adore Valentine the most.

    13- Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles- I have to be honest here and say that I got stuck at the Barrel part in Carnival Zone for like five years, maybe even longer. Though I still enjoy this game. It has great speed, great levels and get zones. It feels action-packed, speedy and adrenaline rushed like a great Sonic game should. Good job Sega.

    12- Sonic the Hedgehog 2- Squeee ! My childhood game ! Or one of them anyways. Sonic 2 is a bit more user-friendly than Sonic 3 and I can understand why most do prefer Sonic 3 + Knuckles, but Sonic 2 just feels just more fun and entertaining. I can't imagine how many times I've heard that Final Zone music and then seeing Tails up his airplane catch Sonic from falling from space.

    11- Dragon Quest IX- Again another JRPG that brought me some love after feeling so empty after playing FF X and like finding nothing for ages. I didn't feel that DQ IX had a too strong storyline or character development ( of course ) but it had strong gameplay and clothes to collect. I think my inner stereotypical woman side came out with this game and got addicted dressing characters and collecting clothes while at the same time enjoying challenging boss fights. I can understand why somebody would argue that this is not the best DQ game, but I do love it the most due to having the most fun.

    10- Final Fantasy Theatrhythm- What's one of the best things in this world ? Final Fantasy music of course ! And what's better than playing a game that's based on unlocking awesome Final Fantasy characters to have in your party, while chilling to To Zanakand ? I was so pissed when SE made more songs and characters like Tifa playing to the IOS version OnLY. I should carry on with this list before things get murderous....

    9- Strider- One of the best if not THE best game on the Sega Mega Drive or Genesis. How do I explain this... treasure ? Well the Western cover for the game is gay and makes the game look dreadful. I just have to say it. Google it. The cover for Strider is one of the worst game covers I've ever seen....
    If you have a Sega or ( cough if you know what I mean ) I highly recommend playing this game.

  6. #6


    Thankyou guys !

    15- Tales of Versperia- Versperia has to be one of the best JRPG games I've played since Final Fantasy X and that was a long time ago; during that gap between not having any really good JRPG games to play expect older ones like Chrono Trigger; Versperia came along and was like a hero. I love the characters, mostly Estelle and Flynn. I do hope to play and enjoy more Tales games in the future but sadly where I live they don't support JRPG games that much so they're like.... really expensive and they suggest to buy the game online instead. The suggest price for Persona 4 over here was $200.

    14- Skullgirls- Another downloadable game like Neon and I really love and enjoy. I love the unique style of the characters and the unique way that they fight and battle. I adore Valentine the most.

    13- Sonic the Hedgehog 3 + Knuckles- I have to be honest here and say that I got stuck at the Barrel part in Carnival Zone for like five years, maybe even longer. Though I still enjoy this game. It has great speed, great levels and get zones. It feels action-packed, speedy and adrenaline rushed like a great Sonic game should. Good job Sega.

    12- Sonic the Hedgehog 2- Squeee ! My childhood game ! Or one of them anyways. Sonic 2 is a bit more user-friendly than Sonic 3 and I can understand why most do prefer Sonic 3 + Knuckles, but Sonic 2 just feels just more fun and entertaining. I can't imagine how many times I've heard that Final Zone music and then seeing Tails up his airplane catch Sonic from falling from space.

    11- Dragon Quest IX- Again another JRPG that brought me some love after feeling so empty after playing FF X and like finding nothing for ages. I didn't feel that DQ IX had a too strong storyline or character development ( of course ) but it had strong gameplay and clothes to collect. I think my inner stereotypical woman side came out with this game and got addicted dressing characters and collecting clothes while at the same time enjoying challenging boss fights. I can understand why somebody would argue that this is not the best DQ game, but I do love it the most due to having the most fun.

    10- Final Fantasy Theatrhythm- What's one of the best things in this world ? Final Fantasy music of course ! And what's better than playing a game that's based on unlocking awesome Final Fantasy characters to have in your party, while chilling to To Zanakand ? I was so pissed when SE made more songs and characters like Tifa playing to the IOS version OnLY. I should carry on with this list before things get murderous....

    9- Strider- One of the best if not THE best game on the Sega Mega Drive or Genesis. How do I explain this... treasure ? Well the Western cover for the game is gay and makes the game look dreadful. I just have to say it. Google it. The cover for Strider is one of the worst game covers I've ever seen....
    If you have a Sega or ( cough if you know what I mean ) I highly recommend playing this game.

    8- Final Fantasy VII- Final Fantasy VII ? Not Number one spot you say ? Well to be honest I like this game but I don't LIKE this game, if you get what I mean. It has a good storyline; but it's also confusing as smurf. It has good characters like Cloud but then it has just downright awful characters like Cait Sith. It feels like a mixture to me of really, really good and really average. This may tick off alot of members here; but I'm sorry. I do think that FF VII is great, but not the best Final Fantasy game ever like most fans say.

    7- Final Fantasy V ( GBA version )- Again being honest I can't stand the PlayStation version of this game. The translation is just worse then that Western cover-art for Strider. Though, the GBA version is pretty good. It fixes up the characters, fixes up the translation and turns FF V into a magical masterpiece. A underrated classic.

    6- Zelda Wind Waker- My favourite Zelda game in the whole universe ! Again shell-shaded graphics, fun gameplay and just really entertaining to play and enjoy. I haven't touched it in a while actually; think it's time for a replay !!!

    5- Fire Emblem Awakening- I'm not really too big on those Tactical type of RPG's but this game made that sort of thing really enjoyable. Not to mention the tons of loveable characters; great humour and comic-relief and drama and emotion scenes to boot. Best game on the 3DS. Must buy. High recommend.

    4 Draw/ Final Fantasy X- Final Fantasy VIII- Yes I love this game. I do enjoy the Junction system, characters and story. The Junction system and drawing system makes FF VIII feel unique, and refreshing in my eyes and it feels fun to equip 100 + Triples to your strength and just blast away at early bosses and giggle because it's a little silly; but it's fun.
    I also feel like I relate to Squall Leonhart, alot. I do feel like I've trusted people, only to have that trust used like it was nothing and hence I have troubles opening up and getting to meet people and members here. I do feel like I'm getting better though because not everybody is a jerk; though it's just that broken trust. Ugh. getting too personal and drama here.

    And another game that is either really loved or despised here. Final Fantasy X. I love FF X's story, battle system and it taught me to follow what I believe in, even if the world says no. To make your own choices, and follow your own path. I really like Rikku, Yuna and Braska.

    3- Draw/ Final Fantasy IV- Final Fantasy VI- No surprises because this game should be on EVERYBODY's gaming list and if you don't then shame on you, shame on your family and shame on your cow.

    Final Fantasy IV I love just as much as Final Fantasy VI.

    2- Chrono Trigger- Again no surprises, this game should be on everybody's gaming list. A classic and I'm so happy to enjoy it and play it again, and again and again and again and get different endings and new surprises.

    1- Final Fantasy IX- Final Fantasy IX has to be my favourite game. I love Zidane and Kuja, the storyline, the music, the plot-twists, the " Ohhh- soft " ! to the heartbreaking scenes of Vivi being bullied and being teased and growing into one of the most strongest Final Fantasy characters ever to be made into a FF game. I feel like Kuja is the best villain to ever grace in a Final Fantasy title and his brother Zidane is the best hero to ever be in a FF game.

    That's all ! Thankyou for reading ! <3

  7. #7
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    Awesome list with a lot of my favorite games, I'm surprised Fire Emblem Awakening beats out so much if you're not an SRPG fan, but yeah, it's a pretty awesome game. Let's go talk about it in the thread

  8. #8
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    You're better than me I can't decide on a top 10. I also thought that I was the only Skullgirls player here.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Awesome list with a lot of my favorite games, I'm surprised Fire Emblem Awakening beats out so much if you're not an SRPG fan, but yeah, it's a pretty awesome game. Let's go talk about it in the thread
    I think it's because Awakening feels more well Japanese RPG styled despite it being more Western based RPG. Hope it makes sense. Just the character style and story just feels more JRPG but with a Western style battle system which makes it more enjoyable.

    I mean SRPG games usually have a typical cliche wizard type figure with the pointy hat and long robe and staff and you roll the dice type feel, but Awakening feels more " Final Fantasy-ish ".


    A +

    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    You're better than me I can't decide on a top 10. I also thought that I was the only Skullgirls player here.
    It was really, really, really hard. It was tough to choose where to place games like Chrono Trigger and FF IX so I can understand. Oh awesome ! Who's your favourite Skullgirl ? c:
    Last edited by maybee; 05-27-2013 at 10:31 AM.

  10. #10
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    If I ever get around to doing one of these lists, my cow is going to be shamed.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    If I ever get around to doing one of these lists, my cow is going to be shamed.

  12. #12
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maybee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bolivar View Post
    Awesome list with a lot of my favorite games, I'm surprised Fire Emblem Awakening beats out so much if you're not an SRPG fan, but yeah, it's a pretty awesome game. Let's go talk about it in the thread
    I think it's because Awakening feels more well Japanese RPG styled despite it being more Western based RPG. Hope it makes sense. Just the character style and story just feels more JRPG but with a Western style battle system which makes it more enjoyable.

    I mean SRPG games usually have a typical cliche wizard type figure with the pointy hat and long robe and staff and you roll the dice type feel, but Awakening feels more " Final Fantasy-ish ".


    A +
    We've got a thread on this game, and it can use more traffic. Join in the discussion. Also, Lucina > Chrom.

    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    You're better than me I can't decide on a top 10. I also thought that I was the only Skullgirls player here.
    It was really, really, really hard. It was tough to choose where to place games like Chrono Trigger and FF IX so I can understand. Oh awesome ! Who's your favourite Skullgirl ? c:
    Chrono Trigger is number one, so that's easy. Beyond that... Yeah, I totally understand. If I were ever to do one of these threads, I think it would be just a list, without a real order.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

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